Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 259: Keep your eyebrows but not your head, keep your head but not your eyebrows

Bring a group of guards, riding and war horses, and rushed out of the city...

They ran along the avenue, galloping all the way, straight to their destination, a small town thirty miles outside of Abdwad.

The products there are rich and the people are rich. And it has always been a gathering place for little nobles and little lords. Both belong to the knight class.

Those of them have never been wearing open pants. They are all about to start receiving military training. When he was eight years old, he would take swords and arrows and follow the adult’s **** to beat birds and hunt foxes, learning to kill. Being proficient in combat techniques and tactics, with excellent quality of soldiers, they have always been the source of the backbone of the empire's armed forces.

Therefore, it is also one of the key areas of Lorraine and their conscription this time.

Everyone rode their war horses and they were extremely fast. After a short while, he has already come outside that small town.

I had just arrived outside the town, and had not had time to turn on the avenue leading to the town. Lorraine heard a ringing alarm bell ringing in the town.

Lorraine frowned and stopped the horse. Look into the town.

From a distance, I only saw the chaos in the small town.

Immediately afterwards, the houses closed, the shops closed, and even the windows made a "bang." sound, and then they closed tightly.

After only a few moments, the small town that was still bustling and lively, the wine was fragrant, the music was endless, and the laughter had become extremely quiet. It's like an empty ghost town.

Even after the dog barked twice, he was immediately held down, making a whining sound, and then there was no more movement.

Everyone could not help showing a strange look.

To say that they were resisted, or that the other party was covered up and then fled from the other side, this is understandable to everyone, but like this. Non-violent incomplete planning is used, all with closed doors. I don’t care, but I really haven’t seen it

The Almohad enlistment officer who had followed Lorraine saw this situation, but also looked helpless. Said to Lorraine: "My lord, you have seen it. We have always encountered this situation. They are all like this, just like a piece of meat, no matter how it is said. They are ignored. "

Lorraine was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but bow his head in thought.

at this time. I saw a long chubby middle-aged man with a very pleasing appearance walking out of the town holding a white flag high.

He saw the people in Lorraine, and started yelling from a distance, saying, "My military masters, my military masters. Don't get me wrong, I am the mayor of the town, I am the mayor"

Several cavalrymen galloped out and surrounded the man. Then one of the cavalry jumped off the horse, yelled, and said, "Be honest."

It was obviously not the first time that the man had dealt with the Maple Leaf Danlin Army. He was unusually acquainted at the moment, and he nodded and bowed back and forth and said: "Master. Military. You don't need to say, I know how to do it. I know how to do it."

He said, without ordering, he raised his hands high in cooperation.

The cavalry couldn't help but stagnate, seeing the strangely sly and false smile on the man's face, but there was nothing he could do with him. Baring his white teeth angrily, he sneered twice. Then with great strength, he slapped him very skillfully.

The mayor couldn't help grinning in pain, and screamed twice, and said: "Military master, military master. Your old man is merciful. My old bone can't stand the toss."

The cavalry also ignored it and continued to search earnestly. It was not until it was confirmed that he did not hide any dangerous items in private, and then he nodded to the people nearby.

At that moment, the cavalry brought the man to Lorraine.

The mayor came to the front, nodded and bowed all the way, bowed very smoothly to everyone. It was salute and laugh.

Although everyone was closed-door, they were angry. But seeing him so polite and courteous, I was embarrassed to vent his anger on his collection.

The man came to Lorraine and looked at the shining Venus on his shoulder. His pupils contracted at that time, and then he took a breath.

With such a high rank, there are only a few people in the Maple Leaf Danlin Army. And there is only one person so young.

He looked at Lorraine's face, and immediately knew that the person he was facing was the famous Earl of Lorraine of the Dragon Cliff Grass family.

At the beginning of Fengye Danlin city, he commanded the miscellaneous army of Fengye Danlin, and wiped out the 70,000 elite soldiers of the Empire in one battle. And one-third of the elite navy.

He led thousands of elite soldiers. Cyclonus rushed forward and captured the heavily guarded Hafs Harbor in World War I.

It was him who led the army and first invaded the city of Abdwad, the capital of the empire, which had never been threatened by war in the past five hundred years. The city of the gods of the sun **** Helius, the great city of ivory and gold.

There are even legends that the Sir Alex once made a contract with the dragon. Whenever there is a crisis, you can attract dragons to help.

