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“Zheng! zheng! zheng! zheng! zheng! ”

Only 5 sharp howling sounds like a sword coming out of the sheath suddenly sounded.

In the next moment, the 7 priests’ 5 fingers pierced Luo Puti’s skin, and they burst into bright radiance like stars!

“This… what’s going on…”

In a flash, everyone was dumbfounded.

Chen Xiaobei froze in place, totally unaware of what happened to Luo Puti?

Isn’t she a common woman with True Astral Initial Stage? Why is there such a mutation in my body?

Luo Puti was also surprised.

Obviously, this mutation is not under her own control, she doesn’t know what is going on?

What makes Chen Xiaobei and Luo Puti unexpected is that the faces of the ten 2 priests at the same time showed an expression of infinite panic.

“This… this is the ability of the’Lord’s Heavenly Vessel’… my god… she… is she…”

Ten 2 The priests were all horrified and frightened, and even the most bullish high priest had a ghastly expression at the moment, and his voice was shaking.

“Rao Ming!!! Princess spare my life please!!!”

7 The priest even made a bleak cry.

Princess? Who?

Chen Xiaobei and Luo Puti are both expressions stunned, and they don’t understand who the 7 priests are talking to.

“Sa! Sa! Sa…”

The next moment, the 5 bright radiances like stars suddenly turned up like a sharp blade, instantly stirring the 7 priest’s right arm into minced meat.

Suddenly blood splashed, 7 priests all over, but no drop was contaminated with Luo Puti.

Seeing the scene before him, Chen Xiaobei and Luo Puti were dumbfounded.

Especially Chen Xiaobei, because he had already seen through the enemy’s Cultivation, so Chen Xiaobei knew that not even a nuclear bomb would blow up ten ten priests!

However, the five rays of light, like chopping melons and vegetables, instantly abolished the right arm of 7 priests.

Its sharpness and its erupting terror force are so strong as to be unimaginable!

“zheng! ”

In the next moment, five rays of light merged into one, rushing directly into the air. The dazzling light shines on 4 sides, like a round of small sun, so that the whole space becomes bright, no one dares to force its glory!

“Princess!!! Forgiveness!!! Please be my spare please……”

7 The priest endured the severe pain of his broken arm and gave a heartbreaking cry, which was desperate, as if the end of the world had come.

Unfortunately, not at all people answered his words.

“zheng! ”

The little sun in the sky galloped down like a meteor, dragging out a gorgeous afterimage.

And the residual image is more like a sword, from top to bottom, directly split the 7 priests into 2 and a half!

The next second, the dead body fell to the ground, the plasma was like a spring.

The dazzling little sun was like the Buddha wheel Dao Rhyme, suspended behind Luo Puti’s head, as if it were part of Luo Puti’s body.

“Hey! Hey! Hey…”

At the same time, there were eleven priests left. No one dared to avenge his revenge, and he didn’t even dare to say a word. One after another fell to his knees and slammed his head at Luo Puti.

“what on earth is it?”

Chen Xiaobei and Luo Puti were still stunned, and the scene before them was completely beyond their expectations.

Even if Chen Xiaobei owns the Heart of Literary Sage, he can’t figure out why the situation is like this now.

One of the ten priests of the bull fork, one was killed, and the remaining eleven knelt on the ground, humbled like a dog, and the floor was cracked.

“I can’t think about it if I can’t figure it out. Since they are all afraid of you, just ask!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“Okay! But wait a minute!”

Luo Puti settled down, the Queen of Iceberg’s posture emerged spontaneously, and asked coldly: “You don’t want to die, right?”

“I don’t want to die… I don’t want to die… Ask Princess to spare my life… spare my life please…”

The eleven priests shook their heads desperately, looking towards Luo Puti’s expression, even more terrified than watching ghosts and gods by 30%.

“You don’t want to die! Send back my man’s Spiritual Artifact!” Luo Puti coldly said.

“As you bid!”

The high priest quickly picked up the “100 Ghost Night Map” and the sky mirror of Asura Town. He really got up slowly and wanted to send it in person.

“Did I make you up?” Luo Puti’s tone was cold, as if letting the surrounding temperature decrease.

“This…” The high priest froze and asked him, “I don’t know what Princess said?”

“Climb!” Luo Puti only rewarded him, and his tone was like ice, no doubt.


Hearing this, the high priest did not say anything, just like a dog, climbed to Chen Xiaobei with 2 feet and 4 hands, knelt on the ground, held 4 Spirit Artifacts in his hands, and whispered: “Your Spirit Artifact, you will return to Zhao… …Please accept…”

Seeing the scene in front of me, the ten priests around me begged to prostrate oneself in admiration, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

“Pa! Pa! Pop …”

Chen Xiaobei didn’t go to get the Spirit Artifact, his two hands rounded his arms, he opened his bow, he slapped it with a straight slapped face.

Slap on the face while cursing: “Aren’t you very bully? You rely on your own strength to lie to me? Threate me? Still want my life? Very good! Very strong! Why are you so bad? Ah? Lao’zi won’t kill you!”

Chen Xiaobei was really angry this time, every slap was trying his best, all the suffocation in this brief moment just broke out, and it was called a relief! That’s a cool!

“I was wrong… I was wrong… Please forgive me…”

The high priest was extremely depressed, but he didn’t dare to put a fart on the surface.

“How about you?” At this time, Luo Puti glanced coldly at the remaining ten priests.

“We? We are wrong… I’m sorry! It’s all our fault… We never dare… I’m sorry…”

The ten priests did not hesitate for a second, and immediately gave Chen Xiaobei a crazy kowtow,’peng~ peng~ peng~’, just like ten big drums, knocking thieves.

“Get it!”

Chen Xiaobei pumped dozens of slaps on the high priest, his anger disappeared, and his heart was refreshed. He recaptured his Spiritual Artifact and earned it in the space ring.

Luo Puti was satisfied with Chen Xiaobei, and then instructed: “Stop it! Next, tell me, what the hell is going on? What palace master? What’Saint Lord’s Vein’? without omission and in detail say clearly!”


The high priest set his mind and still knelt on the ground, explaining: “The Templar of the Lord is the Bloodline of our Star Lord Imperial Family!”

“At this time, apart from Lord Saint Sovereign, and his only daughter, Bodhi Princess, there is no third “Sage of the Lord”, and that is why we call you Princess!”

Hearing this, Luo Puti and Chen Xiaobei were both face surprised.

“I’m from Earth, how could you be the only daughter of Saint Sovereign? Are you mistaken?” Luo Puti frowned, he came to find his parents, he had never thought about what to do alien Princess, but 10000000 don’t make mistakes Alright!

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