Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 427: Trade Night, Goodbye Bats (Two/Third)

Night falls.

Hong Fei put on the nano armor and opened the portal, and came to this isolated island in the Pacific Ocean one after the other with Gabriel.

After stepping on the beach, Hong Fei pursed his lips, and Gabriel stepped forward immediately.

I saw her hands facing the beach, white light surging.

In less than a second, layers of gravel began to flow upwards, eventually gathering into a sandy pyramid.

Gabriel folded his hands together, and the white light wrapped around the outside of the gravel pyramid quickly converged inward and disappeared completely in a blink of an eye.

Then, a tower made of gold bricks appeared out of thin air on the beach, and the remaining sand on the gold bricks with the imprint number was rustling.

Gabriel took a breath, and the dust flew into the distance.

Hong Fei stepped forward and took out a gold brick and weighed it a few times in his hand: "It's interesting, can this pass the human test?"

Gabriel said confidently: "Absolutely no problem. At least three days later it will turn into a pile of sand again, and now, it is really gold!"

"Well, you did a good job, and you can practice with me more in the future."

"Huh?" Gabriel whispered in astonishment.

Before she had time to make more strange reactions, Hong Fei said directly: "I mean fighting! Understand? The kind that hits the flesh! The winner stands, and the loser lies down! Uand?!"

Gabriel sighed and let out a long voice in disappointment: "Oh~"

Hong Fei: If Gu Yi sees you like this, if she doesn't want to kill you, then I'll read your name upside down in the future!

Under the moonlight, the golden tower still reflects a seductive brilliance.

The damp sea breeze blew waves against the beach. .

The ocean under the night does not have the shimmering light as imagined. On the contrary, the farther away from the island, the more terrifying darkness appears on the sea, like an endless and bottomless abyss.

Soon after, a rumbling sound came from the distant sky, and a helicopter flew towards the isolated island with its headlights on.

The moment he saw the helicopter, Hong Fei frowned.

He thought that the other party would come by boat.

Because the speed of the ship is a little slower, but the cruising range is sufficient and the sailing radius is large enough.

And since it is a helicopter that appears now, it proves that the other party has at least a large ship docked in the distance.

And Hong Fei's eyesight is enough for him to clearly observe that this helicopter is the famous Chinook. In this way, the big ship parked in the distance must be a warship.

With such speculation, Hong Fei felt that Amanda's bones suddenly became hard for no reason.

Hong Fei and Gabriel stood on the beach and waited. After a while, the helicopter landed on the opposite side.

The golden-stacked pyramids flooded with intense light under the strong light of the helicopter, as if they suddenly possessed enough power to make one's mind tremble.

Probably not many people do not like gold.

After all, there are only a few people like Master Hong who are not disturbed by yellow and white things.

The helicopter opened, and the well-armed American soldiers jumped down immediately. They held the firearms tightly in their hands. Although they did not directly point the muzzle at Hong Fei, the deterrent was already very obvious.

Amanda then appears, followed by another unexpected character from Hong Fei.

Batman, Bruce Wayne. He was wearing his own bat suit, and only his eyes and chin were exposed. He must have seen Hong Fei's familiar appearance in battle armor on the helicopter, so he did not show surprise after jumping out of the plane.

Hong Fei raised his eyebrows.

Gabriel said behind him: "Boss, the other party doesn't seem to be satisfied with your trading conditions."

Hong Fei nodded: "Well, it seems that I still underestimate her ambition after all."

"She?" Gabriel looked at Amanda: "An ordinary human, do you need me to kill her?"

"There's no need to worry about that. What I want to know more now is, if everything that happened to Siannis is put on her body, can her black face be maintained so well?"

Gabriel's face changed slightly.

Siannis is a man after all, but if he were a woman, then... it seems that the level of terror has suddenly increased.

And aside from that, such a fat black woman hanging in a water tank is pretty scary, right?

When the two communicated, Amanda and Batman walked side by side, and more than 20 American soldiers followed behind them with guns, and they did a good job.

Hong Fei ignored Batman and looked directly at Amanda: "Is this your choice?"

"Sir... I'll call you that for now. I don't mean anything else. The witch you want is on the plane."

"What about him?" Hong Fei didn't turn his eyes, just pointed at Bruce.

Amanda's face remained unchanged: "He is our friend, and he asked to come and have a look halfway through."

Hong Fei smiled noncommittally.

"Well, let me guess, you were going to take people to kill us, preferably to kill us, so you specially asked this Mr. Bat to help. It's just that when you find me in the sky, Mr. Bat I suddenly reminded you that he is not my opponent yet, so you changed your rhetoric temporarily and left your suicide squad on the plane?"

Amanda rubbed her hands behind her back, but she shook her head, "Sir, I didn't mean that."

"Okay." Hong Fei turned to look at Bruce: "I didn't expect to meet so soon, so you really want to come and see?"

Bruce spoke, his voice still deep after the change: "I thought you had a very low probability of being a good person, but now I'm sure the probability is zero."

"Then you are wrong, I am really a good person!"

