Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 855: Conceited

Amidst the cheerful music, several clowns dressed up in weird shapes are doing their best to perform all kinds of funny actions on the stage.

Under the stage, although it was a bit dark, through the bright lights on the stage, one could vaguely see that in the middle of the auditorium below, there was a pale-faced young man sitting.

It was Prince Rayantal.

There were several senior officers wearing red cloaks nearby.

In addition, behind them are all knights in armor.

All the knights in that row were sitting in a standard military posture, neatly and neatly. No matter if you look vertically, they are all arranged in straight lines, like a knife, axe, and a chop.

All of them were expressionless, staring blankly at the performance on the stage, like a machine, no matter how funny the performance of those people was, it could not cause them the slightest smile.

After the clowns performed, they couldn't help feeling frustrated when they saw their cold appearance. Secretly sighed: These uncles are too difficult to serve. I don't know if Miss Leader took the wrong medicine and actually took over this business.

While thinking, they performed more desperately on the stage, but at this time they had concerns in their hearts, and they kept making mistakes.

But no matter what they did, the knights still didn't laugh, just like a puppet machine.

The clowns became even more frightened in their hearts, and finally got through to the end of the performance, and then hurriedly saluted, and then quickly retreated.

They fled all the way to the backstage, and then they all breathed out like a méng amnesty: This is someone else's performance, but they need to be paid. But looking at them like this, they seem to be planning to die!

At this time, Prince Royantal, who was sitting in the middle of the stage, lazily clapped his hands. "The officers next to him watched and applauded quickly.

Under their lead, the remaining knights also applauded.

The people behind the stage breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, if this performance is affirmed, then it will definitely not kill anyone.

But at the next breath, the applause disappeared in an instant. The whole theater was quiet again, and there was no sound. Quiet like a tomb.

The quiet situation is extremely strange.

Claudia looked at it and couldn't help but sighed, and then hurriedly signaled the musician next to him to play the music. At the same time, other people were scheduled to come on stage.

Seeing the dozen or so jugglers running on stage, Claudia breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at an old man next to him, and said in a vicious voice: "Where is that dead white-headed guy? Where did you die, haven't you found it yet?"

The old man smiled bitterly and said: "Miss", I have moved everyone to look for it. You can rest assured.

He may have something temporarily, maybe he will be back in a while. "

His words are extremely skillful, and he doesn't say that he hasn't found it, just that he has already moved everyone to look for it. In this way, it not only points out the current situation, but also highlights the achievements. "Even if Claudia wants to go wild, she is not embarrassed.

Sure enough, Claudia froze for a while, then snorted angrily, and cursed in a low voice: "That **** guy n! At this critical moment, I don't know where I went.

This man really couldn't count on it at all. "

Although she scolded a lot," but before she knew it, the eyebrows frowned slightly, showing an anxious god.

After all, after getting along with each other during this period of time, she also knew that the dead whitehead was definitely not someone who didn't know the importance.

She hesitated, and she became happier when she heard the music outside. "Knowing that this performance is also approaching the * part. In a little time, it must be over. At this time, "you must arrange the ending." Actors on stage, let them put on makeup, get props, and make various preparations.

Therefore, Aunt Crowdy shook her head vigorously, putting away the worrisome thoughts.

This performance is the most important thing right now. There is absolutely nothing to lose.

After all, if you perform well, you can make a fortune to make up for the holes in these days.

What's more, in case the performance is not good, the little green hat prince...Bah, bah. Handsome and handsome, the prince of Yushu Linfeng might send dozens of people up and down to jail when he is furious. In severe cases, it might even be cut off.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shudder, and then hurriedly said to the old man: "Where is Xiao Bai? Where is Xiao Bai?"

Suddenly a weird smile appeared on the old man’s face, and then slowly said, "Xiao Bai? You mean the little elephant with a long nose? It seems to be sick now, lying on the haystack behind. It's humming."

Claudia was stunned and said in surprise: "Sick? How could it be sick? At dinner, I still watched it eat four cakes and seven apples. The appetite almost took me If it is poor, how could it suddenly become ill?"

The old man shrugged and said, "How do I know this?"

Claudia looked at the weird smile on his face, suddenly a flash of inspiration in her heart, she understood, then stomped her feet, gritted her teeth and cursed angrily: "This **** little hooligan~! It wants to be lazy again. !"

She said to the old man: "Uncle Raul, here you can take a look. Now let's arrange for everyone to perform a magic trick. I will come as soon as I go."

He said, carrying the long skirt, ran out angrily, and ran away whispered, "Who really raises some birds. This **** little Bai, he is playing sick to me at this time. Look at my grandma." How can I clean up you!"

