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“In the memory of the Divine Emperor, there is indeed information about Beihuang Star Domain!”

“However, the thinking logic of the Divine Emperor still stays at the level of the Earth people! He only knows that the Northern Wilderness Star Domain is a new field directly reached through a Transmission Formation!”

Six-Eared Macaque said: “As for the specific location of that place, he doesn’t actually know.”

Chen Xiaobei thought about it and asked, “I have always guessed that there is a corner of Realm of Earthly Immortals. Do you feel like it?”

“It should not be Realm of Earthly Immortals!”

Six-Eared Macaque said: “From the memory of the Divine Emperor, Beihuang Star Domain can produce middle grade Spirit Stone, and the spiritual Qi is approximately ten times that of Earth!”

“If it is Realm of Earthly Immortals, it can produce Top Grade Spirit Stone, the ground Spirit Qi is more than 100 times that of Earth!”

“There are also spiritual medicines, most of the star medicines of Kitahara Star Domain are between 1–Star and 5–Star! And realm of Earthly Immortals’s spiritual medicines are basically above 5–Star, and even half-step Immortal Medicine’s presence!”

“The gap between them is not the half point of 1–Star! So, I can basically be sure that the North Star Star Domain is not Realm of Earthly Immortals!” Six-Eared Macaque said.

Chen Xiaobei was a little disappointed after this remark, but more was still expected.

“I was so anxious that I didn’t learn to walk, just thinking about running!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “Although the Beihuang Star Domain is not Realm of Earthly Immortals, the resources there can make me achieve greater achievements and be closer to Realm of Earthly Immortals! Just like you said, step by step, kill it sooner or later. Heavenly Realm!”

“That’s right!” Six-Eared Macaque affirmed: “North Starland is a brand new field for you, a brand new stage. Getting there as soon as possible will be of great help to you!”


Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei immediately lit up: “What you said is very similar to my Master! He once asked me to find Daji’s reincarnation as soon as possible. This woman can help me open up a whole new field! The sooner I find it, the more I help me Big!”

Six-Eared Macaque said: “Don’t you always suspect that Guiyu is the reincarnation? Go back and talk to her, maybe she knows more about Beihuang Star Domain!”

“I estimate that she knows no more insider than Divine Emperor, but I will definitely ask her!” Chen Xiaobei moved the Divine Emperor’s body directly into the space ring.

“You didn’t give God Emperor dog food just for ghost rain?” Six-Eared Macaque is very smart and sees through Chen Xiaobei’s intentions.

You know, God Emperor is the powerhouse of Celestial Manifestation Peak Stage!

As long as the Emperor is forced to eat a dog food and give him half a Heavenly Origin Breaking Realm Pill, he can let him break through the Celestial Manifestation and win the next great realm!

A loyal dog above the Celestial Manifestation Realm! It’s so cool to think about it!

However, Chen Xiaobei did from the very beginning, and he resolutely ordered the killing order, and did not intend to conquer the God Emperor at all.

To say that this is not for ghost rain, I am afraid that a fool would not believe it.

“I did this for the ghost rain, but also for the Master Old Master!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “The Divine Emperor is their absolute irreconcilable enemy! If I take the Divine Emperor as a stray dog, how will I face their grandfather and grandson in the future?”

“That’s right!” Six-Eared Macaque nodded and said: “Moreover, Guiyu may be the reincarnation of Daji, and she will not see her in the future. If she keeps the Divine Emperor, she will leave a knot in her heart!”

“Well, let’s go back.” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “Let’s talk to Gui Yu first to see if she is the one I am looking for!”

“But don’t you feel distressed at all? A spicy and powerful dog who kills when he says…” Six-Eared Macaque asked.

“What’s so distressing about this?” Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, said: “The world powerhouse 1000 10000000, when to grab an Earth Immortal to be a dog, then it is called crazy drag and cool!”

“Fuck! You brat is too rampant!” Six-Eared Macaque’s staring boss immediately said with a smile: “But! I like it! People are not frivolous!”


Northern Profound Sect.

Three god emperors Elder, three aegis agents, a total of 3 heads, were placed in 3 boxes.

Everyone who participated in the battle just now gathered in the square, each and everyone expression grave, feeling nervous, the whole space seemed very depressed.

“Old Jiang! You said Master, will he be okay?” Feng Qingyang asked anxiously.

Jiang Ziya narrowed her eyes and shook her head: “It’s really hard to say this time…The enemy’s strength is too strong…”

“Master, shouldn’t he die? But 10000000 don’t! Master is my most admired person!” Wu Aofeng was crying with a sad face, his eyes were slightly red.

“You have nothing to hide! You don’t need to say 2 sentences, and nobody treats you dumb!” Tai Yitan glared at Wu Aofeng.

Just the phrase “dead warped” instantly made the surrounding atmosphere even deeper.

Gui Yu’s face was already pale, and he held it with his fists, and his nails seemed to pierce his skin.

Gordon Yue Changkong and several of their loyal dogs, eager to rush over to replace Chen Xiaobei and die.

Even King Xiaobai, who has always been cold, frowned, and his small eyes could not hide his worries.

“woof woof woof ……”

At this moment, Heavenly Wolf, who was originally in a low mood, suddenly shouted in excitement.

“Master! Master is back!”

Everyone at the scene instantly glanced with two eyes, and the haze of the sky finally turned the clouds to the sun. With the arrival of a person, the sun was shining.

“Master! You are finally back!”

Wu Aofeng’s frightened and flustered rushed over and flat beaty madly, saying: “I know! My Master is the most beeping existence in the world. What God Emperor Saint Sovereign is in front of my Master is garbage!”

“I’m so powerful?” Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and faint smiled: “Just now, when I didn’t come in, how did I hear someone say that I’m dead?”

“Uh…” Wu Aofeng’s expression was stunned for a moment, and his old face turned red, and he said: “It’s the Disciple is wrong… The Disciple is unobstructed, and ask the Master to forgive sins…”

“You are stupid!” Chen Xiaobei was amused: “Just kidding you, forgive sins?”

“Hehe, I knew that Master wouldn’t blame me…” Wu Aofeng scratched his head, hehe smiled.

Everyone laughed for a while, and the atmosphere suddenly became active.

“Chen Xiaobei!”

At this moment, Gui Yu came over, frowning slightly, looked at Chen Xiaobei side Six-Eared Macaque, and said, “Lao Jiang has told me your plan, this one next to you is a fake god emperor, right?”


Chen Xiaobei nodded, with a big wave of his hand, directly threw out the body of the emperor and said, “Your enemy is dead, not dead! And his ghost is swallowed by my Spiritual Artifact, forever unable to reincarnate!”

“His…” Gui Yu Yinfang bit her lip tightly, only looked at the corpse, and then turned her eyes to Chen Xiaobei, staring staring at it for a long time.

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