Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 919: The most dedicated salesman

As the steamboat with thick smoke gradually left with the sound of dongdongdong, a large number of onlookers left one after another.

Just before leaving, most of them lamented, with a dead dog and a lost chicken expression, and threw away the lottery ticket in their hands.

Because all the bets were pressed on it, the steamer now left smoothly, instead of lying motionless in the water as everyone expected, and the lottery ticket lost its value and became a piece of waste paper.

Moreover, in order to save costs, Feiying Gaming and Entertainment Company used lottery tickets in batch-printed standard formats, and the paper strips made were only two inches wide, and two inches in size were too small to wipe the bottom. I often put it in my pocket, and then I lose it.

What do you guys keep it for?

Those lottery tickets were flying around with the light breeze, and for a while, the entire river course was like a heavy snowfall.

In the end, all the lottery tickets fell in the river, densely covering the entire section of the river, drifting downstream with the current.

As the residents in Shishi usually discharge a large amount of domestic sewage into the river, in addition, there are also factories that discharge the washed waste water into the river.

Because the population in the city has increased too fast, no new drainage system has been expanded. In a short period of six months, almost all the clear rivers have become turbid and yellow, extremely filthy.

But even so, there are still a large number of ships, loaded with people and goods, constantly going back and forth on the river. The city of Nidal has a population of hundreds of thousands, and the various materials that need to be consumed every day are a large amount.

Seeing this, Lorraine couldn't help but cursed angrily: It seems that this environmental protection work must be on the agenda. Otherwise, the river will smell bad.

At this time, as the flow of people left, the impervious bridge was gradually unblocked.

Lorraine and their carriage also slowly drove to the bridge, and then stopped at the side of the road not far away.

Leo looked at the steamship that was going away, and saw that it had become a black spot, and Leo looked at a pile of gold coins with wings in his eyes, slowly sailing towards the sky.

He immediately stomped his feet bitterly, then turned back, and said to Lorraine, "Boss, go, go. We still have important things to do. This time I have to talk to Lorina. Can't talk."

After speaking, be one step ahead and walk towards the carriage.

At this time, the little grandpa was under the thorn of the bright future of the economy, and his hope of making money has completely overwhelmed the long-standing fear of magicians in his heart.

In front of the glittering gold coins, Leo recognized even Toad.

At this time, Lorraine couldn't help but wonder: Why does this steamboat still use wooden oars? Not to mention the complex structure, the efficiency is not high, even if the rear propeller is not used, in order to improve efficiency, paddle wheels should be used?

But immediately, he shook his head with a wry smile, and these things can only be known after seeing Luo Linna and asking her.

Thinking of this, he also took a few steps and jumped into the carriage.

The guards were relieved when they saw this place. The young master was finally safe at this meeting. He hurriedly jumped on his horses, guarded Lorraine, and galloped towards the Governor's Mansion in the center of the city.

At the same time, he made up his mind that he would never take on the task of escorting the house anymore, which was simply frightening.


Slowly squeezing back along with the traffic, the two arrived at the Governor's Mansion. Before the carriage stopped, Leo pulled the car door and jumped out of it.

Then stepped away from the small short tuǐ, withdrew the tuǐ and ran towards the small building where everyone lived.

As he ran, he shouted loudly: "Lorraine, Lorina, where are you? Come out soon~! Come out soon..."

Immediately, I came to the door of the small building, immediately kicked the door, kicked them away with a bang, and then rushed in.

At this time, Xiaobai was playing with water on a small lake not far away. The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and Xiaobai was cooling herself down.

Suddenly seeing Leo move like this, he couldn't help being frightened. He looked at Lorraine rather inexplicably, and then inquiringly stretched his nose in Leo's direction.

It is very suspicious, is his boss crazy? Actually dare to be so rude to a magician and a female magician.

Xiao Bai clearly remembers that Luo Linna is the one who the boss usually fears the most.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help sighing slightly. It turns out that it can be that simple to overcome the fear of the mind. But Vera killed a lot of liches, but still has a phobia of liches.

Then smiled bitterly, and walked in too.

Xiao Bai looked at it, and couldn't help but stunned: What does this wry smile mean?

Is the boss going to be unlucky?

It thought for a while, then stepped over and passed through the huge French window next to it, 1【、

Peeking inside.

Seeing Leo had arrived in the living room, waving his hands, arguing loudly with Catherine.

Xiao Bai immediately raised his head and looked at the sky, very sleepy huò: The sun still comes out from the east.

But the boss went out for a stroll, how could he suddenly become bold. Did you dare to challenge those eight women?

Aren't you afraid to hit the board again?

The injury on the boss' **** was just healed by the two old guys in white clothes.

At this moment, Leo was shouting loudly: "Nicole, where's Luo Linna? Where's Luo Linna? Where is she, call her out..."

Catherine also took a look at Leo in surprise: This little gangster went to the Demon Race for a stroll, and this courage has become much fatter~!

Dare to yell in front of you.

At this time, Leo had already rushed to her and kept yelling: "Where's Rowrina?

