Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 270: Divine right of kings?

Second, attract the attention of the enemy. On the following journey, Lorraine made great efforts to advance the remaining coalition soldiers in open fire.

After receiving the order, the troops lit their torches.

In the dark night, looking from a distance, those little flames shone like stars?

Three miles outside the east gate, they chose a flat place to start camping with great fanfare. The huge hustle and bustle, surging the sky, can almost wake the deaf.

But in reality, apart from sending everyone to tents at the very beginning, after the tents were set up, only Almohad troops remained here, pretending to be, and blocking the east gate at the same time.

And Lorraine took the elite of Xiye Danlin one step earlier, and walked quietly towards the south gate.

The Knights Templar guarded the mages, and another thousand cavalry of Ye Danlin's occupation army walked in front, ready to fight.

In fact, they really took the lead in the offensive, and the thousand Almohad soldiers who arrived earlier played the role of mines and traps.

Soon, Lorraine arrived at their position.

In the darkness, can Lorraine look at the gloomy shadow of the south gate of Westin and Bute from a distance? On the towering city wall, there was a pile of fire at each section, dimly illuminating the soldiers on the wall.

Judging from their appearance, they seem to be unintentional on duty. As soon as the inspecting officers pass, they will gather in groups. Then he kept looking towards the east gate.

Lorraine slowly closed his eyes and pricked up his ears, listening carefully to the sound coming from a distance. When the soldiers in the distance hurriedly ran, the clanking sound of armor and weapons collided.

He could not help but sighed for a long, messy and short voice, indicating that the soldiers at the head of the city were nervous and panicked after seeing the troops appearing at the east gate. Prepare, this is not a trap.

Immediately he corrected it carefully in his heart, and thought silently: It's just that it's probably not a trap, it's very possible."

After a short while, an Almohad knight hurriedly came to Lorraine, saluted him, and then whispered: "My lord, we are ready. The striker has lurked to the distance. The door is tens of meters away."

Lorraine heard the uncontrollable excitement in his tone, couldn't help looking up at him, and then nodded. Calmly said: "Okay, start the fire."

The soldiers of the Almohad New Army had gathered five piles of firewood in the form of a five-pointed star.

After they heard Lorraine's order, they poured kerosene on the pyre, and then lit them with flint.

The flames on the opposite south gate also increased.

The bright red fire light illuminates the south gate tower, almost like daylight.

Immediately afterward, a noisy sound came from the city gate.

The miserable screams, roars, and the sound of weapons colliding during the fight, mixed together, spread far away?

General Hassel couldn't help but stunned when he heard it, and shouted angrily: "Damn it, it's a bunch of rice buckets. This can also fail!"

He turned his head to look at Lorraine, and said, "My lord, do you want our people to withdraw?"

Lorraine patiently looked at the situation in the distance, and after half a day, he said slowly: "Wait, the other party hasn't found us lurking outside the city."

At this time, the shouts inside the city gate were getting louder and louder, and the voices of the soldiers who were fighting could be clearly heard?

Moreover, on the wall of the south gate, a large group of Almohad soldiers also appeared.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help sighing. It seemed that this sneak attack was really going to fail.

He didn't give up, waited for a while, and saw that the city gate still hadn't been opened as agreed, and immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops.

at this time. Just listen to "Boom. With a loud noise, the closed copper gate of the south gate of Westin Butte City suddenly opened slowly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a figure under the city gate, waving a torch desperately.

The New Army soldiers lurking near the city wall immediately reacted.

They shouted, "Kill!"

Hundreds of people rushed to the opened gate first.

"Go, go. Keep up." The new army officer behind also gave a loud order at this time. At the same time, he kept kicking the soldiers in the ass, trying his best to drive the big soldiers and let them rush forward.

Although it was far away, Lorraine could still hear the excitement in the officer's voice.

This is also understandable, after all, this is the first military action of their emperor in hundreds of years.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of work is done by rebels who are holding dung forks and smelling all over their bodies. The government army came to do this promising job. Not only were they unskilled in business, but everyone was burdened with thinking. And it is very suspect. If those rebellious guys knew, they would definitely despise it a hundred times.

