Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 908:  Guide the people freely

Although everyone had already prepared, when Fengye Danlin's Manshan Tree Art appeared in sight, they couldn't help but move a little, and there was a low cheer.

This is the destination of this trip. After arriving at Fengye Danlin, everyone's feet will once again set foot on the ground.

Although the war fortress was flying very smoothly, the constant buzzing and occasional vibration still made everyone in the war fortress feel uncomfortable.

The soldiers' feet will feel at ease only when they step on a solid ground.

Everyone in the war fort squeezed to the window and poked their heads and looked down.

In front of the wide main entrance of the war fort, two people, one large and one small, stood majestic at this time.

The small one is Leo, but the big one is Lester.

In order to highlight his magnificent and tall image, Lester wore a long war-stained magic robe today, with his head held up slightly.

The old guy stood straight in front of the wind, standing at the door of the war fortress.

The robe hunted and flew in the wind, and the silver beard fluttered. Holding his staff with one hand and the back of one hand behind him, the whole person looks like a master who has experienced many battles and returned triumphantly.

However, according to the record, he went deep into the area 6 to destroy and seize many war fortresses, and he confronted the undead high priest in front of him, and returned without injury. He seized dozens of phylacteries of the Lich, and was killed but did not find the phylacteries. Only more.

Lester's position in the mage will be as high as the sky, no one can match. Even the guys in the mage headquarters will have to bow their heads obediently and yell "Boss."

So, now this old man's horizontal front is the same as the extra-large Emperor Scorpion.

Looking at his current style, Lorraine and the others knew that this old man was going to grab it in front of the Fengye Danlin people.

When the war fortress landed, the teachers and students who were stunned below saw Dean Lester, who was full of domineering spirit.

This majestic and radiant image has not yet blinded their dogs!

Needless to say, Fengye Danlin would definitely have to set up a holy shrine for him and carve a 100-foot-tall statue, exactly the same as his SS, placed in the center of the college for generations to admire.

He even thought about the details of the statue.

The statue must face the Demon Clan, stepping on the small war fortress, and throwing a lot of Lich Phylograms under the feet, which is used as a record.

The eyes are piercing and full of spirit." His eyes are looking up and thinking. It shows the heroic feelings of Lord Lester's compassion and compassion. He raised the staff high in his right hand, and the top of the staff must be lit with a fire as a light. ...

Finally, on the pedestal of the statue, came a name: [Guide the people freely]!

Just this great, glorious and upright image can definitely shake everyone out for more than three miles.

Let them all remember the glorious deeds of Lord Lester forever.

Let his legend be passed on from generation to generation in the world, never cut off!

However, as a great politician, Leo naturally understood the importance of obtaining political capital by nature.

When the others saw their hometown, they were all happy. But his caution was brought up.

This time, even though he came out under the banner of Catherine, he knew clearly in his heart, "This time he has caused such a big disaster, that bapo will definitely not let him go easily.

If you can't, you must have a solid meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots.

If I can't make it, I will have another meal, supper or something.

My **** is definitely going to be unlucky.

At this time, all you need to do is to look at your face and highlight your personal image a little bit." Let everyone know that among the Terran warriors, there is a little hero like him. He has increased his reputation.

In the future, even if Catherine is soaring and seeing that she is loved by so many people, she will surely leave her **** a little under her palm when making fragrant bamboo shoots, so it won’t hurt so much.

Therefore, he is also extremely prestigious.

A palm-wide belt was tied around his waist. "Two pistols hung on both sides and a toad mirror on his nose." With his hands on his hips, he stood beside Lester with his belly. Ready to accept everyone's cheers.

Lorraine looked funny, Leo looked like this, and then replaced the handle of the pistol with ivory, and then zoomed in to a few more numbers. Wouldn't the help be a double-hua big red stick in the country, the image of Brother Barton?

But Xiao Bai also stood faithfully behind his boss, acting as the horn of a qualified dog, with his forehead upturned and even his nose erect.

At this time, the war fort set is getting closer and closer.

Everyone clearly saw that the city walls were already full of fully-armed soldiers, and the extra-large crossbow bolts filled with bursting crystals were shining in the sun.

Thick black beacon smoke lit up on the high tower, and the muzzle of the magic tower was aimed at the war fortress, flashing light ready to shoot.

At the same time, the college’s alarm bell was ringing continuously.

Fengye Danlin was armed to his teeth and was ready to fight.

Everyone saw it, and immediately burst into a heartless laugh.

Someone happily waved their fists and shouted: "We must have bluffed their **** this time."

The rest of the people suddenly laughed like successful children's mischief.

Lester lowered his chin and murmured, "I don't know if the old fellow Wabadol is also scared to pee?"

Even though Obahum was old and sincere, he couldn't help but laugh twice at this time, but he immediately turned around again. Shaking his head and smiling bitterly: "You guys, can't you be a little mature?"