Where is Rowrina? Hurry up and tell me where did Rowrina go? "

Catherine was about to pull up her sleeves and fill Leo with a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots. Looking at Leo's back, she suddenly smiled strangely, and then whispered to Sheng, "You said Rowling? She also went out early in the morning. , Said it was a trial flight. It is estimated that I will be back soon......,,

Leo couldn't help but hesitated, then clenched his fists and murmured: "That bapo............" At this moment, suddenly a cold voice sounded behind him: "Bapo? Very good. , I took it down. I don’t know what you want to do with my eighth wife?"

Leo's body suddenly shook, but immediately, the cutest smile was on his face, and then he laughed while saying: "Where is the word, you heard it wrong. What I said is, my dearest, the most beautiful Sister Lorina..." He turned his head as he said.

I saw a woman wearing a large-brimmed sunshade hat with incense shoulders slightly slanted, arms folded in front of ōng, gently leaning against the door not far away.

Although she was wearing a black robe, she couldn't hide her curvy and slim figure.

A wide belt was tied around his waist, and the willow waist was even more slender and unbearable.

Although the white jade-like pretty face was a bit tired, it looked at Leo with a sneer.

Then a light pinch of the finger brought a blue arc.

Leo couldn't help but shudder, and then there was a smile on his face, and then ran over with a flattering smile, and said: "My dear, the most beautiful sister Lorina, where are you? I found you. It's been a long time. By the way, you are not tired, thirsty or thirsty, sit down, I will pour you a cup of black tea for beauty and beauty."

With that, she pulled Lorina and sat down on the sofa next to her. Then I poured a cup of black tea, first carefully tested the temperature, and poured a few drops of bee mì, and then brought it to her. He smiled and said, "Look, the temperature is just right. Try it. It's absolutely delicious."

Luo Linna also looked at him in amazement. The little hooligan took the initiative to serve tea and handed water today. She didn't know what medicine he was selling in this gourd, and reflexively took the tea.

At this time, Leo smiled again and said: "By the way, did you go out to test your strange boat today? I was on the bridge and saw a beautiful and indescribable beauty on the boat, it was like The moon in the sky at night is as beautiful, must it be you?"

Luo Linna couldn't help but smile. Although he was sloppy, it felt really good. She paused, then said, "Yeah? What? Did you watch it there? How did it feel?"

Leo laughed and said, "Okay, okay, good can't be better. Sister Rowlingna did this unprecedented feat."

Lorraine smiled slightly, then picked up the tea cup, gently blown the tea leaves in the cup, and then took a sip. Then she said: "Really good? But I saw one that looks exactly like yours. The little hooligans, crowded in the crowd, waving their fists, were also there desperately shouting "Can't move, Can't move,".

At the time, I was still thinking about turning him into a toad? Leo shrank his neck immediately, then chuckled twice, and said: "Then you must be mistaken.

If I were there, I would definitely cheer for Sister Lorraine. Even if it is not convenient to say, I will definitely support Sister Lorraine in my heart. Haha, hahaha..." He smiled dryly and turned behind Lorraine and said, "You Having been busy for most of the day, I must be very tired. I will give you a thump on your shoulder and give you a good massage. "

As he said, with all his strength, he eagerly beat Luo Linna on the shoulder.

Leo's little hands are neither light nor heavy, and the ups and downs are well taken care of. Luo Linna couldn't help but feel moved. Is this little hooligan so sensible now?

Catherine watched Leo slap Rowrina's flattering so hard, she couldn't believe her eyes, she couldn't help but put down the files in her hand in amazement. She secretly asked: Is it this little

The ruffian turned xìng? Impossible, it is better to count on Lorraine than to expect him to be better.

Catherine blinked her bright beautiful eyes vigorously, but then remembered something and couldn't help but laugh.

She paused, looking at Leo, whose mouth was grinning to the ears, and then said: "Rolina, you have to be careful.

This little hooligan must have no good intentions.

When he was four years old, he was a big flattery to me. It was almost the same as he is now. After the filming, he wanted me to increase him zero huā.

When I was six years old, in order to get a pony, I thumped my shoulder. When I was seven years old, I fished out all the goldfish and dried them. When I went back, I tried my best to behave in front of me. When I was nine years old..."

Seeing her revealing her old bottom one by one, Leo was furious. If Luo Linna understood it, business wouldn't be difficult.

But standing behind Luo Linna did not dare to speak, just opened his eyes and looked at Catherine angrily. Then he slammed Lorraine Nunu's mouth vigorously.

Luo Linna was taken aback, and then he also reacted. This little rascal would never suddenly become so good, although Melina has been constantly reforming him.

She gave Leo a dumbfounded look, then sighed, and said, "I knew it. I knew it. This little gangster is nothing but courtesy, absolutely nothing good." She paused, then said: "Leo, tell me, what is going on?"

Leo chuckled and said, "What can I do? My prettiest and most sensible sister Luo Linna is too tired. So hurry up and help you stretch your muscles. It's okay, it's really okay. , My purpose is very simple, haha, hahaha "I don't know why," the words "reasonable" are extremely heavy.

