Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 275: The way home

When everyone was well, the junior aristocratic army gave away the special offer, and then re-informed Zanji De, Lorraine found that the morale and mood of the entire army were low. The order was immediately given, and the whole army had a three-day holiday. I want to use this method to ease morale.

But then Lorraine found that this method did not work. The dead soldiers took a vacation and returned to their posts, but they were still depressed.

And the officers who were supposed to be the mainstay also followed suit. They were all evening girls, and their eyes were straightforward. He was talking, but his mind didn't know where it went.

Lorraine was helpless. Had to go to the headquarters to report. Asked to transfer another group of soldiers from Fengye Danlin. In order to have a rotation with the local soldiers.

When the news spread, the soldiers immediately showed their youthful vigor as if they had been shot with blood. Everyone was fine, they just got together, muttered and analyzed, to see which batch of puppies could be With luck, I can go back in the first batch.

As for the Fengye Danlin headquarters, is there no soldiers to send?

Then it's not his old man's headache

He kicked the ball out anyway, and it was rejected in the end. In the face of those soldiers who had discovered that he had been deceived and were enthusiastic, he could also spread his hands and tell everyone with a helpless expression that he also did his best.

As for whether everyone would shoot those high-level black shots and slap their bricks under righteous indignation, it is not something he needs to consider.

And at the same time. With the lucky lottery drawn in batches, the puppies who could go home early came home with everyone's news. Those families who got the news passed the military postal system one after another. A letter was sent here again. Let these soldiers slightly relieve the pain of homesickness.

Although the letters in those letters just seemed to have a puppy eloped with someone, the old sow in the family gave birth to seven pups, but two died. This was all due to objective reasons. Don’t find a wife to be a ballast,

In short, they are all trivial things from the parents, but in the eyes of the soldiers who have been away for a long time, the book is more precious than the gold they robbed, and it is worth ten thousand gold.

When everyone was okay, they would take out those letters, then put them together, read them carefully several times, and share the breath of hometown.

Even those guys who don't know one big character touched the letter that his wife had entrusted others to write and read it carefully several times. Although I can't understand the text above, I feel a lot more at ease in my heart. When robbing money and robbing things, I also got more energy.

Some people are even more happy, and they start to drink and revel.

Lorraine looked at them and started tossing again, and immediately opened and closed his eyes, leaving them alone. after all. This is much better than that pool of stagnant water.

The focus of his work now is to take a group of officers and begin to prepare and train the recruits recently recruited by the Almohad New Army.

Everyone knows that the sooner the opponent can become an army and become stronger. I can go home as soon as possible. At the moment, they all played their lives, hit hard hands, and practiced those rascals vigorously.

It was like a ten-kilometer load-bearing cross-country, armed swimming, and an emergency assembly in the middle of the night. I also practiced field survival,

Lord Lorraine had a difficult place to display, to play the new army's current experimental troops, all imaginable and playable. It's almost impossible to play anatomy.

The recruits they tossed about with eggshells on their butts were all crying and crying.

But at the same time. It is undeniable that under this high-intensity Bian training, these recruits have gradually matured.

But what is funny is that the first army that was completely trained by Lorraine himself and can fully embody modern tactical ideas, emphasizing air supremacy, combination of infantry and artillery, knight lightning raids, and mixed formation of legions, etc. A series of elite legions that focus on technology rather than winning by number, but an army of the Almohad Empire.

Moreover, due to the establishment of the staff officer system, a large amount of power is shared, and the politicians in the rear can be completely relieved of the commander of the legion.

Because of this situation, the requirements for high-quality commanders who were originally proficient in the ever-changing battle situation have been reduced to the lowest point.

It can even be said that as long as there is a staff officer's department, even a dog can be a good commander.

I think this is how Roosevelt did.

He chose the most capable commander for his western troops.

Before landing in Normandy, Ai Xiaoke was the supreme commander of the Western Front, but others did all his daily work for him.

In addition to Bubble Girl, he played the game of beloved baby with his own British female driver. I'm worried about not being caught by a newspaper reporter or my own wife.

Moreover, even the classmate Ba Xiaodun, who is known as the No. 1 Titan in the U.S. Army, was of no use.