"The people who died at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will not agree with your self-assessment, and the hundreds of tons of gold stolen are also evidence." Batman said, pointing to the gold beside him.

"Is your basis for judging good or bad so narrow?"

"I think the evidence is sufficient."

"The question is, who gave you the qualifications to determine whether I am good or bad?" Hong Fei immediately asked, and then he quickly said: "You are advocating acting according to the law, and at the same time, you are a bat that haunts the dark night independently of the legal system. Please, it's already illegal for you to punish those criminals, right?"

Batman didn't care: "I've heard your words more than once from many people."

"And then you call it bad? As long as I don't listen, what others say is not the truth?"

Bruce shook his head slightly: "You don't understand Gotham."

"Why do you need to understand Gotham? Shouldn't you put your energy and attention on the world? Gotham is just a city in this country, a part of this continent, a corner of this world. Always associate it with The outside world is separated, do you really think of yourself as the master of Gotham?"

Bruce was silent for a moment.

Hong Fei didn't give him a chance to think too much, and immediately said: "By the way, I forgot to ask you last time, why didn't you kill those super criminals who caused countless casualties and losses?"

This time, Bruce said without hesitation: "If you can take away the lives of other people at will with strength alone, then the world will immediately turn into hell."

Hearing this, Hong Fei turned his head to look at Gabriel in an instant: "Have you heard that, I have found a way to turn the world into hell. I took the time to tell Mamen that his complicated plan seems to be out of date."

[First release on this site, fastest update]

Gabriel unabashedly cast a sneering gaze on Bruce.

Looking back, Hong Fei looked at Bruce, and his tone suddenly sank: "Seriously, you are the most arrogant person I have ever met, no one."

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that Bruce's eyes changed suddenly.

"If you kill someone, the world will become hell. If you think that if you kill someone, everyone else will kill with you? Then the super criminals who appeared so frequently before have killed so many people, why don't I see everyone in Gotham What do you think of yourself as a murderer?

I know what happened to you as a child, so you take not killing people as your bottom line, and you are afraid that you will do a lot of terrible things after breaking through the bottom line. Well, let me give you a note, you haven't broken through the bottom line yet, have you? Those so-called super criminals are mostly concentrated in Arkham.

Instead, you stuff them all into a room full of bombs, then you walk in there yourself, and then detonate the bombs yourself before you get past the bottom line.


With just a bang, the super criminals are dead, and so are you!

In this way, you don't need to worry that you will break through your bottom line and become a bad person, and you can take them away along the way.

Isn't that bad? How about it, do you want to try it? "

The voice fell, and the air was silent, as if even the sound of the waves had been eliminated.

Hong Fei kept looking at Bruce, and Gabriel also looked at Bruce with interest.

Even Amanda seemed to think that Hong Fei was right at the moment, including the twenty or so soldiers behind her. They didn't have any rules not to kill. I believe that although they were standing opposite Hong Fei at the moment, they still had feelings for Hong Fei in their hearts. The statement must be accepted.

Or to put it another way, as long as you are a normal person, you will not feel anything wrong with killing criminals such as the Riddler, the Penguin and the Joker.

After all, the blood and lives on their hands are definitely not a minority.

Even if it is an elite soldier who has experienced a hundred battles, the person who kills may not necessarily catch up with one of them.

But it's such a thing that normal people don't think is a problem, and suddenly it doesn't work on Batman!

This is the real weirdness and weirdness!

Don't say anything about the law, Batman's existence itself is very unlawful.

Since it is fundamentally against the law, what if you kill those criminals?

If Hong Fei is a real ordinary citizen living in, then he will definitely feel very crazy about Batman's principles, instead of sighing from the audience's point of view, "Master really has principles, and his charisma is invincible. "Nonsense like that.

In other words, Bruce Wayne always forced himself to act like a normal person, and then after actual analysis, he was the most abnormal one.

At this moment, Bruce let out a long sigh and said in a muffled voice, "If I can judge the life and death of others at will, then maybe someone can judge the life and death of you and me tomorrow."

Hong Fei also responded without hesitation when he heard the words: "So in the end, it is more important to maintain your own innocence, and whether you can eliminate Gotham's gangsters that have been going back and forth for many years has to be ranked at the back."

Bruce was silent for a while.

But Hong Fei no longer wanted to continue.

"This is the second time we've met, and it's also the second time I've told you so much nonsense. I believe these words can't shake your heart, I just... don't spit it out. You can continue, but still Last time, if you stopped in front of me, I would definitely kill you. The same is true today."

Hong Fei wouldn't care about the life of a Bruce Wayne.

DC has a lot of Bruce Wayne.

Even if killing him inexplicably led to serious consequences, then Hong Fei was sure that he had sufficient psychological preparation.

Dawn Lantern, Drowned Wraith, Relentless War Demon, Ravager, Red Death, Killing Machine, Laughing Bat.

There are already a lot of blackened Batman, and how strange is it to have another one?

Maybe you can also get a good energy increase from the reason of "indirectly/directly making the blackened Batman".

Master Hong never loses.

Chapter 427 Trading Night, Goodbye Bat (2/3)

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