Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 891: Ruthless

Chapter 891 Ruthless Man (seeking votes)

Lorraine's war fortress was getting closer and closer to the leftmost war fortress of the enemy. Even with the naked eye, you can clearly see the head of the person behind the opposite window.

The relative degree between the two sides is very fast. According to the current degree, two or three minutes later, the two war fortresses will directly hit.

Lorraine looked directly at the war fortress in the distance, and then decisively shouted: "Plus, hit it directly~!"

"Bump... hit it~!" Lester didn't stagger and fell to the ground.

He grabbed Lorraine and said nervously: "Can you imagine the consequences of the collision of two war fortresses?"

He paused, and then shouted angrily: "I still hope to drive back this battle base and erect a statue in the academy~!"

"I know." Lorraine gritted his teeth, and then said coldly: "This is the most effective method. Leave it alone, just hit it."

The people around were stunned, and said in their hearts: I have seen someone bold, and never seen such a bold one. This is simply fatal.

Two huge war fortresses collided head-on, thinking about it and knowing the consequences.

When two carriages collide, they can be broken into fragments, so don't talk about this one made of stone and metal. I am afraid that even the bones will be crushed into dregs. Isn’t that the same as the legendary airplane against the building?

It seems that this time is really going to kill you~!

At this moment, I heard Lorraine yelling loudly: "Everyone, look for a safe location and prepare to collide."

Although the voice was calm, it also had a trace of determination.

The enemy is too strong. If you can't settle them in the shortest time, wait for those war fortresses and liches behind your **** to rush over. People like myself don’t have any more vitality~!

Following his order, everyone in the war fortress immediately ran in a mess, looking for various bunkers as much as possible to hide themselves.

At this time, the war fortress was almost flying at the highest altitude of the limit, but under the order of Lorraine collision, Adele still exhausted all the capabilities of the war fortress.

Under her control, the huge war fortress suddenly mentioned again, and without hesitation, flew past the Throne of God Seal to the nearby enemy.

On the opposite turret, the Lich, who was preparing to control the magic robe and ready to fire, looked at the war fortress constantly expanding in his sight, and couldn't help but feel all strange.

He immediately raised his head and looked at the opposite war fortress.

I saw a young man standing proudly in the wide window in the middle. In the violent wind, the wide cloak hunted and swung like an eagle's wings behind him.

Seeing the cold light in his eyes, all the liches suddenly understood.

They couldn't help being stunned by Lorraine's awe-inspiring aura.

Under tension, they fired a cannon indiscriminately, then dropped the charging magic cannon, screamed, turned and fled back.

They obviously didn't expect Lorraine to be so bold and ruthless, or so desperate, if they hit it, it would definitely hurt both sides.

Seeing that the distance between the two parties was rapidly getting closer, the lich commanding the war fort slurped sharply and yelled in panic: "Hide, avoid! Get away from me~!"

Under his order, the war fortress trembles, and amidst the huge habituation, it begins to turn hard. Try to avoid the impact of Lorraine as much as possible.

Lorraine and the others were put to death, there would be no way to survive unless they worked hard. The liches are the pursuers. They are not so much that they have to kill their lives.

The first reaction of the liches was to avoid the brutal impact of the enemy. Change position to continue to surround and attack.

Frozenly afraid of horizontal, horizontally afraid of death. I am afraid of going crazy.

And this war fortress, the Liches can't afford to lose. If they really crashed this war fortress, maybe their credit would be lost.

Anyway, Lorraine and the others are on the Semitic territory, it doesn't matter if they run once. But his life is only one.

The Lich who manipulated the fortress of the war also understood. Almost using the strength of feeding, desperately turned the war fortress.

Under his control, the war fortress trembles constantly, and slowly changes direction little by little.

But the liches were horrified, Lorraine and their war fortress also adjusted its direction, flying towards them with perseverance.

"Minus, minus, retreat. mbd, they are crazy~! Rewind." Seeing that the lich commanding the war fortress was determined to die with them, the scared spirit burst into flames.

The other liches were even more straightforward, grabbing the window one after another, preparing to fly out of the window to escape as soon as possible.

Liches are most afraid of death, otherwise they will not risk the world and turn themselves into evil, rotten, undead lives that are not allowed by the laws of the world.

Under the control of the liches, the war fortress slowed down quickly, and at the same time, it made an arc in the sky, trying to turn and fly backwards.

The lich who manipulates the war fortress is a master. Their war fortress is not only flexible but also stable during a series of actions such as reducing and turning.

On the other hand, Lorraine and the others, Adele's operation is much awkward, just like a novice driving, always unable to do it in one step.

But if you want to hit the enemy's war fortress, you just need to adjust the direction.

The two war fortresses nearby also showed Lorraine's movements, and then adjusted the direction, desperately chasing here.

Seeing this, Vera immediately opened fire on the war fortress in the middle.

And Lester and Osheed also constantly waved their staffs, pouring their mastery spells at another battle fortress.

