Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 619: Odin is dead, Hela stands

Of course, the phoenix that appeared here was not condensed with the power of the phoenix. Hong Fei did not forget the explanation about restoring the will in the notes. If the power of the phoenix was released now, it would be revolted in a few years or even a few months. The non-use is pure Hong Zhili mimicry.

The dragon flew to Charles, and the phoenix flew to Eric.

One per person, very fair.

"You can completely control them, even use them as a clone of yourself, and their actual combat capabilities are okay, but I mainly think that maybe they can help you send admission notices to prospective students."

The two looked at each other with one meaning in their eyes: Too extravagant!

"I should go." Hong Fei said suddenly.

The two said in unison, "So anxious?"

Hong Fei shook his head: "I've been dragging it. I'll leave it to you here. See you next time. I hope the mutants have opened up a whole new situation on this earth."

In fact, when he was rubbing the school with empty hands, the highest-level Dragon Seal Blessing from another universe was already prompting him frantically, and the opposite side also took a lot of energy and various abilities from him.

It is conceivable that the opponent should have been fighting very fiercely, and it can also be estimated that Sif should be at a disadvantage. After all, the abilities she uses have no rules at all.

It's just that Hong Fei has only been out for less than a day. Could it be that there is a big difference in the time flow rate between the Avengers Universe and X Universe?

After saying goodbye to the EC group, Hong Fei took off into the sky, and after entering space, he transformed himself into a dragon, and the time and space were distorted, and the channel immediately appeared.

From this extremely silky process, it is not difficult to guess that after obtaining the power of the phoenix, Hong Fei at least saved a lot of effort in the shuttle of the multiverse.

The cosmic channel is still beautiful and charming and dangerous.

After a while, come back.

The starry sky is silent, as ever.

The moment the space was torn apart, Hong Fei was keenly aware of the energy fluctuations coming from the opposite side.

Entering it, he happened to be standing at the gate of Asgard.

At this moment, Asgard is undoubtedly caught in the flames of war, with flying boats rampant in the sky, continuous artillery fire, and the area where the people gather below may collapse or collapse, or the fire is thick with smoke.


The sky suddenly lit up, the dazzling thunder suddenly appeared, and the rumble resounded through the sky.

The lightning that opened its teeth and danced its claws spread from the sky and gathered into a tyrannical thunderbolt, like a giant tree growing upside down.

With a firm gaze, he looked around, and sure enough, there was no one else but Sol.

He held Miaolnier high, and was leaping through the air, with his cloak raised high behind him, looking so handsome.

Mjolnir followed the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky, and followed Sol's thoughts to shoot down the person not far in front of him.

The black figure, the long black hair, and the small half of the sky behind him were dyed as black as ink.

Hela's image and temperament can no longer be described by the so-called "heroine hero" or "heroic and valiant". Her domineering temperament at this time can throw Loki, a pure man, out of the way. It is estimated that Odin was alive when he was alive. Not as good as Hela.

In the face of Saul's almost righteous blow, she still smiled calmly.

A hand stretched forward and intersected with the thunder, and the dazzling light burst out in an instant, and countless lightnings bloomed like a bright firework in the sound of sizzling.

Sol fell to the ground, his eyes were firm, and he didn't blink. He just stared in Hela's direction, hoping that his attack would work.


After a few seconds, the light faded and the lightning disappeared.

On the opposite side, Hela's black hair fluttered gently, like a breeze blowing her face.

Seeing that she slowly retracted her arm, her five fingers moved slightly, and the remaining electric light on her fingertips burst out and connected. This scene seemed to make her feel a little happy or boring.

She smiled and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Why does Odin let someone like you inherit the throne, or that Asgard is really weak to such a point."

Sol stood in front of her with a look of disbelief.

The next moment, Loki's figure suddenly flashed in front of Hela, holding a sharp dagger in each hand and thrusting it into Hela's back.

Seeing that he was about to make a contribution, Hela suddenly flew into the sky extremely quickly.

Loki failed to assassinate and was stared at by Hela.

He smiled and put away the dagger without feeling embarrassed at all, and was about to continue planning with his three-inch tongue.

But Hela didn't mean to listen to his nonsense at all.

A long leg was raised, and Loki flew out of the sky, his body curled up in pain smashed on the smooth Rainbow Bridge and slid all the way to Thor's feet.

Sol quickly helped him up, Loki retched a few times, and his whole body almost fell on Sol.

"Ha, it's really interesting. A son who was born from one's own hands, and a son who was picked up from nowhere, actually has a bit of brotherhood." Hela teased without giving face.

