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“Emperor, please use tea!”

Tianci personally poured a cup of tea for Chen Xiaobei, said with a faint smile.

“Actually, I’m not thirsty.” Chen Xiaobei not at all took the cup, said the head, and said, “If there is nothing wrong with God, I will leave the tea, I will drink it later.”

Tianci refused to leave and said, “Take tea while it’s hot. You are a tea expert, how can you say something to a foreigner?”

“Why? Master Tianci has watched me drink this cup of tea with my own eyes?” Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and asked rhetorically.

“This is my opinion after all, and I also want to hear your expert’s comments on top grade good tea!” Tianci’s tone was calm, but his eyes were very firm, and he did not intend to leave at all.

However, the more he insisted, the less Chen Xiaobei would drink.

You know, Chen Xiaobei and the demon fox guard against him from the very beginning.

He repeatedly asked Chen Xiaobei to drink tea now, enough to prove that this tea is 100% problematic.

“Since this is the case, the gifts are still coming and going, and I will also send a gift to the gods!” Chen Xiaobei reached into his pocket and pretended to take things.

In fact, a piece of homemade Heavenly Court dog food is extracted from the space ring.

“If Master Tianci eats my biscuits, I will drink this cup of tea!” Chen Xiaobei faint smile looked at Tianci and directly defeated him.

As long as Heavenly Court dog food is eaten by God, all problems can be solved.

The only problem is that Chen Xiaobei is reluctant.

After all, this is one of the last two Heavenly Court dog foods. It’s a waste to give a weak chicken of True Astral Realm Late Stage.

“This what difficulty is there? This cookie looks very delicious. Of course I am willing to eat it!”

Who dares to think? Godsend simply agreed neatly and reached for the Heavenly Court dog food directly.

Chen Xiaobei expression was stunned, very surprised, this godsend is too good to flicker?


But in the next moment, the situation suddenly changed!

Instead of being fooled, God-given revealed his hidden fangs at the moment he took Heavenly Court dog food!

I saw that a hardened poisoned steel needle flashing blue light appeared in his hand, directly piercing Chen Xiaobei’s palm!

I want to know with my toes that the poison needle must have quenched the venom of the blood-seal throat. After all, the strength gap is there. If Chen Xiaobei cannot be killed by a single blow, the godsend must be a dead end!

I have to say that this blow was very sudden, very hidden, and very close. If the Hiroshikawa Universe was here, it was too late to react, it would be stabbed by a poison needle, breathe one’s last!

It’s a pity that Tianci couldn’t even dream of it. The Nichikawa universe in front of him was actually disguised by Chen Xiaobei.


Under the poison needle, it was directly blocked by Chen Xiaobei’s body protector True Astral, and simply could not touch Chen Xiaobei’s palm.

“How can this be! Why are you prepared! This impossible… absolutely impossible ……” Tianci instantly dumbfounded.

For so many years, the gentleness that I have been pretending to be kind to people has long dispelled the wariness of the Nishikawa universe!

I have had several contacts with the Hirakawa Universe before. I simulated the needle from all angles. The Nishikawa Universe was not prepared. Why did this time suddenly have prevention!

God-given is really 100 puzzled.

Because he never knows that the person in front of him is not the lost Hichikawa universe.

But from the very beginning, he suspected Chen Xiaobei who was watching for him!

It’s strange that he can succeed!


Chen Xiaobei reached out with a palm, directly holding Tianci’s wrist, suppressing the force, and directly pushing the poison needle in Tianci’s hand back into his own eyes.

“You’d better not move around, otherwise, I can’t guarantee that my hands will shake!” Chen Xiaobei coldly said.

The poison needle was half a centimeter in front of Tianci’s eyes, which scared him to tremble, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

“Tell me, why do you want my life?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“Such a simple truth, you will not know?” Tianci asked back.

“Just say it if you don’t want to die, I don’t give you the right to talk nonsense!” Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were cold, and the pressure was instantly released.

Tianci was very afraid of death, and immediately admitted: “The reason is very simple, it is because of the quota of Star Domain in Beihuang! twelve years ago, my quota was robbed by the ghost rain…”

“I can’t bear it. I’m a man with a tail in my head, and I obediently serve Tianzhao! But 9 years ago, the quota was robbed by others!”

“I comfort myself, and I can wait another 3 years when I am young! However, it was the third time I was waiting to be robbed 6 years ago!”

“At that time I had expressed a protest, and Tianzhao also said in person, but the matter was only 3, and the next quota will definitely be given to me!”

“I was full of joy, thinking that I finally got through, but your Hichikawa Universe kicked in for the fourth time and snatched my chance of waiting for 4 years!”

“Do you know how I feel? It’s like I was a girl who had been unrequitedly loved since I was a child. After waiting for 2 years, I was finally willing to marry me! Seeing that she had put on her wedding gown, she was given the first step Spoiled!”

Tianci’s tone was gloomy, and his entire face was twisted: “I know that Tianzhao has already made a reservation for the Transmission Formation of the Star Domain of Beihuang, which will depart in 2 or 3 days. If I kill you, this quota must belong to me. “”

Chen Xiaobei listened quietly and sighed involuntarily: “To be honest, you are very pitiful! But still the old saying, poor people, there must be hateful things!”

“You fart!” Tianci gnashing teeth, said: “I am the victim from beginning to end! The hateful thing is you robber!”

“Wouldn’t you blush and be ashamed to say this?” Chen Xiaobei said abruptly: “The person who deprived you of your opportunity is not me, but Tianzhao! It’s really capable, you can kill Tianzhao!

“I…” Tianci expression was stunned for a moment, speechless.

Indeed, this is not his first opportunity to be robbed. Even if the Hiroshikawa Universe does not intervene, there may be fans of the Hiroshikawa, Cactus of the Hirkawa, and jump out to grab his place.

The root of the problem is in Tianzhao!

Tianci wanted to kill the Hirakawa universe, but he didn’t dare to touch Tianzhao. Isn’t this typical bullying and fear to avoid problems?

He did not dare to face the root of the problem and was destined to be robbed again and again.

“Okay, things have been As the water recedes, the rocks appear.”

Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “I will not kill you, bring your poison needle and poison tea, I will send you to Great God Tian Zhao!”

“No! Don’t hand me over to Tianzhao! Then I will die without a whole corpse…” Tianci exclaimed: “You let me go, I promise to disappear immediately, and never appear again!”

“Are you stupid of me?” Chen Xiaobei gave him a blank look, said ill-humoredly: “I have no friendship with you, and there is no benefit in letting you go, why do you want to fulfill you?”

“So! As long as you don’t hand me over to Tianzhao, I will take you to his treasure house!” Tianci Dog jumped the wall.

Chen Xiaobei hearing this, suddenly 2 eyes shine!

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