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“Arctic monster? What is that?”

Hunting Soul’s tone was condensed, and there was a hint of concern.

Although Hunting Soul is hidden in Qi Sea Dantian of Vajra, at this moment, he has clearly felt a terrifying coercion and enveloped the entire space.

“The Arctic giant demon is the overlord of this extremely northern ice sheet! It is an ancient legend that lived under the ice sheet 100000000 million years ago! It is even the most powerful demon respect of Beiju Reed Continent 3 Peak Stage beneath the Supreme!”

The demon Vajra swallowed droolingly, and the cold sweat went wild like rain.

Beiju Reed Continent, 3 Peak Stage Paragon, Holy Lord Dugu Zangxian! 9 Overcast Old Ancestor 8 Wild Dragon God boils down!

These 3 people are the strongest existence of Crossing Tribulation Peak Stage, and they are the controllers of the 3 Peak Stage forces!

And this Arctic giant demon is actually the second most powerful peak demon in the second only to 3 Peak Stage beneath the Supreme!

In other words, in the Realm of Earthly Immortals Monster Race, the strength of this Arctic giant demon can be firmly ranked 4th!

As everyone knows, Monster Race has an innate talent. Once it becomes the prototype of Demonic beast, it can overwhelm the same level of humans!

Therefore, without using any Magical Artifact cards, the actual Combat Force alone can definitely be said to be Peak Stage beneath the Supreme invincible!

“How could this be……”

Hunting Soul became more and more worried: “Brother Bei has always been blunt. The polar ice ice is so terrifying existence. How can Brother Bei let us come over directly? Is this Bei Bei’s mistake?”

“Hunting Soul grandfather… let’s run…”

The demon Vajra was almost scared to pee: “Arctic giant demon sleeps all the year round and won’t wake up easily, so it’s safe to come over most of the time! It’s normal for the owner not to wake up today, which is normal! But since it wakes up I won’t be able to stay longer for a moment!”

“To shut up!”

Hunting Soul said abruptly: “The Arctic monster is obviously coming to us. At your speed, you escape from its palm?”

“This…how can this be good…” Vajra scared witless, counseling one.

“Brother Bei said, if you are in trouble, find the Holy Lord Holy Lord!” Hunting Soul reminded: “You reported the name of Dugu Zangxian, maybe this giant demon can give some face!”

“It’s useless……”

Vajra swallowed saliva and said: “Monster Race 3 is a big stage stage force. I want to win over the Arctic monsters in my dreams. However, the Arctic monsters don’t give face to anyone, and neither side joins! Three Great Influences , Only let it go…”

“How could this happen?” Hunting Soul wondered.

“Because the Arctic monsters are old!”

Vajra said: “In terms of seniority, this Arctic monster can almost be said to be the oldest generation of Realm of Earthly Immortals! It is the old monster by Zhu Tianzong, and it is also honored to call the Arctic monster a great uncle!”

“This is troublesome…”

Hunting Soul is extremely worried: “This Arctic monster Cultivation is strong, and his score is high. I am afraid that there are too many believers. No wonder that the 3 Peak Stage forces of Reed Continent in Beiju don’t dare to use him!”

“Hunting Soul grandfather… Let’s run… It’s too late to run again…” The demon Vajra was trembling all over, looking at the iceberg bursting and traversing below, and his pupils had already contracted into needles.

“It’s too late!”

At this moment, a desolate and desolate voice came from under the ice, and every word was like thunderbolt 10000 Jun, terrifying matchless, terrifying matchless!

“hong long long ……”

In the next moment, coexistence burst completely.

There was a white giant Jiao, suddenly rushed out, Ling Tian rose.

Jiao Nai is an advanced Immortal Beast, which is only one level lower than the dragon who is Divine Beast. In case of chance, there is even the possibility of Dragon Transformation.

In front of him, the white giant jellyfish, ten thousand meters in length, head and scales are already very close to the dragon.