Sol was still thinking about countermeasures at this time, but Loki couldn't bear to be attacked by others' words.

So he wiped his mouth watch, raised his eyes and said sarcastically: "Yes, a younger brother who has no blood relationship knows who to help, but half-sisters want to kill each other."

Hela was not stimulated by his words, but Sol shook his head: "I never knew there was another family."

Hela chuckled: "That's because Odin didn't dare to tell you the truth. He wouldn't want others to know that the situation in which Asgard ruled the Nine Realms today was not due to him alone."

At this moment, a golden-red light suddenly burst out from a distance, turning around and coming behind Hela.

I saw Hela's face sank, and when she turned around, she immediately drove a large group of black qi.

The golden red light and the black gas collided and swallowed each other, diluting each other.

Suddenly, two crimson-like rays of light bloomed from the golden light, Hela waved her hands, and a black shield in front of her immediately blocked her.

At this time, Sol and Loki finally saw the figure that appeared in the golden red light.

It's Sif!

Her two children's hot sight is extremely powerful. In addition to its own destructive power, the accompanying violent impact also pushes Hela's feet to slide backwards.

Seeing this scene, Sol continued to support the soft Loki with one hand, and threw Thor's Hammer vigorously with the other!

At the entrance of Asgard, Hong Fei, who was hidden in everyone's sight, moved his eyes.

The famous scene is here!

Sure enough, I saw Miaoernier wrapped in lightning and came behind Hela as quickly as lightning, but Hela still turned around calmly in the last lesson and pinched the hammer in one hand.

One after the other, facing the enemy.

But Hela was not in any trouble, as if nothing could surprise her.

She first looked at Sif and said, "You kept stopping me just now. I didn't kill you. You seem to think you are really strong."

Turning back to face Sol, she said again: "Your strength is as weak as a baby in my eyes."

As soon as she finished speaking, she exerted force with her five fingers, and the surface of the hammer suddenly aroused a wave of thunder.

Sol's eyes widened, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

But at this time, it was too late for him to think about it. He heard a violent explosion mixed with energy fluctuations, and the flying boats in the sky were overturned and fell.

A pile of hammer fragments landed on the Rainbow Bridge with a tinkling sound.

Salton was stunned!

Even Loki, who had been secretly trying to destroy Mjolnir, was equally shocked at this time.

Sif, who was releasing her hot eyes in the sky, couldn't help but froze slightly when she saw this scene.

And this just gave Hela time to fight back.

She was worthy of her battle-hardened experience, and seized a fleeting opportunity to stab Sif's chest with two black spikes.

Fortunately, although Sif's reaction was full, the hot sight was activated faster. After the two sights shot down the flying black thorn, she turned and flew to Thor and Loki.

Loki turned back to her and said, "Where are the others?"

Sif shook her head: "I don't know, but I've already sent him a message."

Sol stared blankly at his broken lover and murmured, "This is impossible..."

Hela looked back and smiled: "Child, nothing is impossible."

Hong Fei: Someone learn from me?

At the entrance of Asgard, Heimdall appeared beside Hong Fei with a golden He was a little anxious: "Mr. Hong, don't you want to shoot yet? I think the test for Sol should be enough. "

Hong Fei shook his head: "No, Heimdall, you underestimate Sol."

"But his weapon..."

"I understand that Mjolnir is very important. It has been the symbol of Thor for more than a thousand years. But we should also know that sometimes too powerful reputation and weapons, etc., everything may become the way forward. The shackles. So I didn't help him just now, but I thought it was definitely a good thing for him to lose a Thor's Hammer.

Heimdall pondered.

It's just that before he can really think about the reason, Sol has been knocked off by Hela, and Loki is also rolling on the rainbow bridge. Only Sif can rely on flying and many long-range attacks to fight with her. The fight is deadlocked, but the energy that her body can withstand is limited, and various abilities need corresponding experience to be fully exerted, so even if the blessing of the Dragon King does not restrict her borrowing, she is very supportive in front of Hela. reluctantly.

Heimdall watched Thor dodge the spikes that kept flying to his vitals again and again, losing face like a deceitful child rolling on the ground.

And Hela is more like a hedgehog. Although the continuous attacks did not hit Sol, it felt more like he was deliberately playing with Sol.

Even if Sif keeps obstructing, Hela can always push Sol into a corner.

From the current performance point of view.

The domineering Hela is obviously more suitable for the throne of the **** king than the embarrassed and fleeing Sol.

Unfortunately, Odin would not agree, and neither would Frigga, who was still alive.

Therefore, Hong Fei will not.

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