Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 913: Mystery spree

Lorraine and Catherine were smiling, watching Leo and Melina hooking their fingers without guessing.

Leo shook his hands and said loudly: "Here, I promise the God of Light that I will bring Melina next time I venture out."

Melina's watery eyes widened, and she asked, "Otherwise?"

"Otherwise..." Leo couldn't help but hesitated.

He scratched his forehead very sleepily, and secretly said in his heart: Otherwise, this oath must be made well~!

It's too poisonous, but it's just a crime for yourself.

Too light? It's too light, and Melina, the little bitch, will definitely not let herself go. The eldest had also taught that there was a deadly death with a special cow who once said,..., how to say that sentence.

*, being scared by Melina, I forgot the central meaning of fortunately. I still remember: it seems that the oath made under persecution does not need to be kept, that is, it is not necessary to take the oath too seriously~!

Leo's eyes lit up when he thought of this place, but then he saw Melina's swollen cheeks.

He couldn't help but froze for a moment, thinking desperately in his little head: Is he considered to be forced by Melina now?

Well, probably, this woman is becoming more and more terrifying like her own old sister~!

Melina was stunned when she saw Leo taking care of herself, and immediately pouted her little mouth again, and snorted dissatisfiedly, and said: "At first glance, you seem to be very insincere. If you don't want to, just forget it. Big deal, I'll go find Knife, let's go in with the white knife and come out with the green knife."

With that, he turned and left.

"Willing, willing, willing" Seeing that Meilinna was about to get angry again, Leo was shocked immediately, and hurriedly hooked Meilinna's finger, without thinking about it, said: "Here I promise the God of Light to go out later. Taking risks, you must bring Melina, or else I won’t be able to make any money from doing business in my life~!"

Lorraine laughed secretly, and sighed inwardly: Leo silly boy was shocked. This oath is poisonous enough.

Catherine and Melina are familiar with Leo's Bingxìng. The little grandpa puts more money on making money than money itself.

If he was allowed to do a money-losing business, Leo would regret it for three years and five years. This oath he made is really sincere.

Melina smiled happily and said to Leo: "This is what you said voluntarily. If it really happens in the future, don't blame me~!"

Leo shuddered suddenly, and said in his heart: "What did I say? It's broken!"

But seeing Melina happy, Leo immediately threw this poisonous oath behind his head, and just looked in front of him and passed this level. As for the time, think of a solution when the time comes.

Luo Linna was also cuddling next to Lorraine at this time, reaching out and pinching the soft flesh of Lorraine's waist, cursing: "This little ruffian is so young that he is full of sweet words, and I don't know where to follow. What a **** learned~"

Leo heard it, and immediately laughed at the back of his head, and waved his hand modestly, saying, "Sister Lorraine, I am not as good as you said. Hahahaha..."

Everyone: "..."

Leo suddenly thought of something and clapped his hands heavily, saying: "Yes, I almost forgot. I brought you all gifts back.

Wait for me to get it for you. "

As he said, turning around, he wriggled his sore **** and ran outside.

Melina pulled the corner of his clothes and said anxiously: "Leo, wait for me."

Leo turned around and took Melina's little hand, and muttered: "Women are really troublesome"

The two ran out of the hall together.

After a while, several soldiers of the Imperial Guard each carried a large package and followed Leo back to the hall.

Leo took the package from a guard and put it on the ground, saying, "This is for Meilin."

Melina hesitated for a while, and smiled: "As long as you have this heart, what gift do you bring with you..."

While she was talking, she stretched out her hand, swiped it a few times, and quickly unwrapped the package, fully demonstrating the hypocritical hypocrisy unique to a woman, especially a little woman.

As the package opened, everyone couldn't bear their curiosity and looked at it.

I saw that the bag was full of some ethnic clothing of the Semitic, full of exotic customs, sparkling various jewelry and handicrafts, and a few extra-large dolls.

"Wow, this is so beautiful~!" Meilinna's eyes were bright, she reached out and picked up a rag doll, hugged it in her arms, and never let go.

Leo immediately raised his head proudly beside him.

Of course he knows what Melina likes, all of which he bought in Caribbean Harbor, the Imperial City of Akadrin, and Lei Bao, all of which are fine products that the little grandpa thought.

"Then this is for the old sister." Leo put another baggage into Catherine's hands and said: "It's all your favorite old sister."

As he said, he patted Xiaongfu with a swearing look.

Catherine reached out to take the burden, and the corners of her happy eyes curled up.

For Catherine, she didn't care what Leo gave. As the princess of Ruman Empire, there were really not many things that Catherine could see in her eyes.

Leo followed Lorraine to hide in the demons as a whole, fighting to death, and still thinking about bringing back so many gifts to her, Catherine was already very satisfied.

Seeing that Catherine didn't mean to open, Leo, who was full of compliments to make Catherine happy, couldn't help but urge her: "Open it up and take a look, old sister."

