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The situation on Xiang Yu’s side gradually improved, and Chen Xiaobei relaxed and opened the Three Realms Red Envelope Group directly.

Chen Xiaobei: Buy 3–Star Immortal Medicine, 5 colors Magnolia! Wait for help! (急急急)@Shennong @100 草仙官

100 Cao Xianguan: Uh… Xiaoxian doesn’t have 5 colors of magnolia in his hand.

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: You damn it! Staring and talking nonsense! You are in charge of 100 grass gardens, trifling a 3–Star Immortal Medicine, how could it not be taken out!

100 Cao Xianguan: Great Sage breathes his anger, I don’t really have a little fairy! (Difficult)

Chen Xiaobei: Never mind Brother Hou, Xianguan has a hard time, don’t embarrass him.

There is no doubt that the 100 grass fairy officials are officials of Heavenly Court, The Great Jade Emperor Empress are all Primeval Lord of Heaven people, even if the 100 grass fairy officials have 5 colors of magnolia, they will say no.

He can’t offend Chen Xiaobei, and even offend Shen Gongbao. Naturally, one thing is not as good as one, which is also such human nature.

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: @Shennong, come out soon! You just bubbled just now, don’t think my grandson didn’t see it!

Shennong: cough… cough… …… people are old, the reaction is a bit slow, Great Sage is strange… (sweating)

Chen Xiaobei: Shennong Old Master, do you have 5 colors of magnolia in your hand?

Shennong: Yes… Yes, yes, but maybe…

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: What are you doing? Hurry up! Xiaobei is in a hurry to save people! Don’t pester and chirp!

Shennong: 5 colors Magnolia, I have… but the price is very high, one plant needs 3,000,000 Three Realms Merits!


Seeing the information on the screen, Chen Xiaobei stunned in an instant: “Where is lion’s big mouth! Obviously it is the raptor’s big mouth! 3,000,000 Three Realms Merits, the robber will be silent when he sees it, and the profiteer will cry when he sees it!”

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei had long expected that Shennong would make a high price, but how didn’t expect the other party’s heart to be so dark.

You know, Chen Xiaobei now only uses 3,000,000 Three Realms Merits in total, which is a rhythm that does not give Chen Xiaobei a little bit!

“Fortunately, Styx gave me the antidote for free! Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a second before returning to liberation?” Chen Xiaobei grinned, and got 3,000,000 things for free, his heart was straightforward.

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: Old Shennong! are you crazy! One 3–Star Immortal Medicine, you sell 3,000,000 Three Realms Merits? Why don’t you grab it? No… you won’t earn much from grabbing! (despise)

At this moment, no one in the group dared to intervene. On one side was Section Cult and on the other side was elucidation. No one dared to do much business.

Only Brother Hou is an exception, backed by Empress Nuwa and Quasi-Daoist, Brother Hou is probably the hardest backstage in the group, only Brother Hou dares to scold Shennong in person.

Shennong: Great Sage, you misunderstood… this price is not what I set… (grievance)

Great Sage the Equal of Heaven: Who can price your things except for you!

Chen Xiaobei: Brother Hou, you really blamed Shennong Old Master! I only have 3,000,000 Three Realms Merits in total. The price is so accurate. The person who made the price obviously has seen the Book of Merit. Who needs to ask?

Shen Gongbao: That’s right! Is it the price I made, do you have any comments on Xiaobei Junior Apprentice?

Chen Xiaobei: The price is too expensive, I still think of other ways to save people! (Disappointed)

Shen Gongbao: Is it too expensive? Then please beg me, maybe, I can give you a 20% off! (proud)

Chen Xiaobei: No! Keep it yourself!

Shen Gongbao: Are you saving someone?

Chen Xiaobei: I will find a way myself! What’s wrong with 3,000,000 merit? Why buy your medicine?

Shen Gongbao: Life is a matter of life, can’t wait for you to find a way! Well, how about selling 2,000,000 to you?

Chen Xiaobei: Cut, I don’t want 200,000! (White-eyed)

Shen Gongbao: Chen Xiaobei! Are you sincerely buying? Play me? (anger)

Chen Xiaobei: When I bought sincerely, you didn’t sell sincerely, now I don’t want it anymore! Of course, if you beg me, I can bid hundred thousand Three Realms Merits!

Shen Gongbao: pu… (blood spray) I beg you? Still only a thousand thousand? who do you think You Are!

Chen Xiaobei: As you wish, drink Hah!

Shen Gongbao: You! ! ! (To get really angry)

Yun neutron: Shen Gongbao, stop fighting here, the newcomer for the Three Realms mission is selected! Go quickly!

“Cloud Neutron!?”

Chen Xiaobei expression started a little bit: “This is one of the 3 Cult Masters in the second second to Primeval Lord of Heaven’s interpretation! He also intervened in this matter?”

Shen Gongbao: Yes! Disciple immediately arranged for their extraordinary things!

Yun neutron: Also! After 2 days, you must also take care of the Go PK game. The reward for this time is not ordinary, must, good! it is good! do!

Shen Gongbao: Yes! Disciple understand!


Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and he calculated: “The last time Shen Gongbao mentioned that the candidates for the Three Realms mission would jump out of the Earthly Realm! In addition, why did Cloud Neutron mention the Go PK game? , What’s the connection?”

The sudden emergence of cloud neutrons made Chen Xiaobei’s heart vaguely feel the conspiracy.

But at the moment not at all obvious clues, Chen Xiaobei can’t guess the specific situation.

“Wait a minute! Last time Master told me! If he didn’t reply in time, this matter can go to Stygian! Before the War of Gods, Earthly Realm is Singhe, and he can definitely help me! “

Chen Xiaobei grinned and immediately opened private chat.

Sure enough, Styx is really a big idler. When Chen Xiaobei’s message arrived, he went back in seconds.

Styx: Exalted Immortal Xiaobei Want to know the candidates?

Chen Xiaobei: Yeah! If you still know their ability, and the Magical Artifact they carry, it would be even better!

Styx: I can check the candidates. For others, try one’s luck.

Chen Xiaobei: Good! Then I will wait for the good news!

“I always feel that this Three Realms mission is not simple…I hope Styx can find more information, so that I can prepare well early…”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and was instinctively uneasy: “After all, my strength is not good! If I have enough strength, I don’t have to worry at all… I must find a way to improve my strength…

“Brother Bei!”

At this time, Ying Wu walked in and said, “I have already given the medicine to the victims outside. I found that the mutated parts of their bodies are fading, but their stimulated physical potential seems not at all degraded! “

“Physical potential?”

Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly and immediately looked towards Xiang Yu not far away.

Ding-Cultivation: Celestial Manifestation Initial Stage, lifespan: 303 years, Physique: 90000, Combat Force: 70000!

“en! ?”

Chen Xiaobei expression was shocked and surprised: “Brother Yu’s Physique strength has increased by a full 2! Is this the potential inspired by biomedicine?”

“Should be!” should be nodded and said: “Those victims are like’wild beast’, Physique is far more than ordinary people!”

“If that’s the case…”

Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: “Perhaps, I can also be a biochemical warrior!”

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