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“Old bastard! Show me your biochemical recipe!”

Chen Xiaobei was very angry, rushed over, grabbed the collar of Georgia, shouted in anger.

“You dream! My recipe is my life’s hard work and pride, not to mention you! Even God wants to see it! Go die!”

Georgia’s expression was fierce, not only not afraid, but also fiercely resisted.

Obviously, he belongs to the kind of lunatic who engages in scientific research and cultivation deviation, and he takes his research results more seriously than life.

Even knowing that Chen Xiaobei and Yingwu could kill him easily, but he still refused without the slightest hesitation.

“I’m not God, but you can’t hide the things I want to see!” Chen Xiaobei face turned cold, slapped directly on Georgia’s face.

“Pu…” The old man had a weak bone and was pumped out with a sip of old blood. He fainted.

“Brother Bei ……” Should not frown, frowning, not knowing what Chen Xiaobei is doing.

Chen Xiaobei 2 Without saying anything, extract the horror bell from the space ring.

dīng líng líng ——

As soon as the bell shook, the whole Georgia became tough, like a corpse, lying straight up there.

“Tell me, where is your medicine recipe!” Chen Xiaobei solemnly asked.

Yingwu and Sabie were dumbfounded. How did Chen Xiaobei ask a comatose person? Isn’t it anxious that the brain is abnormal?

But the next second, 2 people were stunned.

“Just in the XXX folder on the computer, the password 3oihj34hd…” Georgia replied in a stiff tone.

“My God… he’s not in a coma…how can he answer the question…” Sabie’s face was dumbfounded, and he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

“Hush…hypnosis?” Should be subconsciously speculated: “Brother Bei is also very awesome…”

Chen Xiaobei ignored them and rushed over to check the recipe.

“This… what is this…” Chen Xiaobei glanced at it, and the content inside was like Heavenly Book, which was completely incomprehensible.

Because Chen Xiaobei masters Chinese medicine, but this formula is a lot of chemical formulas. There are no traces of Chinese herbal medicine in it, not even medicine.

“It seems that this biochemical medicine is neither poison nor medicine, but a growth variation in the human body!”

Chen Xiaobei frowned, and his heart grew more and more.

Growth variation is like hair and nail growth, but what grows out is completely mutated.

“In this case, there is no cure in Chinese medicine… It seems that you have to ask the Master…”

Chen Xiaobei settled down. Fortunately, Heavenspan Cult Master was there. He quickly sent a message to Heavenspan Cult Master using his mobile phone, but he did not get a reply.

“Well… Will the Master listen to Dao Ancestor again… Forget it, Advanced Realm asks several Divine Doctors, maybe they have a way!”

Chen Xiaobei quickly transferred to Little Apple Paradise.

Traditional Chinese medicine wide-ranging and profound, what Chen Xiaobei learned at the beginning, is only a unique masterpiece of the three major Chinese medicine holy hands.

Maybe they get together for consultation, and they can get insights that Chen Xiaobei hasn’t learned.

Chen Xiaobei: @Li Shizen, @Sun Simiao, @华佗, 3 teachers! I have encountered a kind of incurable disease that can’t be treated. Please also teach me 3!

Li Shizen: Huh? Exalted Immortal Xiaobei is joking? At the beginning, you grabbed our “Compendium of Medicinal Herbs”, “The Medicine King’s Record”, “9 Dragon Needle Method”, there are still incurable diseases in the world?

Hua Tuo: Exalted Immortal Xiaobei, talk about the specific situation! People in the world often say, “Even if Hua Tuo will never be cured again,” it is because they do not know the old man! Today, the old man wants to see, what disease can stump the old man!

Sun Simiao: Right! Quickly talk about what is the disease? Every time there is a new illness, I am so excited, and there are new challenges!

Chen Xiaobei: Yes, I will send it immediately!

Later, Chen Xiaobei directly sent the pulse condition of his diagnosis, as well as the photos of Xiang Yu and the photos of the mutated parts.

“I hope these three Divine Doctors will have a way, Master will not know when to reply, if Brother Yu is late, it will be finished…”

Chen Xiaobei’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and his mood was very uncomfortable. He held the phone in his hands and waited for the final result.

With the passing of time, Chen Xiaobei became more and more heavy, and the whole person exhaled an extremely cold anger. There is no doubt that the anger has accumulated a little, and Chen Xiaobei has reached the edge of an outbreak!

If there is any accident with Xiang Yu, the United States will surely die a lot of people! a lot of! a lot of!

Sabie was shocked by Chen Xiaobei’s aura, hiding far away, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, and even dare not look at Chen Xiaobei.

In Sabie’s eyes, Chen Xiaobei at this moment is more terrifying than the devil.

Even if there is no demand, there is some feel ill at ease.

You know, he is the former Sect Master of Penglai, the super expert of Heavenly Origin Realm Middle Stage, and even he is influenced by Chen Xiaobei’s aura. It can be seen that the anger in Chen Xiaobei’s heart has reached an incomparable level!

It should be nodded, and ready to kill Chen Xiaobei.

Chen Xiaobei was already angry, and Ying Wuqiu also exuded a killing intent. On the other side, Sabie was trembling all over, and she couldn’t hold back for a while, and she peeed again.


At this moment, Chen Xiaobei’s mobile phone made a crisp sound.

“finally come……”

Chen Xiaobei shuddered and his face suddenly became tense.

Although the information came, Chen Xiaobei didn’t dare to click and look at it. I was afraid that the three Divine Doctors would have no choice. That basically meant that Xiang Yu was sentenced to death…

The sentimentality of Chen Xiaobei and Xiang Yu can’t be summed up in one sentence. Xiang Yu became the daughter of Chen Xiaobei, and Chen Xiaobei died for Xiang Yu to break into the ancient tomb, and died three Realms Merits.

This is a fatal friendship!

Just now, Chen Xiaobei even thought that he would rather lie on the bench instead of Xiang Yu instead of seeing what happened to Xiang Yu.

“Calm…Calm…Brother Yu is doing great things for the benefit of the country and the people in Lei Lin. Zhao Yun also said that Brother Yu has earned a lot of Three Realms Merits… Heavenly Dao will punish evil and promote good, and will definitely take care of Brother Yu. …”

Chen Xiaobei settled down, encouraged his courage, and opened a group chat.

Li Shizen: This disease can be treated!

Chen Xiaobei: Really? very good! This is really good! So why is the TCM technique I have mastered completely ineffective?

Hua Tuo: There are many new diseases in the world, which require fresh methods to resolve them. Our medical skills were passed 1000 to 100 years ago. Naturally, we cannot be generalized!

Chen Xiaobei: Right, right! study without limit! My medicine needs to be improved! 3 people please teach me, what should I do?

Sun Simiao: It’s very simple, as long as a 3–Star Immortal Medicine 5-color magnolia can resolve this disease.

Chen Xiaobei: 3–Star Immortal Medicine? (Surprised) Do the three have it? I am willing to spend Three Realms Merits to buy! It doesn’t matter how much you spend!

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