Rowlingna took a sip of tea, and then smiled: "If you really don't say anything, then I will leave..."

With that said, you have to stand up when you are doing momentum.

Leo quickly grabbed her, and then quickly and authentically! "Sister Lorraine. Sell me the patent of your steam engine? Let's discuss the price. We are our own, and you will never let my sister suffer."

He said, rubbing his little chubby hands, smiling like a ān business.

Lorraine gave him a stunned look, then looked at Catherine again, and said, "Did you not tell him?"

Catherine rolled her eyes towards the sky board, and then said: "They just came back. And they clamored to see you when they came back. They never asked me. How can I tell him?"

Leo was a little strange at this time, and said: "Tell me? Tell me what?"

Catherine smiled slightly, and then suddenly said loudly: "Oh, after reading the official document for so long, my neck seems to be sore..."

While she was talking, she stretched out her hand and rubbed her slender and elegant neck. At the same time, the corners of the beautiful and beautiful mouth were also slightly curved, and she looked at Leo with some unkind intentions.

Leo stopped for a moment, then sighed and said, "I know." With that, he stepped reluctantly and walked behind Catherine, then stretched out his little paw and gave her a massage. .

Catherine felt that Leo was a little bit fake and didn't have any strength in her hands. She immediately snorted and said, "If you don't want to, you can just don't press it."

Leo hurriedly laughed twice and said: "Can I not be happy? For my dearest sister, I am very happy, very happy."

With that said, those paws immediately massaged Catherine vigorously.

Only then did Catherine leaned back, then sighed comfortably, and muttered: "This free labor is still easy to use~! Right there, um, a little higher, a little higher" Luo Linna looked aside. I couldn't help but want to laugh, but forced myself to bear it.

At this moment, Adele walked in from the door holding a bunch of freshly picked fresh huā.

Seeing that Leo was like a big maid, although his face was bitter and hatred, he still gave Catherine a massage.

When Adele saw this, her eyes widened in surprise. what the **** is it?

Is the sun coming out from the west?

She looked at Lorraine rather at a loss, and then at Lorraine who was watching the good show.

Luo Linna saw the fog on her head, and immediately told the story in a soft voice.

What kind of person Adele is, a natural fox who has always taken disaster to the country and the people as her highest goal.

A light flashed in her eyes suddenly. When this little hooligan really got into his own hands, this one was caught~!

Good boy, with your previous account, but you have to settle it carefully.

Thinking of this, her beautiful eyes turned slyly, and immediately sat down beside her, then coughed softly, looked up at the sky board, and said loudly, "Oh, it's so hot this day. , If there is a cup of black tea..."

Catherine smiled immediately and made an eye softly.

Leo immediately had to run over, then poured a cup of tea, and graciously handed it to Adele's hands.

Seeing Leo's resignation, she didn't have the arrogant appearance of the past, so Adele couldn't help but be happy.

Even that cup of Earl Grey tea is much better than before.

Immediately after receiving the news, Adeling ran over and asked Leo to give him a massage.

Fiona also came and asked Leo to polish her shoes.

Claudia asked Leo to wipe the table.

Dei Bōle asked Leo to sweep the floor.

Melina asked Leo to wash her doll...

Even Xiao Bai took a bunch of bananas and waited aside, waiting for Leo to record the skins.

It is said that several years ago, when a certain British prince was in school, all those puppet classmates were extremely keen to bully and kick him in the ass.

As for the reason?

Without it~!

Those puppies just thought, one day in the future, they can proudly say to others, what is Prince Charming? When my buddies were in school, they used to kick the prince in the ass.

In the same way, Catherine saw that Leo had brought him to the door, and their noses caught him, and they worked hard to bully.

After all, using Leo as a big maid, this kind of opportunity is by no means common, especially this time he came to the door himself.

Naturally, everyone can take advantage of one point.

Leiou, who was instructed by the crowd, turned around, so busy, his feet were not touching the ground. How long his tongue spit out when he was tired.

Finally, he was also anxious. When the rag and mop in his hand fell heavily to the ground, he shouted: "I'm not playing anymore~!"

In anger, they threw those things around everyone saw that Leo was provoked, but they all laughed heartlessly.

Even, Adeling gave out a few gold coins and handed them to Adele's hands.

Leo looked at it, and his lungs exploded with anger: these eight women, not to mention bullying themselves, actually bet their patience. This is too bullying~!

"I'm fighting with you~!" He snapped his teeth immediately, rolled up his sleeves, waved his small fist, and was about to move forward.

But then, Catherine's fluttering sentence immediately dispelled his anger.

"You don't want patent rights?" Catherine said.

Leo suddenly stagnated, and then forced himself to endure his anger, and put on a smiling face abruptly.

Lorraine watched by the side and couldn't help but secretly praised: These days, everyone doing business at best is singing, drinking, spanking, taking kickbacks and so on. It is true that Leo is as dedicated as Leo. Not many~! @.

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