But fortunately, the soldiers who ate food and served as soldiers did not have this kind of political consciousness. After hearing the order, they immediately jumped out of their hiding places. Then, amid the anger of the officers, they each raised their shining swords, shouted loudly, and rushed forward.

They rushed into the city gate in a blink of an eye.

Lorraine borrowed the light from the city where he was standing, and could still see through the city gate hole and see that there were people fighting fiercely inside the city gate.

Just listen to someone inside the city gate shouting: "Allegiance to the empire, to the side of the prince, kill the traitorous officials. These people are Despi's doglegs, kill him"

Those forwards who rushed in immediately joined the battle without saying a word;

Brandishing knives and guns, they roared and fought with the group of people inside the city gate.

The remaining soldiers of the New Army rushed under the wall within a few minutes.

They saw the open gate, shouted, and rushed into the gate?

Soon, the soldiers who blocked the new army assault team were rushed by these guys and retreated hastily.

Almohad's new army quickly occupied the city gate, and many soldiers of the new army boarded the city wall and waved torches at Lorraine and them.

Lorraine saw the success of seizing the gate, and was overjoyed at the moment, and shouted: "General Hassel, take your people first, block the other two gates, surround the emperor's residence, and capture Old Despiyi. Guys. Don’t let one go. "The second block is the red firework signal. I’ll support you.

General Hassel saluted immediately and said, "Yes, sir."

He turned around and shouted at the soldiers around him: "Brothers, for the empire, for the queen, and to save our emperor from the traitor, let us go!"

After speaking, General Hassel and Almohad's new army rushed towards the gate.

The team of three thousand quickly passed the gate.

Lorraine also turned around right now, and shouted to the soldiers who had been prepared for a long time and eager to try: "Banye Danlin Army, come with me. A group of mages and the temple hundredth team controlled Nancheng. door."

After that, with the cavalry team, accompanied by the sound of rumbling horse hooves. Rushed into the gate of Westin and Bute City.

As soon as he rushed into the city gate, he saw that at this time, the houses on both sides of the road inside the city gate had been set alight. The blazing fire burst into the sky, illuminating the vicinity of the city gate.

A group of people in Almohad uniforms were moving the dead bodies in the street near the city gate.

Seeing Lorraine leading a group of knights rushing in? They hurriedly shouted: "Allegiance to the Empire."

Then either he showed the white towel on his arm, or he leaned the torch against his face for everyone to see clearly, and they all had shaved their eyebrows. It was from Lorraine's side.

The corpses lying on the street are mostly people who also wear livery or the clothes of guards and servants?

That one. The general who served Lorraine as the internal response, after seeing the team of Xi Ye Danlin, hurried up. But soon the Templars pointed their weapons at the outside.

He immediately jumped in a hurry, only to wave his hand to Lorraine from a distance, and shouted: "My lord, my lord"

After Lorraine saw it, he immediately waved to the knights and let him walk over.

He saw the officer approaching, then pointed to the corpses on the ground and said, "Who is this?"

The officer glanced down, and then replied in a respectful voice, "My lord, these are the guards of the nobles and officials. Old Despi may have heard the news beforehand. Today, they were all sent to the city gate for surveillance. With the defenders. We can only open the gates if we solve them first."

Lorraine nodded and said, "Yes; you did a good job, and I will repay you to the Marquis of Veshang. Now, take my people to the garrison."

The officer knew that time was pressing. Then he said: "Yes, my lord, please follow us."

After speaking, turned around, took a horse from the side, then jumped up, and then flicked the rein and ran towards the city?

Everyone in Lorraine hurriedly hurried to keep up.

Under the leadership of these traitors, they rushed towards the garrison camp in Westin and Bute.

Everyone ran across several streets. Lorraine saw a group of people in Almohad uniforms holding torches and hurried over facing them.

When the group of soldiers saw Lorraine and their cavalry team turning around the corner, they panicked and stopped yelling.

