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Chen Xiaobei lay on the experimental bench, mutated for one day, and detoxified for one day.

Today happened to be the match day of the first Go PK contest of Three Realms Red Envelope Group.

At this moment, the group is already lively.

Wei Xiaobao: Bet! Bet! See who can win the Go PK competition today! Yan Ziqing, pay 2! Fan Xiping, a loss of 3! Huang Longshi, pay 5!

“En? these all are ancient chess sages!”

Chen Xiaobei watched group chats while checking information online. The three people mentioned by Wei Xiaobao did indeed have their names in history, and they all can be called chess holy.

Bull Demon King: Wei Xiaobao! You said that these three are the top favorites, it’s boring! Is there no dark horse that can break through?

Wei Xiaobao: Yes! Bull Demon King, pay 10000 for one!

Bull Demon King: Fuck! I know that I am not able to play chess, don’t you take me away?

Wei Xiaobao: My cow Great Demon King! The winner of this Go PK game must be among the 3 places I just mentioned! I will open other options, and no one will bet!

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: You open an option of Xiaobei brother, and my grandson bets again!

Wei Xiaobao: Uh… Exalted Immortal Xiaobei is a different number, and I can’t figure out his depth, so I don’t dare to gamble on him… 10000 Once he really won the first place, I will be killed…

Yan Ziqing: Lord Wei Jue, I don’t like to hear your words! Exalted Immortal Xiaobei is a modern man, even if he is a master of chess, he can never compare with us!

Fan Xiping: Yeah! Not to mention, the countless elaborate game records of our ancient times have almost been lost. We have come up with a little routine. Exalted Immortal Xiaobei can’t eat it. How can we take the first place?

Huang Longshi: Don’t say I’m not humble, let Exalted Immortal Xiaobei have ten eyes, and he won’t win me!

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: Come and come! My old grandson is a banker, and I think that the Xiaobei brother will lose. Just to bet, my old grandson will bet on him to win. Whatever your old grandson will be with you!

Yan Ziqing: All right! Although we don’t have a decent treasure in our hands, we also want to bet on Great Sage!

Huang Longshi: That’s right! We have absolute confidence in our chess game and we must gamble!

Fan Xiping: Add me one!

Wei Xiaobao: Great Sage, why do you suffer? Although you have a good relationship with Exalted Immortal Xiaobei, he won impossible! I also bet!

Everyone: I also bet…I also bet…Great Sage! I’m afraid you don’t have any hair to lose!

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: Come and come! I’m afraid you are not Great Sage the Equal of Heaven!

“WTF! Brother Hou is also unrestrained! 10000 If I lose, he would be miserable…” Chen Xiaobei swallowed saliva and said, asking, “How far is Sabie?”

“It’s fast! You can reach your destination in less than 5 minutes!” Sabie said.

“Good!” Chen Xiaobei nodded, praying secretly: “I hope this trick works… I don’t want to hang Brother Hou…”

Shen Gongbao: @Chen Xiaobei, come out! I know you are spying!

Chen Xiaobei: Senior Brother Shen, what’s the matter?

Shen Gongbao: Do ​​you remember what you said 3 days ago?

Chen Xiaobei: I said a lot, I don’t know which sentence you are referring to?

Shen Gongbao: On that day, you said that when you talk about Go, you are not targeting anyone. All of you are younger brothers! You also said that you must bet 1st place with me!

Chen Xiaobei: Yes, I said this!

Shen Gongbao: Good! A real man, a real man, it’s hard to chase after a word! I believe you won’t eat your words?

Chen Xiaobei: I don’t know what to say, Senior Brother Shen wants to gamble?

Shen Gongbao: If you can’t get 1st place, give me the Spirit Artifact on you!

Chen Xiaobei: I have a lot of Spirit Artifact, I don’t know which one Senior Brother Shen wants?

Shen Gongbao: black blade! That black blade made with black demon dragon bones!

Chen Xiaobei: tsk tsk tsk! Senior Brother Shen’s appetite is not small! Everyone knows how precious the material of this knife is, and this knife was made by my Master. What bet can you make? Is it worthy of my knife?

Shen Gongbao: I have a book called “Yu Qing Yuan’s One God!” This is Heavenly Realm’s first-class cultivation Cultivation Technique! Naturally worthy of your black blade!

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: Shen Gongbao! Are you stupid? Xiaobei brother holds Sage Heavenspan’s “The Decree of the Immemorial Will”, your “Yuqing Yuan Yi Shen Jue” is a grade lower, how can Xiaobei brother be worth it?

Chen Xiaobei: No! I can count on it! If the value is equal, you can bet!

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: The value of “Yuqing Yuan Yishen Judgment” is indeed extremely high, except that one cannot cultivate 2 cultivation techniques, and you won’t be able to win!

Chen Xiaobei: Useful!

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei wanted this “Yu Qing Yuan Yi Shen Jue” not for his own use, but for Xiang Yu, as well as the family friend and friend Disciple of Northern Profound Sect!

Because “The Decree of the Immemorial Will” was created by Heavenspan Cult Master himself, and only passed to Section Cult Disciple, so Chen Xiaobei cannot teach it to others!

But if you win “Yu Qing Yuan Yi Shen Ju”, it is Chen Xiaobei’s own Cultivation Technique.

No matter who it is taught to, it is Chen Xiaobei’s freedom, and it can even serve as the unified Cultivation Technique of Northern Profound Sect to give everyone Dual Cultivation.

Shen Gongbao: Since Xiaobei Junior Apprentice said it was useful, then our game is established.

Chen Xiaobei: Alright! Senior Brother Shen is so active in contributing to the game, and of course I have to cooperate well.

Shen Gongbao: Refreshing! The match arrangement will be released in the group immediately. The first round of the game will start after ten minutes. The first game will be decided, the winner will be promoted, and the loser will be eliminated!

Chen Xiaobei: No problem!

About a few minutes later, the group sent out the arrangement.

“En? I met Huang Longshi in the first round? It looks like Shen Gongbao gave me’special care’!” Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised.

As soon as you come up, you are a strong enemy. The pressure is slightly greater!

Wei Xiaobao: Aiya! Exalted Immortal Xiaobei is really lucky! Can’t you lose against Huang Longshi? Great Sage! Get ready to lose your bets!

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: Don’t be too happy, let’s just wait and see!

Huang Longshi: Exalted Immortal Xiaobei! Don’t say I bully Junior, in this round, I will let you have 3 sons, and then let you have 1 eyes!

Chen Xiaobei: Many thanks Senior, then I deference is no substitute for obedience!

Fan Xiping: Hehe, Huang Longshi really atmosphere! With such a concession, Exalted Immortal Xiaobei would not lose too much!

Shen Gongbao: Although so much has been made, the sludge will not stick to the wall after all!

Chen Xiaobei: Senior Brother Shen! Don’t say too much, it’s not good to be beaten too loudly later!

Shen Gongbao: hmph! Is it up to you? What hit me in the face?

Chen Xiaobei: Everyone talks slowly, I’m going to prepare!

“Mr. Chen! We are here!” At this time, Sabie parked the car in front of a skyscraper.

Everyone took the elevator to the top of the building.

A large iron door was opened, and the crowd finally reached the place where Chen Xiaobei was going.

“hu ……”

Chen Xiaobei put out a long breath, glanced at everything in the house, and rubbed his hands involuntarily: “Whether this time can get the first, it is all up to you!”

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