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“Land of Nine Nether? What is that place? A good treasure trove?”

Chen Xiaobei was shocked, what international joke? I came to the treasure house myself! Where can I go to Land of Nine Nether?

“I can’t remember the specific situation below…but I know that Land of Nine Nether, the Independent Space developed by a Land Immortal!”

Galuran recalled: “There really is a treasure trove, and Earth Immortal has left it! At that time, in order to avoid world cultivation, he hid in this Independent Space and brought all his life heritage into it!”

“WTF! A treasure trove of Earth Immortal! Also brought into his life!”

Chen Xiaobei instantly glared with two eyes, and said, “Then we have to go in and see everything! If nothing else, there can be 2 10000 Spirit Stones, and I will be developed.”

There is no doubt that Chen Xiaobei’s trip to the island country is still behind. If you can get more resources, you will have one more chance of winning.

If it’s true as Garan said, find a treasure house left by Earth Immortal.

That is definitely the rhythm of getting rich!

“However, I vaguely remember that there is some kind of danger… I can’t remember the specifics for a while…” Galoran said frowningly.

“Isn’t that Earth Immortal alive?” Chen Xiaobei was shocked.


Galuran shook the head and said, “I remember that Earth Immortal is dead, died of a war…”


Chen Xiaobei was dumbfounded and said: “Can you kill an Earth Immortal, the opponent is at least the powerhouse of the same level! Will the fall of this ancient city also be related to that war?”

“I can’t remember this, but what you said really makes sense!”

Galoran said very seriously: “Earth Immortal really has the strength to sink an island! Fortunately, he is dead, otherwise, we can’t go in.”

“It’s okay, let’s take a look at it first, it’s really not going to work, I can still go back in time!” Chen Xiaobei is ready to use the Moonlight Jewel Box to go back in time if he encounters an invincible enemy.

As long as you don鈥檛 get killed in a second, just leave a breath and say the phrase 鈥淧anjara Paramita鈥? you can directly return to safe time!

Anyway, there are now 9000 years of lifespan, and using the Moonlight Jewel Box a few times is no harm.

“Going back in time? Is this… is this true…” Galuran was dumbfounded. For him, it was a fantasy story!

“Of course it is…” Chen Xiaobei hadn’t finished speaking yet, and mutation suddenly broke out around him.

“Hong long long…buzz…”

The entire altar shook endlessly, as violently as an earthquake, and at the same time, there was a strong energy, which was rotating at a rapid speed on the ground.

Immediately after, in the center of the array, a dark purple light curtain appeared, like a high mirror of the others and the others.

“This is the gate to the Land of Nine Nether!” said Galuran.

Chen Xiaobei settled down and said, “Okay, let’s go in!”


Then they entered the dark purple light screen together.

As if it had surfaced, the other side of the light curtain was completely dry without a drop of sea water!

Of course, the difference between Heaven and Earth has also changed in the surrounding environment!

All around turned into a black-gray tone, which came into view, it was a desolation!

The dry old tree without half a green leaf, the weathered through the cold rocks, the bitter weird roaring wind!

Galuran called it Land of Nine Nether, which is indeed appropriate!

This desolate sight can’t see the end at a glance. As if it were Yellow Springs Road leading to netherworld, no one knows what the future will look like!


9 nether purple The crystal token seems to have completed its mission. The rays of light dim and fall into the palm of Chen Xiaobei.

Chen Xiaobei collected 9 nether purple crystal tokens. If they are not useful later, they can be eaten and used to increase Physique.

Xiao’er has long been eager for 9 nether purple crystals. The grade of this material must not be low.

“Brother Bei, who are you holding that girl?”

Galuran reminded: “There may be danger in front, so holding her like this is not a way, or should we put her here, shall we go in?”

“No, this is a dangerous person.” Chen Xiaobei shook the head, put ghost rain on the ground, took off the oxygen mask, and let her breathe fresh air.

Garoulan wondered: “When I made the mask of Nichikawa Earth, I heard Aoi mentioned that you have a dog food, why don’t you give her a piece?”

“Because the effect of dog food is too domineering, it will directly obliterate one’s heart.”

Chen Xiaobei looked down at Guiyu’s fair and pretty face and said, “She may become my friend, so she can’t give her dog food! Only the absolute enemy will I choose to kill his heart!”

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei suspected that Guiyu was the reincarnation of Daji.

Just like before, Chen Xiaobei did not give Six-Eared Macaque and Jiang Ziya dog food, ghost rain may become his own.

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei could not give her dog food.

To obliterate a friend’s heart, Chen Xiaobei would rather suffer a loss by himself, and would never do that!

“You can’t throw her here, and you can’t give her dog food, then you have to wait for her to wake up, otherwise, she will go ahead with a sick number and get in trouble if she is in danger!” Galuran said helplessly.

“Don’t wait. I have medicine here, so I can wake her up.”

Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved, and a bottle of Xin 100 grass juice appeared in the palm of his hand.

Ghost rain is just a coma, just need to drink a bottle to go down and immediately wake her up.

“and many more!”

Chen Xiaobei suddenly remembered an important thing: “I first try to see if she is reincarnated. When she wakes up, it is not that simple to try again.”

“What’s your reincarnation?” Galuran looked curious.

“You don’t know if you said it.”

Chen Xiaobei was too lazy to explain and put the Potion of Hundred Herbs directly on the ground.

Then, Chen Xiaobei squatted to Guiyu and stretched his hand towards Guiyu’s collar.

The ghost rain at the moment is still wearing a simple kimono.

Because her Physique is extremely strong and not afraid of cold, the fabric of this kimono is very thin. After being soaked in seawater, it will cling tightly to her curvaceous lovable body!

The curve of the devil’s body is undoubtedly revealed, the degree of popularity is enough to seduce crime!

“WTF…the power of the Great Desolate, don’t burn it…the business is not done yet…”

Chen Xiaobei swallowed saliva and said, slowly plucked the collar of the ghost rain.

In an instant, two white and round Great Snow Mountain, half exposed, the middle career line is simply deep and unmeasurable!

“WTF! Brother Bei! Are you going to take advantage of people?” Galoulan’s eyes popped out. How did Brother Bei start to undress?

“Take advantage of your sister! Is that kind of man?”

Chen Xiaobei took a glance at Galuran and stretched his palms directly towards the two Great Snow Mountain!

“Yes…” Galuran was definitely nodded.

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