A group of cavalrymen were extremely well-trained, and when they were running wildly, the knights in the first row put down their lances and pointed their sharp spears at them. The knight in the back row also pulled out his saber and was ready.

Those Almohad troops saw the jungle-like lances and shining sabers of the knights here, and they didn't know who shouted: "Run, it is Fengbao's army. They are here to kill!"

The Almohad soldiers behind immediately yelled and yelled loudly.

"Run, run"

"Isn't it worth our lives for that little military pay?"


These Almohad soldiers shouted, then threw their weapons to the ground and fled in all directions. They ran while taking off their uniforms.

These people quickly rushed into the alleys on both sides of the street, made a bird and beast scatter in front of Lorraine, and disappeared into the darkness.

Lorraine shouted, "Don't worry about them, go ahead."

The cavalry roared immediately, and then rode forward.

Some other soldiers who were not very clever, saw the knights rushing forward, seeing that they could not run, they threw their weapons in a hurry, raised their hands and put them on the walls on both sides of the street;

For these Almohad people, Fengye Danlin's team ignored them, and rushed past them grandiosely.

At this time, from the direction of the other two city gates, a green signal flare rose up, and Lorraine immediately let go of his heart, which means that General Hassel's new army has taken control of these city gates.

Lorraine led a group of knights to gallop all the way, and when they rushed to the military camp in the city, they saw four or five fires ignited in the large courtyard that constituted the military camp.

Lorraine listened carefully, and faintly heard someone shouting inside, but saw that there was no movement at all in the barracks.

He couldn't help but frowned, and said loudly, "Blast the door open, and the wizard will use lighting. Let's rush in."

Following his order, several fireballs the size of a basin came out of the wizard team.

The fireball fell near the camp gate and immediately caused a violent explosion, blasting all the obstacles set at the camp gate to pieces.

Immediately after. The illuminated ball of light rose above everyone's heads, and Lorraine rushed into the barracks with a group of Templar knights with a horse inside.

Under the shining of the ball of light, Lorraine could only see the faint black figure fleeing in the distance, the whole. There were not many people in the barracks. Except for a few Almohad soldiers who were rammed and forced into a blind spot by Lorraine and the others, the inside of this big barracks was empty, and there were no more people.

Lorraine waved his hand, and several knights rushed forward like wolves, dragging the prisoners to him.

Lorraine looked at the scared and pale faces of the soldiers and asked sharply, "Where are the garrisons in the city?"

The soldier was held by the knights with swords, so scared that he almost didn't urinate.

He trembled up and down all over, and stammered: "Hey, all ran away. I heard that the bad guys of Fengbao" Banbao army came, so everyone ran away. "

Lorraine frowned and said, "Running? How many people are on the wall? I will let you go after I answer."

The soldier boldly said: "There are not a few people, but there are, and all of them are noble families.

"Each city gate has two hundred people. There were more than two thousand people in the camp. Hearing that the south gate was broken, they all fled. Another Almohad soldier also hurriedly replied.

"See" Lorraine couldn't help but cursed, and then said: "Where did the garrison go?"

"They are all hiding in the city, sir, we are all city people, there is nowhere to run."

At this time, a red signal flare rose from the city, looking at the area in the center of the official city, Lorraine pondered slightly. Then he said: "Leave these alone. People, let's go to support Hassel."

Fengye Danlin's team turned their horses around and rushed towards the place where the signal was just now.

Everyone followed the avenue and ran towards the center of the city.

Along the way, mutineers with white towels on their arms or shaved eyebrows actively guided them, and they soon rushed to the main square of the city hall in the city.

Lorraine came to the center of the square, then stopped the horse, looked up, and saw that the city hall was built extremely magnificently and solidly. Obviously the opponents all fled in, making this place their last defensive position.

General Hassell pressed his long sword with his forehand, and commanded a group of soldiers of the new army to attack the front gate?

When Lorraine and the others came in, they were holding a large piece of wood that had been removed from an unknown source, and happily slammed into the closed door.

