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“Hmph! Say old man believe oneself infallible! The person who really believes oneself infallible is obviously you Chen Zhufeng!”

Xuanyuan Zheng Yong said: “If nothing else, the old man is the powerhouse of the Crossing Tribulation Peak Stage! Can you say that the new Patriarch can have the cultivation of the old man?”

As soon as this remark came out, the core senior executives of the surrounding Xuanyuan families were silently nodded, even unable to bear to persuade them.

“Zhufeng Young Master! You won today! But you can’t change Patriarch for 10000000! Otherwise, my Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family will no longer have a Peak powerhouse and will be doomed to be suppressed by other Peak Stage forces! Towards defeat!”

“Yes! As the Old Ancestor Sect said, his Senior is not only a Peak powerhouse, but also an ally of Heavenly Secret City Void Jade Palace! If the Old Ancestor Sect falls, Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family falls under your young master, Heavenly Secret City and Void Jade Palace will definitely break with Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family! The consequences are simply unimaginable!”

“Zhufeng Young Master! You helped Tuohai get justice, it was good intention! But 10000 10000 can’t do bad things kindly, which harms the entire Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family!”

These core seniors are more or less loyal to Xuanyuan Zhengyong!

But they are more concerned about their life and death than loyalty, and more about their glory status!

In their view, once Xuanyuan Zhengyong falls, the whole Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family will fall sooner or later, and everything they have will be disappeared accordingly!

Because of this, they are reluctant to see Chen Xiaobei replace Patriarch!

From small to big, if these people do not agree to replace Patriarch, then the whole Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family will not agree to go up and down!

Those who win the hearts of the people have the world!

If the whole family does not support it, then the new Patriarch chosen by Chen Xiaobei will be like an empty shell, In name only!

“I have already said!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and said: “With me, Xuanyuan can do it, and the new Patriarch can do it, including Cultivation!”


When the words came out, the audience was shocked.

“Zhufeng Young Master! You mean, you still have the powerhouse of Crossing Tribulation Peak Stage? This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

“Even if there is such a powerhouse, not someone from my Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family, I can never become a Patriarch!”

“Zhufeng Young Master! Please take the big picture as a priority, do not replace Patriarch! Only maintaining the status quo is the best result!”


“Hmph! Chen Zhufeng! Have you seen it? Your wishful abacus won’t sound at all! Want to overthrow the old man, don’t dream!”

Although Xuanyuan Zhengyong had broken his left arm, the blood was flowing like blood, look pale, but he smiled confidently, like a everything is under control.

As soon as this remark came out, Xuanyuan Hengfeng unable to bear whispered, “Master Northern Profound Sect…I have something to say to you!”

Chen Xiaobei nodded, said: “You are Tuohai’s father, you are my own Northern Profound Sect, if you have anything to say!”

Xuanyuan Hengfeng was sighed and whispered: “Although Xuanyuan Zhengyong is cold in Xue Wuqing, he is very sinful…but he is indeed the pillar of the whole family…He fell, and the glory of Xuanyuan’s family of 100000000 10000 years will also fall…”

“What do you mean?” Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly.

“Let Xuanyuan Zhengyong continue to do Patriarch…” Xuanyuan Hengfeng said: “Even if it is for the clan relatives who also run the blood of Xuanyuan…”

As soon as this remark came out, the core seniors around them were very moved.

“Hengfeng! You really deserve to be the descendant of our Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family! At this moment, you can let go of hatred and focus on the big picture! It is really rare! Our uncle elders, admire you from the bottom of your heart! Thank you!”

“Hengfeng! You can rest assured! Even if Old Ancestor continues to serve as Patriarch, we are willing to support Tuohai and continue to be the family Young Master!”

“Good! We have exhausted the untold hardships, and we have found an Ancient Immortal inheritance that will allow Tuohai’s Cultivation to quickly advance the 9–Star Crossing Tribulation Realm world! As long as Tuohai inherits this inheritance, the Old Ancestor Sect can no longer make it. Others are Young Masters!”

Among these core senior executives, there are some people who understand the truth.

Xuanyuan Hengfeng is willing to let go of hatred and preserve the whole family.

These core senior executives are also willing to vote for the pledge and guarantee Xuanyuan Tuohai’s future.

“Master Northern Profound Sect, you have all seen… this is the best result…” Xuanyuan Hengfeng sighed, although he was unwilling, he had no choice.

“No hurry, wait for Tuohai to come and listen to what he says!” Chen Xiaobei smiled lightly.

“I disagree!”

At this time, Xuanyuan Tuohai had helped Wei Wanrong to come over and said very firmly: “Xuanyuan Zheng Yong this old thief poisoned me without saying it, and tortured my parents for more than ten years! This hatred is not reported, I can still Is it human?”

“Wan Rong…” At this time, Xuanyuan Hengfeng saw his wife who had been away for more than ten years and burst into tears.

In the old days, the Wei Family Feiyan female of Divine State famous in Dongsheng not only looked stunning, but also had outstanding talent! Who ever thought that today became a dishevelled hair, skinny mad woman?

Pale skin, ulcerated wounds, cracked nails, messy torn clothes… all of this is like a needle, and it hurts the heart of Xuanyuan Hengfeng.


In the same way, tears burst into Wei Wanrong’s eyes. It was hard to imagine that the prisoner with bruises and beggar in front of him would be his handsome like a jade tree, handsome and handsome husband!

More than ten years of torture, more than ten years of separation!

Suffering physically and mentally, living like years!

The hatred in their hearts has long been unable to resolve.

Seeing the tears of his parents, Xuanyuan Tuohai is even harder than iron, and he will never be shaken: “Please ask the Master to take charge of me! I must repay this hatred!”


Xuanyuan Zhengyong said disdainfully: “The pros and cons of the matter have been clearly analyzed! If you want the life of the old man, you must take the whole Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family for funeral! Unless Chen Zhufeng is a fool, he will never overthrow the old man. !”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone’s face was very ugly.

Right or wrong, everyone knows.

But the pros and cons of the matter also lie ahead.

In the eyes of everyone, in order to take care of the overall situation, the Xuanyuan Tuohai family must let go of their hatred, and let Xuanyuan Zhengyong sit on the Position of Patriarch as needed!

Because of this, Xuanyuan Zhengyong was so arrogant that Chen Xiaobei did not dare to move him!

“Xuanyuan Zhengyong, you really believe oneself infallible!”

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently with a smile: “Now I will let you see clearly, without you Xuanyuan Zhengyong, everything will not change!”

“Just pretend!” Xuanyuan Zhengyong said disdainfully: “You dare to kill the old man unless the sun comes out from the north!”

“Big your dog’s eyes and see clearly! The Cultivation you are proud of will no longer belong to you immediately!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed, and the right palm of the sky protruded out, and True Yuan instantly turned into a greasy devil’s claw, directly grabbing Qi Sea Dantian of Xuanyuan Zhengyong!

“Infinite Demon God! Unlimited greed!”

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