Raul watched her slender back pass through a few big iron cages containing wild beasts, and disappeared into the darkness, but she couldn't help but put a smile on her face, and sighed in her heart: Although the white-headed man seems to be really old It's a little bigger. But Claudia's eyes are still good.

He paused, a strange **** appeared in his eyes, and then said: "It's a pity, he is indeed a little older."

"It's a pity, you're really a little older." A low voice said in the darkness.

Lorraine glanced intently, and in the dark alley, one could vaguely see a tall and thin person standing opposite.

He smiled." Then he said, "Come out, since you asked me to come here with a piece of paper, don't play any big-tailed wolf here. "

He paused, then went on: "Mr. Andrews" Am I right? "

The person on the other side shook his body after hearing him drink, and then slowly walked out of the darkness. With the bright and bright moonlight in the sky, the face of the opposite person can be clearly seen.

It is the other leader of the circus, Zhidlufu.

Although Lorraine heard Claudia mention the old guy's name many times, it was the first time that he met such a direct encounter.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the man carefully.

I saw that the face was slender and "shoehorn-like", with his forehead and chin bulging forward, but the middle part sunken inward.

But a huge hook nose protruded from the middle, occupying one third of the face.

On the huge nose, there are a pair of triangular eyes. The gray pupils are small and the white eyes are many. As it turns, the strange light flashes from time to time.

Behind him, two big men with clubs and sharp blades also came out.

All of them were burly and muscular, staring at Lorraine with wild beast-like eyes.

Lorraine glanced casually, looking at their slightly familiar faces, knowing that they were two nephews in Andrew's house.

One of them still had a thick gauze wrapped around his head, but he still did not remove it. When we first met, Lorraine patted the hapless boy with a brick from behind.

When Andrew saw Lorraine, he immediately sullen his face and laughed vigorously. He wanted to put pressure on Lorraine in this way.

Lorraine looked at the old man's heavy face, but couldn't help but laughed, and said, "I didn't expect it to be you. For a long time, I thought you would have long been unable to bear it."

Unexpectedly, you just jumped out now. Sure enough, it is forbearance, I will draw a turtle... Uh "No, draw a group of turtles for you.

You know that my paintings will never be easily shot. It is definitely worth ten thousand gold. "After you take it, don't say anything, squat on the edge of the wall and secretly be beautiful."

The two big guys behind Andrew screamed at the same time and took a step forward.

Lorraine looked at them with a sneer.

At the same time, he also clenched the long sword in his hand.

Although Uncle Luo has always been greedy for money, he always takes advantage of others. But his old man is also a paladin anyway, to deal with this kind of little turtle three, he tied a hand, and he can also clean them.

At this time, Andrew looked at Lorraine's face, but he reached out his hand to stop the two of them, and then said: "You are really courageous, but don't forget, white-headed guy. Heroes are also hard to beat. There are 23 men in our family. Can you beat us?

Although the Andrew family's gratitude may not necessarily be repaid, it must be repaid if it has grudges. At that time we must be endless. "

Lorraine looked at the proud **** on his face and couldn't help suppressing the wild laugh in his heart. These guys are so ridiculously naive. Actually still relying on the large number of people in the family to bully people.

Although this is a bit sad, it is also a true portrayal of the people living at the bottom. If you have a lot of people in your family and have more strength, you can bully others.

But having said that, even if it's a country, isn't it the same?

Although everyone is desperately speaking about axioms and justice, how many people take these seriously?

The iron-blooded Prime Minister Bismarck said, "The truth is always within the range of the cannon. The famous saying, although it is extremely red fruit, full of typical imperialist power theories, and very hooligan, but they really want to drag the cannon out, and then they said" The snow is black. "

How many people dare to point out their mistakes in person?

Of course, if you have an atomic bomb, tellurium is naturally another matter.

At that time, it was your turn to be a gangster, dangling a cigar, holding champagne, and then telling them with a happy face: "You are all wrong, this snow is actually his *huang. Who dares not believe it, the uncle planted it in their house? A big mushroom n!"

Then the tiger's body shook "The spirit of the wild king...

Lorraine sighed when he thought of this.

He said sarcastically, "Really? Do you think I would care?"

For this group of gangsters who are still relying on their numbers to win, and their combat effectiveness is only single digits, Lord Luo Jue will definitely not take it seriously. They can be lost every minute!

Andrew was taken aback." He never thought that someone would be so calm under his threat.

He immediately narrowed his eyes, looked at Lorraine again, and then sighed: "Fortunately, you are too old."

Lorraine raised an eyebrow and said, "What do you mean?"

Andrew Fu smiled and said, "When I get older, naturally I am not as impulsive as a young man." He knew the importance of his life. Will not act recklessly. Everything can be discussed.

So I offer you a condition, I take a step back, and you also take a step back. "

"Oh n?" Lorraine glanced at him with interest.

