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The emperor’s face was pale for a moment, his pupils squeezed into needles, and the body and mind shivered uncontrollably.

It is no exaggeration to say that he has never been so scared in his life.

First of all, he didn’t use his True Astral armor. He was directly injured by the terrifying impact of the red and black Ssangyong, and fell seriously injured.

Second, Chilong bombarded his heart and lungs, causing breathing and qi and blood to chaotic instantly! The Black Dragon hit Qi Sea Dantian, although Cultivation will not be abolished, but in a short time, True Qi will overturn the river and the sea, it is extremely difficult to calm down!

His breathing and blood were chaotic, causing him to be in a state of depression.

True Qi’s inability to connect will prevent him from condensing True Astral and even ninjutsu.

There is no doubt that this moment is definitely the weakest knot of the Divine Emperor! If he can’t slow this tone, waiting for him, it will be signed to eternal damnation!


And all this is already in Chen Xiaobei’s plot against! Just raise the sword and kill, without giving the God Emperor a chance to breathe!

“Your strong request, I will satisfy you now!”

Chen Xiaobei stepped forward, his hair fluttered, his coat swelled, and Primal Chaos Blood Sword in his hand was still blooming the blood light of the sky, covering 4 seas and 8 deserts, like Demon God came into the world, and the world changed color.

For this sword, Chen Xiaobei abandoned Three Realms Merits and accumulated for a long, long time.

At this moment, this sword will finally give him back!

“Give me defeat!”

Chen Xiaobei roar again, in the deep black eyes, blooming the domineering arrogance of who I am, as if he is the emperor of the overlord, looking at all beings!

“This… this is impossible… this is absolutely impossible…”

The emperor’s face changed wildly, as if the end came, completely shrouded in despair.


In the next moment, Primal Chaos Blood Sword came suddenly, and sword edge directly stabbed the emperor’s chest.

Pierce the skin, smash the sternum, pierce the heart, and finally see through the back of the god emperor, go in and out, and pierce the heart with a sword!


God Emperor spurt a mouthful of blood violently, his face instantly pale as paper, his eyes dull, and he looked at Chen Xiaobei as if he were a ghost.

dignified lord of the cult! Tianzhao’s personal biography! Number One Powerhouse in the island country! It was actually beaten by a Chinese kid in his early 20s!

This kind of thing, even in the first second, the emperor will think it is a fantasy story, absolutely impossible.

Such a result is enough to shock the island nation, shock the sky, and even shock the world.

“Chen Xiaobei…you are so cruel…”

The emperor gritted his teeth, his face unwilling.

He never thought he would die, and he never wanted to die!

But blood still kept coming out of his teeth, and his breath grew more and more.

The heart was penetrated, and death was irreparable.

“Am I ruthless?”

Chen Xiaobei expression is indifferent, and there is no trace of emotion in the deep black eyes: “Who said that to grab the people around me, each and everyone tortured to death?”

“This is what I said… And, I still say so now…cough… cough………”

God Emperor’s teeth grin and blood vomits out of his mouth constantly, making him look extremely unbearable, just like Evil Ghost: “Don’t think I’m dead, you can everything is fine…”

“I will kill you…cough… As for the people around you, you have lost your protection…Tianzhao and the United States, and some people will avenge me…

“Dead…Chen Xiaobei…Let’s make a companion on Yellow Springs Road…Netherworld and then fight…he he he…”

The whole emperor of the Divine Emperor has fallen into surrender, and what he said is like nonsense that the dying person said.

Being killed by a sword, how can you kill someone?

However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei was very clear that the Divine Emperor absolutely did not talk nonsense! Even if the lamp is exhausted, he still has the ability to kill anyone with a Combat Force below 130000!


I saw that Chen Xiaobei’s body was completely sealed by a scarlet halo, and the whole person was unable to move even a little bit.

This scarlet halo is from the heart of the Divine Emperor!

And the sound of’Bao Biao’ is that the blood of the Divine Emperor is burning!

“S-Rank Ninjutsu, the light of blood sacrifice!”

Although Chen Xiaobei was sealed, it remained calm as before: “This is your last trump card, even if you die, you can pull the enemy as the trump card! Burn this dead body, and use blood sacrifice to pull me down to the netherworld !”


Divine Emperor was surprised, said surprisingly: “How can you know the light of blood sacrifice… This is the top secret inside Tianzhao… Except for the Direct Disciple of Great God Tian Zhao… nobody knows…”

Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “Yes, this secret is exactly what the direct disciple ghost dog of Tianzhao old dog told me! In addition, you will come here today, which is the news that I let ghost rain go to deliberately leak!”

“What! You mean…Ghost Rain has betrayed Tianzhao…this…” Shen Huang was completely stunned.

“What is betrayal?”

Chen Xiaobei coldly said: “Ghost rain did not want to join Tianzhao at that time. It was your conspiracy with completely crazy and ridiculous that swindled her consent! Now, the truth has been as the water recedes, the rocks appear. Everything is asking for debts from you!”

“Do you collect debts…”

Divine Emperor indifferent expression, said indifferently: “The ghost rain fell to you… even the light of blood sacrifice told you… It seems that all of today is your game…”


Chen Xiaobei said abruptly: “It’s not just you, the people who came with you have already landed on the ground, and no one has run away!”

Hearing this, God Emperor face doesn’t change, as if the life and death of those people have nothing to do with him, and still said indifferently: “Since you know everything… why can you be so calm… are you not afraid of death?”

“Dead? Actually I have died several times. There is really no terrifying!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “even more how, I will not die today, there is nothing terrifying!”

“Can’t die?” Divine Emperor frowned: “Don’t the ghost rain tell you… when the blood sacrifice is completed…your body will be burned to ashes by fire, no doubt will die…”

“Of course she told me, and she has repeatedly reminded that even if she can beat you, 10000000 won’t be able to get close to you!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“However, you are not only close to me…but also sealed by the light of blood sacrifice…Why don’t you die? Why can’t you die?” The emperor was excited, while speaking, and coughed up a lot of blood.

“I won’t explain this, you should open your eyes and see.” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.


At this moment, a silver light curtain appeared between Shen Huang and Chen Xiaobei.

The side of the light curtain facing the emperor is smooth and flat like a mirror, and it directly reflects the appearance of the emperor.

“This… what is this…” The God Emperor was shocked by 10000 points.


In the next moment, the mirror suddenly showed ripples.

The emperor in the mirror stepped out!

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