Was kicked back home in China.

The only thing that needs to be decided by Ai Xiaoke is the date of the "Sunday landing, but that is all heeded to the opinions of meteorological experts, and it has little to do with him."

in the mean time. Because of the strong logistics requirements of this elite army, politicians no longer need to worry that the commander will support himself.

Even if the officers wanted to rebel and play their own management buyouts, the officers below would not agree. Then gently picked his scoop.

And even if the officers below agreed, the soldiers would not agree.

Because everyone's military pay is not signed by the top commander, but by the independent logistics department.

Everyone became a soldier. But just to feed the family. Even if there are a few who have lofty ideals, want to dominate the world, or liberate all mankind, the prerequisite is to have enough food. Because you can't beat your enemies when you are hungry.

I think that the former Hua monk Lu Zhishen, with such a high level of skill, even the willow tree can be pulled out. He is known as the "Lone Star" from all over the world and beat Zhen Guanxi to death with three punches. The gorgeous and beautiful character at Niucha, when he was not full of food, he was thrown away by two thieves in Crock Temple and rushed everywhere.

anyway. Even if all of these factors are available, they are crazy, and they are all rebelling. But as long as the logistics supply is cut off here. They had to surrender immediately.

As the days passed by, the Throne of God Seal, with the help of the people of Lorraine, Almohad's new army was no matter in number. Huanqin Mine and Bu Jin are growing fast. Suspense that they are still so immature and Liu Ran showed some spirit.

With the increase of military strength. The political situation of Almohad was gradually restored under the political skill of Queen Isabella, and it was gaining a foothold.

She decisively revised what was previously issued by the Empire, based on good wishes, aimed at improving the average quality of the people of the Empire. The sacred and inviolable law of the first night. In that newly revised law, the farmers are allowed to use five copper plates to redeem the first night rights belonging to the nobles.

As soon as this order was issued, it was immediately welcomed by the people of the country with their hands and feet. All the people's hearts were stabilized at once.

This modification made even the old nobles extremely happy.

In fact, it is not surprising, because the introduction of this wise law of giving birth to children without an **** is in itself designed for those upstarts who spent money to buy officials during the old Despi regime.

The only purpose is to let those mobsters see that after becoming aristocrats and dog officials, they can play women without spending money, and stimulate their enthusiasm to spend and buy officials.

Because of the traditional old aristocracy. Whose family is not deep-rooted Ye Sheng, even before the law is promulgated, who family has no unspoken rules about how many maids.

And when this law was promulgated, it also caused a very terrible consequence for them.

Because it is very likely that the noble son born to his wife and the civilian daughter born to a maid will be required by the sacred and inviolable law. Knowing or not knowing, a series of actions have to be carried out. , An activity that is loved and respected by many people in the country.

As for the wives of the nobles with huge activity energy, this is also less of their worries. You must know that they usually hate their husband's behavior of going out of the wall.

When it's okay, it's an arduous, life-and-death struggle with those mistresses, which is completely irreconcilable.

As a genuine lady, he sent his subordinates to throw those mistresses who used unfair competition methods and jealous with them into a well, soak them in a pig cage, or learn from Snow White’s stepmother, give the next poison, and feed them. Red apples are very healthy activities.

And when that law was introduced. These overturned the vinegar jar, and did not at all for the improvement of the average quality of the imperial population. At the expense of a small amount of personal benefit, this great-minded and enlightened army of women is all blown up.

Her Majesty the Queen has now revised this. Of course they warmly welcomed

What's more, it also involves a very important life-and-death issue, that is, the issue of inheritance rights.

If in the past, a commoner maid who had been ruled by a noble master had an heir, because she was an illegitimate child, she would have no right of inheritance at all.

As the orthodox heir of the noble family. Even though he couldn't see it, because he wouldn't pay for it from his own pocket, he could still open and close his eyes, letting the old guy fool around.

But after promulgating the sacred and inviolable right of the first night aimed at improving the average quality of the imperial population, it was a disguised acknowledgment of one thing, that is, illegitimate children also have human rights.

If the children born to the common people have human rights, there is a legal issue that cannot get around the throne of God Seal, that is, the right to inherit the land and the right to distribute the inheritance in the future.

