Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 849: Reunion

The sun is shining, there is no cloud, and the sky is as if washed. It's especially clear blue.

Although it is still winter, the weather is fine and the temperature has gradually increased.

The cold of the night retreated, and the earth became lively again.

Several black crows flapped their wings and landed on a flat road, screaming harshly while pecking at food scattered on the ground.

At this time, a crisp sound of horseshoes sounded.

Then, a long convoy appeared on the road.

That long line has twenty or thirty carriages. Many of the carriages are also equipped with huge iron cages containing lions, tigers, bears and other beasts.

Located on the front carriage, a young girl with her cheek in her forehand was leaning against the open car window, looking thoughtfully at the scenery outside.

She has a pretty face, beautiful eyes, fair skin, and picturesque eyebrows. She is the young owner of the circus, Claudia.

After washing off the thick layer of makeup on her face, she became more beautiful and moving.

Claudia looked at it for a long time, and then sighed sadly.

It turns out that everyone in this circus is extremely optimistic. No matter when it is, someone sings or jokes loudly, telling all kinds of jokes, or not. The crisp whip sound also explodes from time to time.

When they galloped past happily, they also left a string of cheerful laughter behind them.

But that situation has not appeared for almost two weeks.

Now everyone is silent and rushes. I hope that in the next city, I can perform to my heart's content and bring happiness to my audience.

But they also knew in their hearts that the wish was likely to disappear without a trace the day after they arrived in the city.

These days, they have been driving the carriage all the way east." They found out that they seemed to be separated from that "SS commando". Whenever they just poke their noses here, waiting for the performance the next day, but the earth-shaking sound of the magic cannon will be heard immediately, tearing their dreams into pieces.

Everyone is a little accustomed to this situation, and even a little numb.

Once during the camping in the middle of the night, Xiaobai ate too much food, and then let out an earth-shattering loud fart. Aroused everyone from their sleep.

Everyone instinctively got up from under the covers, before opening their eyes, they started to pack things, and then drove away in the carriage.

They didn't realize it until they had gone out to two miles.

Not right n!

It's not light yet.

That SS commando is not Zhou Papi, how could they not sleep in the middle of the night, and ran outside to learn how to scream...Uh, didn’t they "run outside to play fire?"

From this, we can see how the mental state of everyone on this road is.

Under sī, there are even rumors that the fleeting years of this circus are not good. Be possessed by the **** of decline.

Claudia looked at the blue sky outside, glanced obliquely into the carriage, and then sighed softly. But there was no movement in the car, and he couldn't help feeling a little angry, and then he sighed heavily.

She waited for a while with some expectation, but there was still no movement, she became angry immediately, then turned her head, and angrily said: "You are deaf? Have you heard me sighing? Haven't seen you like this? Yes. I don’t know to ask me why?"

Lorraine couldn't help sighing: This woman is really strange. I didn't do anything, I just sat and read a book. "Can this be wrong?"

Being a man is really hard, even lying down, you can get shot.

However, it is said that Brother Cao also has this problem, and he laughs whenever he encounters something. Then the people next to you have to hurry up and make fun. "Why does the general laugh?"

At first, the kid Yang Xiu was too clever. When Cao was laughing, he didn't answer the words, "I didn't come to such a sentence, and I made trouble with Cao." Then he was beheaded.

Thinking of this, Lorraine reluctantly closed his own map, then looked at Claudia, and said, "Then why are you sighing?"

"I..." Claudia couldn't help but take a while looking at his pretentious appearance, and then angrily said: "Forget it, I just have it, I won't tell you n!"

He said, turning his head angrily.

Lorraine couldn't help sighing again: This woman's mind is really complicated! She gets angry if she doesn't ask, but she doesn't say anything if she asks. Really asking for trouble.

He wanted to open his map again, but out of instinctive vigilance, he glanced at Claudia, only to find that although she was looking out the window, the corner of her eye was glancing at him from time to time. . Just didn't directly write the words "I have an endocrine disorder, if you dare to ignore me, you will die n".

Lorraine moved in his heart and immediately understood. This woman is all duplicity, if she really takes her words seriously, don't listen. That is really asking for trouble.

He sighed immediately, then stretched out his hands and said: "Baby, come here, come into my arms and tell me well, what is going on?"

Claudia looked at his hands, couldn't help but sipped gently, and said with a shy face: "You can't be serious about it. It's in broad daylight, so people can see how bad it is!"

Lorraine rolled his eyes and said in his heart: Am I a little more serious? I have been serious for most of the day, looking at the map quietly here, who is causing me trouble?

But he still wanted to live a few more years, so he didn't bother with this problem. Instead, he asked: "Well, tell me what's going on.