Others said that he went to the demons and liches and sold his soul."

Anyway, it's just one sentence, such a character cannot be defeated by a small shrimp like himself.

Lorraine looked at the expression on his face, couldn't help but smile, and ignored his impolite behavior, and said: "It seems you already know who I am?"

The man hurriedly bowed and stammered: "Yes, yes. Great" Sir. I know you are..."

He said that. Suddenly aware of his gaffe, he took a deep breath, calmed down, and said: "Yes, sir. Under the protection and blessing of the great sun god, the 43rd town of Greentown in the Almohad Empire Long Maier is here to look forward to your visit."

Lorraine saw the mayor and reacted so quickly, and he was calm and comfortable, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes because of whether he was humble or overbearing in dealing with the answers.

The rest of the people also heard the meaning of his words, although the wind is too tight now, our Emperor is very shameless. The people who gave him food and drink and fun, ran away by themselves.

But we still live under the protection and care of the great sun god, and are covered by the great **** himself. No matter how you are, you are also a group of invaders. Don't think of bullying us too much.

As an important task, Lorraine didn't want to play some boring strikes with him here to take advantage of the so-called verbal advantage. He just smiled and said, "Mayor Maya, isn’t he? I’ll ask you,

As he said, he raised his whip, pointed forward, and then continued: "What's the matter? Why don't everyone seem to welcome us?"

Mai Ya hurriedly made a haha, to rectify the wealth, the misunderstandings actually did not dislike you and offended the adults. For these ordinary people, when they saw the cavalry master, they already felt that they had seen an extremely remarkable person. I'm afraid that after seeing you, Sir Sir, they are scared to speak. "

He paused. Then he laughed at himself: "Lord Sir. You just watched it. When I saw you, I was not scared." Uh, no, excited and speechless. "

Lorraine couldn't help laughing, and said: "You guy is really good at talking. Although Sir Alex, I know you are telling lies, I still feel comfortable listening."

Maia looked at it and couldn't help but laughed. He laughed dryly, and then asked: "My lord, I don't know if you are here for payment, food, or to visit. "

Lorraine smiled faintly. Said: "This time we are here to conscript for your Almohad Empire. Tell me, how many young people of the right age are in your town? How many are willing to make contributions and make great achievements?"

Mai Ya was stunned for a moment. After half a day, he squeaked and said: "My lord, I'm afraid... in the middle... I'm afraid it's not easy to handle, right?"

The guards next to him were furious at the moment, and shouted angrily: "You dog, what nonsense?"

Do you dare to talk to an adult like this, do you feel itchy? "

"Beat him, beat"

Flying kind of cheap bones, you won’t be honest without a fight."

Some people even blow their beards and stare, and frighten them.

Even Leo was very excited.

A few days ago, he watched Catherine while practicing. Dancing the long whip in his hand. The pumping pops. Extremely envious.

In order to sound the whip in his hand, he practiced hard for several days, and finally learned this trick. At the moment, the whip in his hand could not be stopped in the air, making a violent sound.

Then there is no consciousness of being a prospective brother-in-law. Pointing to the mayor, he kept shouting arrogantly. Said: "Smoked him, smoked him as a brave boy. See if he is honest and not old"

The mayor looked at everyone's sentiment and was angry. Although he knew that they were frightening himself, his face was pale. Because as long as Lorraine doesn't stop him and keep the gaps in the next moment, these soldiers will really hit their heads with their sabers and whips.

He hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Everyone, everybody. I am not trying to shirk. There is really no one left."

Lorraine waved his hand and signaled that all the guards behind him were quiet, and then said: "Well, you tell me your reasons. If it is reasonable, forget it. If it is unreasonable. Be careful, Sir Sir, I slashed you. dog"

The mayor calmed down. Then he said: "Lord, you don't know. There were still some soldiers in our town. At the time of the war, they saw that all the officials had run away, and they all took off their uniforms and ran back secretly. .But later

Leo looked at it and couldn't help taking a step forward. Asked: "What happened?"

The mayor did not expect that there was still a child, and he looked at the rank on his shoulder, and he gave him a surprised look.

Leo was very impatient at the moment. He learned the appearance of the soldiers who went to the restaurant without giving money.