Now that he acknowledged the other party's Jiang and Quan. It also had to admit that illegitimate child's right to inheritance and inheritance distribution. This is to pay a lot of money from the pocket to the husband. And also divide the territory.

The reason why nobles became nobles. It is because there is more money and more territory than others.

If this divides the property and the territories, everyone will have little left. Don't be a nobleman. You can go bankrupt. Then you can go to the street and beg for food.

Therefore, as the heir to the noble family, he also welcomed the Queen’s New Deal.

The noble lords themselves welcome this.

Because the original Chu Ye Quan was meant to improve the average quality of the imperial population, this high-sounding banner was promulgated.

In other words, the correct judicial interpretation of the empire is: to improve the average quality of the empire’s population. Unshirkable responsibility. And they don’t have and should not have the right to choose

It doesn't matter if the marriageable girls on your own territory are pretty or ugly. They all have to be treated fairly. Either don't implement it, if you lose your mind, you can continue to implement it.

Then it must be consistent and implemented. Whether it is beautiful or ugly, it must be treated fairly.

It doesn't matter if the other party is ugly or not. Born to have leprosy, syphilis, flower willow, AIDS, or third-stage pneumonia. As a lord, at most, you can use physical reasons as an excuse to decline for a month. But after that, you have to bite the bullet and go into battle yourself.

Otherwise, once the defendant is accused, he said he trampled on the sacred right of the first night.

Lord Lorraine, who is known as a fair, unselfish and ruthless official, has always been watching by the side.

It will bring the little brothers in right now. Carry out his favorite systematic home ransacking activity, and then send himself to Siberia in the icy and snowy area for free travel, or visit the Gulag Castle, a holy resort, or go to the Auschwitz Inhumane Sports Weight Loss Center. Reduce the fat.

Apart from that, there is no need to mention the farmers.

Although their girlfriends may not be very good-looking or beautiful, they are their girlfriends after all. How can others be condemned?

What's more, those who don’t have **** today sit with their mistresses on their heads, and use their butts to come up with a right of first night to improve the average quality of the empire’s population. It is hard to guarantee that tomorrow will not find any excuses, for Avoided the decline of the average quality of the imperial population. Ask yourself these civilians and farmers to cut their own small

This is one of the reasons why so many people ran to join the Willis Peasant Rebellion. Everyone felt that they were confused with the empire. It is too insecure.

In case that day is really reached, should everyone cut it well or not?

Now, after this law was revised, everyone immediately felt much better.

At the same time, a large number of capable bureaucrats were re-employed, the bureaucracy that had collapsed in the empire began to operate again, and the hearts of the people gradually stabilized.

With the stability of the rear situation. Almohad’s new army gradually became stronger. From the big step back to the southern governors, they gradually began to become aggressive.

They are also beginning to be bold, not talking to the invisible front in the south. Step by step to challenge the governors and warlords bottom line six

The governors of the provinces, who first faced their military pressure, stood in the middle and watched the wind. Two babies were picked up by these powerful recruits. Very ruthless, cleaned up. At the moment, all were as honest as the Governor of Yuryad.

They also sent envoys one after another to show their allegiance to the Queen, and then they gave a generous amount of money. The imperial royal family's tight finances relaxed a bit.

Her Majesty the Queen can also secretly take out the mortgaged ornaments, and secretly redeem a batch.

Although the Willis Rebels and General Hardu are still fighting on the southern front. But in Abdwad, in the actual control area of ​​Her Majesty the Queen, the current political situation is changing day by day, showing a good direction.

And everyone in Lorraine also breathed a sigh of relief. Now that they have strong military strength, they can finally not worry about the lack of troops caused by the withdrawal. I was afraid that the other party would take the opportunity to call.

The position under the queen's saddle became more and more stable, and accordingly, their interests became more and more guaranteed.

What made him even more pleased was that the unblinking blood-handed butcher of Grand Duke Julian finally left after he had failed to propose to Her Majesty Queen Isabella.

Although the old guy was just about to leave, for the safety of his daughter, he made a lot of harsh words. But now that the murderous madman is watching from the side eagerly, Lorraine feels a sense of liberation, and the air has become very fresh. Even walking and stepping on **** does not affect him and The mood is as bright as the spring sun.

