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Chen Xiaobei is indeed just breaking through the Celestial Manifestation Realm world, with only 70000 real Combat Force.

But don’t forget, he is the one with the magical skill “Desolate Ancient Witch God’s Vigor Transforming Divine Art”, which can directly explode 91000 Combat Force!

Because of Physique restrictions, you can only play 90000 Combat Force!

This is much higher than Vermilion Bird’s 85000 Combat Force, and Vermilion Bird’s Xuan Ren did not do his best!


Everything happened in a flash.

Vermilion Bird Xuan Ren originally thought that Chen Xiaobei had only 70000 Combat Force, and he was ready to receive Chen Xiaobei with a slight injury.

Without even thinking about it, Chen Xiaobei was able to explode 90000 Combat Force.

In addition, the Celestial Manifestation borrowed by Chen Xiaobei happens to be the Celestial Manifestation that restrains the Celestial Manifestation of the fire!

One can imagine the consequences of hard-working aqua dragon claw!


Vermilion Bird is like a cannonball, and suddenly falls out of several dozen meters, forcibly smashing the green grass into a big pit.

“Pu… vomit! cough… cough… ……”

He was hit by the terror impact of 90000 Combat Force and hit his chest firmly. Vermilion Bird’s neck was crooked, and he was spitting and vomiting, and he instantly made half a catty of old blood.

Covering his chest with his hands, his face was so painful that he couldn’t say a word, and even breathing was extremely difficult.

There is no doubt that his sternum is almost broken, and the sharp bones have even pierced his lungs. If he is not treated in time, there is almost only a dead end.

“My God… this… how is this possible… how can Chen Xiaobei reach the Celestial Manifestation Realm world… how can I have the same Combat Force as me…impossible…this is absolutely impossible…”

Azure Dragon Xuan Ren dumbstruck, with a ghost expression on his face, even with his companion’s life and death.

You know, he is more than 180 years old this year, the organization is exhausted, desperately working hard, and his life is almost over, he barely touched the threshold of 90000 Combat Force!

It’s good to know that Chen Xiaobei, a Chinese kid in his early days, actually has 90000 Combat Force!

Azure Dragon’s inner heart is instantly hurt by thousand thousand times of critical damage! I began to doubt life directly, and doubted that my 100 several decades have lived in the dog’s belly?


At the same time, Gui Yu’s expression is similar to Azure Dragon’s Xuan Ren. Looking towards Chen Xiaobei’s gaze is like looking at a monster that should not exist in this world.

Don’t forget, just a few hours ago, in the face of the different python frenzy, Chen Xiaobei was only 48000 Combat Force!

Ghost rain can’t figure it out. After such a short period of time, how could Chen Xiaobei’s Cultivation look like a different person? It has nearly doubled!

To say that Chen Xiaobei used to pretend to be weak and deliberately hide his strength. Guiyu absolutely does not believe it!

If Chen Xiaobei had 90000 Combat Force at that time, he had already killed the Anaconda Frenzy, how could he be trapped in place, surrounded by the Nichikawa Universe and the 4 Daxuanren?

The most important thing is, in order to resist the anaconda craze, Chen Xiaobei was even injured, it is absolutely impossible to do fake!

This means that Chen Xiaobei has no hidden strength. It really broke through the Celestial Manifestation Realm in these few hours, and reached the Middle Stage 90000 Combat Force level!

Is that human being?

Gui Yu also remembered his initial evaluation of Chen Xiaobei. This Hua Xia Shao year was a demon who completely surpassed common sense! It is even a different number that surpasses the law!

He was born to create shock. Only the world can’t think of it, and he can’t do it.

“Azure Dragon! You have seen it! Chen Xiaobei has the same strength as you, and fighting will only suffer both sides!”

Guiyu saw the breach of the situation and immediately said, “I haven’t happened to me today. Take Vermilion Bird to heal, otherwise he will be dead!”

“This…” Azure Dragon Xuan Ren expression froze, his eyes turned to Vermilion Bird Xuan Ren, his heart was somewhat shaken.

As Gui Yu said, Azure Dragon Xuan Ren wants to defeat Chen Xiaobei, which is almost impossible, continue to consume, the bad luck is Vermilion Bird Xuan Ren.

Even more how, Ghost Rain is not a Combat Force at all, 10000 a sneak attack, Azure Dragon Xuan Ren could not explain themselves here.

“Okay! That’s all for today, we’ll meet again some day!” Azure Dragon Xuan Ren’s mind is very calm, even if he is not reconciled, he has no choice.

Hearing this, Ghost Rain was relaxed anyway, and I was very happy in my heart to be able to survive this disaster.

But, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei was unhappy: “You two, don’t tell yourself? Don’t make a mistake! But here I have the final say, I want to go? Have you asked me?”

As soon as this statement came out, Azure Dragon Xuan Ren and Gui Yu were both stunned.

didn’t expect, Chen Xiaobei would be so strong, actually not let Azure Dragon Xuan Ren go.

“Boy! Your strength is indeed beyond imagination, but if you think that the old man wants to listen to you, then it is very wrong!”

Azure Dragon Xuan Ren’s eyes showed anger, coldly said: “You must have a limit when you are young and frivolous. If you fight against the old man, you may not be able to take advantage of it!”

“Even more how, Gui Yu has reminded you! When the Hiroshi Universe is coming, when the time comes, you should be one against two! If you are not afraid of the accident of Vermilion Bird, you think the old man will Let you go?”

As soon as this remark came out, the ghost rain could not help being secretly nodded.

The reason why she proposed a truce between the two sides was because of the existence of the Nichikawa universe.

It seems to her that Vermilion Bird’s Xuan Ren is going to die, but she and Chen Xiaobei will have no way out!

“Oh, I said earlier that I would like to invite Hiroshikawa Universe to eat. He didn’t come. How can I leave?”

Chen Xiaobei’s expression of Serene directly ignored the ghost’s eyes, and said indifferently: “If you old man want to go, it is not impossible, come over and eat a dog cookie I prepared, you can go!”

“What? Dog biscuits? What do you mean?” Azure Dragon’s Xuan Ren frowned deeply and his eyes showed a deep anger.

I am a dignified Azure Dragon Xuan Ren, how can I eat that kind of thing?

“My meaning is very simple. After eating my dog ​​biscuit, you are my dog!”

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: “when the time comes, I will let you go. You dare not stay. If you let you stay, you will never go!”

“Chen Xiaobei!”

Azure Dragon Xuan Ren Anhou shouted: “You Smelly Brat, don’t be unsatisfied! You are not qualified to humiliate the old man! If you look at Vermilion Bird, Xuan Ren is badly hurt, the old man must fight with you to be irreconcilable!”

“Oh, don’t make excuses, just come to the battle!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed and said, “You should be thankful that I can reward you with a dog cookie! Like that Vermilion Bird, even if he begs me, he won’t get my dog ​​cookie! Because he is too weak to qualify as me Dog!”

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