On the second floor of the city hall, many archers leaned out of the window and kept shooting at the soldiers.

But the archers here did not show any weakness, rushed up, and fired against the opponent, but because the opponent occupies a geographical advantage, this side is at a disadvantage.

And a large part of them were just farmers or petty citizens not long ago. They were forced to pull over when Lord Lorraine was making a strong man, without much systematic training.

Although it was a large number of people, and yelled at war. It seemed to be very powerful, but when he opened the bow and set the arrow, he shot randomly, not one in ten. It was just a flat battle with the opponent.

In most cases, even the ratio of two for one cannot be reached.

Lorraine looked and snapped his fingers at the wizards.

Immediately after. Following the order from the commander of the mage army, Petola, countless fireballs flew out of their hands, like volleys bombarding the platoon guns, and blasted towards the archers on the second floor.

Listen to a series of loud noises right now. Lorraine even felt the ground under his feet trembling in the explosion.

In the sound of the violent explosion, the windows on the second floor of the city hall were all shattered. Many of the dark human figures that were yellowed by the explosion, along with the messy debris, also fell from the gap.

At this moment, I heard a dull sound from the front entrance.

Immediately, I saw that the front entrance was like a classic slow motion, with a loud noise that was so painful, and then slowly fell back, revealing a **** hole.

All the soldiers of the new army and the soldiers of the board army were quiet for a moment. After a second pause, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers, and then all shouted and rushed forward.

Surprisingly, at this time, seeing the general situation go, the guard soldiers defending in the city hall did not conform to the trend of the times and the general trend of history, but shouted and followed the new army soldiers who rushed in. Fight with real swords and guns.

And in the middle, there were still a few burly men brandishing big swords, jumping ups and downs and shouting for battle, and immediately drove out the new army soldiers who had rushed in first.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help but grinned, "Okay, okay. That's it.

General Hassel's eyes were red with shame at the moment, he roared, and he fought the sword himself and was about to rush up. Lorraine stretched out his hand to stop him, and then angrily ordered the archers next to him: "Do you still want me to teach a bunch of food? Let me let it go"

The officer reacted immediately, brandishing his long sword, and yelling sharply: "Let go, let go."

Under their urging, the archers used their strength to draw their bows and release their arrows.

Immediately, a burst of arrows of death was cast over.

Although their arrow technique was not good, but fortunately the number was so large that they shot down the guards who couldn't stop yelling.

At this time, the new army soldiers saw that it was cheap, and immediately rushed up again.

Relying on their large numbers, they were like fighting anxious Zhu Bajie. Foolishly, after rushing over, he slashed Chauduo with a knife.

Under their dense forest of knives and guns, even having practiced Cai Hua Baodian is of no avail. Immediately those guards all hacked and killed one clean.

Soon these executioners didn't care to wipe off the warm blood on their faces, so they shouted and rushed toward the depths of the hall.

But at this moment, these brave warriors saw a pale middle-aged man with a golden crown standing in front of him, and they stopped immediately at a loss.

Although they surrounded the man tightly, no one dared to approach the middle-aged man within ten steps.

The middle-aged man looked at them coldly and said nothing.

At this moment the soldiers separated like a tide, and General Hassel stepped out.

He looked at the middle-aged man, and after half a day, he suddenly bowed on one knee and saluted, and said: "See Your Majesty

The middle-aged man saw Hassel and said, "General Hassel, are you here to arrest me too? Do you know this is treason?

General Hassel respectfully and tit-for-tat said: "Your Majesty, we are purging the evil villains around you and safeguarding this country.

The middle-aged man said: "Clear the villain and safeguard the country. I think you are the real villain.

Hassel said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, haven't you opened your eyes to see clearly? Just look at the beautiful clothes and jade food of the people around you, and listen to them slap you up.

You know how many people in the people are wailing and crying in their hands, how many people are crying, and how many people starve to death. Among other things, just talking about the mobs of Willis in the South, are they really willing to give up a peaceful life and become a mob? Isn't it the so-called first night policy issued by Despi, which you favor, forced them? .

