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I saw that a young man jumped directly off the Paragon platform of the center and went to the middle of Martial Practice Stage.

This man self-reported his home, Master is Ziyang really from Void Jade Palace.

Those who can sit on a chair on the Paragon platform, except Chen Xiaobei, are all in the 9–Star Crossing Tribulation Realm world!

The powerhouse of this realm has already stood proudly at the top of the Pyramid of Realm of Earthly Immortals. In the Peak Stage forces, it is also equivalent to the law of protection, even the level of Deputy Sect Master!

Because of this, this level of powerhouse is called Paragon powerhouse by the world!

At this moment, the apprentice of Paragon powerhouse came off to challenge Xi Fei, the chief disciple of Xuandan Palace.

This is bound to be a wonderful competition, which instantly aroused great attention from everyone on the scene.

The guests on site were naturally exclaimed, discussing spiritedly.

Even the six giants on the Caiyi Tengyun car looked at each other, looking forward to the outcome of this First Stage showdown.

“If you read it right, you should be Ziyang really people’s personal recipe! Lan Yue Young Master!”

Xuanyuan Xi Fei was the first person to be challenged and also a landlord. He naturally showed a graceful appearance. He came forward to salute and was very friendly.

“Below is Cheng Lanyue!”

The young man also cupped the hands. Although it was a challenge, the relationship between the Xuanyuan family and Void Jade Palace has always been good, and he was naturally very friendly!

“Lanyue Young Master Da Ming, I have been admiring for a long time, like thunder piercing the ear! See you today, it really is not in vain!”

Xuanyuan Xi Fei grinned, before shooting, flat shot of the other party: “The world knows, Alchemy Technique of Void Jade Palace, but Realm of Earthly Immortals is a must! In addition to Sect Master’赵Heavenly Master’, just Count Ziyang really people are the best!”

“Xi Fei Young Master said too seriously.” Cheng Lanyue is also very personable and very modest.

“How can it be said seriously?”

Xuanyuan Xi Fei continued to compliment: “Ziyang really people have the title of’Dan Xian’, Lan Yue Young Master, you are also recognized as’Little Dan Xian’! What I said, everyone knows, why should Lan Yue Young Master be humble? ?”

“Xi Fei Young Master is so kind!” 1000 wear 10000 wear, flattery not wear! Cheng Lanyue was taken very comfortably and proudly, all of which was revealed on his face and could not be concealed at all.

Paragon on the platform.

Daoist Yi Ru, who is proficient in Dan Dao, frowned, and said uncomfortably: “Is this an Alchemy Technique challenge or a flattery technique challenge? Xiao Danxian’s ability has not been seen, but the flattery fine shameless has all been seen!”

“Don’t you understand this?”

Chen Xiaobei said with a smile: “Xuanyuan Xi Fei is actually very smart. He first touted Cheng Lanyue in public, and then won Cheng Lanyue! That would be equivalent to announcing to the world that his Xuanyuan Xi Fei’s Alchemy Technique overrides Yu Xiaodan, above Immortal! Everyone on the scene, who else would not agree?”

“so that’s how it is !”

Daoist Yi Ru suddenly realized: “In this way, Xuanyuan Xi Fei is going to use Cheng Lanyue as a stepping stone! Hold the stepping stone first, then step on the stepping stone, your own height will be higher!”

“Yes! This is the truth!”

Chen Xiaobei nodded smiled with evil spirits and said, “Of course, if you can treat Xuanyuan Xi Fei as a stepping stone, then everything he does now is making wedding dresses for you!”


Daoist Yi Ru’s eyes narrowed and he smiled: “Disciple understands! When Xuanyuan Xi Fei steps on Cheng Lanyue, Disciple will step on Xuanyuan Xi Fei!”

“What is it?”

At this moment, dozens of youngsters not far away have cast their contempt on this side.

This group of youngsters is the Direct Disciple of a dozen Paragons on this platform. They have long seen Chen Xiaobei as unhappy, and even more so at the moment.

“What kind of stuff, actually want to step on Xuanyuan Xi Fei and Cheng Lanyue continuously? Why don’t you say you want to step on Divine Immortal in the sky?”

“Xuanyuan Xi Fei is the Chief Disciple of Xuandan Palace, one of Xuanyuan 5 masters, Alchemy Technique is definitely Peak among the younger generation!”

“Let’s say Cheng Lanyue, the title of Little Medical Immortal, Realm of Earthly Immortals Who doesn’t know who is unknown? The Dan Dao of Void Jade Palace will rely on Cheng Lanyue to fly in the future!”

“What is any unknown cat or dog, but still want to step on Xuanyuan Xi Fei and Cheng Lanyue? It’s really brainless, stupid!”

There is no doubt that this group of youngsters looks down on Northern Profound Sect at all, and naturally it is also believed that Daoist Yi Ru’s Alchemy Technique can be compared with the cream of the crop of 2 people in the younger generation.

In the eyes of this group of youngsters, Chen Xiaobei and Daoist Yi Ru are just pretending, and they are still totally unpretentious. It’s a stupid and funny joke, without credibility.

“I…” Daoist Yi Ru’s brow furrowed, and was instantly angered by these taunts.

“Don’t be impatient!” Chen Xiaobei suppressed Daoist Yi Ru, said with a smile: “The anger can’t solve the problem, be prepared to win the challenge, this result is enough to smash those people’s stinky face !”

“Yes! Disciple will definitely win!” Daoist Yi Ru was so nodded, holding a strong heart in his heart, vowing to blow up those people’s faces and justify the name of Northern Profound Sect’s Dandao!

The youngsters would naturally not take Chen Xiaobei’s words seriously, but the sarcasm became more intense.

But the dozen or so Paragon powerhouse sitting in front didn’t say anything. Only a few people shook their heads slightly and sighed. The rest of them were indifferent and indifferent, very calm and sophisticated.

However, none of these Paragon powerhouses have stopped the mocking of Disciples, which is enough to show that they actually despise Chen Xiaobei.

The reason they did not publicly ridicule is naturally because Chen Xiaobei holds Dongsheng Purple Gold king order, and is the Paragon VIP of Dongsheng Chamber of Commerce.

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei was also a first-class guest invited by Xuanyuan Lu Ming himself.

These Paragon powerhouses are completely seen in the face of Dongsheng Chamber of Commerce and Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family, and they kept silent and did not mock Chen Xiaobei in person.

If there is no Dongsheng Chamber of Commerce and Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family, Chen Xiaobei in the eyes of these Paragon powerhouses is completely humble little ants, not at all worthy of sitting on this high platform.

Martial Practice Stage.

The challenge has officially begun.

“Because of the limited time, we must rush to win and lose before the dinner, so we can refining the Low Level Spiritual Pill! First of all, it depends on who is refining fast, and secondly, who refining is of good quality!”

Xuanyuan Xi Fei said: “The rules are set by me. It’s up to Lanyue Young Master to decide which kind of medicine pill to refine! You can choose what you are good at medicine pill to refine without deliberate humility!”

“it is good!”

Cheng Lanyue nodded, said: “Then we will refine 1-Star Spirit level Dan, Qi and Blood Pill! This is my best, no accident, within an hour, I can make it!”

“No problem! Just Qi and Blood Pill!” Xuanyuan Xi Fei was confident and resolutely agreed.

“2 waste! You don’t need to compare! Look at me directly!”

At this moment, Daoist Yi Ru stepped forward and jumped off the platform.

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