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“Spare my life…spare my life please…”

The Anaconda King screamed desolately and sent to Chen Xiaobei for mercy from the in the depth of one’s soul.

As long as it can survive, it is sincerely willing to be spirited and honestly to be Chen Xiaobei’s Spirit Beast.


It is forgivable to do evil in heaven! the evils we bring on ourselves are the hardest to bear!

Chen Xiaobei didn’t give it a chance, let go of the fake Golden Lotus on the other side, just to calm down and calm down.

However, the Python king went back on one’s word, pushing Chen Xiaobei to a dead end.

“Remember one sentence, it will be useful in the next life…”

The anger in Chen Xiaobei’s eyes gradually subsided, and the deep black eyes appeared very indifferent, without a touch of emotion.

“What…what…” Python King asked trembling with fear.

“If you don’t, you won’t die!” Chen Xiaobei said indifferently.

In the next moment, Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved, Primal Chaos Blood Sword suddenly exerted force, and directly penetrated into the heart of Python King!

The sharp long sword stirs wildly in the heart of the python king, and directly crushes that huge heart, and absolutely does not give the python king a chance to fight back!

“hong long long ……”

The heart was crushed by Primal Chaos Blood Sword, and no matter how powerful the Python king was, there was only the dead end.

The huge body crashed to the ground and didn’t move.

“I…My God…Brother Bei! You actually killed Chiyang Yanxin Python King…You are so handsome!”

Galuran still didn’t understand what was going on?

But witnessing the death of the powerful and powerful Chiyang Yan Python King in Chen Xiaobei’s hands, Galoran was instantly bloody, just wanting to cheer for Chen Xiaobei.

“Bah! Bah…”

Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved, and Primal Chaos Blood Sword flew out.

The wound left by the sword edge went straight to the heart of the Python King, and the large scarlet blood, like a fountain, spewed out, splashing Chen Xiaobei all over.

“That feeling is getting stronger!”

Chen Xiaobei did not speak to Galoran, but focused on the mysterious power from the heart.

The Dark Power of Blood Race!

“En!? That…that is…”

Chen Xiaobei tried to run the method that Gordon handed over. Just after a week of operation, he vaguely noticed that a new 6-Man Star Core appeared in his heart!

The appearance is exactly the same as the original, but the top is not full of cracks, as if it has been damaged.

Moreover, as the special Heart Law’s Mnemonic Chant continues to operate, Chen Xiaobei’s desire for blood has become stronger and stronger.

I wish I could rush into the blood fountain and drink without a doubt.

But Chen Xiaobei is not Blood Race after all, it is really a bit difficult to accept such things as direct blood-sucking for a while.

“It would be great if I could’suck blood from the air’ like Primal Chaos Blood Sword!”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, and secretly calculated: “not equal to me. Let’s try, can you modify the Heart Law’s Mnemonic Chant!”

You know, Chen Xiaobei is the one who owns the Heart of Literary Sage.

Analogy 3, comprehending, but that’s his good show.

Before he had transformed a lot of martial skill secrets, “greater teleportation” is his proud work.

Now that I have thoroughly understood the method taught by Gordon, there is a modified probability.

If the modification is successful, Chen Xiaobei is convenient for himself, and does not have to bite the neck of another person like a vampire.

“No… so sleepy…”

Chen Xiaobei is planning to think about how to modify the way to use the power of Darkness, but he was influenced by a strong sense of distress and could not concentrate.

Obviously, this is the side effect of using Xiao’er’s ability.

Every time after eating with Xiao’er’s ability, Chen Xiaobei must fall into a deep sleep. The higher the level of food, the longer the sleep time, and the greater the final improvement.

“No… I can’t sleep…”

Chen Xiaobei desperately resisted the drowsiness, and here and now, once asleep, the trouble would be great.

First of all, the demon fox’s big marriage is not far away. If it is over, there is no chance to remedy.

Secondly, there is a mad craze outside the cave.

In a short period of time, those snakes and grandchildren may not dare to come in, but after a long time, if there is a lack of security, there is a bold desire to come in and see!

By that time, what is the difference between the sleeping Chen Xiaobei and the lamb to be slaughtered?

“Can’t sleep! I have to eat next!”

Chen Xiaobei thought about it, every time Xiao’er’s ability was used, he was super spirited when eating, and once he stopped, he would be sleepy.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei immediately took out Qingyun Spirit Mushroom and ate it with a’click and click’.

Qingyun Spirit Mushroom is the harvest in the dealer’s treasure house.

Xiao’er once said that eating a spiritual object will enhance Physique and eating spiritual medicine will increase Combat Force.

After all, the scales and flesh of the python king cannot reach the level of spiritual object. Chen Xiaobei doesn’t want to eat anymore, so he started to eat Qingyun Spirit Mushroom directly.

“Delicious! WTF! This taste is so refreshing! Enjoyable… cool…”

As soon as Qingyun Spirit Mushroom entered the entrance, Chen Xiaobei immediately got rid of his sleep, and his spirit was rejuvenated, just like the blood of chicken blood.

“Brother Bei … what are you eating? Is it really so delicious?” Galuran watched from the side, his mouth spitting out.

“I don’t have time to explain, you are guarding outside the cave.”

Chen Xiaobei was eating Spirit Cloud Mushroom, and he settled down and began to think about the details of modifying the dark law.

Modifying the law is by no means a simple matter. Chen Xiaobei just sorted out his head and Qingyun Spirit Mushroom was finished.

“Already have ideas, continue!”

Chen Xiaobei took out 9 nether purple crystal tokens again, and’ka ka ka’ gnawed up.

“Lay a big grass!!! My wife is delicious!!! How can there be such a delicious food in the world!!!”

9 nether purple crystal is Xiao’er’s coveted Top Grade spiritual object. As soon as the first bite is taken, Chen Xiaobei feels refreshed.

Change while eating, 9 nether purple crystal token eats out, but the dark law has only changed a small part.

“Damn! I don’t have spiritual object and spiritual medicine in my hands!”

As soon as he stopped talking, Chen Xiaobei immediately felt sleepy: “No, it can’t be done halfway! Once I sleep, and wake up again, the blood of Python King is not fresh! It seems that I can only eat that thing… cool what鈥︹€?#8221;

Ding-Black Tiger Domineering Hammer: The first Immortal Grade owned by Shen Gongbao, the grade is not high, but Shen Gongbao can鈥檛 put it down. He is always with him, is it extracted?

“Shen Laoer! Don’t blame brother for being merciless, blame yourself for bad luck! hehe…”

Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved, and immediately extracted a warhammer carved with a black tiger.

This is a 1鈥揝tar Immortal Grade with extremely strong spirituality and similar to the square inch thunder pool, which can bring an invisible coercion to Chen Xiaobei.

It is a pity that Chen Xiaobei does not have cultivation or enough Spirit Qi. Anyway, he can鈥檛 use this black tiger domineering hammer, it鈥檚 better to eat it, death ends all one’s troubles!

“ka ka ka ……”

Chen Xiaobei has been impatient for a long time, and the taste of an Immortal Grade is definitely more enjoyable than 9 nether purple crystal tokens!

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