"Good." Catherine's happy eyes were a little moist.

She hastily wiped her eyes pretending to be careless, and then unwrapped the package.

I saw a square wooden box on the top, and the workmanship was rough, it looked like a floor stall with five copper plates. The only advantage is that it is big enough.

Catherine couldn't help but startled. Then he reached out and opened the box. He couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice of "Ah~".

I saw that the box was almost full of Dangdang. There are all kinds of gems and pearls, transparent, red, blue, yellow, and purple. The gems of all kinds of colors are mixed and sparkling.

Catherine's eyes are full of small stars. For a woman, the best jewelry is always the next one.

There are never too many things like gems and pearls.

After a while, Catherine raised her head and said in surprise: "You got this from there?"

Leo raised his head triumphantly and said proudly: "I grabbed it, no, I bought it, and it was given by others, and it was picked up.

In fact, Leo and Lorraine snatched them, but the time spent in the flash and thunder flash was too long, and there were too many triumphs along the way. Leo couldn't remember who got these from. Anyway, Lorraine and Leo didn't have a cent.

Catherine sighed softly, then put the box aside, mōmō Leo's head, and said, "You have a heart."

Leo stuck out his tongue.

He knew in his heart that although he was playing Catherine's banner this time, he sneaked out, and his sins were serious. After he went back, he would be beaten to death by Catherine, and he had to expose several times to get through.

With this sword of Damocles hanging over his head, the little father-in-law woke up from dreams several times.

In order to reduce the penalty and please Catherine and the others, Leo chose these gifts carefully.

On the Semitic side, when it was nothing to go shopping, I would look for something to buy back to make gifts.

I went to save up a bunch of bosses, but fortunately there was Vera. With the help of various food and sweet words, Vera agreed to keep Leo's things temporarily.

Catherine opened the box, but noticed that there was still a stack of gorgeous clothes underneath.

Catherine immediately picked it up and looked around, she couldn't help but judge her professionally.

"The fabric is average, but this style is good. Do the Semi women wear this?"

But for the next one, Catherine's face turned black, and she said to Leo: "I said, what is this?"

Lorraine took a look and laughed. These two sets of clothes were too short, probably equivalent to the vests and hot kù worn by urban girls in later generations.

Catherine and the others wear more conservative clothes than that.

Catherine carried two clothes and asked, "Do women from the Semitic wear this?"

As he said, the sharp eyes had caught Lorraine.

Lorraine made a look at Leo, but Leo didn’t know if it was pretending, or he really didn’t see it. He nodded and said, “Yes, they wear this when they go out. Women are more enthusiastic, and some rush to our team to **** men. They are so good~!

Scared, why is your face so blue? Nothing so scary"

Catherine sneered and said: "You have no ghosts in your heart, are you afraid of anything?"

After speaking, he turned around and walked back to Lorraine, stretched out the beautiful and sharp nails on his slender fingers that were coated with cardamom, gently pinched Lorraine’s ribs, and said without a smile: "You You must have been very happy over there, right? I said I don’t come back so old, don’t I feel like a fish in water?"

Lorraine gave a bitter smile, bit his scalp, and said: "Why, I can't sleep what you think every day."

Catherine pinched a bit of meat on Lorraine's ribs, twisted it hard, and said: "Believe you to blame!"

Lorraine grimaced, and innocently said inwardly: I am someone who provokes someone, I was really shot while lying down.

At this moment, Leo picked up a parcel with difficulty and handed it to Luo Linna, saying: "This is for Sister Luo Linna. This is a very special and mysterious gift, Sister Luo Linna."

When Luo Linna took the package, she obviously felt that the weight of the package was not light, and her arms sank.

"Mysterious gift? Then I have to take a look." Lorraine glanced at Lorraine, then smiled and opened the package.

I saw a few rectangular small tin boxes on the top.

The iron box is exquisite in workmanship, with fine lines on it, and exceptionally exquisite, but it is cold in the hand, like holding an ice cube, and can't even be held for a long time.

"What is this?" Luo Linna stretched out her hand and fiddled twice, and couldn't help but wonder.

Catherine also picked up one curiously, but found that the tin box couldn't be opened, and could not even find the lid.

"This" Leo looked smug, he stretched his voice, and suffocated the appetites of the two of them. Seeing that they almost all had signs of madness, he said slowly: "This is the lich's. Phylogeny~!"

"The Lich's Phylogram..." Catherine was taken aback, and then reacted.

She immediately screamed, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~! Home. Isn't it disgusting~!"

"But" Leo just opened his mouth, when she listened to Luo Linna's yelling: "This is a baby~!"

Leo snorted and said to Catherine: "Look, it's a good thing."

Catherine took a look, and then nervously said: "This thing is dirty. What's the use~! Hurry...throw it out..."

