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The waiting process was very long, and three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Xiaobei is not idle, and has always been cultivation.

Ding-Cultivation: Celestial Manifestation Initial Stage, lifespan: 70 years, Physique: 109000, Combat Force: 88300!

In 3 hours, the Physique and Combat Force were increased by 300 points.

Now there is a lack of lifespan and you cannot use Sunlight Jewel Box. You can only rely on the accumulation of bits and pieces to seize all the time you can to ensure that Cultivation steadily improves.

The reason for stopping at this time is because Chen Xiaobei has noticed that there is movement outside.

Chen Xiaobei 3 people hid inside the stairs, Luo Puti and Zhuo Qunfeng could not see anything and heard nothing.

I didn’t see it because the wall was blocking it.

I didn’t hear it because the movement outside came from Evil Ghost, and people who were not born with Eyes of Yin-Yang could not hear it.

Chen Xiaobei saw through the wall with Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, and with Nether Eye of Strife, he saw the situation outside.

I saw that it was Evil Ghost with two horrible faces.

From the appearance, the two Evil Ghosts are almost 2 meters high, with horns on the head, and only one palm-sized single eye on the face, without mouth, nose and ears.

The body is potty, without legs, floating and moving, but has 4 arms and 4 ghost claws.

This form of Evil Ghost was first seen by Chen Xiaobei.

“En? Why is this stupid salamander unconscious on the shore?” One of them asked suspiciously for Scarlet Evil Ghost.

The stupid salamander it called was the monster that Chen Xiaobei stepped on.

Beside, Evil Ghost with dim-blue eyes said: “It looks like a fight with people! But we didn’t see the intruder…”

Red Eye Evil Ghost said: “Whether you see the intruder or not, as long as there is an anomaly, we must immediately report to the priest!”

“That’s right! Let’s go!” Blue Eye Evil Ghost said.

“Well…I…Where am I…” At this moment, the newt king opened his mouth, as if he had just recovered from his coma.

Obviously, the newt king at this moment is not his own, but Chen Xiaobei is in control.

Chen Xiaobei knows nothing about this place and can only act as if he is frustrated.

“En? You stupid newt actually woke up!” The two Evil Ghosts stopped and gazed.

“Who…who are you…who am I…where is this…” Chen Xiaobei is the existence of the Emperor level. Although he is only a voice actor, his acting skills are still breaking the table.

“You idiot! Won’t you be stupid?”

Red-eyed Evil Ghost said ill-humoredly: “We are the Asura patrolling of the 10 li dark river basin! You are a little salamander that we raise that’s all!”

“Oh… It was Lord Asura! I have a terrible headache now, and I can’t remember many things.” Chen Xiaobei said to control the newt king.

“Don’t talk nonsense! Can you think of it, who beat you?” Blue Eye Evil Ghost asked.

“His… this… let me think about it…”

Chen Xiaobei’s acting burst, paused, said: “I remembered! Two people beat me, one called Zhou Xiaokun! One called Ding Dingao!”

“Who? How dare you come here to be wild! When I catch them, they must be tortured like 100, so that they will not die!” Red Eye Evil Ghost said fiercely.

Chen Xiaobei almost laughed behind the scenes and silently praised two of them for his wit.

“What about them?” Blue Eye Evil Ghost asked.

“I was stunned… I don’t know where they went…”

Chen Xiaobei said: “However, before I was stunned, I heard them say that I was looking for an ancient country…”

“Oh! Naive!” Red Eye Evil Ghost said with a sneer: “Are they going to go when they want to go?”

“Why can’t you go? They are very strong…” Chen Xiaobei said in a clever way.

“I think you are really stupid!”

Blue-eyed Evil Ghost said: “ten thousand li under the river, 3000 patrols! How do they get their head? Even if they arrive, who can break the 10000 ghost formations underground in the ancient country?”

Red Eye Evil Ghost went on to say: “Retreat 10000 steps, even if breaking the formation, there are ten 2 priests to guard the altar! With those 10000 lives of those invaders, it is impossible to step into the perfect half!

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei startled, didn’t expect, stepping into the ancient world, there are still so many difficulties.

“What is the Cultivation of the ten priests?” Chen Xiaobei continued the cliché.

“Hey! Hey! Hey…”

But at this moment, suddenly above the stairs, there were bursts of restlessness.

Listening to the sound, it should be that many people jumped into the great hall from above.

If nothing unexpected happened, it was Zhou Xiaokun who rushed over.

“Oh… how come they came here, Xiaobei, will your plan be broken?” Luo Puti asked worriedly.

“It has been destroyed… Let’s go back quickly!” Chen Xiaobei immediately took Luo Puti and Zhuo Qunfeng back to the great hall along the stairs.

On the other side, the two Evil Ghost naturally sensed the movement and rushed directly to the stairs.


Great hall.

It was really Zhou Xiaokun who came.

“Heritage…there are really ruins of the ancient country…Mr. Chen really has 2 sons, so I found the ruins so quickly…”

“It would be nice if we came immediately immediately… thirsty… thirsty…”

“I don’t know if Mr. Chen found the water…if found…he is our great benefactor…no! he is our reborn parent…”

At this moment, the entire group has become extremely embarrassed.

Including Physique’s strongest Zhou Xiaokun and Ding Dingao, everyone is extremely weak and extremely water-stressed.

Common Disciple need to help each other to barely stand firm.

Wang Mengyu is already in a coma, and may be killed at any time.

In fact, like Wang Mengyu, there were 4 people unconscious because of lack of water, including a female discipline of Constellation Faction.

However, these four people are not as lucky as Wang Mengyu.

In order to save physical strength, 4 people were directly abandoned and died in the middle of the desert. Only Wang Mengyu, who had the highest status, was turned over by a few people with better physical strength.

Otherwise, she has only the dead end.

It is through such despair that the entire group’s desire for water has reached its extreme.

If Chen Xiaobei can help them find water, they will treat Chen Xiaobei as a reborn parent.

Listening to everyone’s gratitude and expectation to Chen Xiaobei, Zhou Xiaokun was extremely upset, but he was speechless.

It was his wrong leadership that made everyone so embarrassed that it killed four people in vain.

If he dares to confess Chen Xiaobei, I am afraid it will arouse public anger.

“Mr. Chen! Mr. Chen is out!”

Suddenly, someone shouted excitedly.

All of a sudden, everyone’s eyes fell to the entrance of the stairs. I saw that Chen Xiaobei their three people came out one after another.

“Mr. Chen! Is there water below…is there water…” everyone asked impatient.

Chen Xiaobei shrugged, said: “There is water in it, but I’m afraid everyone can’t get off.”

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