Andrew Fu smiled and said: "Claudia's child was what I watched and grew up with. Since she likes you, I am not reluctant. After all, this is also the arrangement of the **** of fate. So for your good." For her good, you You can leave..."

A big guy next to him gave him a surprised look, then said angrily: "Father, you promised to let Claudia marry me."

Andrew turned his head and gave him a vicious look. The fierce murderous intent that came out in his eyes made the big man feel a bit shudder, thinking that next time he would really kill himself.

He couldn't help taking a step back timidly, and backed away.

Andrew turned his head, smiled reluctantly, and said: "The tutoring is not strict, so you laughed."

Lorraine glanced at the big man, and also smiled: "Young man" impulsively, understandable. "

The anger in the big man's eyes flashed past, but he was frightened by Andrew's might and did not dare to speak.

Andrew Fu smiled and said, "What do you think of my proposal?"

Lorraine also laughed," said: "You can't help but be reasonable? This circus belongs to Claudia. "

Andrew snorted immediately, with the hateful **** sé on his face, and said: "The truth? Are you reasoning with me?

This circus is not just Old Deca...Uh, "Claudia's father, and me" and Raul, the three of us created together.

But I worked hard and worked my whole life, and when I got old, this circus became his. Where do we go to reason? "

Lorraine was stunned, seeing that the anger on Andrew's face was not a disguise, and immediately sighed in his heart. This human heart is always lacking in greed.

But having said that, maybe Kedia's father is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he pitted his old buddy, and the old guy was furious.

At this time, Andrew was already a little impatient, and urged: "How are you thinking about it? Answer me quickly. If you agree, after I accept this circus, I will pay you five thousand gold coins. If you If you can save a little, it will be enough for you to buy a piece of land and live the rest of your life comfortably."

The two big guys next to him listened to him and looked at him in a little surprise, but they all did not say aloud in an interesting manner.

Lorraine thought about it at this time and said, "Five thousand gold coins? That's too little, at least eight thousand. You know how inflation is now."

Andrew grinned his teeth and laughed silently, and then said: "Agree to bargain, which means you are a smart person. I like smart people."

He paused and said, "Eight thousand is eight thousand, I'm out."

Lorraine smiled and said, "Very good. But why don't we have to wait for some time?"

Andrew Fu smiled and said, "Of course. But I am getting older. I am older and I feel that I don't have enough time. Therefore, I would rather wear the title of head of the group for a while."

Lorraine smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will persuade Claudia as soon as possible. But it's not the day's work anyway, right?"

Andrew said: "Not bad."

Lorraine smiled and said, "Then let's continue these days?"

Andrew chuckled and asked, "This circus will be mine soon. Can I bear to watch it collapse?"

Lorraine nodded and said, "Very well. Goodbye."

As he spoke, he slowly retreated into the darkness, and finally disappeared.

A big man next to Andrew finally couldn't bear it at this time and said: "Father, why don't you let me kill him?"

Andrew gave him a cold look and said, "On your own?"

The man stagnated. Then he said: "Even if... Even if I can't do it alone, we still have more than a dozen brothers. I don't believe it, why can't so many of us be able to deal with him?"

Andrew snorted coldly, and said, "You are just a pig brain. If you don't see the man's skill, even if you can kill him, how many lives will we have to pay?"

And people were killed in the city, do you think these magistrates are foolish? When the old Deka died, how much money we spent up and down to fool the throne of God Seal, don’t you know? "

He paused, then looked at the man in disgust, and asked Senran: "What's more, are you so eager for your brothers to die?"

The man couldn't help being taken aback.

Andrew sighed, and then said earnestly and earnestly: "You have a lot of brothers, and the combination is strength. No one dares to provoke them, but don’t push others into , Fight with the other party. One will die today and one will be injured tomorrow. One day, there will be times when we are alone."

He paused, then pointed to the position of the circus not far away, and said: "At that time, the fate of Old Deca will be reproduced in your body! I tried my best to give you praise for the family business. Will be swallowed by others. Understand?"

Speaking of later, his voice was stern and strong.

The two big men lowered their heads involuntarily. Immediately one of them murmured: "But eight thousand gold coins, and Claudia's hot chick, are they all gone for nothing?"

Andrew gave him a sorrowful look, and cursed angrily: "Why did I give birth to such an idiot as you? When they left, they were no better than a circus when they walked out into the wilderness. It's very easy to get into trouble. There will be many times when they leave. Find some thugs, gangsters and robbers. We don’t have to do it ourselves at all, understand?"

As he said, a grinning smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

On the other side, Adeling also emerged from the darkness, looked at Lorraine, and said, "My Lord Luo, you have chicks who are so soft-hearted now, why don't you kill them all?" a.

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