Mom stomped her feet as she said. If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't dare to take it, she would have thrown that thing out.

"Nicole, you don't understand it~!" Luo Linna sighed softly, then shook the phylogeny in her hand, and said leisurely: "Take this thing back and put it in the living room. The huā bottle of green huā porcelain is more stylish.

The mages like this. "

Catherine froze for a while, then her hands on hips said fiercely, "I don't care, this is not allowed in our house."

"Okay, okay" Luo Linna said helplessly: "I put it away first. Leo, such a good thing, you got it from there, and you got so many at once?"

Leo waved his hand and said lightly: "This was all exploded by the Lich I killed. Grandpa Lester kept asking me for these phylacteries, and I was not willing to give it to him."

Although they pretended not to care, Lorraine could see that Leo had his hands on his hips and his face was triumphant. The little tail behind his buttocks had risen to the sky. I just didn’t say clearly, am I very good? Come and compliment me. No matter what kind of sugar-coated shells, I can resist them all~!

Melina rolled her eyes to see Leo's happy look, finally helpless, and sighed silently, then changed to a surprise voice, hugging Leo's arm and said: "Leo, you are so amazing~!"

Leo waved his hand and said modestly: "This is nothing, haha, hahaha,..."

Seeing the brilliance flashing in Melina's big eyes, somehow it reminded Lorraine of the eyes of the little fox who saw the little fat chicken.

He sighed inwardly: Leo, this silly boy, seems to be unable to jump out of Melina's five fingers in this life. These two are not rivals of an order of magnitude at all.

Leola lifted Melina's hand and said, "Go, I'll take you to see the war fortress. This was taken back by me and the boss."

Melina was also curious about the house that could fly in the sky, holding hands and running out with Leo.

Catherine smiled and shook her head, and complained to Lorraine: "This little fat guy, I really don't know how you taught him. No matter how you care, you will be lawless."

Lorraine shrugged and said, "Do you think it's better for the obedient Leo or the naughty Leo?"

Catherine glared at Lorraine and said, "You always make sense. Forget it, I'd better go and meet the guests. You can't keep them waiting."

When Lorraine, Catherine, and Lorraine went out, Adele was already the hostess and arranged for Lester and St. Paul and the others. A few old guys were sitting on the sofa in the living room, drinking carefully. Young people will enjoy the black tea while sighing.

The representatives of the various nations of the United Nations were led by the Janissaries to the hotel outside the governor's palace.

When Lorraine walked into the living room, a few good guys waved to him, and Lester said, "The black tea you make here is authentic."

Catherine greeted some old people, then hugged Adele, patted her on the back, and said, "It's been a hard journey."

Adele smiled and shook her head, and said, "With Lorraine, it's nothing."

Catherine then hugged Deyi Bōle and said, "It's fine to come back, and never leave again."

Deyi bōle's eyes are slightly moist. Although the Semitic is his hometown, it has always been filled with cold memories. Only here makes her heart feel warm.

Maybe... this is the feeling of home, right?

She nodded heavily, and said, "Well, never leave again~!"

Catherine looked at the beautiful and alluring Adling, and did not ask Lorraine: "This is..." Adling took Catherine's shoulders and pressed her face to Catherine, saying: "My name is Adling. "

"Adeling huh~?" Catherine was taken aback, then couldn't help but cried out in surprise, and said: "Adeling, the first beauty of the Semi tribe?"

Just as a man can always remember who is the best in the world, the nose man has a deep memory of the best beauty in the world.

Especially a beauty like Catherine, from time to time always wonder how beautiful this so-called No. 1 beauty of the Semitic is, and how does it compare to me?

"Sure enough" Catherine took a closer look, then couldn't help but sighed softly, and said: "It's more beautiful than I thought."

Adeling smiled lightly: "That's all they are talking about. You are also very beautiful. When in the Semi, Lorraine mentioned you to us every day."

Catherine looked back at Hehe smiled and said, "I don't know that guy he is. That guy has trouble for you guys."

Adeling shook her head and said, "Thanks to him, otherwise Deyi Bōle and I don't know what the outcome will be."

Then Lorraine introduced Claudia and Fiona to Catherine. When they first saw Catherine, both of them were a little bit ashamed, blushing and hugged Catherine.

Lorraine explained: "When we were in the Semi, Fiona and Claudia both helped us a lot. In order to prevent the undead high priest from retaliating against them, I brought them back.

Catherine took their hands and said, "Fortunately, Lorraine met that, I don't know how to thank you."

Claudia was outspoken, shook her head and said: "No, Lorraine has done it all."

Catherine looked back at Lorraine, and the girls covered their mouths and laughed.

That night, a grand celebration banquet was held in the Governor's Mansion. Almost everyone was drunk, and even in the city of Nydel, the smell of fine wine was floating. @.

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