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“Act recklessly stupid!”

Azure Dragon Xuan Ren is the strongest of the 4 Xuan Ren, he has absolute strength, but also absolute confidence.

In his view, Chen Xiaobei does not escape, it is act stupidly act recklessly!

“Wood’s Celestial Manifestation, endless wood!”

With the angry roar, Azure Dragon Xuan Ren did not move by himself, but the Azure Dragon law behind him moved freely.


In an instant, all directions, countless green grass and green wood, erected countless leaves.

Under the package of Aoki True Astral, each leaf is as sharp as a blade, and the speed is so fast that it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and the power is needless to say!

The sky is full of blades, densely packed, and countless, shrouded in the power of covering the sky and the sun, let alone a person, even a hill will be cut into debris, raze to the ground!

Very terrifying power… We haven’t seen Sir Long shot for many years, and his Senior strength is still in Peak Stage…”

The group of common ninjas, each and everyone clenched their hearts, were shocked by the might, and all the eyes showed terror and surprise.

“The strength of Boss Azure Dragon does not diminish that year! Of the three of us, I am afraid only Vermilion Bird can take over this move!” Black Tortoise Xuan Ren said solemnly.

Vermilion Bird faintly smiled, said: “Let Azure Dragon Old Brother take action, it is really killing the chicken with Slaughter Dragon Blade.”

White Tiger’s eyes were nodded, looked towards Chen Xiaobei’s eyes, showing a disdain: “I was stunned, and I thought how many waves I could make?”

Gui Yu didn’t say anything, only squinted her beautiful eyes, and kept a high degree of vigilance. Among the people, I am afraid that only she did not despise Chen Xiaobei.

“Sa! Sa! Sa…”

In the next moment, countless blades shot towards Chen Xiaobei from all directions without leaving a dead end.

Eventually, an emerald green sphere was almost formed, completely surrounding Chen Xiaobei.

90000 Combat Force blessing, each blade’s lethality is enough to obliterate any powerhouse below a Celestial Manifestation Realm!

Even the powerhouse of True Astral Peak Stage stands here, it will be cut into flesh in a flash.

“That kid is dead, hahaha…it’s an idiot, how old is he, and he is deliberately contesting with Qing Sir Long? Daydreaming!”

Everyone around was extremely excited, and the eyes looked towards the battlefield all showed ease and laughter, as if they were watching a drama, and the final result was no suspense.

“Give me shut up!”

Guiyu stopped their sneer with cold voice.

At this moment, her heart is actually very nervous.

Although she is the real boss of the Tianzhao branch, there is also a headquarters above the branch! There is also Great God Tian Zhao known as’天忍’!

The above requirement is for her to catch Chen Xiaobei alive.

But she thinks Chen Xiaobei is not that simple, so Azure Dragon is shot as soon as she comes up.

She was very worried, what if 10000 overestimated Chen Xiaobei herself?

10000 One Chen Xiaobei was not strong enough, and was bombed by Azure Dragon. Doesn’t his mission end in failure?

After all, Chen Xiaobei is still so young, and is a common person who grew up in the world. How can he be better than Azure Dragon Xuanren who has been in the hidden world for more than 160 years?

When I think of this, Gui Yu’s heart is really unable to calm down. Is his decision right or wrong?

“Bang! hong long long ……”

At this moment, a tremendous loud noise suddenly broke out in space!

“Why…what’s going on…”

Everyone around was stunned for a moment, the pain shrank, and face deathly pale!

The sound alone made their heart beat and their eardrums hummed, and at the heart of the blast, the scene that appeared was dumbstruck, have one’s hair stand on end!


The source of the loud noise is in the ball composed of countless blades!

At the same time, one after another white’s Sky Thunder, like a dragon-like dragon, rushed out of the ball of that blade.

A total of Nine Head Flood Dragon, circling horizontally and as if to crush the entire space!

The minions transformed by thunder and lightning, with unmatched power, directly tore the leaf blade ball into pieces! Burn those leaves to ashes!

At the moment, Chen Xiaobei is still standing proudly, holding a small jade box of 4 square meters in his hand.

The 9 thunderbolt Flood Dragon is from the jade box.

Chen Xiaobei is like the god of thunder control, his hair is flying, and his coat is swaying.

That’s right!

Not Chen Xiaobei was chopped! It’s the amazing blades of formidable power scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

This result was beyond everyone’s expectations. It was like a big slap in the flace, they were stunned and even suspicious of life.

“How is this possible? That kid used Lei’s Celestial Manifestation? How old is he? How could he reverse the Boss Azure Dragon attack?”

The 3 Xuanren collectives here are dumbfounded.

The other ninjas behind were even more shocked. The lightheartedness and sneer just swept away, and replaced with a kind of horrified glare.

“Azure Dragon! Be careful!”

At this moment, Gui Yu suddenly shouting loudly, anxiety filled her pretty face.

“hong long long ……”

Because, when everyone was stunned, Chen Xiaobei was not idle at all.

9 thunderbolt Flood Dragon’s power is not diminished, and he directly rushes to the Azure Dragon Xuan Ren who is still in shock.

The speed of thunderbolt is imminent, and most people have no time to react.


Azure Dragon Xuanren pupils squeezed instantly, revealing a terrified expression!

In this short in an instant, although his consciousness can keep up, the time to run True Qi and condense the True Astral is simply too late!

The lethality of these 9 thunderbolt is absolutely no less than the impact of 90000 Combat Force!

In the absence of True Astral body protection, Azure Dragon Xuan Ren even if it has 90000Physique strength, it must be a dead or dead end!


At this moment, Ghost Rain suddenly shot!

A condensed True Astral of water, arrived at the speed of not losing thunderbolt in time, protected in front of Azure Dragon Xuan Ren!

“Chen Xiaobei! I’ve guessed you brat not simple for a long time, always guarding you!”

Ghost Rain is extremely strong, confident to protect Azure Dragon Xuan Ren, delicate mouth slightly upturned, flashed with smug sneer.

“Adult Ghost Rain is mighty…Adult Ghost Rain is domineering…”

“He Chen Xiaobei is so powerful, he can’t escape the palm of Master Yuyu!”

“Yes! Chen Xiaobei is a poor ant in front of Lord Guiyu!”

Suddenly, the surrounding No. 100 Ninjas cheered.

“Thank you Lord Guiyu…”

Azure Dragon Xuan Ren is also relaxed, fortunately he escaped.

“Cai Cai sauce, I admit that you are smart, but I also said, I am smarter than you!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned, but deep in the dark eyes revealed a killing intent.

“Bah! Bah! Bah…”

9 thunderbolt Flood Dragon suddenly changed direction, moved towards the more than 100 common ninjas behind!

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