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“hong long long ……”

The violent giant rhinoceros sprinted, and the whole space seemed to tremble.

It saw Chen Xiaobei approaching, but did not put this weak human being in his eyes even in the combat uniform.

“Oh… Chen Zhufeng is dead… I can’t protect him, I’m sorry…” Hu Ben wailed, watching Chen Xiaobei rushing away, his eyes red.

“Is he crazy? Captain is dead, why did he die…would it hurt my conscience? Come back…” Liu Cheng’s eyebrows were deeply locked, his feet stomped with anxiety, his nose sore, and tears were already in his eyes. Spin around.


Ning Yuchen also came to this scene with anxiety, her eyes widened and shouted: “Chasing the wind! Don’t come over! The monster’s strength is too strong, I can’t escape! Don’t come over and die.” “

Obviously, Ning Yuchen knew that he would die and did not want to involve Chen Xiaobei anymore.

But Chen Xiaobei just didn’t hear him speak and continued running.

“WTF! That kid is not only a spicy chicken, but also a mentally retarded spicy chicken!”

On the other side, Vodima, who ran out of several dozen meters, turned back and looked at Chen Xiaobei with full of sarcasm. Instead of guilt, he said cruelly with a smile: “Dead, die, spicy chicken did not Qualify to live in this world!”

“hong long long ……”

The violent giant rhinoceros is extremely fast, and just in one sentence, he rushed to Ning Yuchen.

Almost the next moment, it will poke Ning Yuchen’s chest with the rhino horn longer than the sword!

but! At this moment of the crucial moment, Chen Xiaobei stood up and stood in front of Ning Yuchen and opened his arms as if he would use his own chest to block the fatal blow for Ning Yuchen!

“Are you crazy?” Ning Yuchen was shocked.

However, the violent giant rhinoceros had already been killed, and Ning Yuchen had no time to push Chen Xiaobei away. He could only watch the sharp rhinoceros horns, facing Chen Xiaobei’s chest!

“Chen Zhufeng… Don’t…” Hu Ben and Liu Cheng whined, closing their eyes involuntarily, couldn’t bear to see the bloody and cruel picture.

“Top! Hold his lungs! hahaha…” Vodima still had no guilt, but instead took pleasure in other people’s misfortune and laughed, it was shameless.


But in the next moment, Vodima’s laughter came to an abrupt end, replaced by an incredible expression on his face!

I saw that the violent giant rhinoceros not at all attacked Chen Xiaobei, but stood quietly in place, as if frozen by ice, motionless.

“What the hell is happening? Top! Set the spicy chicken’s lungs!” Vodima shouted anxiously, but no matter how he shouted, the giant rhino didn’t move.

“Liu Orange! Look at Liu Orange quickly…” On the big tree, Hu Ben shook Liu Orange excitedly.

“This… how is this possible…”

Liu Cheng opened his eyes and was stunned instantly, O exclaimed with a small mouth: “Why didn’t the giant rhinoceros attack Chen Zhufeng? This is also incredible! Demonic beast and humans are natural enemies!”

On the other side, Ning Yuchen asked almost exactly the same question as Liu Orange, and two words of surprise were written on his head.

Chen Xiaobei serene smiled and said, “Maybe it’s because I’m too handsome, so it attacks me! Hehe!”


Ning Yuchen was hearing this, and was almost thundered with a big head: “When did you still crack a joke, demonic beast, how do you know if you are handsome? They only know that the Daoist class is a natural enemy, and they are irreconcilable as soon as they meet!”

“This kid is too cheeky…Although he looks a bit handsomer than Captain, he can’t boast so straightforwardly…”

Liu Cheng supported the tree trunk. Hearing Chen Xiaobei’s reason just now, she almost fell off the tree.

“Anyway, if Ju Ju does not attack, the boss’s life will be saved! This is Chen Zhufeng’s credit. I will ask him to drink!”

Hu Ben was full of excitement. His thoughts were simple and pure. He was good to anyone who was good to him.


At the same time, the violent giant rhinoceros was wailing, his eyes full of pain.

Ning Yuchen and the others naturally do not know the meaning of this wailing.

But Chen Xiaobei, who is proficient in the Three Realms animal language, can really hear it.

The giant rhino was saying, “I want to attack too! But I am imprisoned by True Astral in the Celestial Manifestation Realm world, what other attack do I take?”

“This hairless brat, which doesn’t even have a combat uniform, turned out to be a gold warrior from the Northern Gold Warriors! It’s too sinister to pit me among a group of rookies!”

“Let me go… I don’t want to die… let me go…”

The giant rhinoceros kept wailing, but his body was still unable to move.

This is obviously because it was imprisoned by Chen Xiaobei’s invisible and invisible True Astral.

Chen Xiaobei cultivation “The Decree of the Immemorial Will”, True Astral has a perfect attribute, but also No Attribute, as it is now, invisible and unremarkable, no trace.

Not only will Ning Yuchen be saved, but his strength will not be revealed.

Anyway, everyone could not understand what Ju Xi was saying.

“Don’t you want to die, but dare to say that I’m insidious?” Chen Xiaobei asked in a brutal manner.


The violent giant rhinoceros expression was shocked and surprised: “You…you you…can you understand me?”

“Yes! I can understand!” Chen Xiaobei nodded.

“Uh… what… I’m wrong! You are not insidious at all! As I said, you are farting! 10000000 Don’t go to your heart!”

The violent giant rhinoceros immediately recognized: “Best, you can put me as a fart… I have old people and young people, I don’t want to die…”

A row of black lines popped behind Chen Xiaobei’s head, didn’t expect, such a huge demonic beast, also had a slippery side of the oil cavity.

However, this is not surprising. Creatures with no power still unable to live without a purpose. There are really few creatures in the world who are not afraid of death.

The reason why demonic beast and humans will become natural enemies is mostly because humans don’t understand animal language, they don’t know that demonic beast is showing good, or that they are begging for mercy.

Without these easing relations, over time, of course, there will be only irreconcilable conflicts.

“Fortunately you met me and can understand you!”

Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled said: “Give you a chance to live, do you want it?”

“I want it!” If Ju Xi was granted amnesty, he promised desperately.

“Did you see that tease over there? Kill him, you can live!” Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and glanced at the far end of Vodima.

This slut mocked Chen Xiaobei as a spicy chicken. Chen Xiaobei could treat him as a ant not to be lower oneself to somebody’s level, but he almost died of Ning Yuchen, Chen Xiaobei would not forgive him!

You know, Chen Xiaobei is not Holy Mother, for this kind of base and shameless villain, will not be soft!

“no problem!”

The fierce giant rhinoceros said confidently: “The kid Combat Force is like me, not even the silver level, I can definitely kill him!”

“Okay, it’s up to you!” Chen Xiaobei distracted True Astral with a move.


The violent giant rhino stomped his feet and turned his head directly towards Voldima.

“I… I drop mom… what kind of trouble is this…” Vodima was dumbfounded instantly.

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