That afternoon, he was at the Tool Army Command Headquarters and had just handled half of his official business. He saw General Wabador accompanied a few guests from Fengye Danlin out.

What kind of person Lord Lorraine is, he just piled up his own picks, then said hello to everyone, and sneaked out.

Lord Luo Jue walked briskly on the road, looking at the flowers blooming in the garden by the roadside, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. As expected, he still got his salary but didn't work. It feels most comfortable to go out on shift.

He went to the lounge, changed his casual clothes, and took the horse without disturbing the guards. He immediately went out of the corner door and ran to the market in Abdwad, wandering for a while.

Although seeing the people on the street is not as happy as if they have received a bonus, it is much better than their deep indifference when they first entered the city.

Although all businesses are still waiting, they don't care whether they are walking. Still speaking, all revealed a kind of self-confidence in the heart. I believe that with my own hands, I can feed my family and myself and live a decent life.

Lord Lorraine saw it, and he felt even better.

As Jue Wei said, if everyone has money and leads a good life, of course, they have money to gamble. Of course, my own unlimited gaming company is making more money.

In order to let everyone feel the martial universe, the holy king made the sacred king, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne, asks the devil, the world, the strongest, the nineth heaven, the strongest abandonment Martial Universe will kill the night god, the **** seal, the throne, ask the devil, the world, the nineth heaven, the strongest, abandon the Shao Da Zhou royal family In the snack shop, buy Vera some snacks she likes. Go to the toy store and buy Leo a team of toy soldiers with movable joints.

When I went to the decoration shop, I went around, trying to buy something for Catherine and Rowlingna, but the contents in it were too deceptive. A piece of broken glass cost five gold coins. Turned out again in anger.

He ran to the flower shop and found the flowers inside. Regardless of the variety or type, they are far inferior to their own. And the price you want is too expensive, expensive, and decided immediately. After returning home, pinch two of them and send them to Catherine and Lorraine.

When Lord Lorraine wandered in the middle, he saw that it was the most remote, but at the same time, it was also the red light district in the most prosperous section.

Lorraine, as an art expert who loves folk music, hesitated for a while.

The tortoise teapot patrolling next to Yin kept looking at him. I wonder if he is a private detective sent by the lady to monitor her husband. Do you want to send a thug to beat him up?

But in the end, Lorraine gave a long sigh, then walked away.

He took the things and returned to his mansion, but it was still early. Catherine was the only one in the house who handled her official duties.

Lorraine was about to send up the flowers that were just picked in the mansion. At this moment, a great chaos followed. Leo jumped up and down and rushed in breathlessly.

He was tired and sweating. After watching Lorraine, he hurriedly shouted: "Boss. Boss, have you heard? Someone has said that we will withdraw soon. Is this true?"

Catherine was startled. Putting down the documents in his hand, looking at Lorraine, said, "Is this true? I have also heard many people spread this."

Lorraine stagnated. After thinking about it for a long time, he said in a somewhat slanderous manner: "I have been patronizing and lazy these days, and I haven't paid attention to this aspect."

He paused. He immediately slapped his hands and said cleanly: "I saw that of Wabador today. The old guy went out with a few people from Fengye Danlin. I thought he went to another restaurant and used public money to eat. Drinking. Could it be that he went to the palace. Discuss with the queen about retreating?"

At this moment, I heard cheers from a distance like a mountain whistling a tsunami. The cheers waved higher than waves, resounding through the entire city coin.

After hearing the huge cheers, everyone couldn't figure out what happened. Can not help but look at each other.

After a while, I saw Luo Linna rushing in quickly with Vera. As soon as I walked in, I heard Luo Linna say in an excited voice that couldn't be suppressed: "Have you heard? We are about to withdraw our troops. We will be back to Fengye Danlin soon."

Lorraine could not help but yelled angrily after hearing it, and said: "Damn it."

Since the news came too suddenly, he still has a lot of money before he can transfer it out.

He immediately returned to the command post and inquired briefly. Only then did I know that because the situation had stabilized now, the homesickness of the Fengjun army was high. More importantly, the report he posted played a key role.

