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“Yes! I can speak animal language, we have something to say, there is no need to kill either the fish dies or the net splits!”

Chen Xiaobei quickly said in animal language.

Beside, Zhuo Qunfeng looked stupid. Although Luo Puti had seen Chen Xiaobei communicate with Xuesha tarantula, he was still shocked at the moment.

“Hmph! This King wants to eat meat and wants to eat human meat! Only by killing you can you fulfill your wish, what else can you say? Obey and die!”

monster stuck out his scarlet tongue and licked its hacksaw-like teeth, all eyes were greedy.

“After such a long period of time, haven’t you seen the emptiness, loneliness, and coldness? We are here to compensate you and let you deal with loneliness, okay?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“Don’t talk nonsense! Lao’zi just wants to eat meat!”

monstrous said somethingwhat dreaded: “Too long to leave the water will invite Asura to patrol, when the time comes is troublesome!”

“What is Asura patrol?” Chen Xiaobei curiously asked.

“Chick stop bullshitting! Lao’zi has no time to explain to you! Let’s die!” Monster obviously didn’t want to delay much time, his tail swayed in the water, causing a huge thrust.

Like a lion and a rabbit, a huge monster directly pounces on Chen Xiaobei their three people.

“It seems that if you want to ask more things, you must convince this product!”

Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes, one left and one right, directly dragging Luo Puti and Zhuo Qunfeng to exit the several meters.

Although the monster is 120,000 Combat Force, it just used the tail to exert force, and the speed was slightly slower, and Chen Xiaobei 3 people escaped.

“hong long long ……”

The monster attack fell through and fiercely hit the stone wall of the cave.

The hard rock wall was knocked out of a big hole directly, and the earth shook and the mountain quivered instantly, the rock collapsed, as if the entire cave would collapse.

This shows how terrifying its power is.

“Oh my god… the power of this monster… at least 120,000 Combat Force… finished… we are dead…”

Zhuo Qunfeng was instantly scared to his heart, his face pale.

“Xiaobei! What’s going on here? Are we going to escape? It…it’s too strong…”

Luo Puti is also terrified. For her who only has 30000 Combat Force, 2 Combat Force is simply unattainable!

Although Zhuo Qunfeng and Luo Puti have both seen Chen Xiaobei killing ten 10000 Combat Force generals, the monster in front of him has reached 120,000 Combat Force.

More importantly, under the same Combat Force, beasts also have the advantage of talent ability, which further widens the gap between monster and Chen Xiaobei.

According to Luo Puti and Zhuo Qunfeng, in this battle, Chen Xiaobei has no chance at all, and only escape is the only way out.

“Do not escape!”

Chen Xiaobei shook the head, said: “I feel that it knows a lot of valuable things, as long as it is subdued, the actions behind us will be smoother!”

“That’s what it says, but its power is so terrifying… Want to subdue it, simply impossible…”

Zhuo Qunfeng’s brow furrowed and he couldn’t figure it out, so how could Chen Xiaobei go down to such a terrifying monster.

“Xiaobei! Don’t be brave! Let’s withdraw first…it’s not too late when Zhou Xiaokun arrives and then surrender this monster.”

Luo Puti was worried, and quickly persuaded Chen Xiaobei.

“Luo Young Lady is right!”

Zhuo Qunfeng quickly echoed: “My First Senior Brother has 130,000 Combat Force, which can guarantee the surrender of this monster! We will withdraw and wait for him, which is the safest way! Mr. Chen, don’t take risks for your 10000000!”

“Oh, your First Senior Brother?”

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently, as if seeing through everything: “With his character of great joy, he will not be convinced in a short time, and he will definitely lead people to continue in the wrong direction! Without killing one or two people, he will not admit his mistake! When he comes, the daylily is cold!”

“However, if you don’t wait for First Senior Brother, we have three ten deaths without life!” Zhuo Qunfeng’s face was pale and his voice was a little trembling.

“hong long long ……”

At the same time, monster is climbing out of the collapsed rock, about to launch the Second Wave offensive.

“Don’t be! Bodhi! Hold this! You 2 stay together, don’t act act blindly without thinking!”

Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved, and he extracted the Qingxin Ancient Disc and Green Jade bottle gourd from the space ring.

Pass the Qingxin Ancient Disc to Luo Puti, so that Luo Puti and Zhuo Qunfeng will not be attacked by Yin Qi, and Chen Xiaobei can also rest assured to fight.


Opening the Green Jade bottle gourd, Chen Xiaobei took a deep breath and directly inhaled Spirit Qi, which is equivalent to 5000 low grade Spirit Stones, within the body.

Qi Sea Dantian of common people cannot accommodate so many Spirit Qi.

Cultivation must be part of the absorption. After consumption, continue to absorb, otherwise, once Qi Sea Dantian is overloaded, the cultivation deviation will be light, and the body will die.

“This… how is this possible…”

Seeing Chen Xiaobei absorb so much Spirit Qi at once, Luo Puti and Zhuo Qunfeng were dumbfounded.

What they did not know was that Chen Xiaobei did not inhale Spirit Qi into Qi Sea Dantian, but absorbed it into his own Bloodline!

Chen Xiaobei’s Bloodline incorporates the same divine object. It can be said that it is no longer a common human Bloodline.

Once sufficient Spirit Qi is injected as necessary, this special Bloodline will bring Chen Xiaobei power beyond ordinary people.

“Little boy! You can’t see it, you still have some strength!”

The monster crawled out of the collapsed rock and stared at Chen Xiaobei, said with a sneer: “Look at your speed, it is less than ten 10000 Combat Force? Compared to peers, you are definitely a genius, but compared with This King , You are just a little spicy chicken that’s all.”

“Let’s talk nonsense, if you want to fight, then fight!” Chen Xiaobei complexion sank, fighting intent gradually burned.

“It’s pretty imposing manner, unfortunately, in front of This King, you don’t have any chance at all! Go to hell!!!”

With angry roar, monster 4 pedaled to the ground and rushed towards Chen Xiaobei.

This time, the monster’s speed is much faster than when rushing out of the water.

130,000 Combat Force broke out completely, it is to kill Chen Xiaobei in the most blunt way, I don’t want to waste any time.

“Xiaobei! Mr. Chen!”

In the distance, Luo Puti and Zhuo Qunfeng’s hearts are already tight, and they are worried about Chen Xiaobei 100.

However, in the face of the huge monster rushing to himself, Chen Xiaobei face doesn’t change, calm as before.

5000 low grade Spirit Stone has been fully integrated into Bloodline, a special power from the end of the ancient, like an arrow on the string, ready to go.

“Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations! 3 feet! Ling Nine Heavens!”

Just listen, Chen Xiaobei loudly shouts, above the legs, suddenly flashed purple golden light.

In the next moment, Chen Xiaobei’s trousers below his knees exploded directly, and his pair of calves were instantly covered with Purple Gold Dragon scales.

The shoes were also scrapped. Not only were the dragon scales covered on the feet, but the claws were sharp and abnormal, and they became a pair of dragon claws!

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