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There is no doubt that Chen Xiaobei’s plot against is really perfect and without blemish!

Let the two Old Guys Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao testify. If they repent, or take shots against Chen Xiaobei, it is tantamount to beating their own faces in front of everyone.

base and shameless, without words, stink to have no shame, taking advantage of one’s position to bully people… This series of crimes will be nailed to them like nails.

This will not only damage their reputation and prestige, it will even destroy the believers’ beliefs, and no longer believe in them.

They are all so-called righteous leaders and naturally value their reputation and prestige!

But by comparison, the importance of believers far exceeds their prestige!

For Heavenly Secret City and Void Jade Palace, believers are the foundation and lifeblood.

For Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao, they are both powerhouses of Crossing Tribulation Peak Stage, and Heavenly Tribulation may come at any time.

The number of believers determines the favor of God to them, and it is also closely related to their breath.

Because of this, before the arrival of Heavenly Tribulation, they could only find ways to increase the number of believers, and never dare to easily lose believers.

Otherwise, Heavenly Dao must not be taken care of, and the number of gas will plummet accordingly, the danger of Heavenly Tribulation will increase sharply!

If Crossing Tribulation fails, they will body dies and Dao disappears, the soul flew away and scattered!

Such a result, they do not want to face anyway!

Just to stabilize the believers, Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao dared not make mistakes at this juncture!

Chen Xiaobei counted this to death, and then let them testify in public!

Right now, the dust of the game is settled, they have no reason to start Chen Xiaobei! More impossible to overthrow the game!

Even if it is a period of time in the future, they will not shoot Chen Xiaobei, because everyone knows that they have forged a beam with Chen Xiaobei, even if it is not them, the world will think that it is them!


Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, “Mystery Old Person, Yuxu Heavenly Master, is worthy of being the leader of Realm of Earthly Immortals! It really is fair and just!”

“Defending fairness and justice is what we should do…” Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao complexion ashen, knowing that Chen Xiaobei’s compliments are actually hitting the face, but they can only stretch their faces and squeeze out an embarrassing but not polite smile .

Chen Xiaobei said with a smile: “The two are so fair, so please ask them to announce again, who is the best performing Xuanyuan family descendant today?”

“This…” Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao froze for a moment, only to realize that Chen Xiaobei’s praise was not just a face-slap, but a big pit!

Chen Xiaobei praised their fairness and fairness on the front foot, and let them announce the result on the back foot!

If the results announced by them are unfair and just, the consequences will be exactly the same as confessing to gambling!

If they announced it fairly and justly, Xuanyuan 5 Jie was all humiliated on his knees, the best performing Xuanyuan family descendants, simply had no second choice!

In this way, they can only follow Chen Xiaobei’s plot against the scheme and become the final ending piece.

“We announced that… the best performing Xuanyuan family descendants today are…Xuanyuan Tuohai!”

Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao can only say such a conclusion even if they are 10000 unwilling.

At this point, Chen Xiaobei’s overall plan is a perfect ending!

And Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao, the two most powerful Peak Stage Paragon of Realm of Earthly Immortals, are like two chess pieces, played by Chen Xiaobei in the palm of the hand, let them go how they want, let them go!

The most important thing is that there are 10000 people on the scene, and there is no one to refute.

Even if things spread all over the world, no one would come out against it.

Because this is the result of fairness and justice.


Seeing the scene in front of me, Xuanyuan Zhengyong, the old thief, was directly spurted by the old blood.

The moment before, he was full of confidence, thinking that Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao could drive him out and help him kill Chen Xiaobei.

At this moment, not only did Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao help, they became Chen Xiaobei’s chess pieces! Let the whole thing be fixed directly, and there is no room for change!

“Bye… meet the Young Master…”

At the same time, the core senior executives of the Xuanyuan family all saw the situation clearly.

In order to protect themselves, Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao will not interfere in this matter.

Chen Xiaobei holds 2 Heavenly Immortal devices, the life and death of everyone at the controller.

The core senior executives of Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family dare not bow their heads and soften their clothes.

Even more how, Xuanyuan Tuohai is already a well-deserved Young Master. If these core senior leaders resist, it is tantamount to rebellion! Chen Xiaobei directly killed them, and no one would blame them!

“I announce that today’s birthday banquet will be cancelled! Guests, please leave on your own!”

Xuanyuan Tuohai glanced at the audience and said imposing manner.

“let’s go!”

Xu Xunkong and Zhao Tianchao took Xu Gengnian and Zhao 10000 poles and flew away directly into the sky.

Canaan Yu was so guilty that he quickly caught up and walked with them so as not to be picked up by Chen Xiaobei.

Right now, Chen Xiaobei has the big mess of the Xuanyuan family to clean up. They don’t openly make trouble, and Chen Xiaobei will naturally not stop them.

“Let’s go too …”

Yun Fanqing got up and was ready to leave.

“There is no good drama to watch, naturally there is no need to stay!” Wu Longyin nodded.

“2 please hold your steps!”

Chen Xiaobei stepped directly on Flying Nimbus and flew to the colorful wing Tengyun car: “Thank you 2 for helping me! Today, this relationship, I wrote down by Chen Zhufeng!”

Yun Fanqing expression started a little bit and said, “Why should Young Master Young say this? We don’t all help each other…”

Chen Xiaobei said: “The Master of Longyin did not take action, but several times, at a critical moment, the Master opened the mouth to speak for me! Those words and words have greatly promoted my scheme!”

“The Northern Profound Sect is welcome!”

Wu Longyin said indifferently: “I just can’t get used to the hypocrisy and despicability of those people, so I just said a few fair words!”

Chen Xiaobei said seriously: “When I was weak, there was no fair words, it was like providing timely help! I will write down the human relationship of Longyin Master! In the future, if there is any difficulty, Longyin Master can find me Help! Chen Zhufeng will definitely stand up!”

There is no doubt that Wu Longyin’s opening several times is very beneficial to Chen Xiaobei.

In contrast, Chen Xiaobei’s enemies will naturally feel very unhappy.

Chen Xiaobei’s implication is that if the enemy embarrasses Wu Longyin in the future, Chen Xiaobei will certainly come forward to help Wu Longyin solve the trouble!

Wu Longyin folded his hands together, smiling without speaking.

Chen Xiaobei looked towards the other side and said, “As for the Fanqing Master, although I didn’t do it, you helped me a lot!”

“Since I didn’t shoot, how can I help you?” Yun Fanqing’s eyes narrowed, and her pretty face was full of doubts.

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