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“He… who is he…”

Wei Wanrong was very cautious, not at all immediately admitted that he was pretending to be mad, but was silent, and carefully observed Xuanyuan Tuohai.

Wei Wanrong’s empty and dull eyes gradually glowed.

Although Xuanyuan Tuohai was only a baby in the baby when the mother and child were separated, there seems to be a mysterious connection between mother and child.

Although he didn’t admit it, Wei Wanrong was basically 70% sure.

The eyes are the windows of the soul. Although Wei Wanrong doesn’t move, her gradually warm eyes have already explained everything!

“Mother! I know what you are worrying about! Look at this!”

Xuanyuan Tuohai can also feel it naturally. The woman in front of her is her mother who misses her dreams!

I saw that Xuanyuan Tuohai pulled a red rope from the collar. At the end of the red rope, there is a jade pendant that looks like common.

Others could not see what was special about this jade pendant, but Wei Wanrong had just seen that the whole person was trembling like an electric shock, unable to bear! Endless surprises appeared in both eyes!

Immediately thereafter, Wei Wanrong’s eyes turned red, and tears ran out of her eyes.

There is no doubt that Wei Wanrong is not crazy, she remembers everything clearly!

This jade pendant was the one that Wei Wanrong personally hung on Xuanyuan Tuohai’s neck!

Xuanyuan Tuohai was originally an ignorant baby. The reason why he knows his true identity and why he was abandoned is precisely because this jade pendant is actually a spiritual object!

After the communication of spirituality, these related information will be passed into the mind of Xuanyuan Tuohai through this jade pendant!

“child ……”

Wei Wanrong burst into tears, tears covering her cheeks, but the corners of her mouth and eyes were full of loving and happy smiles!


Xuanyuan Tuohai also cried!

Abandoned since childhood, he did not cry! Being bullied in the slums, he did not cry! When he was a slave in Motu Continent, he did not cry! Even the painful extreme life-and-death overlord body trial, he can carry it down firmly!

However, in the face of the most sincere emotions, no matter how strong the mood is, it is instantly melted!

Every tear is full of sadness that Xuanyuan Tuohai can’t talk to people for more than a decade. Only in front of mother can this emotion be released!

Each tear was full of relief and relaxation. Xuanyuan Tuohai waited for more than ten years and finally got the answer! It’s not that parents abandoned themselves! On the contrary, both father and mother love themselves deeply! Although they were unsuccessful, they all fought, even if they lost everything, they would not hesitate!

Each tear is full of Xuanyuan Tuohai’s joy! Although it has been separated for more than ten years, when we meet again, it is a lucky thing for parents to love their loved ones instead of abandoning their cold enemies!

In this way, Xuanyuan Tuohai and Wei Wanrong are opposite to each other. Although there is only one sentence of’child’ and one sentence of’mother’, it is 4 words and 10000 words, which are all in silence! A lot of things can be cleared in my heart without saying it!

This is the dearest! This is flesh and blood!

Seeing the scene before me, even Chen Xiaobei and Xuanyuan Guanghong were both unable to bear.

Especially Xuanyuan Guanghong, looked towards Xuanyuan Tuohai’s eyes, full of love!

As a grandfather, Xuanyuan Guanghong couldn’t even dream of dreaming. In his lifetime, he could still see the only grandson!

As Third Elder, the core of Xuanyuan Aristocratic Family, and Dongshen Chamber of Commerce deacon, dean of the continent, Xuanyuan Guanghong is very strong and very hard in front of outsiders!

However, at this moment, this situation and this scene, Xuanyuan Guanghong even could not bear to bear the emotions of turning the river and the sea in his heart, and the old tears in the moment, silently choked!


After a long time, everyone’s emotions barely recovered.

Xuanyuan Tuohai and Wei Wanrong made some simple exchanges with each other and got a general understanding of each other’s current situation.

“Mother, you can rest assured!”

Xuanyuan Tuohai said seriously: “My Master’s medical technique, Transcendent Saint, you can heal all the illnesses on your body!”

“No … no need …”

Wei Wanrong shook the head, his eyes finally moved away from Xuanyuan Tuohai and slowly fell on Chen Xiaobei!

“pu pass!”

No one didn’t expect, Wei Wanrong actually did not say anything, kneeled in front of Chen Xiaobei, with a heavy 2 knock.

“Mrs. Wei! What are you doing? Quick get up! I can’t afford you such a gift!”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, and across the cyan ray curtain, there was no way to support Wei Wanrong.

“You can afford it!”

Wei Wanrong stood up with some difficulty, and slowly said: “You saved Tuohai’s life, and you can afford it! You teach Tuohai, let him have a superior Physique, and understand the truth of being a human being, and you can afford to worship again! Tuohai came back and let me see my son, but it was my long-cherished long-cherished wish and it was worth three worships!”

“Mrs. Wei, you are serious!”

Chen Xiaobei frowns saying: “As a teacher, these all are the things I should do!”


Wei Wanrong said solemnly: “Common’s teachers are only responsible for preaching and teaching! In addition to preaching and teaching, you can also take great risks to help Disciple! You can be called Tuohai’s Master!”

“As the saying goes, one day as a master, all beings are fathers! From now on, no matter when and where, I will let Tuohai respect you, and you are like a father!”

Wei Wanrong deserves to be a boudoir of everybody, only a few gifts, a few gifts, and even a gift of gratitude, this life will not forget Chen Xiaobei’s kindness!

“Mother be assured!”

Xuanyuan Tuohai is also very sensible, and solemnly promised: “Without you saying, I will follow Master all my life, respect Master, if you have 2 hearts, you will be called to thunder and thunder, not to die!”

“Okay! Then I can rest assured…”

Wei Wanrong was nodded, although she didn’t give up, she said solemnly: “Beijing Xuanzhen, please take Tuohai away! 10000 Once you are discovered by Xuanyuan Zhengyong, you will all have life worries!”

“No! We will not go!”

Xuanyuan Tuohai was immediately excited: “Mother, you can rest assured! My Master is very, very powerful! At this time, we are not only here to meet you, but also to seek justice from Xuanyuan Zhengyong! I will definitely come out for you and my father!”


Wei Wanrong frowns saying: “Xuanyuan family is one of the top ten Peak Stage forces, Xuanyuan Heavenly Palace is the home field of Xuanyuan family! Even a powerful dragon cannot repress a local snake, such a simple truth, don’t you understand?”

“Mrs. Wei, don’t be impatient!”

Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “Since I am here today, I naturally have my plan, and I am impossible to return home empty-handed!”

“Mother! I won’t return home empty-handed!”

Xuanyuan Tuohai’s eyes narrowed, and he said with extreme seriousness: “I want to know what happened back then! I owe them and harm us, and I will ask them to pay the price!”

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