Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 883: Thoughts are determined by the ass


Seeing the liches gathered in front of him, like dark clouds, Lorraine was not afraid.

Under the control of that war fortress, not only did it avoid avoiding it, but rushed straight toward the Divine Seal Throne toward them very wildly.

At this moment, Wei's Lich saw this situation, and then sneered and pulled out his wand.

At the same time, there was a sharp whistle.

Under his order, the liches lined up in a staggered formation in the sky, all aimed at the roaring war fortress, and then raised the staff in their hands.

Lorraine looked at the densely packed liches in the distance, they were like a dark cloud, and such a number of liches were enough to destroy a city in a few minutes. But Lorraine's heart was unusually fair.

When the two armies meet, the brave wins.

In this kind of frontal encounter, you can see who is more cruel, who dares to fight hard, who is less afraid of death!

Once he turned to escape, there would be no way to survive under the enemy's front and back attack.

Although Lorraine has always disliked fighting insecure battles, Lorraine was also not afraid of anyone when it was time to kill.

The war fortress was like a violent behemoth, crashing into the black stone wall on the opposite side.

Ten miles, five miles. Sanli...

When the distance between the two parties was only meters, the lich immediately roared and slammed the staff into the sky.

Following his move, the countless witches behind him immediately raised the staff in their hands.

Countless green spots of light burst from the top of the densely packed staff.

The light spots are so dense and shiny, like the stars in the night sky. Half of the blue sky was photographed and changed.

It can be seen that these liches are also fighting their lives.

Lorraine saw the situation and immediately roared: "Hidden n!"

The crowd listened to his order, and then they hugged their heads, leaned down and hid behind the wall.

Obachem snorted coldly and was about to raise the staff in his hand. His old man has never shrunk in front of evil creatures.

Although the priests of light cannot go out and play rogues, "not as bold as the wizards, but they are known for their thick shields, long blood, and long milk power".

Their shield of light is as strong as a tortoise shell, even if the magicians saw it, it was a headache.

Paladins with surging holy power are always the most troublesome enemy on the battlefield, such as the war hún sword handed down from the Lorraine family. Not to mention holy spells also specialize in dark spells.

As the red archbishop, Obachem is even more awe-inspiring!

But immediately, Lorraine reached out and pulled him to the ground.

Obachem couldn't help but roared, "Boy, what do you want to do?"

Lorraine opened his mouth, before he could answer.

At the same time, in front of them, the Lich had hissed and screamed, "pointing the staff full of magical energy at the war fortress rushing in the distance.

Behind him, all the liches made the same actions at the same time.

In the next second, the tops of those wands all emitted a dazzling light.

I saw that the green rays of light had gathered together and turned into an unusually huge beam of light, crossing the distance of the space, and bombarding it straight toward the war fortress.

Although the beam of light was silent," it was like a giant sword, slamming heavily on the war fortress.

Under the heavy blow, the war fortress stopped immediately. There was a thunderous roar. Everyone even jumped from the ground in shock.

Immediately, the war fortress trembled uncontrollably, and proceeded forward with difficulty facing the beam of light.

Dust and small pieces of rubble fell from the top of the head, making a rustle. At this time, the solid wall of the war fortress with the beam of light as the center gradually began to crack, revealing a trace of cracks like a spider web.

There was a slight cracking sound from the wall. Although it was not high, it spread to everyone's ears, but it was frightening. "I don't know why the wall suddenly couldn't support it, and it collapsed.

However, immediately afterwards, I saw a flash of Qiangmang of the earthy yellow, and the defense of the war fortress was activated.

The light slowly rose from the top of the war fortress like a huge glass cover, and then fell little by little.

As it slowly fell, it separated the green beam of light bit by bit.

Although its speed may seem unhurried or slow, it is actually extremely fast.

In just a few breaths, the heavy magic was closed and turned into a huge crystal ball, and the protective shield released a heavy earthy yellow light, completely covering the entire war fortress.

From a distance, it looks like a crystal ball toy.

The green beam of light shone on the shield, like a rushing stream hitting a boulder, punching a water-like pattern on the shield, and then spreading around.

When a crowd of human warriors saw this scene, they all cheered.

And Lorraine had also stood up from the ground at this time, and then stretched out his hand to lift Obachem, and smiled to answer his question just now. Said: "My lord, although your mana is profound, don't forget, we have a protective shield."

Obachem raised his head and glanced at the liches on the opposite side.

Through the thick earthy yellow protective cover and the huge green beam of light shining through, the appearance of those people has become extremely strange.

At this time, the distance is slightly closer, and you can clearly see the dense crowds on the opposite side. Liches like the worker bees in the hive.