However, the giant jellyfish has no horns, and only has a pair of claws. The tail is also bare, like a snake’s tail.

It can be seen that this white giant dragon is still very far away from Dragon Transformation.

But even if Dragon Transformation is not possible, this giant Jiao is definitely an extremely rare breed in Realm of Earthly Immortals!

Both its talent and Bloodline can bring great Combat Force blessings to it!

“Who are you?”

The white giant jelly rose up into the sky and flew to the demon Vajra. He asked with coercion: “As everyone knows, this 10000 ancient icefield Spiritual Qi is scarce and lack of resources. Why do you bother to disturb the old man to sleep?”

Giant Jiao head is like a hill, flying in front of him, Vajra is as small as a fly.

The horrible coercion shrouds down, and it makes Vajra scared witless, shiver coldly.

“Idiot! Speak…” Hunting Soul has been following Chen Xiaobei for a long time, but the state of mind is stronger than the demon Vajra.

“I…we are…” Vajra trembling with fear said: “We are here to look for Eastern Sovereign Taiyi…”

“What? You say it again, who are you looking for?” Ju Jiao’s brow furrowed tightly, and in the middle of the huge eyeball, the ice blue’s vertical pupil snapped suddenly, exuding a cold killing intent.

“I’m looking for…” The demon Vajra’s scalp was numb, his vest was cold, his sweat was soaking wet, and he stuttered, “I…I’m not looking…”

Ju Jiao’s prestige is too horrible. The demon Vajra is afraid to say the wrong thing and will be directly wiped out in an instant.

“Idiot! You talk to me! Otherwise, I will kill your dog first!” Hunting Soul threatened.

The demon Vajra almost cried: “Hunting Soul grandfather…you can spare me… don’t you feel the murderous aura of this Arctic giant jelly?”

“You tell it, Brother Bei let us come!” Hunting Soul said in awe.

“What’s the use of telling it…”

The demon Vajra wailed: “This Arctic monster does not even give the Peak Stage giant a face, let alone Brother Bei… North grandfather is useless…”

Obviously, the demon Vajra fought from in the bones fearing the Arctic Giant Jiao!

In the eyes of Vajra, Chen Xiaobei couldn’t compare with this Arctic Giant Jiao! Not to mention Chen Xiaobei’s face, I am afraid that the Arctic giant Jiao does not even know who Chen Xiaobei is!

If you quote Chen Xiaobei’s name, is there an egg?

“What are you saying!? Brother Bei!?”

However, at this moment, the murderous aura on the Arctic monster suddenly converged and his tone calmed down: “Do you know Brother Bei?”

“This…” The demon Vajra instantly dumbfounded, and at the same time, was instantly hit at the face.

This product was found to be useless even if it was reported as Dugu Zangxian’s name, and even if it was reported as Brother Bei’s name.

But it is clear that as soon as the word Brother Bei 2 came out, the attitude of the Arctic Giant Jiao changed dramatically!

It can be seen how heavy the weight of Brother Bei 2 is!

“Yes, yes! I know Brother Bei!”

Immortal Vajra’s head is like Little Ji peck rice, impatient said: “Brother Bei is my master, I was ordered by Brother Bei to find Eastern Sovereign Taiyi!”

“Why didn’t you say it early!” Arctic giant said solemnly: “I knew you were Brother Bei’s person, and I’m sure to be polite to you!”

“This…” Vajra Khan, the demon, came down: “You Senior are not polite to Monster Race 3 and the Peak Stage Paragon, but are you polite to me?”


The Arctic Giant Jiao said: “You are a brother Bei! Even if it is just a minion and a running dog! You are also far above the Peak Stage Paragon!”

If Vajra was shocked by electric shock, he asked: “Who are you, Brother Bei?”

The Arctic Giant Jiao said with all eyes and worship: “Brother Bei’s status is above the Eastern Emperor Celestial Emperor! You said he is you?”

“Eastern Emperor? Celestial Emperor?” Demon Vajra, completely dumbfounded.

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