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The principle of Five Elements Sink is that wood creates fire, metal restrain wood!

Compared with the fire, the blade of Gengjin is the biggest nemesis of Wood Attribute!

At this time, the golden rays of light shining from the blaze of Chen Xiaobei’s fire blade is an extra layer of Metal Attribute True Astral!

“I… my mother…”

Azure Dragon Xuan Ren was instantly scared and stupid.

It’s scary enough for the same person to have 2 True Astral. Dreaming didn’t expect, Chen Xiaobei, there is actually Third True Astral!

Don’t you bring such bullies? It’s terrifying than open hanging!


Chen Xiaobei wouldn’t be polite with him.

“zheng! ”

The Golden Fire Blade and the Azure Dragon Mysterious Armor True Astral collided fiercely, making a long clash of gold and iron.

Theoretically, under the same Combat Force situation, Chen Xiaobei couldn’t attack Azure Dragon’s bodyguard True Astral in one stroke.

However, under the restraint of the double attribute restraint, the True Astral armor failed to protect Azure Dragon Xuan Ren!


True Astral of Fire, first burn and weaken a layer of Aoki True Astral!


Gold True Astral, take advantage of the fictitious intrusion, tear open some gaps in the weak points, at least 30% of the power penetrates Aoki True Astral, directly cut on Azure Dragon Xuan Ren.


Azure Dragon Xuan Ren flew out, spouting blood in his mouth.

Just on his chest, he was forcibly chopped with a blood stain of about ten centimeters! Not only did the blood flow like blood, but there were also black marks on the wounds that were burned by fire!

This is like wearing a bulletproof vest and being injured by a bullet. One can imagine how terrifying the’bullet’ from Chen Xiaobei is!


Seeing the scene in front of me, Vermilion Bird, who had been unable to speak for a long time, was unable to bear and gave a terrified scream.

Suddenly overwhelmed in an instant, the sound of “Ga”, directly swallowed, breathe one’s last away!


At the same time, the whole ghost rain was like a frozen person, froze stiffly in place, and even the evil spirits and the strangeness could not be shouted.

She could not think of any other words or words that could be used for pedestrian Chen Xiaobei.

No wonder she just ignored the eyes of Chen Xiaobei, because, what she worried about, in Chen Xiaobei’s eyes, that was nothing.

A person has 3 types of True Astral, in the same realm state, it is equivalent to open the plug-in!

Ghost Rain can even be sure that if Chen Xiaobei arrives at 110000 Combat Force, he can definitely grab himself and play ass!

This is the invincible legendary class!

Legend has it that only the most outstanding genius in the world can be invincible at the same level.

Guiyu can’t do it himself.

As for those who can do it, she has only seen Chen Xiaobei, the unique and unmatched one!

“Azure Dragon old man! Can’t fight yet?”

Chen Xiaobei walked over and asked questions while drawing Vermilion Bird’s mysterious essence blood into Primal Chaos Blood Sword.

This is a mystery of a Celestial Manifestation Middle Stage! The quality of Jingxueyin is equivalent to over 100 people!

After getting this power, Primal Chaos Blood Sword can almost cut out 130000 Combat Force with a sword, even the ghost rain will be killed in seconds!

“No more… No more… I admit defeat… Lost persuasion…” Azure Dragon Xuan Ren shook his head again and again.

Although the chest suffered only skin and skin injuries, but did not hurt the muscles and bones, it had little effect on his Combat Force.

However, from small to big, Chen Xiaobei can hack him this blade, then he can hack him 3 knives, 5 knives, ten knives!

The final defeat is a foregone conclusion, but it’s all time sooner or later.

He couldn’t even see the slightest hope of victory and continued to fight, unless he wanted to be abused!

“Don’t you just look good? It’s a 70% chance of winning and A-Rank ninjutsu. Why did you counsel so quickly? I’m not too much fun!”

Chen Xiaobei said bluntly that he wanted to use Azure Dragon Xuan Ren as a test sword stone, after trying to break through the Celestial Manifestation Realm, he has several points of strength.

But it was good, I just tried this trick and the old man counseled, it was too unpleasant.

“I really counseled… to convince you by mouth…”

Azure Dragon Xuan Ren has a painful egg, you want to have fun, I still want to die.

“Oh, it’s not enough just to be convinced!” Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled.

“I know!”

Azure Dragon Xuan Ren did not dare to be stupid, and immediately said: “Don’t you want me to eat dog food? I eat! I am willing to eat! I am willing to be your dog, as long as you spare me…”

This Old Guy doesn’t know what Chen Xiaobei said about dog food. He just thought that Chen Xiaobei was a little psychopathic and liked to use dog food to humiliate others.

As long as you can save your life, not to mention eating a dog biscuit, Azure Dragon Xuan Ren is willing to eat even a dog.

“I was still hesitating to let you eat dog biscuits, but since you strongly demand it, I will be very compassionate and reward you with a good one!”

After finishing, Chen Xiaobei extracted a piece of homemade Heavenly Court dog food from the space ring, and said a few words: “Open mouth!”


Azure Dragon Xuan Ren sat paralyzed on the ground, like a pug, with his mouth wide open.

Chen Xiaobei threw homemade Heavenly Court dog food into Azure Dragon’s mouth.

“Master… are you my master…”

Soon, Azure Dragon Xuan Ren became dull, and his voice was stiff, like a robot without a soul.

“This… what’s going on…”

Gui Yu looked at all this in his eyes, and he was shocked instantly.

“Yes, I am your master, and you will be my stray dog ​​from now on!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged said.

“Uh…” Azure Dragon Xuan Ren a shivered, instantly came back to his senses.

At this moment, his looked towards Chen Xiaobei’s eyes have been completely hostile, and replaced by a most absolute piety!

Even in the face of Great God Tian Zhao, he has never been so religious.

“Chen Xiaobei, what on earth did you give him?” Gui Yu asked to unable to bear.

“This is my secret, unless you can prove that you are my friend, otherwise, I will not tell you!” Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, sly eyes swept to the ghost rain chest.

“Dead hooligan! Stinky color embryo! I have been hurt like this, you still want to take advantage of me!” Ghost rain flushed with a small face, and the wound was painful and unbearable.

“Don’t tease you, cultivate yourself!”

Chen Xiaobei turned to Azure Dragon Xuan Ren and threw a consent to Yang Yuan Dan to him, instructed: “Azure Dragon, you use this to heal, then, take care of Guiyu and Vortex Master!”

“Yes!” Azure Dragon Xuan Ren immediately ordered his life.

Gui Yu frowned slightly and said, “Why let Azure Dragon take care of me and grandfather? Where are you going?”

“You are stupid! No one knows you are a traitor now. If I stayed, wouldn’t you be a traitor again?”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged and asked, “What about my knife?”

Guiyu asked: “You haven’t answered me yet, where are you going?”

“I’m going to catch another dog!” Chen Xiaobei squinted, faintly smiled and said.

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