He paused, and then continued: "If they really treat us as enemies, and they blast us down at this time, then they will lose a lot."

Everyone suddenly stagnated.

Someone asked quietly: "Has anyone notified them in advance?"


There was an answer immediately next to him: "What a joke, the war fortress is a top secret incident.

How could it be notified in advance. Besides, even if the average messenger has wings, can he fly fast with a war fortress? "

Everyone couldn't help but all looked at each other.

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone yell: "Someone is flying here."

They all rushed to the window immediately, shouting loudly to the outside: "Don't get me wrong, you are your own. Don't fire, don't fire..."

At this time, the magician flying from the Maple Leaf Danlin, with a translucent mana shield, approached the war fortress cautiously in one foot and nine inches back.

The war fortress was already tall when I saw it from a distance. Now that I was closer, I felt that it was majestic and terrifying.

While looking at the fortress of the war, he secretly thought to himself: Back then, how painful the ancestors in the Millennium War had to pay to destroy them?

He carefully looked at the window of the war fortress, and just turned around as soon as there was a situation. During the war of the year, the Liches rushed out from those places and launched a massacre towards the humans on the ground.

Just as he was in a state of uncertainty, from the window of the war fortress, several people suddenly emerged and waved at him.

The magician was so scared that he almost turned around and ran. At this moment, the voice from the other side came.

"Don't get me wrong, you're your own, don't shoot."

The magician stunned suddenly, pressing the urge to escape alive, and fixed his eyes.

I saw that the few people on the fortress of the war were not like the legendary Dark Mage, but they looked like warriors, beckoning him enthusiastically.

, "What's going on?" Just as the magician was confused, a deep voice came from the side.

"Hey, kid, come here for me."

Hearing this voice, the magician froze and almost fell from the sky. As a teacher of the Magic Academy, he was familiar with this voice.

, "Go... Dean?" The magician said stupidly.

When he turned around, he saw the heroic figure of the dean standing at the front gate of the war fortress.

(In the later official memoirs of the Maple Leaf Danlin, the magician who was sent out as a pathfinder cannon fodder wrote affectionately, "The glorious image of the dean at that moment was extremely tall in my eyes. Uh, no, he His brilliant image has always been so tall.")

Lester looked at his uncertain face and said faintly: "Go and tell them that I have come back from Demon Clan 6 with the war fortress."

The magician said to himself blankly: "War fortress, demons"

Lester halted his staff and said, "Don't hurry."

The magician suddenly figured out the joints, with an expression of ecstasy, and said loudly, "Yes. Dean.

Turning around and falling to the ground, while flying, he yelled loudly and said: "The dean is back! The dean is back! He is back with a war fort!"

Lester smiled reservedly, and said in his heart: This little guy still has eyes, not bad! When there is a chance in the future, he must be given a salary increase by one level.

Wabador stood calmly at the command post at the head of the city, and let it be seen by others, he was like a famous general, he was successful and calm.

However, the special envoys of the great powers around him became a bit softer, and they got closer and closer, and the pressure on people from the war fortress above him became stronger.

It's like it will be photographed at any time, crushing the people on the ground.

They were quite regretful at this time, wondering if they had fled like their counterparts just now?

Not only them, but also the teachers and students preparing for the academy, they all had fear in their hearts, but they felt a little relieved when they saw Vabador's calmness.

The life of the old **** of General Wabador is much more expensive than his own. He didn't run away, so what else did he run?

At this time, the magician had fallen by Wabador's side. [Xing] exclaimed enthusiastically: "General, it is the dean, it is the dean!"

Wabadol suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked calmly: "What's the matter?"

The magician panted, and said with gestures: "Dean Lester, with the war fortress, came back from... from the demons."

The people who heard this sentence looked at each other, and it took half a minute for them to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Everyone burst into tears for a while!

Bright God is on!

We finally have our own war fortress n!

The longing for a thousand years has finally come true!

The teachers and students preparing for the battle raised their weapons and threw their hats into the air, bursting with cheers.

, "Long live Dean Lester!"

, "Long live the Maple Leaf Danlin!"

, "Long live the fortress of war!"


The cheers resounded through the world like a sea tide.

Wabadol breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart, and then he felt a faint damp feeling in his crotch. I couldn't help cursing in my heart: Are these puppies really something, they actually play a surprise attack. Um scary to death n!

Needless to say, it must be the **** of Lester.

I'm waiting, looking back for a chance, I have to clean up his meal!

Although he was cruel in his heart, on the surface, he didn't make a sound. His brother Chengzhu was in a faint voice, "Well, there was a sound, and then he ordered: "Remove the alert and order the whole college teachers and students to be in the center. Gather in the field to welcome the returning warriors. The college is off for three days. "

The magician cheered immediately, turned and ran down.

Immediately, louder cheers came from all around.