"There's nothing more!" Claudia smiled immediately, and then said: "We can walk to Dortley at this stop. We are almost at the seaside here. Do you think our business can get better? What **** commando would follow our **** again, firing indiscriminately?" She paused, then gritted her teeth again, and yelled: "These **** dog officers are all a gang. Rice bucket. Actually let those people run around in the territory of our Semites, even raising a group of pigs is more than 100,000 times better than raising them. If I were the high priest, I would cut off their heads! "

Claudia became more and more angry." Then she waved her embroidered fist and continued to curse: "Those dog officials do not know what they eat? Even if it is a pig, looking at the trajectory of the shelling these days" I know that those of them are walking along this great highway. They don't even know that they will send soldiers to encircle and suppress?

The rice bucket, what a gang of rice buckets~! "She said Taotao endlessly for a long time before she felt the anger in her heart dissipated a lot, and her anger eased. Lorraine couldn't help smiling bitterly in her heart. These days, she was also irritated. And every day. I have to curse the Semitic officials who have a vegetarian meal. This is already a habit. I don't need to interrupt myself, as long as I listen to it.

And in accordance with the rules of traditional girly games" After she finishes speaking, the favorability level will naturally increase by 1%. When it reaches 100%, then you can "..., he is watching wildly, At this moment, I heard Claudia continue to say: "When I was asking for money for food," she stretched her hands long, but when she was working, each one became thinner. What do you say we raise these stupid pigs for? "

Immediately, she found Lorraine distracted, and she was a little dissatisfied immediately, saying: "Hey, hello" Are you saying something? Lorraine returned to his mind immediately, smiled bitterly, and then comforted: "Okay, don't be angry. You should think this way, they are a bunch of stupid pigs. "

Claudia's eyes widened in surprise, and said, "Huh? What's this saying?"

Lorraine sighed: "This stupid pig is doing stupid things." But if you change to a smarter one, if you do stupid things, you can stop living.

Just in case that smart guy's brain gets hot. Then let the big guys go to fight Iraq together "...Bah bah bah. Let's attack the human race together, what do you say then?"

Claudia paused. After thinking about it carefully, then he looked forward to say: "That's not bad~!" Lorraine couldn't help but whispered quietly. I secretly said: "I didn't see it," this woman is actually a militant.

At this time, I heard Claudia continue to say: "If you really attack the human race, then you can take the leather bags and Prada shoes that are abundant there." Chanel's perfume, all snatched over..."

As he spoke, stretched out his hands and drew a big circle in the air. A happy smile appeared on Qiao's face.

With that violent movement, the abundance and amazing sūng couldn't help but make a wave of turbulence, and the people watching were dizzy. Lorraine felt weak for a while. The logic of this woman is the same as that of a politician, but it is really not understandable by ordinary people.

He raised his head and took a look, only to see a green belt appeared in the distance. He couldn't help but stunned. Originally thought it was a cloud in the sky, but after a closer look, he realized that it turned out to be a large city wall.

Dortray City is already looking at.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help being shocked.

With a city, there is a place to take a good rest. Eat some delicious meals and buy some supplies. Take a hot bath comfortably.

They immediately swept away the shadows they had just now, and then raised their whips one after another, drove the horses, and speeded up.

Claudia looked at the city, but gritted her silver teeth viciously, then looked behind and whispered: "That **** Lorraine, if he dares to make trouble, I will take the knife and kill him. One hundred times, one hundred times n!"

The wheels rushed across the bluestone road, there was a busy noise, and a smoky dust rose from behind, and sprinted towards the distant city.

They went out for a cup of tea, and then they saw two carriages rushing over one after another. Speed ​​to the city.

Lorraine came to the city with everyone, watching the shops in the city, row upon row of tall buildings on both sides, and people coming and going on the street, and there was a lot of traffic, which was extremely lively and prosperous.

This city faces the sea and has great commerce. It is worthy of being the most prosperous city in Thunderbolt. Compared with the Caribbean city of Thunderbolt, it is not allowed much.

This time the circus plans to take a break after seeing Daduotre, even if the SS commandos bombard the city again, they will not leave.

After all, they are not forged by iron. I have wandered a lot, and every one is physically and mentally exhausted. "I need a place to take a good rest."

And the city of Dortrex has a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, abundant aquatic products, and low prices. What is more suitable than here?

When everyone entered the city this time, they no longer 1ù Camp [Guang] Field, but found a small hotel near that [Central] Central [Guang] Field, and stayed in.

Although this is simple, Claudia took a crowd of people and waited for a while.

Where are the lions and tigers fed, where are the things of the circus, and where are their carriages parked. Just these miscellaneous things" have already kept her busy.

At this time, Lorraine took Xiao Bai, but he had already arrived on the [Guangzhou] field.

Originally, according to Claudia's instructions, they should be holding the gong, holding a sign or something. Wander around here, soliciting customers loudly.

