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“I…I admit it’s not enough…Mr. Chen! Hurry up and save someone…”

Qi Congying felt like he was eating a steaming hot cake, full of heart and depression, but to save people, he could only brace oneself to admit that he didn’t grow.

Third Elder, the core of dignified Shushan Sect, actually admitted that he had no seed in public. If this matter is passed on, it will definitely become the laughing stock of the entire rivers and lakes, and even Shushan Sect will be embarrassed.

Thinking of this, the anger in Qi Congying’s heart burned uncontrollably.

In Qi Congying’s heart, he has even secretly decided that he will kill Chen Xiaobei to vent his anger whether he can finally heal his own Young Master.

From the perspective of the shadow, killing Chen Xiaobei is like killing a ant, as long as you want, you can kill it casually! No reason, even a kind of requite kindness with enmity!

Of course, Chen Xiaobei and Luo Lao did not know what Qi Congying wanted.

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently and said, “For your sincerity, I will continue my life for your Young Master!”

“Quick! Please!” Qi Congying quickly let Chen Xiaobei walk over.

I saw that a facesterly pale youngster was lying there with his eyes closed and his lips purple. The whole person was already stiff. I don’t know, I definitely thought it would be a corpse!

Of course, this is not difficult for Chen Xiaobei.

Just like Luo Lao’s diagnosis, the success rate is not high with other methods of treatment, but with 9 dragon needle treatment, it can get 9 stable.

“How hurt?”

Chen Xiaobei asked casually while taking out the silver needle.

Qi Congying didn’t dare to hide, and immediately said, “In the morning, my Young Master was playing horseback riding in the suburbs, and there was a conflict with others. Who would expect the other party to be Constellation Faction Great Elder, Cultivation of Heavenly Origin Realm Late Stage? Young Master was hurt like this…”

“Constellation Faction?” hearing this, Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed: “What does Constellation Faction do in Dragon City?”

“We don’t know why Constellation Faction came to Dragon City…” Qi Congying said: “In the ancient sect of the hidden world, people have never walked out of the world… so my Young Master will not recognize each other…”

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei indifferent expression, but the eyebrows have been deeply locked.

Don’t forget, Ding Dingao, Constellation Faction Young Master, but not long ago, he lost his life in the Black Desert. Although it wasn’t Chen Xiaobei’s own beheading, it couldn’t be separated from Chen Xiaobei!

Constellation Faction Great Elder, the super powerhouse of Heavenly Origin Realm Late Stage, Combat Force reached more than 280,000, even if there is no match, there is only a spike.

This person actually came to Dragon City unfathomable mystery, which had to make Chen Xiaobei suspicious.

Chen Xiaobei is not easy to ask, and he can only find a way to find out the news.

Right now, Chen Xiaobei has begun to apply needles, his hands are like a little water, and he is about to rise and fall quickly, and he has dropped 100 needles in a moment.

As these silver needles settled, Shushan Young Master’s complexion gradually improved, his breath also calmed down, and his stiff body also soothed. This therapeutic effect can be described as immediate.

“Okay, life has continued.”

Chen Xiaobei relaxed, said: “But the patient is too seriously injured and should not be bumped for a long distance! I suggest staying in Dragon City for a period of time to recuperate. During this period, I can follow up the treatment and wait for the general recovery before leaving Dragon City.”

“It’s done? My God! It was really you who pulled my Young Master back from the gates of hell!” Qi Congying was stunned. I couldn’t believe it was true.

However, the changes in Shushan Young Master are very obvious. As long as it is not blind, you can see a significant improvement, so you can’t believe it.

“This kid really has 2 sons!”

“Great… no wonder even Luo 9 needles are ashamed of being inferior…”

“Our Huaxia really is crouching tiger hidden dragon…this kid is hiding too deep…”

In an instant, Qi Congying and the seven members of Shushan, looked towards Chen Xiaobei’s gaze completely changed. Just now Chen Xiaobei was an idiot, but now full of shock, Chen Xiaobei is regarded as a shining expert.

Chen Xiaobei didn’t care about their vision at all, indifferently said: “Okay, you are here to look after the patient yourself, Luo Luo and I have something to say!”

“Okay, I’m understood…” Qi Congying nodded.

At this moment, Qi Congying really realized the meaning of Chen Xiaobei’s sentence, “Everyone can offend, only doctors can’t offend”.

Although the life of Shushan Young Master continues now, the follow-up treatment will continue, Qi Congwen intends to obliterate Chen Xiaobei, but now, Chen Xiaobei is obedient and does not dare to put a fart.

Later, Luo Lao arranged for steward to take Shushan Young Master to the hospital.

Chen Xiaobei and Luo Lao went to the back garden together.

“Xiaobei, what do you want to say when you come over suddenly?” Luo Lao solemnly asked.

“It’s about Bodhi!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “Bodhi and I have found the ruins of the Jingguo Ancient Kingdom in the Black Desert and found the stronghold of the Saint Star Domain in it. I have understood everything.”

“What! This is impossible!” Luo Lao stunned instantly, “How could you pass the 10000 ghost formation?”

“The 10000 ghost array has been cracked by me, and the 810 runes that suppress the formation eye are also in my hands!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“Oh my God!”

Luo Lao cry out in surprise: “That’s enough to trap Earth Immortal… it was broken by you…”

“This is 1000 true and 10000 true.” Chen Xiaobei said: “Me and Bodhi saw ten 2 priests, 7 priests offended Bodhi, beheaded by the ability of the prince’s veins, the high priest told us all the ins and outs !”

“Well… It seems that this is the number of fatalities…” Chang Luo Luo sighed and said: “We have hidden the secrets for so many years, full of thought that no one in the world can be found! Didn’t expect, you will eventually be dug out !”

Chen Xiaobei nodded, said: “Lao Luo is assured that I will never mention this secret, even if it is the closest person I will not reveal!”

Luo Lao nodded, said: “You are not an outsider, I feel relieved about this!”

“Right, Bodhi! She didn’t come back with you?” Luo Lao asked.

“No.” Chen Xiaobei said: “Bodhi has ordered the high priest to open the Transmission Formation and take her back to the Star Domain.”

“What!? Go back! Isn’t this nonsense!” Luo said in a shock, “The old man hides this secret because the war of the prince has never subsided, and Bodhi will be life-threatening when he returns!”

“The high priest also persuaded Bodhi, but you also know that once her temper came up, I couldn’t even persuade me!” Chen Xiaobei said: “Fortunately, Bodhi has promised me, just to see her adoptive parents, and then Will come back.”

Luo old hearing this, frowning slightly: “It’s not that simple…I’m afraid I won’t be able to return this time…”

Chen Xiaobei was shocked: “Why!?”

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