Although their number is so large, it makes people look at them, and they can't help but have a numb scalp. But out of the clergy's peculiar arrogance and disdain for evil, Obachem couldn't help but snorted.

He looked at Lorraine and said, "Although this protective shield is good, the consumption of the magic crystal is only a few words today. Our inventory is not much." Lorraine smiled and said: "My lord, Let’s look at them first. Looking at them like this, it’s obvious that they have made sufficient preparations. You should save more energy and wait for you to do it later."

Obachem snorted reluctantly," and then dropped his hand.

At this time, the war fortress continued to run wildly.

The distance between the two is already less than 500 meters.

When the Lich of Wei saw this, a sharp sigh flashed in his eyes. Then he gritted his teeth, then raised his head to the sky," he gave a sharp scream.

Immediately afterwards, he waved the staff in his hand vigorously.

The light on the top of the staff suddenly rose again.

At the same time, the witches behind him also screamed up to the sky, raising the staff in their hands high, and injecting mana more desperately.

The light on the staff immediately dazzled.

Driven by their mana, the huge beam of light hitting the war fort immediately became thicker and thicker.

From the original dismal green to the verdant green grass, it is just like the essence.

Under the fierce bombardment of the beam of light, the protective cover in front of the war fortress immediately flashed a more dazzling yellow light.

The light of the two magics collided hard.

With that meeting point in the center, an invisible impact spread immediately.

The clouds in the sky were immediately torn to pieces under the impact of the shock.

And on the sea below them, there was also a huge wave.

But then "under the bombardment of the beam of light, the war fortress still stood up abruptly, and then continued to advance.

One hundred meters, three hundred meters...

Although the degree of the war fortress is getting slower and slower, the distance between the two sides is still getting closer and closer.

A trace of fury flashed through the eyes of the Lich for that.

As the saying goes, 1 **** determines consciousness.

In the past, when he was sitting in the war fortress, "he only hated that the war fortress was not built well, so he desperately raised the standard.

At this time, when he was about to attack the war fortress, he couldn't help cursing in his heart: That **** built the war fortress so strong, you can't cut corners according to the custom of building roads?

But then, through the thick protective cover of the war fort," he saw Lorraine standing at the front window. The bleak green light in the eyes of the Lich couldn't help but shrink.

At this moment, Lorraine suddenly felt something, and raised his head keenly, but also through the thick protective cover to meet the person's sight.

Immediately, I felt a sense of despair and fear, and helpless emotions rose from the bottom of my heart.

Lorraine didn't know his heart well, so he put the tip of his tongue between the teeth," he bit down without hesitation.

Suddenly a great pain came.

He trembles, and he wakes up immediately." Then he felt a salty taste in his mouth, and he could not help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

But Lorraine didn't care, wiped his cuffs, then raised his eyes, looked at the lich coldly, and cursed in his heart that you were almost caught.

However, seeing that a black liquid came out of the Lich's mouth, his face was astonished. It was obvious that in the confrontation just now, although the Lich had strong mana, it did not take much advantage. He didn't expect that a young man like Lorraine could actually block his mental attack.

Seeing this, Lorraine couldn't help but slowly stretched out his right hand and pointed his **** to him.

The green light in the eyes of the lich was prosperous, and immediately stretched out his hand to the sky, raised his head high, and made a series of sharp howling noises toward the sky.

The wide sleeves slipped down from the hands, and a pair of pale green hand bones appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the Lich was already full of magic power, suddenly lowered his head and glared at Lorraine.

There was a scream of hissing heart and lungs.

The light on the top of the staff immediately became stronger!

Behind him, countless witches also hissed. In that high and screaming sound, they poured all the magic power of their whole body into the staff, and they didn't care if the battle was over, whether they had to collapse for a few days.

The huge beam of light suddenly became more dazzling.

Under the ray of light, the originally blue sky was all dyed green.

A green sun appeared in the bright light like the sky.

Lorraine couldn't help but sneered when he saw this. Then he smiled at Obahem next to him: "My lord, now it's your turn to play."

He paused for a while, watching Obachem stretch his arms and roll his sleeves, with a look of excitement on his face. He couldn't help but feel a little worried: Although this old guy is not a good bird, these gods and goddesses are firm in faith and undead. They are all deadly enemies. If you beat the opponent to death, you will go up and kick again.

Just like Nicole, a representative of the feudal landlord class, when he heard about any books that promote independence, "freedom and whatever," he was immediately annoyed. He had to scold the chaos and burn them all. Like to give up.

Pastor and undead" is also a class struggle involving doctrine, which has always been the cruelest.

Thinking of this, he was afraid that the old guy would have overplayed, and hurriedly added: "Pinch people, just look at them, don't use too much force."