At the very least, you have to sell the tickets for the next day.

In this way, even if the commando bombards the city, everyone will not watch the circus, but will escape from the city. Everyone can earn a little and subsidize their meager purse.

Lorraine turned two circles on the [Guangzhou] field and immediately saw a familiar background. It was an old man. He was dressed gorgeously and his head was white. He looked very scholarly, but he was holding a strange cane in his hand.

He was standing in the middle of the square, wandering back and forth in front of the huge statue.

When the man saw Lorraine and Xiao Bai, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he walked over here. He came to the front and asked unceremoniously: "Boy, why are you and this slick elephant? Where are my granddaughters?"

Lorraine looked at the old man and sighed softly. If someone else dared to speak so unceremoniously, he might just slap his face with a brick. But facing the man, he had to endure it, and then said: "Our goal is too big. So it is divided into two roads, one front and one back. They will arrive afterwards in a carriage."

As he was talking, he saw horseshoes stepping behind him, and the sound of wheels came. Lorraine turned around and saw not far away, two carriages were rushing over the [Guangzhou] Field in tandem.

〖Wide〗Those people on the field looked at them and couldn't help but face angrily. But carriages are not allowed in this square. But then they saw the strange logo on the carriage, and they all bowed their heads.

Although that kind of logo is strange, I have never seen it before. But they also knew that it was probably the nobleman's seal.

Even ordinary nobles do not care about any laws. Not to mention that this kind of carriage has coats of arms.

Lorraine looked at the groom on the carriage, couldn't help but smiled, and then said to the old man: "Look, they're here."

The old man snorted coldly, then walked quickly over to the Throne of Shenyin. He chatted with those people.

At this time, Xiaobai saw Leo, grinned, and rushed to the Throne of God Seal with tears in his eyes. But these days it has been miserable.

The circus is not rich. Usually it is some whole grains or something, even if you take an apple, it will be the same as the New Year, where it is like before, you can make whatever banana candy you like. Even eat a piece and throw a piece into the water.

Leo looked at Xiao Bai and couldn't help feeling a little distressed. Spread his hands, just about to hug. But then he saw it turn around and ran from his side to the Throne of God Seal.

Leo was taken aback, then turned his head to look.

I saw that Xiaobai had already rushed to Vera, and then desperately shook the little tail behind him, with a flattering expression on his face, like a puppy waiting eagerly for a bone.

This is not surprising, Xiao Bai is not stupid, but it clearly knows that all the food is stored in Vera's ring.

Leo looked at it and slapped it **** the **** involuntarily.

At this moment, Vera was entangled in helplessness, she had to shake her fingers, took out the last few bananas, and stuffed them into the Throne of God Seal.

Xiaobai rolled his nose immediately, then stuffed it into his mouth, while chewing, turning his head to look at Leo, with a flattering expression.

Fiona looked at her and she couldn't help but laughed: This little elephant is really rascal. Some of them were eaten, so they threw them aside, thinking of their boss coming.

At this time, Lester and Adele had been chatting for a long time.

Lorraine watched him stop, and then asked, "Master, how is the situation with you?"

Lester snorted triumphantly, and said: "Our situation? You don't look at who led the team? Our situation is naturally very good. When we were in Jingshui Lake, a group of people had no brains. The Necromancer, he has a dozen or so phylogenetic phylogeny. Hahaha..."

Lorraine's eyes lit up, and said, "How many ten? That's great. Since there is no shortage, then return the one I grabbed back to me."

Lester coughed slightly, and then continued: "Later, we put the war fortress into the submerged water. Hahaha... those dead bones and sticks flew over our heads to the gods. Throne, flew to the mountains to the west.

Let them find the hundred thousand mountains! Hahaha...""

Lorraine couldn't help but stop, dissatisfied: "Hey, what did I just say, did you hear it?"

Lester snorted coldly, and then continued dancingly, " our group robbed a few noble carriages and drove a few more circles on the road. There was nothing on the way. It's here."

Lorraine said one word at a time: "I mean, should you return that phylogeny to me?"

Lester looked up at the huge statue on the [Guangzhou] field and said, "Dai'er, do you know? I've been here before. I didn't expect this statue to be there after so many years. It’s really like years..."

Lorraine was extremely angry, and Adele hurriedly stretched out her hand next to her, and then gave a soft comfort. There is no shortage in the middle. My grandpa is dead, and not all of those are yours. , And the like. Lester listened, but was not angry, still looking at the statue with a smile.

Lorraine took a few breaths, knowing that compared with this old hooligan, he still had a long way to go on the shameless road, and immediately made up his mind that he must take revenge on his grandson's daughter. Come back n!

He settled, then said: "How is the situation here?"

Seeing that he was talking about business, Lester immediately became serious and said: "The situation here is not optimistic!" a.

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