At the same time, Obahem also raised his staff and cast the Holy Light spell to interfere with the sight of the Liches.

Under their interference, it was difficult for the liches to get close. Especially the one in the middle was frightened by Vera's four-shot battery. I just dared to shout desperately from behind: You wait, wait for us~!

As for what to wait, they couldn't say clearly.

At this time, the war fortress in front of Lorraine had completed its turn under the operation of the Liches, and it hadn't had time to increase it. At this time, its degree in the air was almost zero, and Lorraine and their war fortress were already roaring and chasing up.

Seeing that the tip of the opponent's war fortress almost pierced under his nose, Lorraine pulled his throat and said loudly and kindly with all his strength: "Bump, hold steady~!"

Lorraine's war fortress was about half the height of the Lich's operation, so the solid base hit the Lich's fortress first.


There was a loud noise.

The sound was like muffled thunder and exploded quickly across the wide sea.

When the voice passed to the Throne of God Seal, even the liches on the farthest war fortress suddenly felt a gust of air passing in front of them, and then flew back quickly.

Following that fierce collision, the two war fortresses tremble violently at the same time, all kinds of bricks, rubble, and countless fragments fell from the top of the head like no money.

The outer wall where the enemy was hit broke apart, and huge stones fell like rain. Then a huge black hole appeared.

But the base of Lorraine's war fortress has been deeply embedded in the enemy's outer wall, and the war fortress controlled by the Liches also tilts to one side.

The sound of ‘Rumbling’ continued to be heard, Lorraine and their war fortress, Fei Dan, did not retreat, but continued to move forward, squeezing the enemy's shell forcefully.

All the liches on the scene took a breath of air when they saw that scene, and in their hearts, they made an evaluation of Lorraine: "A ruthless person, absolutely a ruthless person~!"

At this moment, Lorraine saw that the enemy's war fortress was not far below his feet, he immediately drew out the short gun with one hand and shook the other.

The war hún sword with white light appeared in his hand.

Lorraine turned around and shouted: "Kill, destroy the enemy's magic cannon."

Having said that, taking the lead, jumped down.

"Kill~!" A group of human masters also shouted, following Lorraine to jump out of the war fortress and land on the platform of the enemy's fortress.

Leo also blushed, with a pistol in one hand, waving and shouting, "Boss, wait for me."

Then he felt a pain in his forehead, Leo wailed, and the two pistols in his hand disappeared, and then he was picked up by the collar.

Leo danced wildly in the air, yelling: "Let go of me, let me go."

Immediately, he was turned around by the collar, and was seeing Deira staring at his big apricot eyes.

She looked at the little hooligan with a cold face

Leo smiled flatly and said, "Sister Liya, what a coincidence, you are here."

Deira snorted coldly and said: "It's not a coincidence that I came to catch you. Lorraine knew that you would definitely make trouble, so I specifically asked me to take care of you."

Leo couldn't help laughing twice, then retracted his neck. Turned back quite surprised.

He saw that Adele was not there and Vera couldn't be distracted. He thought that nobody would care about him, but he didn't expect to be discovered by the careful Deira.

Lorraine took the lead and rushed into the enemy's war fortress. Like this tactic of jumping and banging, everyone is not unfamiliar, because the mainstream of naval battles in this era is to jump on the side and jump and rush to kill the enemy’s people, or To burn the enemy’s ship.

But this is the first time of the aerial battle.

Whether you win or lose, it will be another legend~!

Everyone rushed into the enemy's fortress with excitement.

At this time, the Liches were trying their best to crawl out of the rocks.

The impact just now destroyed one-third of the structure of the war fortress, and most of the rooms were turned into piles of rocks.

Lorraine robbed several war fortresses and was very familiar with its structure, but he stopped briefly, and then went straight to the enemy's magic cannon.

At this moment, the enemy's main force is concentrated in the control room.

After breaking through a few doors, when Lorraine rushed into the fort, two liches had just reacted and were about to manipulate the magic cannon.

If you give Lorraine a shot at such a close range, it would be extremely powerful.

Lorraine saw that the situation was urgent, and immediately raised his left hand and fired several shots at a lich. The first shot hit the lich's skull. He lifted the white bones into the air, spinning and falling back.

The Lich didn't say a word, and fell straight to the ground.

The other lich next to him looked at the unexpected guest who suddenly appeared in front of him, still stunned.

He couldn't think that the enemy not only dared to crash into it desperately, but also played the undead pirate tactics like jumping and banging, and slammed into his eyes.

Is the guts of these gangsters made of diamonds?

It wasn't until Lorraine fell aside the Lich that he reacted, screaming in a hurry, waved the staff in his hand, and threw out three greenish corroding bullets.

That tragic green magic bullet is extremely vicious, as long as it is wiped on, it is enough to turn a person into bones.

Lorraine was not afraid, shaking the sword in his hand, rushing up against the magic of the Lich.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his sword and fell, and a sword split the corrosive bomb in the middle.