Obahem lags for a while, and then gives Lorraine a blank look." He gave a cold snort, rather impatiently, and said, "I see, I see.

With that, he walked to the window, and then put the staff in his hand on the ground.

Immediately, countless holy rays of light radiated from the end of his rod.

It's like a tiny sun falling in a fortress of war.

Under the shining light of the surrounding light, there was no shadow in the entire war fortress.

At the same time, Obachem gave a low voice.

The holy light has turned into a huge beam of light, shining towards the lich on the opposite side of the throne of the gods.

Although the holy light passed through the thick protective cover and its power was weakened a lot, it still shone on the liches.

The light is everywhere and the darkness fades away.

No matter how heavy the darkness is, even a small amount of light is enough to make it recede.

Seeing the light shine, the lich who was so scared suddenly died. For ordinary people, it has no power, but for the undead, it is a terrible thing.

Wei's Lich screamed: Impossible, it's impossible. Even though he is a cardinal archbishop, it is impossible to use such a powerful purification holy technique. Even if the Pope comes in person, it is impossible.

This has been out of human power.

But immediately in my mind, I suddenly remembered a picture of the past: above the sky with dark clouds, a white priest wearing a white sè robe, standing alone in front of the mountain pass with a calm smile, looking down at the mountain. The countless dead hún liches.

When the horn sounded and countless undead liches attacked like a tide, the man immediately burned his spirit hún. Under that huge purification magic, all the undead liches were like snow hua under the sun, melting Without a trace...

In that battle, although he was lucky enough to survive, the Necromancers who participated in the battle were almost completely destroyed, and he didn't even know the name of that person.

And now I don’t understand: Why? Why would that person burn his own spirit for the sake of others and to prevent the attack of the undead?

Is there anything in this world that is more important than life?

But since then, he also knows that there are still such powerful characters in the human race.

If you don’t sing, you are yourself. Once it bursts out, it is enough to change mountains and rivers and shake the world.

Had it not been for characters such as the Three Saints, the victor in the war thousands of years ago might have been their lich.

Behind him, a group of liches were also shocked. Of course they could see the terrifying power of this trick, but it was too late if they wanted to hide. They could only be under the shining light, sharp He called and closed his eyes tightly.

Time is like walking past the God Seal Throne for a second, but it is as long as walking past the God Seal Throne for a century.

The liches were surprised to find that there seemed to be nothing unusual, the indescribable pain when hún was burned by the holy light, and the flesh and blood turned to ashes, as if it was melting.

They opened their eyes one after another, then looked down at themselves, and looked at each other again, as if they had just awakened from a nightmare.

But then it was discovered that the war fortress suddenly disappeared from the front, and disappeared.

They couldn't help but were all startled, and then they saw someone in the distance shouting loudly, waving their hands desperately.

Immediately everyone noticed that although the war fortress suddenly disappeared, they did not react due to the glare of light just now. Therefore, the magic in the hand is still being output with full force.

Under the impetus of that magical power, that huge beam of light ran across the empty sky, still shining straight ahead to the Throne of God Seal. Before, it was blocked by the war fortress, and the whole body was fighting. They didn't see it. To be precise, they noticed that a large number of liches had chased up from behind.

The liches who came to the reinforcements saw the battle from a distance, and their idea was to outflank.

At this time, the war fortress suddenly disappeared, so the huge beam of light immediately hit the throne of the **** seal against the liches who had caught up from behind.

Although the distance between the two parties was two or three miles away, the beam of light was under the strict orders of the Lich Leader just now, and a group of liches worked hard for their lives and kept urging them. Therefore, the energy was extremely powerful.

The liches were also unprepared, and were immediately hit.

Under the ray of light, many unlucky people fell from the air like raindrops.

In just a few seconds, a large hole was dug out of the thick, dense, dense, cloud-like formation of the lich who had caught up.

The remaining liches were also shocked, making a sharp howling, and flying around indiscriminately, hoping that they would not be illuminated by the beam of death.

The Lich saw it, and couldn't help but hurriedly ordered everyone to stop.

At this time, he also understood that the archbishop in red just used a low-level light technique, shining their eyes, in order to "kill someone with a knife."

Although it was only a low-level holy technique, it was displayed with the holy power of a cardinal archbishop, which was enough to startle them.

Cameron was the most trusted disciple of the high priest, and he had lived for countless years. He had experienced the War of the Saints, but he never thought that this battle could be fought like this.

The other party completely treated him as a monkey and teased him.

For a moment, fire flashed in his angry eyes. Then he didn't care much, and raised his head, looking around the sky and the sea.

Those people must not be far away!

Sure enough, immediately below, close to the sea, I saw the figure of the war fortress.

He immediately screamed, bent his body and dived down. a.

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