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Next day Early in the morning, when everyone woke up, they had arrived at the sister’s tavern.

“Um… Hu Ben… where are we…” Ning Yuchen’s eyes opened confusedly.

Hu Ben raised his head and looked around, and also some sleepy mutters: “Head… this… this is Sister Hua’s Tavern!”

“No! Get up! quick get up!”

Liu Cheng was shivered all over and jumped up directly: “Aren’t we tied up by giant lungs? How come back! How is this possible? Sister Hua! What about Sister Hua?”

“I am here!”

Sister Hua was the first person to wake up. She walked out of the kitchen and prepared breakfast for everyone: “I don’t know what happened. When I woke up, I saw everyone lying on the table like drunk. .”

“What about the wind? His strength is the weakest, but there is nothing wrong!” Ning Yuchen is particularly concerned about Chen Xiaobei.

“Here, he is the one who sleeps the most sweetly!” Hua sister pursed her lips and looked towards Chen Xiaobei, who was sleeping, like looking at a cute younger brother.

“It’s okay to chase the wind, then everyone is okay! That’s great! It was a false alarm!” Hu Ben let out a breath.

“Strange!” Liu Cheng backed his hands, leaned over, looked up and down Chen Xiaobei, pouted: “This is too stupid!”

“Okay! You can’t reach Zhu Feng either, you don’t know his Cultivation!”

Ning Yuchen said: “In short, everyone is fine, don’t disturb him, let him sleep more! He got the most from yesterday!”

“Yeah, let him sleep more in this tavern…” Sister Hua sighed softly and said: “After eating this breakfast, we will say goodbye to here forever!”

Hearing this, everyone’s face showed a loss of color.

“Yeah… Offended the Black Cloud Society, the tavern must not be opened…” Ning Yuchen sighed.

“It’s okay! I still have some savings. Let’s go to another place and start a new one!” Although Hu Ben was lost, he was very responsible for the man.

Liu Orange frowns saying: “The 20 blocks nearby are all the sites of the Black Cloud Club… You can only change to the Black Dragon Club or the Sky Owner Club. If you lose regular customers, you have to start from scratch…”

“Forget it, I won’t open the pub anymore, so as not to cause trouble to Hu Ben.”

Sister Hua said: “I have a little savings myself, find a place to live, calmly spend a few years, wait for Hu Ben to expire, and leave with him…”

At this point, everyone’s emotions are extremely low, as if an important part of life has been ruthlessly erased, full of reluctance.

“Where is everyone?”

At this moment, two strong and fat guys came in from the door.

The five officials of these two goods are very similar, probably the biological brother, and both of them have bandages on their faces, and half of their cheeks are swollen and tall.

“Giant lung! Giant…Giant bird! What are you doing!”

Everyone was shocked.

Needless to say, the giant lung is known to everyone as it turns gray.

And the giant bird is the boss of a few blocks nearby, fierce and powerful, the giant lung dare to do anything outside, all covered by giant birds.

“Giant lungs! What on earth do you want! There was a lot of trouble yesterday, and today you brought your brother again! Really thought we were bullying?”

Ning Yuchen was angry on the spot, slap the table and stand up.

You know, Ning Yuchen did not dare to fight yesterday because Sister Hua was held hostage, but today is not the same. Sister Hua is by her side. If you really want to fight, Ning Yuchen is absolutely not afraid.

Hu Ben and Liu Cheng also put on a fighting stance, as long as Ning Yuchen was entangled in the giant bird, they would immediately rush over and beat the giant lungs so that their mother didn’t know!

“Don’t, don’t, don’t! Don’t get me wrong, 10000000!”

The giant bird looked nervous and glanced at Chen Xiaobei, who was asleep, and whispered: “Our brother did not come to make trouble, but came to apologize!”

“What? Apologies?”

Hearing this, everyone froze for a moment.

Everyone who knows the big bird brother of the Black Cloud Club knows that this product will never apologize. If it doesn’t match, it’s dry. The control of the neighborhood is what he robbed with this force!

“Yes, you heard it right, we are really here to apologize!”

The face of the giant bird said sincerely: “My younger brother has a huge lung. He had a high fever last night and confused his brain, and he seems to have taken the wrong medicine, so he will be confused and bring people to this trouble. For this reason, I am deeply Apologies!”

“What? Fever? Take the wrong medicine?”

Everyone was stunned again, was it not the intention of the giant lung to make trouble last night? Is it because his brain is confused?

“Giant bird! Are you sure you haven’t cracked a joke?” Liu Cheng said suspiciously: “This can’t be more strange!”

“Why dare I cracking a joke?” The giant bird was aggrieved, and did not dare to borrow ten guts!

“Don’t you dare? What are you afraid of?” Liu Cheng seemed to be naturally skeptical, and he was very focused.


The giant bird was speechless for a while. Chen Xiaobei said last night that he could not reveal half a word. The giant bird suddenly didn’t know what to say.

“I know!”

At this moment, Ning Yuchen smiled witfully and said, “He must be afraid of leaking wind, and the chief of our 2nd column asked him trouble!”

“Yes, yes! Am I not afraid of the leader of the 2nd column?” The giant bird was worrying, but Ning Yuchen found a reason for him, and the goods were naturally nodded again and again.

Liu Cheng frowned slightly, and seemed to think that the reason was reasonable, so he didn’t ask any more.

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei in’Sleep Sleeping’ smiled.

This Ning Yuchen and Liu Cheng are a pair of living treasures. Liu Cheng naturally loves doubts. Ning Yuchen always has to round her doubts and become a habit over time.

Because of this, when Chen Xiaobei first met, under the suspicion of Liu Cheng and Ning Yuchen’s explanation, the unfathomable mystery became the third column survivor.

“If this is the case, can the sister’s tavern be opened again?” Hu Ben expression excited.

Although Sister Hua didn’t say anything, her inner excitement could no longer be concealed, and she revealed it from her eyes.

“Of course you can continue!”

The giant bird patted his chest and said, “Not only can I open it, but also, I guarantee that the business here will be better than before! There will never be any difficulties!”

“This…” Hearing this, Hu Ben and Hua Jie suddenly froze, the situation of mountain road twists around each new peak, it was like a dream!

You know, the giant bird is a local tyrant in the neighborhood, and with his assurance, this tavern will not be difficult if it is not smooth sailing!

“Very good! really good!” Liu Cheng smiled and Ning Yuchen was in a good mood.


At this time, Chen Xiaobei stretched his waist and finally’woke up’, squinting said with a slight smile: “Good breakfast, please give me a copy!”

“You’re a pig! Just eat when you wake up!” Liu Cheng groaned angrily.

Hearing this, Ning Yuchen and Hu Benhua all laughed.

Giant birds and giant lungs secretly wiped a cold sweat, this great god with shining ox fork, so cute as a pig for Mao?

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