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“You… dare you slapp me…”

Ding Xiadong was instantly ignorant.

Not to mention that I am Earth Immortal now. Even before I became Earth Immortal, I have never been slapped.

“Zong…Sect Master was slapped by Chen Xiaobei…My God…Is this an illusion…”

More than 5000 people on the scene were also completely forced.

Half a minute ago, Sect Master also fervently said that Chen Xiaobei would be killed.

But at this moment, Sect Master was slapped on the face by Chen Xiaobei, but he didn’t even dare to fight back, just stupidly froze in place.

This contrast is too great! Sect Master’s face is lost!

“You Ding Xiadong, let Great Elder bring the number 100 and come to Dragon City to kill me!”

Chen Xiaobei complexion sank said with awe: “I put your No. 100 Disciple, and I still have the Great Elder’s frigid life! But you Ding Xiadong requite kindness with enmity, but you want to kill me! I only slap you. , Light!”

“But…but…” Ding Xiadong thought about it.

“But what? Don’t you think I shouldn’t smoke you?” Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes, coldly said: “Then maybe I should change the way of handling, let you Ding Xiadong, not die!”

“His…” Ding Xiadong immediately took a breath, and quickly said: “no no no! Mr. Chen is right! Mr. Chen is good! It’s because I don’t do anything right, I should pump! I should pump!”

As soon as this remark came out, more than 5000 people below were instantly stupid.

I can’t believe that my Sect Master was like a grandson in front of Chen Xiaobei.

Simply unimaginable!

What they did not know was that Chen Xiaobei had Luo Luo behind him, and it was not difficult to kill Ding Xiadong!

Ding Xiadong was terrified when he was in Northern Profound Sect, so it’s strange not to admit it at this moment!

“It seems that you don’t want to die!” Chen Xiaobei squinted.

“No! Of course not! Mr. Chen, you don’t crack a joke, okay…” Ding Xiadong swallowed drunkenly, cold sweat immediately covering his forehead.

“If you don’t want to die, give me the thousand thousand Spirit Stone out now, and the grudge between us will be cancelled! Otherwise, take responsibility for the consequences!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“What… ten…hundred thousand!?” Hearing this, Ding Xiadong’s eyes almost didn’t pop out.

“Originally, I only wanted you 10000 Spirit Stone, but you refused to give it, and now I have changed my mind!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “hundred thousand Spirit Stone, one less, you Ding Xiadong will definitely move heads!”

“Mr. Chen! Please be magnanimous…” Ding Xiadong wailed: “hundred thousand Spirit Stone is an astronomical figure, I can’t get it out…”

“Okay! That’s no talk!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged and pulled out his phone directly.

“Chen…Mr. Chen…Who are you calling?” Ding Xiadong asked in a hurry.

“People who take your life!” Chen Xiaobei’s face calmed down, pretending to be dialing, in fact just acting that’s all.

Mr. Luo’s identity cannot be exposed, and he will never show his strength in the eyes of the public.

However, at the moment, Ding Xiadong is completely a bird of shock, and Chen Xiaobei’s acting alone is enough to bluff him.

“Don’t! Mr. Chen 10000000 Don’t call! Spirit Stone I’ll give it…I can’t give it…” Ding Xiadong is a man who is afraid of death. Seeing that he can’t bargain, he can only immediately agree to Chen Xiaobei’s request.

But dare not take his own life to challenge Chen Xiaobei’s patience.

“Within 3 minutes, let me see Spirit Stone!” Chen Xiaobei put away his phone, indifferently said.

“Yes, yes…I will do it at once…” Ding Xiadong did not dare to neglect, and immediately brought a group of confidants to move Spirit Stone.

Originally only used for Chen Xiaobei 10000 Spirit Stone, but Ding Xiadong a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity, think that killing Chen Xiaobei can do everything is fine.

It would be good if Chen Xiaobei was not killed, but he would have to pay ten times the price.

Soon, 100 large boxes were lifted out. Each box was filled with Spirit Stone and hundred thousand, none of them dared to be fewer.

Obviously, such a large amount of Spirit Stone’s expenditure directly hollowed out Ding Xiadong’s bottom, let him strength great injury, in the next tens or even 100 years, can not make back today’s losses!

Still the old saying, the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear!

“Okay, from now on, your grievances will be cancelled!”

Chen Xiaobei received all Spirit Stones and said indifferently: “Welcome to come to me for revenge at any time, but you must first prepare the life money for the thousand thousand Spirit Stone! Otherwise, prepare your own life!”

“Dare not… lend me ten guts, nor dare to revenge with Mr. Chen…” Ding Xiadong shook his head like a wavy drum.


Chen Xiaobei waved his hand, stepped on Flying Nimbus, and flew directly from the scene.

Long after Chen Xiaobei left, including Ding Xiadong, more than 5000 people on the scene were still in a daze.

In just a few minutes, what Chen Xiaobei has done has caused 100000000 to 10000 times the nuclear explosion shock in everyone’s minds, which shocked them physically and mentally, and could not extricate themselves for a long time.


“I originally had 2 10000 Spirit Stone, plus 2 10000 of Kunlun Faction Shushan Sect, plus the current thousand thousand, a total of ten 40000 Spirit Stone! You can open Divine Blood Slash fairy map 4 times! There are 2 10000 Spirit left Stone!”

Chen Xiaobei secretly calculated: “Next, I will go back to the North Wild Star Domain, help Wen Ren Muyue to cure the disease, and then concentrate on cultivation, must increase the Combat Force as high as possible!”

“Earth, wait for Gordon to find out the details of the Prince-level Dark Star Core. I will come back again.”

“In addition, next time I come back, I am afraid that Kunlun and Shushan will both seek revenge from me, and Lu Bu and Jixi… Strength! I have to work hard to improve my strength!”

“As for the First Emperor of Qin Mausoleum, Li Xiang hasn’t been moving…Of course, this matter is of great importance. Mastering the power of Eight-Branched Giant Snake scales, every family needs to be fully prepared before they can start! Which one is missing? No, I can only wait!”

After a simple calculation, Chen Xiaobei had a rough plan for the development action of Late Stage, which was not aimless.

Going back to the former site of Northern Profound Sect, Chen Xiaobei launched the original bracelet and went directly to the space for refuge.

After the last big move, everyone in Northern Profound Sect has started a new life here.

There is a first love for Taolin, and there are living materials purchased by Jin Fei. Everyone’s life is basically the same as in Earth.

There is only one problem that deeply troubles everyone.

No internet!

For life electricity, Jin Fei bought a Generator group, which can be easily solved, but there is no way to solve the network problem.

The one most affected by this is Old Wang.

King pesticides can’t be beaten, it’s just like years.

As soon as Chen Xiaobei came back, Old Wang told Chen Xiaobei about the impatient.

“OK, don’t worry! I’m going to ask someone…”

Chen Xiaobei took out his mobile phone and dialed Ning Yuchen’s number.

Ning Yuchen was Chen Xiaobei’s first guide in the Star Domain of Beihuang. Those Chen Xiaobei unheard-of things were introduced by Ning Yuchen. Ask him to be right!


As soon as the phone was connected, Chen Xiaobei’s complexion suddenly changed.

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