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“Weng! Hum…”

Chen Xiaobei and Ying Wuqiu just walked out of the secret base and heard a rumbling sound of the car engine.

“Stop.” Chen Xiaobei was instructed indifferently.


Should not be asked immediately, the voice is not falling, the silhouette has rushed to the car that is about to tell the escape, the speed is faster than the sound.


The man driving was Ma De, and when he saw a Daoist flash like ghost-like, he was directly scared to the soul flew away and scattered.

You know, the speed of the car is soaring to 2 100 yards at that time. Is that man faster than this, is it still a person?


Seeing that there should be no need to backhand a wave, True Yuan of the wind suddenly cut out a sharp blade, splitting from top to bottom towards the speeding car.


The car was divided into two directly from the middle!

“My mother…” Sabie’s tears came down. If the blade was more than a dozen centimeters, he would be divided into two.

Of course, for an expert without such a request, there is no error of more than ten centimeters.

The car was divided into two, and because of inertia, the 2 half bodies continued to advance.

But when he rushed to Ying Wuqie, it was like a precise calculation. The 2 half bodies leaned away to the 2 sides, and even the clothing corner that was not asked was not touched.

At the same time, without asking for a probe, he pulled out the Sabie in the cab, and the whole action in one go showed expert style.

“Eng… Hero please spare our lives …… Hero please spare our lives ah…”

Sabie was scared ashen-faced and whispered, “I don’t know where I offended the hero? You said…I must change, please don’t kill me…don’t kill me…”

Responding to all requests, the dog was dragged to death, dragging Sabie over, and said respectfully, “Brother Bei, the man is back, how to deal with it?”

“North…Brother Bei??” Sabie’s eyes popped out.

Can’t figure it out after racking his brains, where did Chen Xiaobei get such a bullshit with lightning? This is against the sky!

“Sabi, you are so hot, why are you going?” Chen Xiaobei faint smile asked.


Sabie was hesitant and glared at Yingwu without asking for a moment. He was completely confused and truthfully confessed: “I heard a scream in the Conference Hall… I saw a broken corpse in the distance… I don’t want to die …Can only escape…”

“Well, I like honest people, if you don’t want to die, take me to a place!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“Good! Mr. Chen, just say, no matter where it is, I will take you there!” Sabie nodded like Little Ji pecked rice.

Chen Xiaobei alone can easily kill his Sabie, not to mention, Chen Xiaobei also has a monster.

Don鈥檛 dare to refuse Chen Xiaobei by taking Sabie 10000.

“Brother Bei, what’s the use of keeping this warning?” said Ying, disdainfully.

As a former Penglai Sect Master, it should be a giant owl who dominates the party without asking for it. Naturally, it does not look like Sabie.

“His identity is special, he is a senior CIA officer, and his stomach is full of secrets! The point is that all the secret places in the United States are open and transparent to us,” Chen Xiaobei shrugged said.

Should be nodded without asking, no more.

Sabie is desperate, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves. In order to survive, they can only go to Chen Xiaobei.

Later, Sabie drove, and Chen Xiaobei and Ying Wuqiu sat in the back seat. The three went to the Georgia Institute.

Idle is also idle, Chen Xiaobei casually asked: “Tell me what’s going on at the institute?”

Sabie swallowed saliva and said, “Georgia is an expert in biochemical transformation. The purpose of setting up an institute is to study human transformation plans and try to use biochemical medicine to stimulate the greatest potential of humanity…”

“Say the key!” Chen Xiaobei coldly said.

“Yes…” Sabie paused, continuing: “Research requires gold fees, and the biggest gold host is the US military, so Georgia’s biochemical reformers must first serve the military!”

“In order to research biochemical warriors who can enter the battlefield as soon as possible, Georgia by fair means or foul purchases a large number of living people from all over the world to act as’Xiaobai rats’.”

“Georgia will not let it go regardless of the age of men, women and children. He is the biggest trafficker and a lunatic with no moral bottom line!”

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei frowned and asked, “How are these people doing?”

“None of these people ended well…”

Sabie said: “Georgia has no successful cases at present. Most people who have been injected with biochemical agents are most likely to ulcer on the spot, ranging from direct gas loss to severe pus, and slowly die in pain and despair…”

“Of course, there are very few people who can survive for a short time, and they can show their potential beyond ordinary people! Because of this, the Georgia Institute has always been able to obtain research fees from the US military!”

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei wondered: “Since someone can survive, why is there no success story?”

Sabie explained: “The surviving people are mutated and unrecognizable! Like wild beast, like the devil, simply cannot be domesticated! How can a biochemical warrior who does not listen to orders be successful?”

“Livestock!” Chen Xiaobei face turned cold, scolding angrily.

“Yeah! Georgia is a beast!” Sabie echoed: “He has no humanity, completely crazy and ridiculous! There are no 10000 or 8,000 people who have been killed by him in these years! There is no more beast in the world than him. People!”

“The livestock I said is the US military!” Chen Xiaobei coldly said: “If it was not for the military to threaten with gold fees, Georgia would not seeing instant benefit like this, or even study in the direction of biochemical warriors! Georgia is a Butcher knife, but the one who wields the knife is the US military!”

“This…” Sabie hearing this, expression shocked, speechless.

At the same time, Chen Xiaobei’s anger is skyrocketing, and the killing intent is almost turning into substance!

Thinking of Xiang Yu who was lying in the laboratory, Chen Xiaobei wanted to kill him immediately and completely raze the ground to the ground.


After a while, the car drove to a mountain.

“Mr. Chen…The Georgia Institute is inside. Would you like to go in yourself?” Sabie said trembling with fear.

“Mr. Sabie, you have to figure out, you have already got on the thief ship, and of course you can get off the ship, just leave your life!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“No no no… I’m cracking a joke… I’ll take you in… I’ll take you in…” Sabie swallowed drastically and hurried to the front to lead the way.

The institute is located in an unremarkable valley, and the average person can never find it here.

Sabie walked to the stone wall and struck it seemingly casually, and a stone slab automatically popped open to reveal a fingerprint reader.

Sabie put his hand up and recognized it instantly.


The next second, a heavy stone gate slowly opened, and the entrance to the institute appeared.

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