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment and said, "But if it is true, then you should have spoken these words.

Lorraine also stepped forward at this time.

Looking at the emperor, he couldn't help being extremely disappointed, and said in his heart: What is this clearly an ordinary middle-aged man with a drunken body? I thought that this kind of passion is overflowing and the guy who plays with the back is also at least Follow a long one. "The East is unbeaten, it seems, this is in line with the mainstream. Who knew it was a non-mainstream home?

He sneered immediately and said: "I told you at the beginning? I told you at the beginning, would you listen?"

Then turned around. He said to Hassell: "What are you talking to him? Come and invite your majesty to me out, and take a good look at Noramo. I remember that your Holy See has abolished several emperors before. You are the most familiar with this job. ."

Noramo smiled secretly in his heart: Why does this sound so awkward?

Then he waved his hand behind him, when the next group of holy knights in heavy armor walked out, and the officer of Wei looked at the emperor blankly and said, "Your Majesty, please follow me."

Turn around and walk outside.

The emperor was also extremely sensible, stood up and was held hostage by the guards of the knights in heavy armor and went out.

When he passed by Lorraine. Suddenly stopped and said, "I don't know your name?"

Lorraine grinned and said: "Your Majesty has written it down. It's in Hildor. Hildor of the Perelli Empire. Whether you want the thorns of the grass cutter to take the small needles and small nails, drew a circle. It’s okay to play the curse, please don’t remember it wrong."

As he said, with a wave of his hand, the holy knights took the emperor down.

He turned his head and shouted sternly: "The culprit has not been caught yet. Everyone will search for me. Even if it is digging three feet in the ground, I must find Old Despi who caught him. The reward is three."

A group of soldiers listened, and immediately yelled in excitement. They have long been granted by the "sovereign power." The influence of the emperor was scary, but he didn't care about the ministers who were often dismissed and ransacked or had their heads chopped off.

At the moment, they all shouted loudly, like a tide, pouring into the city hall.

After another moment, I heard a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

"Caught. Caught. Old Despi was caught by us."

The cheers echoed in the sky above the city hall like a tide, and it didn’t go away for a long time.

After the control was implemented, Westin and Bute City was surprisingly quiet at night, and Lorraine could even hear the voices of the soldiers of the Maple Leaf Danlin occupying army on the streets outside.

After the war. The soldiers all dispersed and swept the city to clear the remnants of the old Despi party. But more people started to rest on the big square after being extremely tired.

For this action, General Hassell expressed his satisfaction. The Almohad’s new army’s combat effectiveness in the offensive showed that they still need to be scraped, but their courage to fight and fight is quite qualified.

The captured Emperor Almohad and Old Despi were directly handed over to Victor, Queen Isabella's trusted guard officer.

Although General Hassel was interested in how to deal with their emperor and old Despi, he also knew these things. He has no qualifications to participate.

These two. Once the important person was caught, Lorraine handed it over to the guard Victor and his men.

They completely isolated the place where the emperor and old Despi were imprisoned?

Lorraine also sent guards of the Knights Templar outside.

Since the things at hand are so complicated, Lorraine has to deal with a lot of work, has been busy until the middle of the night?

Before the sky is about to light up. At the darkest hour before dawn, Lorraine remained in his temporary headquarters.

At this time, the guard outside the door came in to report: the guard Victor begged to see him.

Lorraine was taken aback, his heart said so quickly? It seems that this queen is called the she-wolf from the Neodos family, not without reason, but also a decisive and cruel master.

Victor walked into Lorraine's headquarters with two of his men, stood up and saluted Lorraine, and then said, "Master Earl."

Lorraine asked Victor, "Are you going now?"

Victor nodded and said, "Yes, my lord, your Majesty the Queen orders, the sooner the better."

Lorraine felt a little uncomfortable with Queen Isabella. This woman is the cousin of Lorraine’s lover Hilmefia. Hilmeria spends a lot of time with her. This man is her husband anyway. The two have lived together for ten years, but now they are like enemies. The same, except fast.