Because after Xixie Danlin received the report, he also knew that he had no army to send, and seeing that there was nothing left now. It is very annoyed that the Feng Army is not doing anything now, but only taking the salary. It is the decision now. Except for the Holy See's Holy Knights to continue to station, the rest of the soldiers will withdraw to the country. At most, it is to leave a capable Jiye Danlin military advisory group to help the new Almohad army fight.

After Lorraine got the exact news, he knew that the time was too hasty, and immediately returned home. Lianchi discussed with Catherine, Vera, and Leo about withdrawing troops to return to China...

After all, Lorraine and Leo also have an industry here, and their Panmadidome Entertainment Company is now the most active commercial organization in Abdwad.

Once the Banye Danlin coalition forces withdrew, Panma forced Domhai Entertainment to lose its backing by the occupation army, a violent organization that is more legal, and will soon be defeated by a group of emerging entertainment groups, especially now that Lorraine is greedy. There are many upstarts in Almohad and Leo, and these people are all staring at these upright black money.

Although in the eyes of Lorraine and Leo, this is just a leather bag company with thirty or forty employees and a bunch of temporary workers. If you don't want to do it anymore, you can learn from those older generations. The two guys, Lorraine and Leo, had no legal relationship with this company from the beginning. The lawsuit was brought to the temples of the gods, and they were not involved.

However, as a business ethical gambling group, Bi Leo, the young master, he strongly advocates that it is still troublesome, to be an insolvent account, to drain the money and go through the bankruptcy procedures. Anyway, now the Xiye Danlin people It’s still the boss, it’s good for reputation. In the future, I will set up a Panmadidome Entertainment Company or something like that, or I will continue to collect money, otherwise my reputation will be ruined, and it will be troublesome if I want to deceive people later. .

What's more, it's a pity that the name of Pan Madidome Entertainment Company is so loud.

Lorraine expressed his sincere admiration for Leo’s forward-looking strategic thinking, and praised Father Leo for being the second heir to the first power in the mainland, and a compulsory skill for a successful politician who stands as a bitch. It is so perfect.

Grandpa Leo said humbly that this is all Lorraine's teachings. It is difficult to follow the Earl of Lorraine, whom we are known as the neighbor of Hades, to become shameless.

In addition, how to transport Lorraine and the others these huge gains. It is also a problem.

Although Catherine let Diman's navy sneak away the biggest treasure that Lorraine and the others had copied, in fact. The things in those boxes are of great value, but they don't take up much space.

The headaches of Lorraine and Leo were actually the oil and water scraped off the nobles when they first arrived in Abdwad.

These are not just jewels and gold, there are a lot of valuable artworks and various crafts, otherwise Vera would not be allowed to sleep inside.

Now these things are in a room where they lived in Lorraine, filling up half of the room. Vera’s biggest interest is to jump in and roll a few times when nothing is wrong, and then hold these things with her delicate little face. , Crushing hard.

Although Vera has a ring in her hand that is not few in the entire world, Vera has always used it as a snack bag, which is already filled with enough Lorraine and the others to eat for a year. Snacks. Especially after Leo and Melina dominated Almohad's royal pastry chef.

If you let the old guys of the Dragon Race who cherish money like their lives, know that Vera is wasting this like this. Treasures must be distressed to death.

Vera also wants to put these financial reports in, but between good food and money, with Vera's small head, it is really difficult to choose.

With such a large sum of money, it is difficult to guarantee that other people will not get the money. If anyone takes advantage of the wrong parcel delivery time, which is often used by express companies, Lorraine is likely to be wrong.

Fortunately, there are still many troops in the Ruman Empire's navy. Catherine naturally took advantage of her position to make a big plan for herself. Moreover, Carter's guards of Catherine followed Lorraine to fight the autumn wind. The benefits are great.

Just to pack and pack these things, Lorraine, Vera, and Leo spent two days in this Danbu house.

This is just after dealing with these things of his own, as the commander of the Fengye Danlin Cadet Army, Lorraine still has to do the calculations for himself.

The place where Lorraine and the others are located is the property of Old Despi, and of course the construction is extremely luxurious, and every plant and tree has a great background.

