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Enmity must be reported.

What happened here, Chen Xiaobei took Tanaka Takayoshi directly away.

This battle harvested 1300 Spirit Stones, minus the 300 consumed by Quicksand Bottle Gourd and Sword Ancestor divine runes, the number of Spirit Qi in Green Jade bottle gourd reached the equivalent of 5050 Spirit Stones.

Spirit Stone Spiritual Qi is directly linked to Chen Xiaobei’s actual Combat Force. The more you accumulate, the greater the chance of winning the battle!

As long as Spirit Qi is sufficient, you can even activate the 3rd 4th Transformation of Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations if necessary!

In addition to Spiritual Qi, Chen Xiaobei also drew the blood of more than 120 people, and the accumulated power of Primal Chaos Blood Sword was further improved!

Take a sword out, I’m afraid it can reach 90000 Combat Force!

In this way, Chen Xiaobei had an extra card to deal with the island nation Emperor Hikaru Universe.

“It’s almost dawn, I have to return to the hospital.”

Chen Xiaobei sent Tanaka Takayoshi to a hidden place, instructed: “You go to meet them with Li Xiang Aoi, wait for my order!”

“As you bid!”

Tanaka Takayoshi jumped out of Flying Nimbus, and the light car got into the forest.

After all, this product is tolerant of Peak Stage, Chen Xiaobei does not have to worry too much about his safety.

Return directly to Imperial Family Hospital.

At this moment the genius had just lighted up, Chen Xiaobei landed in the unmanned garden and slowly walked towards the ward.

“Um… yeah yeah, yeah…ahhhh… yoxi, sgoyi… oh oh…”

As soon as he arrived at the corridor, Chen Xiaobei heard a burst of sound with the characteristics of an island elementary school movie, and it sounded familiar!

When I walked over to see it, a group of bodyguards gathered around and watched the movie on their mobile phones.

“Cough… cough… ……”

Chen Xiaobei has put on the mask of the land of Nichikawa, using a wonderful sound to perceive, solemnly asked: “What are you doing?”

“General…Master in charge…I…we…”

A few bodyguards were looking at him, and the voice of the head boss came out of the cold, almost scaring them into “Yang Wei”!

“Do you have a good interest? Let you keep a vigil so law-abiding? Let me see, what are you looking at?”

Chen Xiaobei took the phone, and when he looked at the pictures on the screen, he couldn’t help but smile.

Just heard the sound a little bit familiar.

At this moment, it turned out to be some of the classic blockbusters I’ve seen before, Snake King 7 Sisters vs. Great Grandpa!

“General…Master, you listen to us explain…”

Several bodyguards were scared to sweat.

Watching the movie during the vigil, the crime of negligence of duty has been confirmed, plus the Crown Prince was seriously injured, the mood above was extremely bad.

If this is pursued, their golden rice bowls are basically settled.

But they absolutely didn’t expect, Chen Xiaobei didn’t mean to pursue, but said with a smile: “Relax, work and rest, I can understand the drops! I will tell you all, what you say about this blockbuster view.”


Several bodyguards were shocked for a moment, and it was almost as if they had changed their personal status.

But looking at the appearance and listening to the sound, it is clear that the deity is in charge of the adult, and they don’t think deeply.

A bodyguard said tentatively: “I think… this film was very good! The creativity alone is worth two praises!”

“Well, let’s talk about it, everyone talk about it, speak freely!” Chen Xiaobei nodded with a smile, very satisfied.

You know, the idea of ​​this 7-sister battle against Great Grandpa is exactly what the old Chen driver came up with.

Seeing Chen Xiaobei’s attitude, several other people were relieved and began to express their views on this small movie.

“I think this movie is simply the most landmark innovation in the history of small movies! There will definitely be countless people who will imitate it in the future, but absolutely no one can surpass it!”

“That’s right! As soon as I saw the old man with white hair on the cover, I was unable to bear and wanted to click in and look at it. A pair of 7! It’s so appetizing!”

“Yeah! Our islanders are a bit perverted, like to hunt for novelties, and have a strong taste. If you see this kind of film, if you don’t open it, you will feel uncomfortable!”

Everyone, you said me sentence by sentence.

Chen Xiaobei all listened to his ears, and the satisfied smile on his face was a little thicker.

There is no doubt that this idea is already on fire.

Needless to say, the 10000000 million dead houses on the island country will basically be opened to take a look!

Even if only 10% of them are fascinated by Jiang Ziya, this filming campaign can declare Perfection successful.

“Tell me about actors, what do you think?” Chen Xiaobei asked again.

“It must be said! The actor is the second highlight of the film!”

Everyone was excited again.

“We all looked at the cover and the title before we clicked in. I thought Jiang Wuya Teacher was just a gimmick, and Quan Dang looked at the 7 most popular actresses.”

“However, just after watching one minute, we found that Jiang Wuya Teacher is by no means a gimmick, but genuine, the absolute protagonist of authentic!”

“The speed of the sewing machine, the power of the bull, the permanence of the perpetual motion machine! My God… Now that I think of it, I don’t even think I am a man…”

“In the first few minutes, we were watching actresses, and in the next few hours, we were watching Jiang Wuya Teacher ……”

“Jiang Wuya Teacher is simply not a person! It is a god! The god of the cannon god! I have been deeply convinced by him. In the future, I will buy one for his movie!”

“Yes! We will be hardcore fans in the future!”


Several bodyguards became more and more excited, and almost forgot that this is a hospital corridor.

Hearing these words, Chen Xiaobei’s face remained silent, but his heart was already full of flowers.

Different countries have different cultural differences. In China, no one may regard small movie actors as idols, but in island countries, there are many people who worship small movie actors.

See the whole panther.

From the reactions of these bodyguards, Chen Xiaobei can already conclude that Jiang Ziya is on fire, and it is not a problem to fire all over the island country!

The Peach Club will have 3 days left, and Jiang Ziya’s 1000000 followers will be more and more!

When the time comes, Shen Gongbao didn’t mention this matter, it’s okay. Once mentioned, it was Chen Xiaobei’s face!

However, there is another problem now!

Chen Xiaobei decided to present a unique sashimi gift to Empress Empress, but the Emperor’s Royal Kitchen has been exhausted.

Now let him recover completely, no doubt will be doubted.

This road is completely impassable.

Chen Xiaobei really has nodded pain. Where can I find a chef of the same level to make this important gift?

Related to the ownership of a 9000-year-old flat peach, Chen Xiaobei did not dare to sloppy-work at all.

“What are you all doing here?”

Just then, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came over.

This product also came last night, it is the prime minister of the island country, Yamaguchi Takaki!

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