Is it the royal ruthlessness, or the famous Neodos family tutor? Just like that, Shirmehya shouldn't be like this in the future.

Lorraine shook his head and drove these chaotic thoughts out of his mind, and said in his heart: Lao Tzu is not the dead rabbit of the unlucky emperor. As a successful traversing person, he will make troubles with Shirme, who is sometimes more determined than Vera. Borrow Ya? If this is the case, then stop living.

Seeing Lorraine there will stay. Victor smiled in understanding, although Victor was also ordered to perform this task. But he felt uncomfortable in his heart. After all, the slogan "Imperial Power Granted." has been chanted for two thousand years.

Lorraine secretly made up his mind: Going back, he must strengthen the education of Shirmefiya.

He hissed, raised his head and said to Victor: "Well, let's fix this matter."

Lorraine backed off his guards and followed Victor into the courtyard where the emperor and Old Despi were imprisoned.

Victor first led Lorraine into a big room, where several people were waiting for them.

Victor walked in and said to them, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, my lord. It's all ready.

The person in the house replied.

Victor pointed to a person and said, "Come here and show Master Lorraine."

The man walked in front of Lorraine and Victor, bowed and said, "See your lord."

Lorraine found that this person was seven points similar to the emperor of Almohad, and Xin said that this was a substitute.

Victor pointed to the man and said, "He will cooperate with the adults and be escorted back to Abdwad by the adults. After putting on makeup, no one can see except those who often contact the emperor."

This person hurriedly saluted Lorraine again. Lorraine was dry.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"For the empire." The man replied respectfully.

Victor nodded, waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go down."

The crowd walked into a room and walked down the stairs to the basement.

The non-lighting torches in the basement space illuminate the place very brightly, and at the same time make it very stuffy.

A small team of heavily armed personnel in the room was watching Old Despi, who were motionless like sculptures, their eyes fixed on their prisoners.

The old Despi used to be a well-known beautiful man with Almohad's appearance, but now he has become a bad old man, his head is straight and unkempt, his face is withered, and there is no expression on his face. Do it on the bed against the wall. Eyes fixed on the exit.

Seeing Lorraine and Victor walk into the dungeon, Old Despi sat upright from the bed, looked at Victor, and said loudly: "The she-wolf of Neodos decided what to do with me. Already? I tell you, you foreigners will not have a good end. You can't control the Almohad Empire, only I can control it. You can only be proud of it for a while, and the Emperor will not let it go. Yours."

Victor looked at this treacherous minister who brought great disaster to the empire, and couldn't help but smile, and said: "It seems that you have found yourself a good reason to survive. However, if you knew this, Despi, you should have been Accept the Queen’s punishment for banishing you."

Old Despi was taken aback. Immediately he shouted loudly and said: "That woman has no right to punish me. The emperor's order is on my side. I knew this earlier. I should have asked your Majesty to abolish the **** emperor."

"Then you come to be? Despi." Victor laughed loudly and said: "Well, don't dream, because of your evil deeds, our Almohad Empire has never been caught Our country is divided, our people are dying, those warlords and insurgents are devouring our empire, and you dumb father and son are actually going to provoke Maple Leaf Danlin."

"We wouldn't have failed without the collaborator and traitor of your **** queen." Old Despi shouted indiscriminately, waving his hands.

Victor frowned in disgust, and then coldly said: "Don't find reasons for your failure and incompetence, and I tell you, now that Her Majesty the Queen has issued an edict, my mission is not to detain you, you Old rabbit"

He paused for a while, and then said one by one: "My mission is determined."

Old Despi was taken aback and immediately jumped up and shouted: "You have no right to do this. I am a nobleman, and the death penalty cannot be imposed on charges of treason."

Victor waved his hand and motioned to his men to grab the old Despi, and the men rushed up.

A group of people pressed the old Despi firmly on the bed.

Old Despi hissed while struggling, "You don't have this right, you don't have this right, you foreigners, the nobles know that you will kill you by doing this."