After Lorraine picked this place as his own headquarters, the peers were very eye-catching, but there are wartime rules, fast hands, slow hands, whoever grabs it counts whoever, you can only blame yourself The brain is not live enough.

So others. Including General Wabador, they could only look at this gorgeous mansion with jealousy, and then yelled at Lorraine for grabbing things for shame.

When they first entered this magnificent and magnificent building complex, the Maple Leaf Danlin Cadet Army, who can be called the guys who have seen the market, were also shocked. It was indeed more beautiful than the imperial palaces of most countries.

Then these people fully used their instincts to carefully strengthen the entire mansion from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

The kitchen and bathroom have not been spared, and the harvest is the biggest in these two places.

Now Ban Ye Dan Lin’s cadet army will be withdrawn. According to the agreement, these buildings occupied by the Maple Leaf Dan Lin coalition forces will be returned to the Almohad Royal Family for processing.

Therefore, these Xie Ye Danlin people shouted a slogan that no iron piece should be left to the Almohad, and ransacked the building again.

This time it was more thorough. Even some of the decorations on the eaves were taken down and thrown into the bag. Anyway, these Maple Leaf Danlin people were each. People are allowed to transport back 300 pieces of personal belongings.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if you didn't fill your quota?

After this catastrophe, the architectural art of the Almohad Empire retreated for twenty years.

In addition, there was a series of handover operations between the occupying forces and the Almohad, which required a lot of time.

Finally, it was the long-awaited retreat day of the Fengye Danlin coalition forces.

The remaining 10,000 weaponized Ye Danlin coalition forces packed their packages early this morning. After breakfast, they quickly assembled on the street of Almohad, waiting for the time.

The Queen Hexian of Almohad had organized the people of Abdwad a few days earlier and sent off the Maple Leaf Danlin coalition enthusiastically on the withdrawal day.

These civilians were called out of their homes early in the morning, under the leadership of the sheriff and Almohad government officials. Holding flowers and colorful flags, they crowded on the route booked by the Banye Danlin Allied Forces, waiting to show the friendliness and enthusiasm of the Almohad people when the Fengye Danlin people passed.

Naturally, these people would not buy it. If the Almohad government were not involved in this, maybe the people of Abdwad City would really show off the Xidanlin people.

After all, everyone knew in their hearts that it was these Banye Danlin people who had rescued their emperor and old Despi from the fierce rule, and their military discipline was quite good.

The residents of Abdva Sudden City during the last few months in Zhejiang Province questioned the kind of fear that can be called the prosperity point. The royal family and nobility of Mohad.

From this morning, on the streets of Abdwad City, the residents of Abdwad City have skillfully turned this farewell ceremony into a bazaar.

Those who sell breakfast and snacks carry their own plates, and they are hawking through the crowd. Parents pull their children and teach them loudly.

Stalls selling goods have been set up on both sides of the street, vendors yelling and selling, and the civilians of Abdwad city linger between these stalls.

In the pubs and restaurants on both sides of the road, this is already crowded with people, is it good to call friends?

Only Almohad's new army soldiers stood on both sides of the road honestly, isolating the crowd from behind.

In the Maple Leaf Danlin Occupiers, the Queen of Almohad and his entourage led a group of entourages, together with General Wabador, Lorraine and the generals of the Allied Armed Forces.

Almohad's military band blew a loud trombone.

The queen said to everyone: "Okay, Lord General, let's start."

General Valbador said: "Your Majesty, please."

The queen boarded the open carriage, and the generals such as Fengye Danlin and the officials of the Almohad government led by the Marquis of Veshang also turned on their horses.

In front of them. It is an honor cavalry team composed of the Knights Templar and the Almohad Janitor. The men and horses of the two teams lined up on the road, each holding its own flag, as the leader, and began to march.

The officers of the Maple Leaf Danlin Allied Forces gave an order. Behind Wabador and Lorraine, the long line of Ban Leaf Danlin Allied soldiers began to take the first step towards the way home.

At this time, the drums rang, and the impatient Abdwad civilians who had already waited watched this grand performance. Picking up the mood of watching the excitement, he shouted for good.

"Good row."

"do it again."

