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Golden light is shining, shining the entire space, Metal Attribute True Yuan is the most important True Yuan of Qi of Slaughter. Dualbladed Halberd stabs with the thunderbolt trend, and absolutely does not give Chen Xiaobei any chance to escape! Not even a chance to speak!


In a flash, Chen Xiaobei had no choice but was shocked and almost desperate!

In terms of speed and power, Chen Xiaobei is far behind Lu Bu. Even if the guard puppet blocked the first one, Lu Bu’s 2nd move can still achieve the goal!

Ling Nine Heavens of Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations can also hide a blow, but Chen Xiaobei is too late to take a sip of Spiritual Qi!

Seeing that Dualbladed Halberd is near, if there is no countermeasure, there will only be a dead end.

“Good! The strength of this youngster is probably still above me…” Ding Xiadong’s eyes were fixed, and his heart was determined: “Chen Xiaobei is impossible to escape this time!”

“Chen Xiaobei … admit your fate!”

At the far end, Ji Xiong has been paying attention to everything here: “If you offend someone who can never offend, this is your fatal Death Tribulation!”

“Chen Xiaobei! After you die! I Lu Fengxian will sacrifice with the turbid wine! Let’s go!”

With Lu Bu yelling, Dualbladed Halberd has almost stabbed Qi Xiao Dantian of Chen Xiaobei.

“Saint! Stars fall!”

Just at the critical moment of the crucial moment, angry roar suddenly sounded from 100 meters away.


in a flash, Chen Xiaobei gathered a gorgeous halo directly in front of him, like the night sky nebula, bright spots, brilliant lights and vibrant colors!

“zheng! ”

Dualbladed Halberd only stabbed on the nebula halo, and immediately stopped the forward momentum, without touching Chen Xiaobei at all.

“Who is it!” Lu Bu’s face changed drastically, and there was a deep vigilance in the tiger’s eyes.

You know, the coming person is beyond 100 meters, and takes a step late, but first protects Chen Xiaobei. It can be seen that the coming person’s Cultivation is a lot higher than Lu Bu!

“My God… there is such a powerhouse on Earth! How is this possible?” Ding Xiadong’s expression was unbelievable, and he was extremely shocked.

“Oops! There are variables!” Ji Xiong frowned, shouted: “Lu Bu! Quick retreat!”


The roar of the coming person came again, and a gorgeous nebula halo appeared in the sky.

“sou! sou! ”

2 meteors with shining rays of light suddenly fell and hit Lu Bu and Ding Xiadong respectively.


Lu Bu was shocked and quickly ran True Yuan throughout the body, and withdrew Dualbladed Halberd to defend with all his strength.

“My mother… what am I doing…” Ding Xiadong’s face was bold and violent, and he was shot while lying!

“bang! bang!”

In an instant, 2 meteors have fallen down, and they fell on Lu Bu and Ding Xiadong’s head.

“Good strength…” Lu Bu gritted his teeth, resisting the starlight that contained the power of the mountains, and tried his best to stay steady.

But after the starlight dissipated, Lu Bu’s legs were already deeply buried in the earth. From this, we can see how terrifying the meteor’s formidable power is?

Under Earth Immortal, I’m afraid it will be crushed into a patty in an instant.


On the other side, Ding Xiadong spurted out old blood directly.

The Cultivation of this product is slightly lower than that of Lu Bu, and it is far worse than the strength of other people.

The meteor is like a mountain pressure, and the terrifying giant force has pressed Ding Xiadong directly to the street, with the body already seriously injured.

“Who are you… Where did you come from… There is a powerhouse like you on Earth…” Ding Xiadong face deathly pale with a terrified expression.

You know, Ding Xiadong himself is Earth Immortal. Looking at the world, he is already standing at the most Peak Stage!

Earth Immortal on Earth almost knows each other, absolutely no one can crush him so embarrassed!

This shows that the person coming must not be an Earth person!

However, when Lu Bu and Ding Xiadong stabilized their minds from the starlight and cast their gaze, Chen Xiaobei had disappeared in place, and as for who the person was, they didn’t even see the shadow.

“Oops! It’s hard to let Chen Xiaobei run away today and try to find him again! And, already beat the grass to scare the snake, next time, Chen Xiaobei will definitely be prepared!”

Lu Bu’s brow furrowed and his expression on his face was rueful: “Who saved Chen Xiaobei…who is it!!!”

Ding Xiadong eased his breath, stood up, ran away, and dared not stay.

He couldn’t afford to offend Lu Bu, and he couldn’t afford to offend the man who saved Chen Xiaobei, didn’t he wait to die?

Afterwards, Ji Xiong came over and persuaded: “Brother Lu, don’t be impatient! Let me recover for a few days, and then cast the curse again, when the time comes, Chen Xiaobei will definitely be taken.”

“A few days? I can’t wait for another day!” Lu Bu said angrily.

Ji Xiong frowned slightly, saying: “Your mood, I can understand, but the wood has become a boat, Chen Xiaobei is gone…”

“Let Shen Gongbao check! I found Chen Xiaobei’s location, and I immediately killed it!” Lu Bu’s expression was grim and very persistent.

“Yes, then I will contact Shen Exalted Immortal! Wait for his message…” Ji Xun nodded, said.


On the other side, Chen Xiaobei has been taken into the mountains a few thousand meters away.

It wasn’t until now that Chen Xiaobei would see the identity of the person coming. I really couldn’t see it, and I was taken aback.

“Luo Lao! Why are you!”

Chen Xiaobei stared at the boss, didn’t expect to dream, his life was actually saved by Luo Lao!

Previously, Chen Xiaobei only regarded Luo Luo as a doctor and never paid attention to Luo Luo’s strength.

Looking back at this moment, Mr. Luo is a man from the Saint Star Domain, and is one of the three people responsible for protecting Princess Luo Puti. How could there be no super cultivation?

Luo old said solemnly: “Yesterday’s blood light skyrocketed, the old man knew that you were in big trouble, so he had been wandering near the Northern Profound Sect, but fortunately saved you!”

“It turned out to be…”

Chen Xiaobei sighed in his heart: “Thank you for arriving in time, otherwise, I’m really bode ill rather than well today! I really don’t know how to thank you!”

“It’s all your own people, you don’t have to say these polite words!”

Mr. Luo waved his hand and said, “Because the old man has a special status, he must not be exposed! Therefore, he could only suppress the enemies just now, but he could not stay to defeat them!


Chen Xiaobei nodded, said: “Luo Lao’s identity is of great importance. He has hidden strength for more than 20 years. It has been very difficult for me to shoot for me! Today is a sudden situation. Next time, I will definitely be ready!”

“Then what do you plan to do next?” Luo said.

“I plan to go to Constellation Faction!” Chen Xiaobei said calmly.

“What? Go to Constellation Faction?” Luo said with a surprised look on his face: “Their people, but they all want to kill you! Wouldn’t you walk right into a trap?”

“If it was before, I would definitely not dare to go, but after today, Constellation Faction is no threat to me!” Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently.

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