Victor said coldly: "The Noble House has agreed? You have been sentenced to death by them, Despi. And I have prepared a death law for you that suits you."

Victor said, turning around, nodding to the people around him, and then whispered: "Execute."

A guard walked to the side of the stove. Putting on thick gloves, he pulled an iron rod that was already burning red from the stove, took it and walked to Old Despi's side.

The person holding the old Despi is beginning to chop his clothes hard.

Lorraine stared at the actions of these people dumbfounded, frowned, and felt palpitations in his heart: Isn't this "this" way to deal with this dead back in this way too cruel?

He immediately turned around and walked out quietly;

Soon after, I heard a screaming scream from inside? The sharp voice was so high, even if it was a few miles away, it was still audible.

Then, the voice gradually lowered.

After a while, Victor walked out, nodded to Lorraine, and said, "My lord, it's done."

Two people stood in the yard for a long time without talking? Lorraine moved around in the yard twice before he felt more comfortable.

Victor said to Lorraine, "Alright? My lord. The work is not finished yet."

Lorraine glanced at him and found that this guy's mental quality was much better than his own, and said: "Okay, let's hurry up, it's **** sad tonight;"

Victor called for the emperor's stand-in and brought some. The guard, carrying a few plates with food, and Lorraine walked into the room where the emperor was imprisoned.

Walking to the door, Victor asked the guard: "What is the emperor doing?"

"I've been walking around the house, my lord. I yelled for a while from time to time, and I haven't been quiet for a moment," the guard replied.

Victor said: "Okay, go in."

Compared to other places, the decoration of this house is luxurious and the indoor environment is also very good.

When Lorraine followed these guards into the room, His Majesty the Emperor Edmund II of Almohad was walking around the room.

Seeing these people walking in, Emperor Edmund II looked at them pale and asked: "What happened just now? Who is screaming?"

The guards ignored the emperor at all, walked in and put the food on the table, and they all moved back behind Victor.

Victor whispered: "Your Majesty must be hungry, this is a supper for your Majesty.

Emperor Edmund II fixedly looked at Victor, and then said: "I know you, are you not the queen's attendant? How dare Isabella treat me like this? Despi is there and bring him see me."

Victor smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you will see him soon, I promise. The Queen ordered me to take care of your Majesty, so. Your Majesty should eat first."

Edmund II will watch Victor for a while. The smile on Victor's face remained the same, and he looked at the emperor in the same way.

Edmund II turned around and said, "Okay;"

Seeing Lorraine and Victor standing motionless at the door, Edmund II picked up the food and put his hand down again. He said dissatisfiedly: "You all go out. I don't like being watched by you."

Victor said: "Your Majesty, the Queen confessed that the minister must ensure the health of your Majesty, and your Majesty should not embarrass us."

Edmund two": Feishuduoyan. Said! "I am the emperor, a ghost. Your son is a good man

He furiously didn't say anything, then took the food on the table again and ate it.

Lorraine saw that when Edmund II lifted the wine glass on the table, Victor's eyes narrowed, and he looked at the opposite emperor mockingly.

King Edmund II was brought to his eyes, sniffed, and then frowned and said, "What tattered thing is this, give me a good drink."

Victor was stunned for a moment, just looking at Edmund II?

Lorraine felt amused in her heart, and said to her heart: "I have learned a lot, and I must pick up good wine before poisoning the Emperor.

Victor didn't expect this situation at all. After reacting, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the city's network is turbulent, we can only find these."

When Edmund II heard it, he burst into a complete burst, jumped up and shouted: "You don't put me in your eyes at all, Isabella, Neodos is like this, even you guys. The minister dared to do this to me, too." As he said, he angrily smashed his hand at Victor.

The wine glass was thrown on Victor's chest, the red wine soaked half of his chest.

Victor looked at Edmund II coldly and said: "Your Majesty, you better figure out who is the jester.

Edmund II looked at Victor and said sharply, "Do you dare to talk to your emperor like this?"

Victor waved to the people around him, and said: "Please drink our majesty."