I saw his little nose slightly raised, one hand on his waist, and then his stomach bulged. The little chest pulled out, and said: "What do you look at? Have you never seen a handsome man like me? I'm careful to look at it a lot, and I feel self-conscious."

Mayor Maier saw him at his young age, with long pink makeup and jade, innocent and cute, but his tone was like a veteran soldier or an old fritters, and he couldn't help crying or laughing.

He hurriedly retracted his gaze and said twice: "Yes, yes."

Then he continued: "Where did I say it. Oh, yes. Later, after they ran back secretly, they saw that the market was too chaotic and they couldn't find anything to do for a while. After staying at home for a while, Everyone's money is almost spent, and some people even lose their lives.

later. For some reason, I heard that General Hadu was recruiting people to the south. Many people ran to him to eat. "

Leo couldn't help being extremely disappointed, he sighed heavily, and said, "Huh? That's it? Isn't it no fun?"

Lorraine couldn't help but feel helpless. Although he was an occupying army, he was embarrassed to criticize the situation. Everyone wants to eat. The only way out under the economic crisis is to be a soldier. Who let myself start late

As soon as he thought of this, he saw a strange look flashed in the mayor's eyes, and he was startled. When I look up again. But found that the look has disappeared. The mayor gave another smirk, nodding and bowing in hospitality.

Lorraine sat on the horse and said nothing, and looked at him coldly.

The mayor looked at him with cold eyes and couldn't help but beat a drum in his heart. The smirk on his face gradually froze. Cold sweat began to appear on his forehead. His eyes swept around, but he didn't dare to touch Lorraine.

Lorraine looked. Then he asked coldly: "Is it just so much?"

Mayor Mayer murmured vaguely. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "My Lord, I don’t want to hide it from you. Except for some people who went to General Hadu, there are others who went there. To the emperor's place."

"Where is the emperor?" Leo opened his eyes in surprise for a moment, and said strangely: "Why are they going to Westin Butte? Isn't it enough to be bullied by the dog emperor? You guys are really cheap enough. When he was there He has been bullied a lot, and now he has been beaten away by us, but you are rushing to send him to the door to be bullied."

The knights also looked at each other in surprise, and then all looked at the fat mayor with contempt.

Mayor Maier was silent for a while. After a while, he said quietly: "We have no alternative. Although you are exempt from taxation and labor, it is fair to do business.

And when it’s next restaurant, everything is paid for. Compared with the previous days, it is indeed better. but"

He said that. He couldn't help sighing and said, "But no matter what, you will leave sooner or later."

Leo was surprised at the moment and said, "So what?"

Lorraine thought for a moment, and immediately understood what the mayor was thinking. He sneered, and then said mockingly: "How? What else? Of course, as soon as we leave, their Emperor will be back." At that time. If you are rewarded by meritorious deeds, those who ran to help him in this difficult time will definitely be rewarded and promoted, won't they?"...The enemy was stunned and turned to look at it. Mayor Road! "Is the crowd real?

The fat on Mayer Mayer's face trembled a few times, trying to squeeze a smile, but he didn't succeed. In the end, only the corners of his mouth twitched, turning into a dry, bitter smile. Then he nodded silently.

Leo was furious at the moment, pointed to the man's nose, and cursed: "You **** guys are actually a bunch of political speculation."

Lorraine looked at the mayor and saw the sweat on his forehead dripping down again, he couldn't help but smiled coldly, and then said: "Mayor Maia, since we are here, you don't let us enter the town. Are you really planning to come back empty-handed?"

Mayor Mayer then came to his senses.

He knows the reason "the thief does not go empty," since Lord Lorraine personally led the team, even if he couldn't send him some soldiers, at least he would have to let the Sir Alex get two small dollars. of.

He hurriedly bowed and said, "Yes, yes. This is the negligence of the villain. It is really damn, Sir Sir. Please, please."

With that, he turned around and respectfully led everyone from Lorraine into the town.

Everyone in Lorraine followed behind him, and walked along the avenue to the town councilor.

I saw the shops and houses on both sides of the road were all closed tightly, but from the narrow gap, I could vaguely see that there were all kinds of complicated eyes looking towards me, curious and wary. Slow, anger, and fear...

And the mayor walked. He also kept yelling loudly and said, "Village folks. It's okay. It's okay. Feng Jun didn't come to grab food this time. They made a special trip to see everyone."

