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“Brother Bei makes sense!”

“If there is nothing in this space that is worthy of nostalgia, the Python king will have left long ago, and its snake children and grandchildren are more impossible to stay!”

Galoran was nodded and said urgently: “Let’s go in! Must must find out the truth before the Python king returns, otherwise it will be dangerous!”

“Wait a minute!”

Chen Xiaobei moved his heart and extracted a very delicate wooden box directly from the space ring.

“Brother Bei, what is this?” Galuran curiously asked.

“This is Luban 8!”

Chen Xiaobei held the wooden box of the institution, established spirituality communication with it, and realized how to use it.

Ding-Luban No. 8: The latest version of the organ created by the Luban Master can act according to the master’s wishes, pass what he sees and hears into the master’s mind, and after being filled with Spiritual Qi, he can also turn into the appearance of the master, whether to extract it ?

“Luban 8! Transfiguration!”

Chen Xiaobei directly threw out the wooden box.

“Ka! Ka! Click …”

In the midair, the wooden box made a mechanized sound, and then the wooden box opened many joints.

Every joint, orderly torsion changes, like the deformed Vajra in the movie, directly becomes a wooden man.

This wooden man is only about 1.5 meters in height, with a head like a mushroom, no neck, long hands and short feet, which is simply an abnormity.

“WTF! Why is Luban 8 so ugly?” Galoran said when he saw that he was unable to bear.

“This is what I also think is ugly…” Chen Xiaobei came out with a row of black lines behind his head, and thought involuntarily of the line of Luban No. 7 in the game.

Luban Master, IQ 200 5…

The IQ of this Luban Master is really a bit unreliable.

Obviously, a variety of exquisite wooden organs can be produced. Why can’t you spend a little effort and make it look better?

“No matter, I took it out and used it as a sentry. It doesn’t matter if it’s ugly. Try the effect first and then say.

Chen Xiaobei settled down and began to try to control Luban 8.

The method of controlling Luban No. 8 was just remembered by Chen Xiaobei when he communicated with spirituality.

At this moment, with his heart moving, Luban 8 acted like a remote control toy.

Without the remote control, it is directly controlled by Chen Xiaobei’s idea.

As if this wooden man is part of Chen Xiaobei’s body, just like the arm drives the finger, it is very flexible and very simple.

“Short oil! This little thing is ugly and ugly, it’s quite magical!” Galuran watched with interest, tsk tsk surprised.

“In addition to free movement, you can also transfer what you see and hear…”

Chen Xiaobei closed his eyes and controlled Luban 8 to climb to the top of the mountain.

Luban 8 looked to the far end, and what he saw spread to Chen Xiaobei’s mind.

“I saw it! Chiyang Yanxin Python King, and besiege them again! I have enough time to check in!”

Chen Xiaobei raised a confident smile at the corner of his mouth and said, “We will go in now!”

With Luban 8 as a sentry, Chen Xiaobei can know the situation outside in advance. Even if the Python King comes back, Chen Xiaobei can prepare in advance!

Then, one person and one ghost went inward along the cave.

The further you go, the more horrible to see the surroundings.

This entire mountain that stretches for 100 miles, like an ant’s nest, was almost hollowed out.

Numerous caves, criss-crossed 4 through 8 reach, there is no doubt that all the snake sons and grandchildren of the Red Sun Flame Heart Python live here.

Such scenes strengthened Chen Xiaobei’s inner speculation.

There must be something crucial here, otherwise, why should these different pythons get together here? Don’t even care about the great world outside?

Although the mountain within the body is like a labyrinth, Chen Xiaobei and Galoran will not get lost.

They only need to follow the biggest cave and go deeper to reach their final destination.

If something really important exists here, then, there is no doubt that only Python King can get closest to that thing.

Therefore, as long as you walk along the largest cave opened by Python King, you will definitely not be wrong.

Halfway through, Chen Xiaobei and Galoran stopped.

There was an open area in front of my eyes. It could be seen vaguely that this was originally a wide space with scattered wood chips and incinerated metal on the ground.

“This is your previous treasure house?” Chen Xiaobei asked.


Galoran nodded and said: “The metal melted by the fire is the gate of the treasure house… The scattered wood chips are the wooden shelves where I put various resources… It seems that there is really nothing left here… “

At this point, the expression on Galoran’s face was full of loss.

A treasure trove that has been accumulated after spending countless energy and hard work, so the piece of armor that was searched by the python king does not stay, just thinking about it is impossible to bear heartache.

“I have a hunch…” Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and said, “The deepest thing in the cave is probably far more valuable than your treasure house!”

“This…this impossible…”

Galoran said in surprise: “In addition to the 10000 Spirit Stones in my treasure trove, there are also many Spirit Artifacts and some rare medicine in the world! How can the value of just one thing be higher than my whole treasure trove?”

“The king’s head is facing the depths of the cave, and now this location is just an empty lot that’s all that it passes by.”

Chen Xiaobei said: “The primary and secondary relationship is very obvious. Compared with this treasure house, Python King obviously pays more attention to the depth of the cave!”

“That makes sense …”

Galoran nodded, impatient said: “Let’s go in! I can’t wait to see what is in the deepest part!”

“No hurry, look here first!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “The spatial array formation diagram you mentioned earlier is probably still here! Spirit Stone, Spirit Artifact, spiritual medicine, these things Python king know how to use, but it must not understand the formation diagram!”

“Yes! I remember the location of the formation diagram. Brother Bei came with me!” Galoran immediately flew to the side of the cave.

There are many gravel and sawdust.

Chen Xiaobei walked over and shoved away the debris with his feet, and soon discovered it.

“Brother Bei! It’s the black hide! Take it up!” Galoran pointed to the debris.

Chen Xiaobei bent down and pulled a piece of black animal skin directly from the debris.

On the black animal skin, a very complex formation diagram was drawn with gold paint, and each rune was several times more complicated than Chen Xiaobei had seen before.

It can be seen how difficult it is to create an Independent Space.

“Okay! Next, we are going to the deepest point!”

Without delay, Chen Xiaobei directly collected the formation diagram, and everything with Galoran accelerated the penetration into the cave.

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