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“Okay, okay, am I not going away? Calm down, I will be suffocated by you!”

Chen Xiaobei raised his hand and rubbed the head of the demon fox, made this girl didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, hugged so tightly, her chest was pressed by her roundness, it was really breathless.

“Why are you so bad? I hate to die!” Yaohu buried her face on Chen Xiaobei’s shoulder and whimpered.

That being said, she did not mean to let go of Chen Xiaobei at all.

Before the appearance of Chen Xiaobei, she was like a flat boat drifting lonely in the sea. She had no dependence and no hope, and could only let the wind and waves swept through.

Holding Chen Xiaobei, it seems to have found a haven in the sea.

The lonely soul of the demon fox finally has a stable sustenance, and has a sense of security comparable to luxury goods!

Why is she willing to let go easily?

Chen Xiaobei no longer urged her, but only rubbed her head indulgently and let her adjust her mood.

Ten minutes later, the demon fox released Chen Xiaobei.

Raised his hand and gently wiped the corners of his slightly red eyes, and asked with his heart: “How are you going to take me out? As far as I know, without the orders of the Divine Emperor, I will not leave here for half a step!”

“I want to come, no one can stop it! I want to go, and no one can stay!” Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled said.

“Then let’s go!” The demon fox packed his mood and refused: “This ghost place, I don’t want to stay for a second!”

“Wait first! I have to do one more thing!” Chen Xiaobei grinned badly, and waved his hand to extract a wooden box from the space ring.

“Ka! Ka! Click …”

The wooden box quickly made a mechanized sound and bounced off many joints.

Every joint, orderly torsion changes, like the deformed Vajra in the movie, directly becomes a wooden man.

This wooden man is only about 1.5 meters in height, with a head like a mushroom, no neck, long hands and short feet, it can’t be more ugly.

“This…” The Demon Fox expressed with a stunned expression, and asked in disgust: “This is what the hell thing? How ugly!”

“It’s called Luban 8! It’s a Spiritual Artifact!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“Uh… what do you do with it?” Yaohu asked again.

“I abducted the daughter-in-law of Hikawa Okazaka and had to pay him back a wife!” Chen Xiaobei said with a smile.

“Return a daughter-in-law of Okagawa Nakagawa?” The demon fox was surprised for a while, surprisedly said: “Aren’t you talking about this ugly wooden man? Nakagawa Okazaka is not mentally retarded…how could he marry a wooden man wife?”

“Come here and put your hand on No. 8 Luban!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“What are you going to do?” The demon fox was puzzled and put his hand up tentatively, suddenly surprised: “This is indeed a Spiritual Artifact! I feel its spirituality is communicating with me!”

“What’s so surprising about this? Really exciting, it’s just beginning!” Chen Xiaobei smirked and took out the Green Jade bottle gourd again.

Open the lid and start pouring Spirit Qi over Luban 8.

Spiritual Qi is constantly being absorbed by Luban 8, almost absorbing a full of 1000 Spirit Stones, and mutation suddenly happened!


In an instant, bright golden light appeared on Luban 8 and his body began to undergo special changes.

Just like the evolution of Pokemon, with the golden light disappearing, Luban 8 changed its appearance completely!

“Oh my god…this…how is this possible…” The demon stunned instantly, and couldn’t believe his eyes.

I couldn’t imagine that the ugly wooden man turned into another self.

Just like looking in the mirror, from head to toe, it’s exactly the same. Even the demon fox himself can’t find any flaws.

“How is it? I’m pretty good to Hikawa Kasaka? Return him an identical daughter-in-law!” Chen Xiaobei bad said with a smile.

The demon fox fascinated Chen Xiaobei with a glance, said ill-humoredly: “Return someone else to a wooden person and say that it’s good for others? At least you have to return an inflatable doll! At least it’s soft!”

“Pu…” Chen Xiaobei burst into laughter immediately: “Your Little Fox, it’s really filthy! Do you still plan to make Pagawa Pa of Hikawa Kasaka and Luban No. 8? What’s the difference between soft and hard?”

“Don’t blame me for not reminding you! Hikawa Okasaka is a pure-bred color embryo!”

The demon fox despisely said: “As long as it is a beautiful girl, Hikawa Kasaka will find ways to possess it! For me, he is coveted for 3 feet! He will definitely push Luban 8 immediately!”

“Are you feeling worried about Luban No. 8 for the first time?” Chen Xiaobei smiled: “Come on, Nakagawa Oksaka joined the Court Eunuch team!”

“What’s going on?” Demon Fox curiously asked.

“The last time Ishikawa Oksaka wanted to push a girl, I was hit by it and directly kicked his crotch!” Chen Xiaobei said with a smile.

“Good kick! That kind of scum is deserved!” Yaohu said indignantly.

“Speaking of which, that’s your chance!”

Chen Xiaobei said resolutely: “The girl I rescued, nicknamed Guiyu, is the Direct Disciple of Tianzhao old dog! Maybe she plans to revenge in the future, and she will have to help!”

“Ghost Rain? I know her!” Demon Fox expression stunned, surprised: “Will she help us?”

“It should be…” Chen Xiaobei shrugged said: “Although I haven’t said it clearly, I feel she is facing me!”

“There will be no conspiracy in it?” Yaohu wary: “How can Cultivation of Ghost Rain be pushed by Nakagawa Oksaka?”

“It shouldn’t be a conspiracy.” Chen Xiaobei speculated: “Ghost Rain is close to Hikawa Okakasaka, probably for another mission! Because she still has a heavy identity and is a special agent of the SHIELD!”

“Aegis Bureau!”

The demon fox was surprised: “As far as I know, it is a secret service organized by mutants. Each mutant has special capabilities, which can be said to be the strongest secret agent force on Earth!”

“Dwarf oil! Unexpectedly, you stupid fox, know so many secrets?” Chen Xiaobei’s eyes lit up.

“You are stupid!” Yaohu shouted: “I saw the guest list earlier. In this big marriage, Mi Guo sent a high-level official to congratulate. Among the fellows, there is a bodyguard of SHIELD!”

“Senior official of the United States?” Chen Xiaobei shrugged, it doesn’t matter: “Whether he is, I will take you away anyway, they like to participate in the wooden man’s wedding, I just don’t bother to care!”

“Wait!” Demon Fox asked suddenly: “Having said that for a long time! Will Luban 8 move? Although it’s exactly the same as me, it won’t move.”

“Is it still necessary to ask?” Chen Xiaobei bad said with a smile: “It’s all controlled by my remote control, not to mention it will move, any posture can meet Hikawa Okazaka!”

“Bah! You are a Lich king, and drag racing again!” The demon fox thought for a while, and was surprised: “Luban 8 is a boy? Are they not…”

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