Wabador smiled and turned to the representatives of several countries, and said calmly: "Gentlemen, my old folks have done it."


The few UN ambassadors dropped their jaws in shock. Even though Wabador walked over, he could still hear the sound of a click when their chins were automatically jumping back and forth on the ground.

As the order was passed on, the teachers and students who were preparing to fight simply didn't even take off their equipment, all flocking to the wide center [Guang] field.

The magic tower extinguished the light, and slowly closed the top door.

At this time, the war fortress dropped to a height of fifty meters and moved very slowly.

At this height, everyone on the ground can already see Lester and Leo standing in the wind, and Xiaobai. "The two people are now frequently waving to the cheering crowd on the ground, like a great man.

Amidst the cheers that could overturn the roof, the war fortress slowly fell on the clearing, with a muffled "bang", and people who were close were shaken.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind blew up. The dust on the ground was everywhere, making people unable to open their eyes.

After a while, the dust gradually dispersed.

People looked intently and saw that the tall and towering figure of the war fortress gradually appeared in the smoke and dust.

Although everyone knows how tall the war fortress is, until it really falls in front of them, everyone really sees what a behemoth the war fortress is!

But the Dark Mage could actually make this behemoth fly in the sky, and it couldn't help being surprised.

The teachers and students of the Magic Academy are particularly proud: this powerful war machine "is now ours."

After the war fortress was stabilized, Lester coughed and he was about to step down from the war fortress. At this moment Leo jumped on Xiaobai's back, patted its big head, and shouted, "Xiaobai, we go."

Xiao Bai raised his nose excitedly, "Oh, with a throat, he withdrew his feet and ran down the war fortress, leaving Lester with a big white **** that couldn't help shaking.

Leo raised his chin with a pretentious look, frequently beckoning to the people on both sides of the road, yelling, "Hello classmates, classmates have worked hard."

Everyone couldn't help being stunned. Why did this little hooligan come out?

The teachers and students of the academy have a deep memory of him, the little demon king of the Maple Leaf Danlin: hitting the host dog, driving out the western chicken, doing evil for all wrongs, and doing all evil. It's a headache.

Unfortunately, he followed Lorraine and left. The big guy finally spent some free time now. Why did this little hooligan come back?

Lester smiled brightly, and walked down the war fortress in all directions.

Because Lorraine was still a little weak, and because there were too many girls around him, he wanted to be the last one. The warriors who accompanied Lorraine all the way back were not willing.

They have forged indelible and immortal feats, defeated the most powerful enemy, and escaped from being surrounded intact. It can be said that this is a miracle that can be sung by bards for thousands of years.

And this has always been the biggest hero, Lorraine.

If he does not show up, will everyone have a face to show up in front of those people and accept their cheers and praise?

The crowd surrounded Lorraine and walked out of the gate of the war fortress.

Seeing Lorraine appearing at the door, the crowd couldn't help but make a big uproar.

"I can't rely on n? Who is that?"

"Lance, Lorraine, why is this demon king back again?"

"Lorraine, you devil, return our Princess Catherine, return our Miss Adele, return our Vera, return our Shirme"..."

This is a group of men shouting with resentment, and at the same time, beside them, the girls are screaming vigorously.

"It's really senior Lorraine, senior look here, we love you!"

"He is handsome again!"

"Handsome guy n!"


Lester's welcoming crowd suddenly became more emotional, and he was immediately proud: good character and welcome. There's just no place to reason n!

But then it was not right, and the cheers didn't seem to be directed at me.

The old man looked back in wonder, Lorraine had Adele on one side and Vera on the other, smiling and waving to the crowd.

Lester pouted and wanted to step forward, but watched Adele standing beside Lorraine with a bright smile on her face. But he couldn't help but lag.

In the end, he sighed for a long time and murmured, "If I were thirty years younger, I would definitely be more popular than this bastard."

Seeing Lester's sour look, Wabadol immediately smiled.

Lester gave an impromptu speech to the teachers and students of the whole college in the large The main idea is how the enemy is bullshit, but we are a little bit more **** than the enemy.

Then he overturned the enemy's generals all the way, and finally drew a tie with the undead high priest, forcing the undead high priest to vomit blood for three liters, and he was unwilling to retreat.

Of course, the friendly help of the Holy See is indispensable.

Everyone knew Lester's famously careful eye, and Saint Paul smiled dismissively.

Anyway, this great adventure of the demons, whether it is the Ruman Empire, the Holy See, or the headquarters of the mage, the maple leaf Danlin, in the end, the official text will be published.

The version of the Holy See "truthfully" tells the key role played by the Holy See and Obachem. Of course, the necessary artistic processing is indispensable.

Anyway, no one is as powerful as the Holy See. Moreover, the Holy See can also send books for free, so that the priests who preach at the assembly will become official history.

Just to make you an old man happy for two days, St. Paul secretly decided in his heart that the old boy will cry if you are there. a.

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