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Afterwards, Lin Court Academecian pretended to be very lost, and directly took leave to go home to rest.

Cao Lao and Chen Xiaobei also left the secret laboratory.

Soon after leaving, Xiang Yu’s mobile number came back.

The enemy already knew that Chen Xiaobei got the U disk with the research results, and asked Chen Xiaobei to fly to the United States as soon as possible. When the time comes, someone will pick you up.

“They understood so fast? The efficiency of the inner ghost is really high!” Cao Lao surprised.

“It doesn’t matter, they can’t be arrogant for a few days.” Chen Xiaobei shrugged, said: “I will go to the airport now and arrive in the United States at the fastest speed!”

“Do you need an old man to escort you?” Cao Lao asked.

“No, I am enough alone.” Chen Xiaobei shrugged.

Based on Chen Xiaobei’s current strength, the official human counterparts do not play a protective role at all, but are cumbersome.

“Xiaobei! You must pay attention to safety! Your plan is really too risky! The country is full of jackals, tigers and leopards. It is a little careless, and may be signed to eternal damnation!” Lin Court Academecian said nervously.

“Relax, I know!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “I can definitely bring my Brother Yu back without any problems. As for any jackals, tigers and leopards, they don’t bother me, that’s all. If they bother me, let them be dead pigs and dogs in minutes!”

As soon as this statement came out, Lin Court Academecian and Cao Lao were both surprised. However, these two people still know more or less the strength of Chen Xiaobei. Only Chen Xiaobei can do this!


Later, Chen Xiaobei took the latest flight to the United States.

Originally Flying Nimbus was much faster, but Chen Xiaobei must take the normal route to enter the country, otherwise it may cause suspicion.

Although the flight journey is long, for Chen Xiaobei, it is a good opportunity for cultivation.

Twelve hours of flight time can make Chen Xiaobei’s Cultivation get a big boost. After all, Chen Xiaobei within the body stores a large amount of demonic beast essence. Seize the time cultivation, and you can become stronger every day.

Ding-Cultivation: Celestial Manifestation Middle Stage, lifespan: 70, Physique: 116000, Combat Force: 94300!

After almost ten hours, Chen Xiaobei’s Physique and Combat Force both increased by 1000 points.

Originally, Chen Xiaobei could continue cultivation for 2 hours, but he was woken up by someone halfway.

A pale palm gently pats Chen Xiaobei’s shoulder.

Chen Xiaobei slowly opened his eyes and saw that it was a blonde woman from the United States, wearing a stewardess uniform, apparently a flight attendant on this plane.

In Chen Xiaobei’s eyes, this woman can only be regarded as medium-looking, but in the eyes of most people, she is definitely a beauty.

5 Official Qingxiu, fair skin, the focus is on her figure, in line with the characteristics of European and American women, convex upwards and downwards, S-shaped curve is very clear, do not want hot.

The stewardess said in some jerky Chinese: “Sir, bother, because you have been asleep from boarding to the present, and you still keep the same posture without moving…so…”

“Pu…” Chen Xiaobei’s head lined up with black lines: “You shouldn’t think I’m dead?”

“No no no…I don’t mean that…just worried about your discomfort.” The stewardess quickly explained.

“I have no discomfort, thank you for your concern!” Chen Xiaobei slightly smiled.

“Also…” The stewardess pursed her lips shyly.

“If you have anything to say, don’t you guys from the United States be very open?” Chen Xiaobei said indifferently.

“Well, I want to ask… are you the hero of “Ling Yue Xia Zhuan”? Mr. Chen Xiaobei?” The stewardess pursed her mouth, her eyes full of anticipation and mixed with a little tension.

“Yes, it’s me.” Chen Xiaobei nodded, the feeling is to meet his own international fans.

“Wow! Really you! I am your loyal fan!”

The flight attendant was immediately excited, with a little girl-like surprise, excitedly said: “I like your movie so much, your acting is really great!”

“In addition, I also joined the Brother Bei harem group. I listen to your songs when I am free, although it is a single loop…”

“My biggest dream is to travel to Qingteng City, taste the first love peach, and then buy a jade bracelet from Beichen Jewelry Store and give it to myself…”

The stewardess whispered that the whole person was very happy.

From what she said, it is not difficult to see that she is really a super fan of Chen Xiaobei.

“Thank you for your love.”

Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, said arrogantly: “If you really come to Qingteng City, report my name, your first love peach bag you are full! Jewelry shop 5% off!”

For his fans, Chen Xiaobei has always been full of goodwill.

It is really not easy to meet a hardcore fan in a foreign land, and Chen Xiaobei will naturally send a wave of welfare.

“Is this true? Oh my god…” The flight attendant’s excited half-day speechless, full of happiness, seemed like a girl who fell in love, feeling that the air had become sweeter.

“Of course it is true.” Chen Xiaobei nodded.

“Brother Bei is Brother Bei, it is too generous…” The stewardess said slowly and excitedly: “Brother Bei, can I take a photo with you?”

“It’s enough to take a group photo.” Chen Xiaobei refused: “I’ve gotten into some trouble recently, and it may cause you trouble.”

“That’s…well…” The flight attendant was a little lost, but the idol words still worked for her, and she didn’t bother about it.

After chatting for a while, the flight attendant was called back by the flight attendant.

Before leaving, Chen Xiaobei glanced at the name tag on her chest, Jenny, this is her name.

After Jenny left, Chen Xiaobei looked at the time, the plane was almost landing, and did not continue to cultivate.

Take out the phone, open the reading software, and forward the latest updated chapter of the old Cult Master to Zhenyuan Daxian.

“Ma, how come it is 200, 700,000 words, and how long will it take to reach 3,000,000! Hurry up! Hurry up!”

Chen Xiaobei also posted several reminder posts in the book review area of ​​the old Cult Master.

Because Chen Xiaobei has rewarded too much, he has become a super Alliance Leader. There are also many fans in the book review area. As soon as a post is posted, there are people who are second to top, and some people even build buildings.

Chen Xiaobei chatted with these little fans and encouraged them to continue to make more changes.

In the end, the old Cult Master was bombed out. In front of everyone, he promised not to fight the king pesticides in recent days, and strive to write more every day.

Unconsciously, the plane has landed.

Before leaving, Chen Xiaobei specially greeted Jenny, leaving a perfect impression for this lovely fan.

Chen Xiaobei had just walked out of the tunnel, and immediately four burly men in black suits gathered around.

4 people did not speak, until another relatively thin middle-aged man came, did not smile smile and said: “Mr. Chen, let’s go with us!”

Chen Xiaobei knows this middle-aged man.

It was the last time I saw in the island country, the senior official of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, Sabie!

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