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Heavenly Court.

Secret Realm, Yaochi, is the residence of Queen Mother of the West.

4 face auspicious clouds, 8 square stands Lingyun stalactite, magnificent colors, magnificent.

Lingyun stalactite absorbs Heaven and Earth Essence, and it takes 100 years to condense a drop of holy water.

The holy water was filtered for another 100 years, and it became pure and flawless, condensed together bit by bit. After countless years, it became a pool of water, named Yaochi!

All the Peach Conferences were held in Yaochi. The 100 cents of Wenwu in Heavenly Court and guests specially invited by Queen Mother of the West were able to attend.

The average little fairy is not eligible to participate.

I think that when Brother Hou was Bi Mawen, he was not invited, so there was a story about the panache club!

Today’s Brother Hou, already Victorious Battle Buddha, has naturally become the VIP of the Queen Mother of the West. Sitting with a group of auspicious clouds on the auspicious cloud, the couple talked with each other.

The same is true of the rest of the Xianjia, sitting in droves around the Yaochi, drinking wine beautifully, and singing and dancing.

So, everyone’s interest was put on Three Realms Red Envelope Group.

“I heard that several 10000 group friends of Three Realms Red Envelope Group have presented their gifts. Empress Empress will pick out the ten favorite people and reward them with flat peach!” Barefoot Immortal said.

“Yes! Thanks to Three Realms Immortal Network and Three Realms Red Envelope Group, this King, the dragons and grandchildren finally have a chance to get Pantao!” Eastern Sea Dragon King Ao Guang said with a smile.

“Old loach, don’t be too happy. Those dragons and grandchildren in your family may not be appreciated by Empress Empress!” Great Sage the Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong grinned and smirked.

The Eastern Sea dragon king was uncomfortable, but he dared not speak, and was scared by Brother Hou.

“Who does Great Sage think can get the flat peach?” Taibai Jinxing asked.

Sun Wukong scratched his ears and said something serious: “Others and my grandson don’t know, but I can definitely get a flat peach from Brother Chen Xiaobei!”

“Don’t you really say that! Exalted Immortal Xiaobei sly plan is the most, maybe it can really please the Queen Mother Empress!” Taibai Jinxing nodded.

“Yes! I also think Exalted Immortal Xiaobei can surprise us!” Barefoot Immortal said happily.

“Cough… cough…!”

At this moment, someone coughed twice and Barefoot Immortal and Taibai Jinxing closed their mouths at the same time, their faces showing tension.

This coughing person is Shen Gongbao!

This product is against Chen Xiaobei, and others say that Chen Xiaobei may get Pantao, and he feels very unhappy.

“Empress, have ten of your favorite gifts been selected? According to my estimates, the three ghosts, snakes, and gods in the Three Realms Red Envelope Group are almost waiting!”

Shen Gongbao is wearing a black and white robe and has quite a few points of divine poise and sagelike features.

But the tone of his speech showed a slowness, as if he was more noble than those who could not participate in the Flat Peach Club.

“Exalted Immortal don’t be impatient, Cabernet and they will come over here.”

Above the auspicious clouds just north of Yaochi, there are 2 thrones, The Great Jade Emperor and Empress Empress sit on it.

2 Everyone is a golden robe body, sacred without losing his prestige.

But Empress Empress spoke, but she wanted to call Shen Gongbao Exalted Immortal, using honorific title!

However, this is not surprising.

Jiang Ziya was demoted, and Shen Gongbao took the place of it, in charge of Divine Beating Whip, which is the spokesperson of Primeval Lord of Heaven. Within the Three Realms, except Sage Heavenly Dao, I am afraid that everyone will let him 30%.

This is why Taibai Jinxing and Barefoot Immortal are both afraid of Shen Gongbao.

“Meet Empress!”

At this time, a red-coat Fairy flew from outside the Yaochi, with a 90-point face value and a top grade hot body. It was Chixia Fairy.

I saw that she was holding an exquisite copper mirror in her hands, and gave her hands, said: “Empress, as you have ordered, we have selected 30 congratulatory gifts, please screen again and rank.”


Queen Mother Empress nodded, after receiving the copper mirror, a congratulation appeared on the mirror.

“This one is not good…this one is not good…this one is okay, let’s enjoy a 3000 years flat peach…”

Empress Empress sees too many good things, and her eyes are inevitably picky. Every 3 gifts, at least 2 are eliminated.

Moreover, when choosing, she has always been interested in lacking, as if the selected gifts are all generals in the dwarf, not at all really makes her heart.

“I knew that this was the reason for you to choose…” Queen Mother Empress whispered.

“Empress don’t be impatient, after reading the last gift, you will definitely shine!” Chixia Fairy said.

“Oh? Really?” The Queen Mother Empress hearing this, just raised a little spirit and continued to look at the congratulations behind.

Sure enough, when she turned to see the last congratulatory gift, a sudden surprise appeared on her insatiable face.

“what is this?”

Empress Empress said with curiosity: “It looks like jade is not jade, it looks like silk or silk, and the color is warm, the shape of All Birds Paying Looking Up to the Phoenix is ​​vivid and ingenious! It is so beautiful!”

As soon as this remark came out, all Divine Immortal at the scene extended their necks and wanted to see the grace of the gift.

“What the hell is that? I can get such a high rating from Empress Queenpress!”

“Queen Mother Empress what heavenly materials earthly treasures haven’t seen? There are things that I don’t know?”

“Empress! What is that? Let’s take a look!”


Feeling excited, the queen immediately nodded and said: “This palace is also wanting the public to help you to see and see what this is!”

After the speech, Empress Empress moved her heart, and a 5-color auspicious cloud appeared in front of her, and the gift was extracted and placed on the auspicious cloud.

Then Xiangyun walked around the field for a week, so that all the fairy families here could watch at close range.

“It’s so beautiful! What is this made of? Can you touch it?” God Erlang Yang Jian was curious.

“Touch your sister! What to do if you touch it!” Sun Wukong glared at Yang Jian.

“Don’t touch it!”

Taibai Jinxing said: “I think it’s a very soft material! I don’t know what it is! If you don’t do it, you will feel bad!”

“It’s amazing! There are materials in Three Realms that we haven’t even seen!” Eastern Sea Dragon King exclaimed.

“The materials are amazing, the craftsmanship is superb, and All Birds Paying Looking Up to the Phoenix has a very good meaning, just in response to our 100 cents to worship the Queen Mother Empress!”

Barefoot Immortal sincerely admired: “This is a big lucky head, no wonder Empress Empress would be so happy.”

Even Shen Gongbao was able to bear and praised: “I can’t think of it. Those cows, ghosts and snakes in the group could even come up with such a gift of art!”

“Does Exalted Immortal also think this gift is good?” Empress Queenpress asked.

“Really good!”

Shen Gongbao nodded, said: “Caxia Fairy, who sent this congratulatory gift? This is the first time for him!”

“Reporting back to Exalted Immortal!” Cabernet Fairy said: “This gift is from Exalted Immortal Xiaobei!”

“Who?” Shen Gongbao hearing this, almost fell to the ground.

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