The guards behind Victor thought of Edmund II like wolves, rushed forward, grabbed Edmond II, and pressed the emperor on a chair.

While struggling, King Edmund II shouted: "What are you doing? Are you going to kill the king?"

Victor walked over to Edmund II, picked up the bottle on the table and handed it to the guard beside him. Then he leaned over to Edmund II’s ear and whispered: "Your Majesty, Old Despi is waiting for you in hell. Look, I do what I say."

Edmund II looked at Victor in horror, too scared to say a word.

The guard next to him was the chin of Edmund II. Edmond II opened his mouth immediately, and the guard poured a bottle into Edmond II’s mouth.

Edmund II shook his head vigorously. But the guards on both sides stuck his head firmly.

Pour the red wine down. There was a **** ho sound in Edmond II's throat, and the wine poured out of Edmond II's mouth, soaking the emperor's chest like blood.

After a bottle of wine was poured, the guard threw the empty bottle away, stepped back two steps, and looked at Edmund II.

Lorraine watched this scene of a comedy on earth, suddenly felt unreal, and even thought it was very funny.

Victor is like the traitor in the drama, torturing his emperor to death, and Lorraine himself is considered a half-accomplice.

If this matter spreads out, maybe you will change your notoriety. The history of future generations might say that you are a big badass, and a stage image with white powder, triangular eyes and a rat beard.

However, Lorraine didn’t have any negative thoughts such as guilt or regret at all. For the uncle Lorraine who believes in "You stab me, I will kill you three thousand," he lay quietly in the grave of Maple Leaf Danlin campus in order to be worthy. For those dozens of young people, he would not hesitate to divide the emperor into two paragraphs.

It's just such a feeling of making history that shocked me temporarily.

Moreover, the history book is written by the victor. As long as you are guaranteed to be the victor all the time, see who dares to say bad things about Laozi, or let them experience the death of Kang and Qian’s heyday and play their mosquito

Edmund II quickly convulsed Li, was held on the chair and kept shaking, and the sound of "cough" kept coming from his throat.

After a few minutes, finally his head drooped to his chest and stopped moving.

Holding down the guards of Edmund II and looking at each other, Victor walked up, interviewed under Edmond II’s nose, and touched the arteries of Edmond II’s neck. .

Then he looked up at Lorraine and said, "My lord, Edmond is dead?"

The room suddenly fell silent, and everyone looked at Edmund II as if they had been fixed.

After a long while, Lorraine took a deep breath and said, "I see, Mr. Victor. Let's wait a while."

The guards let go of Edmond II's body, leaving Edmond II's body half lying down on the chair, and then all walked behind Victor.

Everyone did not know how long they stood. Lorraine walked up to Edmund II and touched the cold body of Emperor Almohad. Said to Victor: "Well, Mr. Victor, my task has been completed, what should I do next, please do so."

Victor nodded and said, "Yes, sir." Then Victor pointed at the substitute for Edmund II and said, "You come in, and you will be the identity of Edmond II from today. . The Queen treats your family well. Don’t let Her Majesty the Queen down."

The substitute bowed and said, "Yes, my lord, I know what to do."

Lorraine and Victor walked out of the house, the sky outside was already grey, and it was dawn soon.

Lorraine and Victor stopped in the yard. Lorraine looked up at the sky. Victor suddenly said, "My Lord Earl, I feel "I will leave a name forever. "

Lorraine turned around and patted Victor on the shoulder and said, "Think about the people who died because of are doing the right thing."

Victor shook his head and said, "Maybe, Lord Earl. As long as it is for Isabella. Nothing matters."

Victor took a breath and said, "A hard day, Lord Earl, a hard day! I have to deal with the funeral of the two of them, Lord Earl should go back and rest first."

Lorraine nodded, smiled at Victor, said goodbye, turned and walked out of the courtyard.

Turning around, Lorraine speculated maliciously: Isabella screamed so affectionately, this Victor and that. Between the queens, an adultery!

Then Lorraine felt much more relaxed. Lorraine sighed as he walked: I'm really not a good person!

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