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Goddess has been staring at him all the time, and Chen Xiaobei couldn’t suck the excess, stuck the number, which happened to be equivalent to 2000 Spirit Stone and stopped.

Then leave the treasure house with Godsend.

After careful understanding, Chen Xiaobei discovered that the carrying capacity of the Dragon Witch’s Blood was simply amazing.

If you are not afraid of beating the grass to scare the snake, Chen Xiaobei can even absorb Spirit Qi in that space in one go.

Of course, the blood of Dragon Witch is magical, but for now, all actions must be based on the ultimate goal of going to North Wild Star Domain.

No matter the treasure house or Spirit Qi, even if Chen Xiaobei needs it urgently, he has to let it go first.

Chen Xiaobei can’t move his mind back to Tianzhao until the original point of the original bracelet has been set by the Beihuang Star Domain.

After all, the opponent of this time, but the big BOSS-Rank other sky!

If you eat in a bowl and look at the pot, you will most likely lose both ends!

Although Chen Xiaobei is a little greedy, he is still principled and self-disciplined on such major issues.

Even more how, 2000 Spirit Stone, for Chen Xiaobei, is already a big harvest.

1000 of them are stored in the blood of Dragon Witch. As long as Chen Xiaobei needs, he can activate the first 2nd Transformation of Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations at any time.

The other 1000 are stored in Qi Sea Dantian, which can be used for cultivation and can also activate Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations.

Prior to this, the first 2nd 2nd change of the ability can let Chen Xiaobei play 70000 Combat Force.

At the moment, Chen Xiaobei has broken through the Celestial Manifestation Realm world, and it can explode 90000 Combat Force itself, and then use these two changes to play up to 2 Combat Force.

Coupled with the effects of’Ding Qiankun’ and’Crushing Mountains and Rivers’, basically the opponents of 100000 Combat Force, Chen Xiaobei, can win the game horizontally, and the opponents of 110000 Combat Force can suppress Chen Xiaobei.

“I really can’t wait to go to Beihuang Star Domain, let me suck it a Spirit Qi of 10000 8,000, when the time comes can activate the other capabilities of Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations, so that you can overcome the stronger opponents by leapfrog!”

Chen Xiaobei was thinking quietly, and he was looking forward to going to Star Farm in Beihuang as soon as possible.

“Emperor Emperor, we are now 2 cleared, I will evacuate from the island, I hope you don’t shake my things out…” God gave said solemnly.

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: “Actually, I can not tell you, if you want, you can wait another 3 years to see, maybe there will be a turnaround!”

“Not waiting…” Tianci shook the head, said: “As you said, I dare not face the sky, unless someone can replace him, otherwise, I won’t have a good day!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “Wait for you to decide for yourself, but I will advise you to believe that everything is possible! I have waited for 2 or 3 years, maybe these 1 years will be different?”

“You mean, in these 3 years, Tianzhao Island will change?” Tianci expression was amazed, and she smiled and shook the head, saying, “Impossible…I’ll go…”

After he finished speaking, he hung his head, dragging the lonely silhouette, and quietly left Tianzhao Island.

“Hey… this is another youngster who was pitted by Tian Zhao old thief…”

Looking at Tianci’s back, Chen Xiaobei secretly shook the head: “The sky here will change sooner or later! Damn people, will die sooner or later!”


For the next 2 days, nothing happened.

Chen Xiaobei and the demon fox are waiting to spend,

During this period, Chen Xiaobei also received news from Six-Eared Macaque that the reason why Tianzhao called the demon fox to Tianzhao Island was to lead Chen Xiaobei walking right into a trap.

Therefore, Tianzhao is also waiting.

It’s just that even if he borrowed the sky to take 10000 brains, he would never have imagined that Chen Xiaobei was originally on the island, and all his waiting was in vain.

As mentioned before by Tianci, Tianzhao has made a reservation for the Transmission Formation of Atlantis and must depart within 2 of 3.

Sure enough, on the morning of 3rd day, Tianzhao sent someone to notify Chen Xiaobei ready to go.

At the same time, in order to prevent Chen Xiaobei from coming to Tianzhao Island to rescue the demon fox, Tianzhao also brought the demon fox together.

So, Tianzhao, Yaohu, Chen Xiaobei, 3 people took the helicopter to leave the island together.

First, go to the island country, transfer to a comfortable private airliner, then transfer to a yacht, and go directly to the 100 Mud Islands.

Regarding the three corners of the death of 100 Mu Da, Chen Xiaobei learned a lot of information online when he was in college.

Today, Chen Xiaobei found that the real situation here is simply not as mysterious as that uploaded online.

The sea is calm and tranquil, the sky is ten thousand li, and it is completely impossible to see that this is a sea territory that will sink the giant ship and crash the plane.

“This is the legendary 100 MuDa death 3 corners? A little untrue!” Chen Xiaobei stood by the rudder and said tentatively.

Controlling the rudder is an old captain with hair grey-white and scary scars on his left eye.

“That’s because you made an appointment in advance!”

The old captain squinted, indifferently said: “If there is no appointment, the aircraft carrier comes and must sink to the seabed!”

As soon as this statement came out, both Chen Xiaobei and the demon fox beside them showed surprised expressions.

“Not so exaggerated?” The demon Fox couldn’t believe it.

“If you are interested, you just try another ship! You can survive, even if I lose!” The old captain coldly said.

“This…” The demon fox was completely speechless.

“I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you.” The old captain was somewhat impersonal, coldly said: “Now, you 2 all give me back to the cabin and stay with your referrals!”

“Why is this?” Chen Xiaobei asked with a frown.

“I’m afraid that you two, the rare and weird Earth person, are scared to pee pants!” the old captain said indifferently.

When he was finished, he pressed a special button on the rudder.


In the next moment, a light blue light curtain burst out and completely wrapped the entire yacht, just like the yacht’s bodyguard True Astral, directly blocking the sea water!

But unlike True Astral, when the blue light curtain appears, the buoyancy of the sea water disappears instantly!

Without buoyancy, the yacht has no support!

The following scene will definitely scare ordinary people!

“Shua !!!!”

The whole yacht is like a roller coaster, and suddenly falls vertically to the seabed!

Without the slightest buoyancy, the acceleration of gravity continues to surge!

Chen Xiaobei and Yaohu even felt that this yacht was already equivalent to a meteorite falling from ten thousand zhang high sky!

Chen Xiaobei and Yaohu were really scared.

Chen Xiaobei is even ready for Flying Nimbus and escapes from this strange yacht at any time.

You know, ghost rain has long said that the seabed city of Atlantis is located under the Puerto Rico trench at a depth of 9215 meters!

The yacht fell in a free-falling way. The terrifying impact, even Chen Xiaobei’s 90000 Physique, would fall apart!

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