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in a flash, Chen Xiaobei’s right palm shines with Purple Gold rays of light.

Pieces of sharp dragon scales suddenly emerged, covering Chen Xiaobei’s fingertips to his wrists.

A sharp and unmatched claw thorn emerged from the fingertip, and the fleshy palm instantly became the claw of the Golden Dragon.

Originally, even with the use of “Desolate Ancient Witch God’s Vigor Transforming Divine Art”, Chen Xiaobei could only play 90000 Combat Force, which was still a grade weaker than the Black Bear’s 95000 Combat Force.

However, some opportunities in Tianzhao Island allowed Chen Xiaobei to absorb Spirit Qi, which is equivalent to 2000 Spirit Stones.

You can directly use Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations!

1st Transformation, set the world!


The black bear momentum is big, power is deep’s punch suddenly fell down.

The terrifying shock made the earth tremble, all around was surging, forcing the demon fox to retreat for 3 steps before barely standing still.

However, Chen Xiaobei stood steadily on the spot, taking the Black Bear’s offensive with one palm, not to mention his footsteps, even his body did not shake at all, as if the punch simply had no power.

“This…how is this possible…you old bastard actually has the same power as me…”

The offensive was blocked and the Black Bear suddenly started.

You have to know that, over the years, the Earth people who were introduced to the Star Domain in Northern Wilds are almost all young geniuses, and it is the True Astral Realm world that has stolen.

It’s unexpected that a powerhouse like Chen Xiaobei popped up.

Otherwise, the Black Bear just mocked Chen Xiaobei as impossible.

“Old bastard! You are indeed a bit powerful. Lao’zi didn’t treat you as a dish just now. Now, you have to fight you seriously!”

Black Bear said confidently: “Although your Culture is the same as mine, but I have the guidance of a famous teacher in the Star Domain of Northern Wilderness and Top Grade martial skill. Earth people of the same level, simply not my opponent!”


With another high infighting fighting intent, the black bear once again threw a fist at Chen Xiaobei.

This fist is indeed different from the previous one.

True Qi operates as a Top Grade martial skill, and the condensed True Astral has an additional’Strangling Dark Power’!

If the average person is hit by this fist, in addition to withstanding the shock of terror, the body will be torn by dark force!

If it’s light, it’s going to break apart, and if it’s Dismemberment by Five Horses!

“Oh, is this what you call a Top Grade martial skill?”

In the face of that terrible punch, Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: “Under the same strength, the martial skill is indeed a martial skill, but when the power is crushed, the martial skill is meaningless dazzling skills!”

As soon as this remark came out, he was hitting his face.

The black bear is super unhappy, shouting with a rage in his throat: “boast shamelessly! It’s up to you, what strength do you use to crush Lao’zi?”

“2 claws …”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed, and he was still commanded by the right palm flexor, 3 words after the war.

“Broken mountains and rivers!”

In an instant, the Purple Gold rays of light were great and the dragon claw looked the same as before, but Chen Xiaobei had actually activated Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations’ 2nd ability.


In the next moment, the Black Bear’s strangling hammer suddenly clashed with Chen Xiaobei’s Purple Gold Dragon claws, making a sound of broken objects!

“This…how is this possible…my True Astral…”

The black bear screamed unimaginable.

The source of the shattering sound is his True Astral!

As everyone knows, if you want to smash the enemy’s armor True Astral, your own power must absolutely override the enemy.

In fact, Chen Xiaobei’s power at the moment is only 100000 Combat Force. Although it is one grade higher than the Black Bear, it is not overpowering.

The reason why you can hit True Astral that smashes the black bear in one blow is because of Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations’ second ability, Broken Mountain!

True Astral shattered, and Chen Xiaobei is close, the Black Bear’s end, one can imagine!


Chen Xiaobei took advantage of the dragon claw’s wave and sharply sharpened the half of the black bear’s arm.

“Ao…my arm…it hurts me…”

Suddenly the blood spurts, how can the 2nd ancestor like the black bear, who grew up with the wind and water, withstand the pain of a broken arm?

Instant pain caused him to yell and scream in cold sweat.

“Soon you won’t hurt anymore!”

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei said a cold tone, almost every word exudes a terrifying killing intent!


tone barely fell, Chen Xiaobei turned his claws forward and swept directly to the black bear’s throat.

“No… don’t kill me…” Black Bear’s pupils contracted instantly, shuddering.

“Stop it!” At the same time, Lu Gang and Tian Zhao shouted almost simultaneously.

However, Chen Xiaobei at the moment is like an enraged mad dragon. Where might they listen?

“Bah! Boom…”

One paw swung down and the head fell!

The black bear’s headless body stood upright, and the scarlet hot blood, like a fountain, rushed into the air and spilled into the ground.

This horrible to see picture has caused a strong impact to the hearts of everyone present!

“Xiaobei…you are so powerful…I never knew…”

The beautiful eyes of the demon fox are round, and I can’t believe my eyes.

I remember the last time I played against Chen Xiaobei, still in the bathroom of Paradise Island.

At that time it was the Chinese New Year, Chen Xiaobei’s Cultivation only reached the True Astral Initial Stage.

Who dares to think that in less than 2 months, it has risen to such a terrible level that it is simply unimaginable!

“God… that old bastard’s strength is so terrifying! Black Bear, but among us, apart from Tianbi Brother, the second strongest person… was killed by a second…”

That group of youngsters, each and everyone were stunned, and their small hearts pulled out.

Just now they were furiously fighting to kill Chen Xiaobei, but at this moment they became a group of frightened rabbits, shrinking behind Lu Tianbi, even dare not take a breath.

There is no doubt that even if they are all together, it is not enough for Chen Xiaobei to kill in half a minute.

“Look! What’s the matter with the old bastard’s hand? Is he a mutant?” Lu Tianyanjian, in the shining True Astral, can also see Chen Xiaobei’s dragon claw!


Lu Gang squinted, very surprised.

The Palace Lord of the South Star Hall in his town can serene even when facing Earth Immortal, but at the moment, when he sees the palm of Chen Xiaobei, he reveals a thick look of shock!

“Then… that Old Guy, is it the mutant who owns the Bloodline Blood Dragon? Is this impossible?”

Lu Gang’s swallowed saliva and said involuntarily, as if remembering an extremely terrifying thing, a cold sweat came out of his forehead.

“This person is not Hichikawa Universe! His strength is stronger than that of Nichikawa Universe! And much stronger!”

On the other side, Tianzhao turned pale with fright.

Just now he was suspicious of the abnormality of Chen Xiaobei and the demon fox. At this moment through Chen Xiaobei’s Cultivation, he directly confirmed the conclusion!

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