The officials who heard the Almohad were embarrassed. Fortunately, the organizers who were sent down quickly corrected the wrong slogans of these civilians.

These people shouted dryly: "Long live your Majesty the Queen. Afeng has a great friendship.

Then the civilians below laughed when they heard them shouting.

The officers of Almohad’s new army were clever and commanded the soldiers to yell. This time they gained a little bit of momentum, so that the Almohad’s elders looked better.

For Lorraine and the others, it didn't matter if the Abdwad civilians didn't buy it. Anyway, they were leaving now.

The Maple Leaf Danlin soldiers behind Lorraine waved their hands excitedly at this time to bid farewell to the Almohad people on both sides.

"Goodbye. Yihongyuan."

"Goodbye, Aling, May."

The team of more than ten thousand people quickly walked out of the city of Abdwad, which gave them good memories, amidst the noise of the Almohad people.

The soldiers hummed their own little tunes happily, and came to the port of Abdwad city, playing around behind the big men.

The fleet had already waited for the Armament Ye Danlin coalition forces in the port early, and the materials had already been loaded on the ship, waiting for these soldiers.

After arriving at the port, the soldiers boarded their ships under the leadership of officers.

And on the side. The Almohad people have already built a huge shed, and it is neatly decorated with flowers and ribbons, which will be used as the venue for the farewell ceremony.

After the crowd arrived at the port, they were led by the Queen of Almohad. Walked into this temporary meeting place.

The waiters brought the Er cup full of wine and delivered it to everyone.

The queen of Almohad took the lead in raising the wine glass, smiling to the generals of the Maple Leaf Danlin: Yue is the truth, thank you all for creating this new era for our Almohad Empire. Without you, our Almohad Empire might have died in a lethargy. And now, we have at least a chance of recovery. "

Hearing the queen bluntly said that she can be in power thanks to the gift of the Maple Leaf Danlin. "The generals of the Armor Leaf Danlin all laughed.

General Valbador said: "Your Majesty has been praised. Our Maple Leaf Danlin people have a simple goal. We can have today’s situation, all because of the Queen’s wise decision and grandeur. We Toolye Danlin people are also honored to be able to meet. Her Majesty the Queen cooperates."

Lorraine smiled calmly while holding the wine glass, but General Wabador didn't take the queen. Love, we Fengye Danlin originally came to avenge, we don't care what happens to Almohad. But you are cruel and cruel to Almohad's royal family, nothing like us.

Queen Isabella heard that General Wabador said. Just smiled gently and said, "Cheers. Everyone."

"Cheers." The generals of Xie Ye Danlin raised his glass and drank it.

The waiters carried the bottles and then served the wine for everyone.

Queen Isabella walked to Lorraine at this time and said to Lorraine: "Earl Court Ping

"Yes. Your Majesty." Lorraine replied.

Queen Isabella said: "Thank you Lord Earl for helping us. I will remember you as a friend. And" Queen Isabella whispered at this time: "Please take care of Silmelia."

Lorraine froze for a moment. He smiled and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, I promise."

Queen Isabella smiled, then turned and raised her glass again. To the others, he said, "Cheers for Afeng's friendship forever?"

The people below followed and said loudly: "For A Feng's friendship forever."

After drinking the red wine in the glass in one Queen Isabella turned to General Wabador and the generals of the Allied Forces of Maple Leaf Danlin and said, "Everyone, have a safe journey."

General Wabador said: "May the gods always pay attention to the Almohad Empire, Your Majesty, Your Excellency, Goodbye, Ye Danlin welcomes everyone at any time."

Then the generals of Ban Ye Danlin's coalition army and Queen Isabella nodded their goodbyes and turned to the ships in the harbor.

The battleship that Lorrain was on was personally prepared by Catherine. In the cabin on the lower deck, several treasure boxes of Lorraine and the others were already placed.

When Lorraine and Catherine walked off the cabin, Leo and Vera were rolling on these boxes.

Lorraine took a breath, and suddenly pulled Catherine down on top of these boxes like a joke.

Catherine exclaimed, then fell into Lorraine's arms. Annoyed, he punched Lorraine's chest.

Lorraine patted the wooden box under him, and said with satisfaction: "The hard work of these months is worth it." (To be continued)

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