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“This… this is actually a prince’s dark Star Core…”

Gordon couldn’t believe his eyes with a surprised expression.

“How can you tell that this is the Prince’s Diablo Star Core?” Chen Xiaobei curiously asked.

After all, in Chen Xiaobei’s view, this Star Core is almost the same as the last one, except for the color.

However, Gordon can see the difference at a glance, which is enough to prove that the essence of different levels of Star Core is also very different.

Gordon explained: “Because I can feel a strong king’s breath from this dark Star Core! This means that the energy contained in this dark Star Core is stronger and more terrifying than the last one! “

“What is the specific ability?” Chen Xiaobei said: “If you remember correctly, you told me last time that no vampire family has the same dark power!”

“Yes! Each vampire family has a different power of darkness.”

Gordon was nodded, but he turned around and said, “However, the power of darkness is the secret of the Great Family, and I can’t tell it. If Brother Bei wants to know, I can return to the United States and find a way to find out.”

“Forget it, you don’t have to be so troublesome! I directly ate this Star Core, and after a while, I will naturally know the answer.” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“10000 10000 must not!” Gordon said disappointed nervously.

“Why not? I have eaten one before, without any adverse effects!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“It is because you have eaten one, so 10000 10000 can not eat the second one!”

Gordon explained: “Legend, the Dark Power of Blood Race is the evil power derived from the devil Satan, the blood ancestor Lilith, the fallen angel Lucifer! It contains the evil curse, it must not be within the same person within There are 2 kinds of dark forces in the body, otherwise the person will explode and die!”

“No? There is such a saying!”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and said, “I finally got this dark Star Core, but you told me that it can’t be used? Is this too depressed?”

You know, the last time, Chen Xiaobei used Xiao’er’s ability to eat the dark Star Core of the Gusta family. After 7 days of sleep, Chen Xiaobei’s Physique strength was directly increased by 7000 points, and he also obtained the essence of the enemy. The blood transforms into the anti-natural ability of own Cultivation!

For Chen Xiaobei, the Dark Star Core is simply a top grade treasure with a few arrows.

Even more how, this prince-level Dark Star Core has more Top Grade than the last one, and the benefits it will bring are bound to be more.

It was good, but Gordon said he couldn’t eat it!

As far as Chen Xiaobei is concerned, it is like looking at a peerless beauty who is stripped and washed, but it can only be seen, not touched!

“I know that Brother Bei is depressed… but this is 1000 true 10000 true thing…”

Gordon said: “In the history of Blood Race countless years, only the blood emperor can control 9 kinds of dark powers at the same time, apart from this, anyone who wants to try to master 2 kinds of dark powers will explode in the middle of the week. Alright! This is definitely not a cracking a joke!”

“What are you talking about? The blood emperor can control 9 forces?” Chen Xiaobei wondered.

Gordon was nodded and said, “Yeah, the blood emperor is a heresy, and it cannot be measured by common sense!”

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said: “Since the blood emperor can, I feel that others can too! I just didn’t find the method that blood emperor mastered that’s all!”

“I don’t know the specific situation…”

Gordon said seriously: “However, if you want to know Brother Bei, I can go back to the United States to investigate! I have some contacts, and can enter an ancient Blood Race library, I can definitely find the answer!”

“Okay! I will take you back to Earth, and you will check it with me! Notify me immediately when there is news!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“Yes! I must complete the task!” Gordon said seriously.

Later, Chen Xiaobei opened the original bracelet and brought Gordon back to Earth.

The homing bracelet can go to the origin, and at the same time, it can return to the place where it came from.

Chen Xiaobei came to the refuge from the Northern Profound Sect site and took Gordon back to the Northern Profound Sect site.

It was late at night, but Chen Xiaobei couldn’t rest, and he used Flying Nimbus to send Gordon to the United States.

However, Chen Xiaobei didn’t have time to participate in the investigation. After dropping Gordon, he rushed directly to Europe and took Murong Xiaoyao, Huo Yuanba, Huo Qiaoqiao back to the space for avoidance.

Gordon slowly checked things in the country, and the news was reported immediately.

Chen Xiaobei himself returned to the Northern Profound Sect site, because he had made 3 Sect appointments, they would bring Spirit Stone to redeem people!


After the tossing and turning, the sky was already bright.

The big 3 Sects set off overnight and arrived in Dragon City early in the morning, and soon Chen Xiaobei could reap a ransom of 30000 low grade Spirit Stone.

With the ransom, Chen Xiaobei can open the Divine Blood Slash fairy map, and can continue to wave again.

“Brother Bei!”

After some time, the first Sect person has arrived at the scene.

It was Zhuo Qunfeng who was beyond Chen Xiaobei’s expectation, but reasonable, on behalf of Kunlun Faction.

“En? Why did you come first?” Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly and asked.

Obviously, Kunlun Faction is the strongest among the three Sects, and the foundation is also the most powerful. It should be the most versatile and the most uncoordinated. Didn’t expect is the first to come.

“This is a long story. Brother Bei, you first count the Spirit Stone, which is exactly 10000!” Zhuo Qunfeng waved his finger behind him.

I saw ten Kunlun Faction Disciple and mentioned ten large boxes. After opening, it was full of Spirit Stone.


Chen Xiaobei swung all Spirit Stone into the space ring with a big wave, and said indifferently: “No need to count, you can do things, I’m at ease.”

Seeing the scene in front of me, Kunlun Faction Disciple was all stunned. I had never seen the magic of the Spiritual Artifact in the space, and there was awe in his eyes.

Zhuo Qunfeng set his mind and said: “Brother Bei, let’s take a step to speak!”

2 people walked into the distance.

Zhuo Qunfeng said, “Brother Bei just asked why I came first? That’s because my Kunlun Faction Sect Master is being secluded cultivation! The following master Elder, beware that Brother Bei will take advantage of the danger and kill me Kunlun Faction, So I asked Spirit to come with me overnight.”

Obviously, the formidable power of Divine Blood Slash Xiantu has caused a tremendous impact on the enemy’s heart. Without Earth Immortal guarding, as strong as Kunlun Faction, he would not dare to challenge Chen Xiaobei’s patience.

“You seem to have hidden meaning.” Chen Xiaobei said.

“En!” Zhuo Qunfeng nodded, said: “Sect Master is currently closed, and once he goes out, he will definitely revenge Brother Bei immediately! You must plan early!”

“Earth Immortal’s revenge?” Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes, faint smile, and said: “Perhaps, at that time, I won’t be afraid of him!”

“What!?” Hearing this, Zhuo Qunfeng was shocked.

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