Lorraine immediately remembered the "Tunnel War" he had watched before, and felt that this scene was very similar to one of the memorable scenes, and even had an immersive feeling. At the moment, he shook his head in a hurry, driving the bad idea out of his mind.

Everyone came to the meeting hall in the town, got off their horses one after another, and then walked in swayingly, taking a short rest.

The mayor was also greeted closely at the moment, busy with it. It is also for people to bring tea and water, and for snacks. And he was deliberately in front of everyone in Lorraine. They shouted a few times and asked the butcher in the town to pick the best fat pig for slaughter, and to cook a meal for everyone in Lorraine, which seemed to the richest people in the countryside to be the most abundant meal.

Busy, he sweated profusely, and in the end he wrapped a red envelope for everyone, and quietly sent it up in panic.

Until the people in Lorraine gave face and received the reward, he was a little relieved.

Lorraine squeezed the red envelope, knowing in his heart that those conscripts could not recruit people, and to a large extent it was directly proportional to the red envelopes they collected secretly.

He waited patiently for a while, but the result was real, although the mayor was so diligent and attentive. However, there is no mention of recruitment. Want to confuse the past God Seal Throne.

Lord Lorraine is such a person, Lord Hades, the **** of the underworld, when he sees him, will have a headache to think of his almost leaking house.

When did his eyes rub sand. No matter how big the sugar-coated cannonball fell into his hands, the sugar-coated cannonball was cleaned, and then the cannonball was shot back.

When he saw that the mayor was finished, he sneered immediately and said: "Mayor Maia, you seem to have forgotten something."

The mayor shivered in fright. He smiled bitterly. Said: "Lord, you are"

As he said, the hedgehog squeezed his eyes trivially. Remind Lorraine that he received a red envelope. If he mentions arresting people again, it is not the unspoken rule, but the unspoken rule is broken in a very different way.

Lorraine was furious, slapped the table, and shouted angrily: "Asshole thing, do you want to get rid of this uncle with such a small amount of money? You really blinded your dog"

As he said, he threw the red envelope heavily on the ground. Then raised his head and looked at the roof, the corner of his eyes was not fattening.

The guards next to him looked and knew that Sir Alex was too little. All were furious. She kept yelling and threatening beside her.

The mayor's face paled immediately, and he didn't know what to do.

Lorraine looked. I was even more furious at the moment, and patted the table continuously, saying, "Come here, come here, this guy must be a spy. Get him up for me."

At the moment, several guards swooped over the Shenyin Throne like wolves and knocked him to the ground. Then he drew the knife and put it on his neck. "After a while, he raised it up high and made a slash.

The mayor was frightened immediately, knowing that if he didn't speak, he would really fall to the ground.

He hurriedly screamed and shouted: "My lord, don't get me wrong, I'm really not a spy. I have always been very supportive of your army."

Lorraine saw his frightened pale face, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly: It seems that everyone is equal before death. Only real warriors can face the dripping blood. Obviously, there are not many such hard bones in any world. And the fat mayor is not one of them.

He couldn't help cursing secretly, this guy is really a cheap bone. I have to wait for the knife to be moved.

Lorraine sneered at the moment, and said: "Support? You don't lie to Sir Ferguson. You took such a small amount of money, and you want to beat Sir Sir Alex. This is called "Support?" How do I know if you turn around? Secretly General Hahadu, or your emperor's majesty whispered?"

But at the same time, he winked and made the guards stop their hands.

The mayor immediately seemed to have some kind of hint, and said repeatedly: "Really, really. Sir, I really support the Maple Army. I can swear that I really support the Maple Army."

Lorraine grinned immediately. Said: "If it's true. Of course you wouldn't mind showing it."

The mayor was taken aback for a moment, and then he saw that the guard next to him raised the knife again, and hurriedly called out: "My Lord, be merciful. What you say is nothing."

Lorraine immediately raised his head and said, "Come here, shave his eyebrows for me."

The mayor was surprised and said: "Shave" and shave his eyebrows? "

Lorraine smiled and said: "This is one of the ways to walk towards our Fengjun's allegiance. Keep your eyebrows but not your head, and keep your head but not your eyebrows. You can do it yourself?"

The mayor saw the gleaming long knife above his head and was slashing. He was shocked and said without thinking: "I shave, I am willing to shave my eyebrows, isn't that OK?"