In the next instant, he was already short, and from the gap between the other two magic bullets, he turned over to the Throne of God Seal and rushed to the Lich.

Immediately, the long sword in his hand reversed from bottom to top.

The lich raised his staff in horror to block, but the sword of war hún cut off the bone stick in his hand like a candle, and then split the lich from the middle with a sword.

Even the sturdy phylactery of the Lich was chopped into two pieces, and the green flame in the Lich’s eye sockets instantly went out, and the dead could no longer die.

At this time, the others rushed in behind Lorraine, and smashed the undead Lich and Chaos Blade.

Lorraine pointed to the magic cannon and said, "Whoever has the explosive crystal, destroy it."

Immediately someone rushed forward and threw a few red crystals at the magic cannon and threw them over to the God Seal Throne.

When everyone saw it, hún flew away in shock and hurried back.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a loud bang from the magic guided cannon, which exploded as high as one person, and then hit the floor heavily, only to see that the muzzle of the magic guided cannon had been changed. It became a loudspeaker that could no longer be used.

At this time, the war fortress under everyone's feet trembled violently like an earthquake, because the damaged war fortress had an unusual posture, and the two war fortresses that had collided with each other showed signs of separation.

"Withdraw~!" Lorraine ordered everyone to return along the same path without hesitation, covering himself at the end.

At this time, the explosion here had already alarmed the Lich in the control room.

Under the leadership of the lich chief, several liches screamed and charged.

Lorraine fought and retreated, firing several shots to force them back.

The liches caught Lorraine's exchange of bullets and threw a burst of dark spells randomly.

Lorraine had no choice but to roll to the side, hiding behind a pair of rocks, avoiding the enemy's spells.

Seizing the opportunity, the Liches rushed out, and several people released spells alternately, and various magic spells came over. It banged against the wall and Lorraine couldn't lift his head under their pressure.

Lorraine could only lift it over his head and fired a few randomly.

Seeing that the Liches were getting closer and closer to Lorraine, with a clear "bang", the Lich who was walking in the front suddenly raised his forehead and fell to the ground.

Lorraine turned to look.

I saw Deira holding two guns, standing on the edge of their war fortress, and firing at the Lich Company below.

But it turned out that seeing Lorraine being suppressed by the liches, Deira immediately grabbed Leo's pistol and opened fire to stop the liches.

The liches also knew how powerful pistols were and hid in an instant.

Deira shouted: "Lorraine, come back soon~!"

Lorraine had already turned over and jumped up, desperately rushing backwards.

Returning to the war fortress from here, he had to climb the three-meter-high stone wall, and Lorraine had no cover beside him.

As soon as Deira fired his two guns, the Liches rushed out again.

"Master, it's up to you." Deira said to the side with a smile while changing the bullet.

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure wearing a red robe appeared on the fence.

The liches looked at them, and couldn't help but eat them all.

Before they could react, Obahem had already eaten his staff and chanted: "Purification."

A white light shot straight out, shining in the passage behind Lorraine, the front lich turned into ashes in a silent roar, and the rest of the lich immediately screamed and flew back.

Waiting for Lorraine to climb up with his hands and feet together, several people simultaneously grabbed Lorraine's clothes and dragged him in.

Not breathing well, Lorraine said loudly: "Hurry up and separate from them."

The war fortress slowly pulled up, opening the entire outer wall of the opponent, and large pieces of stones were scattered one after another.

The war fortress controlled by the lich fell crookedly downwards, but amidst everyone's regrets, it quickly stabilized its posture.

The war fortress was obviously damaged and had to withdraw from the battle and slowly fall back to the ground.

Lorraine wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Now, it's one to two."

Lorraine and their war fortress also broke a large hole at the impact location and collapsed a large external wall.

Obahem looked at the enemy war fortress that was falling, smacked his tongue with a look of regret, and said, "Unfortunately, it can be completely destroyed by two more shots."

While talking, another war fortress approached and fired a shot. Vera immediately fired back, but with only one shot, another hole was opened in the enemy's outer wall.

A gap was opened on the left, and the enemy panicked If they escaped from the encirclement, the people who participated in the war today would be in great trouble.

Under the absolute advantage of seven to one, they can also damage a fortress of war and escape calmly. All people today can't escape the lowest charge of ineffectiveness.

Turning back the high priest sent them to the rainforest in the south to beat the cannibals, and then there was no hope of success.

Both are Liches, and they are also divided into different categories.

Some can sit still and direct others to run around.

Some can only face the hot sun and come out on patrols as if being burned by fire.

And the higher the level of the lich, the better the benefits, and the faster the strength will be improved.

The low-level lich, the top-level materials do not have their share at all, they can only help others and slowly get their heads out. The world of liches speaks by strength.

The remaining two war fortresses were also ruthless at this time, and they simply rushed over to intercept Lorraine and the others with gunfire. a.

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