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“This…is this a rocket?”

In an instant, everyone around was completely dumbfounded.

The cylindrical thing that Chen Xiaobei showed up had a rocket-like shape, lying horizontally on the ground, and it was more than ten meters long.

“Sister Rocket! That’s a nuclear bomb! There is a nuclear weapon sign on it!” Lu Tianbi’s eyes were sharp, and he immediately saw the yellow and black sign, which made him scream.

“Nuclear…Nuclear! How is this possible?”

Tianzhao froze in place, let alone Chen Xiaobei, he didn’t dare to move forward even half a step.

Nuclear bomb!

This may be a super ultimate weapon that raze to the ground directly to a city!

The fission of radioactive nuclear material can explode the temperature of the center of the sun, and the impact of 100000000 million tons, even Earth Immortal can’t bear it!

Chen Xiaobei pressed one hand on the nuclear warhead, which was equivalent to holding down the lives of everyone present!

“Don’t mess up! We have something to say…10000000 Don’t mess up…”

All of a sudden, the Star Temple Elder, as well as those 2nd ancestors, were all startled with cold sweat.

This group of people has a transcendent status and great power, simply can’t lose it!

as the saying goes, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.

It is precisely because these’shoe-wearing’ people are reluctant to own what they have, this kind of people are most desperate! Also most afraid of death.

“Then… that’s fake! How could there be a nuclear bomb in the hands of a common person?”

Haig expression was stunned for a while. It was the expression of wanting to eat people just now, but at the moment it turned into a dumb face.

“Don’t panic!”

Lu Gang said solemnly: “Hager is right! Nuclear bombs are weapons that few powerful countries on Earth possess! Even if we want to get one, it is impossible!”

As soon as this remark came out, it seemed to have taken a pill for everyone, and the tension was reduced, and they began to be restless again.

“Yes! Even Earth Immortal don’t want to steal nuclear bombs. A trifling 100000 Combat Force’s old waste is impossible!”

“Isn’t it? If any country lost a nuclear bomb, I’m afraid it would have been a long time ago!”

“I think it’s an empty shell that’s all, the prop that old waste used to bluff!”

“That’s a nuclear bomb after all! It’s not an egg! How can a normal person say it comes out and take it out!”


Everyone has a spirit slowly recovers, do not believe that it is a real nuclear bomb.

“Xiaobei… Is that true?” Even the demon Fox couldn’t believe it, and asked quietly with his heart.

After all, such a situation is really beyond the thinking of normal people, as long as people with normal brains will not believe it.

Chen Xiaobei did not respond to the demon fox, but directly said: “Last year, the mysterious USS Zuckerberg aircraft carrier battle group disappeared, do you know?”

“Zuckerberg? Aircraft carrier battle group?” Hearing this, everyone was stunned, with a shocked expression on his face.

“I’ve heard of it!”

A freckled 2nd ancestor said: “Last year, the Zuckerberg carrier battle group disappeared in the Indian Ocean mysterious. It is said that an entire fleet was sunk by an Earth Immortal!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

Lu Gang narrowed his eyes, looked towards Chen Xiaobei, and asked, “So, are you trying to say that you destroyed the US fleet? You have the power of Earth Immortal? Tianzhao is also Earth Immortal. Do you think we will be afraid of you? “

“I’m not Earth Immortal, and I don’t need you to be afraid of me! It’s enough to be afraid of nuclear bombs!”

Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “Who knows the senior officials of the United States, you can call and ask, is there a shipboard nuclear bomb on the Zuckerberg? Isn’t there a nuclear bomb among the remains of the shipwreck?”


Lu Gang frowned slightly, solemnly asked: “Ask immediately!”

Originally Lu Gang didn’t believe Chen Xiaobei, but Chen Xiaobei said something reasonable, the point is not to be afraid of verification!

This made Lu Gang have to panic!

10000 It was really a nuclear bomb, which angered Chen Xiaobei, the entire Atlantis would be raze to the ground, and no one on the scene could survive!

“I have a call from a senior official of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States! Let me ask…”

Tianzhao immediately took out his mobile phone and called Sabie.

“Mr. Sabie! Did your country lose an aircraft carrier nuclear bomb last year?”

Tianzhao frowned, and said angrily: “Sabi! I warn you not to circle me! What state secrets are all nonsense! Tell me the truth immediately! What? Really lost! Send the picture to my phone ! Immediately!”

The call process was very direct. In the face of the pressure of Tianzhao, Sabie did not dare to hide it and immediately told the truth.

Subsequently, a photo of the same type of nuclear bomb was sent to the Tianzhao mobile phone.

“Brother Lu, look…” Tianzhao showed the picture to Lu Gang.

All of a sudden, these two goods turned white.

“This… this nuclear bomb is real?”

At the same time, everyone around him sucked in a cool breath, panic, a cold sweat came out of his forehead, and it was even colder in the vest.

You know, just now they are still mocking Chen Xiaobei and questioning Chen Xiaobei.

But now, the truth is in front of them, they are all terrified!

If Chen Xiaobei was really angered just now, all of them are now scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Just thinking about it, their little hearts pulled out, and each and everyone became dumb, completely silent.

“This… this is actually true…” Seeing the scene before me, the demon fox looked stunned, beautiful eyes looked towards Chen Xiaobei, just like watching an omnipotent Divine Immortal! There is nothing he can’t do!

“Don’t panic! Don’t panic!”

Lu Gang stabilized the people first, then looked towards Chen Xiaobei, said as gently as possible: “Friend! No matter who you are! No matter what you have done before! As long as you don’t mess up, all grudges will be cancelled!”

As soon as this remark came out, it was tantamount to confessing to counseling, even the death of the black bear.

Haig’s face was extremely ugly. His son was killed, but the murderer could not be investigated.

He was almost spitting blood depressed, but when he saw Chen Xiaobei pressing the hand of the nuclear warhead, he could only bite his teeth and swallow into his belly, but he didn’t dare to put one.

“What is the complaint?”

Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and disdaind: “If I believe your gibberish, unless my brain is kicked by a donkey!”

As the saying goes, a father must have a son.

Take a look at Lu Tianbi’s base and shameless, ruthless, you can know that Lu Gang must also be a capricious slut with 2 sides and 3 knives.

Believe that Lu Gang’s words are no different from suicide.

“So what do you want? You say it! I agree with everything you say!” Lu Gang had no choice but to give in.

Chen Xiaobei said, “Turn on Transmission Formation and take us to Star Domain in Beihuang!”

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