Several guards left now: Er Er worryers did not look for a professional razor, but Yan took it out, and the eyebrows of the horrified Errhui were shaved cleanly.

After the mayor's eyebrows were shaved, it looked like a smooth duck egg, which was extremely strange. When everyone saw it, they all laughed secretly.

Lorraine waited for his eyebrows to be shaved before he smiled. He personally walked over to the Throne of God Seal, helped the mayor up, and said, "Mayor Maia, now you are our own. I will take more care in the future. Hahaha,"

The mayor touched his brow. But it was like eating a fly, only a wry smile.

Lorraine looked at him, pretending to be thinking of something suddenly, and said: "Oh. By the way, Maya Maya, I suddenly remembered one thing. When we looked back, we left Almohad and only left behind. Her Majesty the Queen. She is a bad name, and few people listen to her.

This time she signed a treaty with us. His Majesty the Emperor did not admit it. When he comes back. Whether Her Majesty the Queen can save her life has to say, but the people who followed her must be unlucky. is not it? "

The mayor was shocked.

Just listen to Lorraine continuing: "This eyebrow grows up but it takes a lot of time. Now everyone knows that you shaved your eyebrows. You are on the same boat as us.

Although we can keep you safe when we are here, you must be careful when your Majesty the Emperor returns. Maybe when the time comes, His Majesty the Emperor heard about you and will copy your home. Destroy your whole door. dont you agree? "

When the mayor thought of His Majesty the Emperor and his gang of ministers who looked like coyotes, he knew that once they had gained power, they would never let him go. Immediately there was a chill.

Right now, he grinned bitterly, and then hurriedly said, "I would like your sir to point me to a clear road."

Lorraine went on to say: "So, you should find more people to help her Majesty the Queen to get a firm seat, so that's not enough. At that time, she will sit firmly and appreciate her merits. You can get a big official. Isn't it much better than those who left their hometown?"

The mayor thought about it for a long time, and finally couldn't help but sighed for a long time, and said, "I know how to do it."

He paused and said, "I know there are still a few other families who have served as soldiers, so I will persuade them when I turn around. Let them join the army."

Several names were said at the moment.

Lorraine laughed. Said: "It would be nice to do this early.

How can I let someone follow you. Helped to persuade. "

After speaking, he winked. More than a dozen guards stood up and walked out with the mayor.

Not long after. They brought a few young people who were **** with five flowers and came back.

At the moment, it is in accordance with the usual practice, and can not help but press them down. All my eyebrows were shaved. Then I will talk about the policy briefly.

Lorraine made people take their ropes away and told those guys that they were free to come and go, but if they were caught by the Emperor's army, they would not guarantee their personal safety.

Although the young people glared at the mayor, they still couldn't think of other good ways. They were all soldiers and they all knew that they had been doing good fortune, but they were the only way to get promoted.

If he is really caught by the imperial royalists. He must have his head chopped off.

And now the economy is sluggish, and there is nothing wrong with eating food as a soldier. Although it was frustrating at the moment, but also helplessly accepted the arrangement of fate.

Even though some of them couldn't figure it out, they cursed at the mayor and then turned to go home. But many of them were still persuaded by family members to come back.

What a joke, the eyebrows are shaved, like a duck egg, no one knows that you are from the royal queen. There was no protection at ordinary times, so he was picked off when he walked on the road, and then sent to His Majesty to receive the reward. I went to join Lorraine as a soldier, at least with more people and a little safer.

Lorraine looked at it. It just took less than half a day to recruit more than 20 people.

His eyes rolled immediately. They set up a reward again, as long as they can bring another person. Give a reward of five gold coins.

Then, a few more people came. There are a few recruits who have just reached military age. But these people seem to be quite a lot. But for Lord Lorraine, it was not enough.

The mayor looked at it and gritted his teeth and said: "My Lord, I know that there are many soldiers in the next town. I just don't know that you went, do they shave their eyebrows too?"

Lorraine laughed and said, "What do you think?"

The mayor was overjoyed at the time, bowed deeply, and said: "My Lord, when you arrive, you must help me shave the mayor's eyebrows cleaner."

"You guy is really bad" Lorraine slapped him on the shoulder immediately, then grinned, very sunny.

Afterwards. Among these strong men drawn by Lord Lorraine, many became generals. Some people even wrote biographies. Many people wrote them down in their own stories. My first step as a general was to shave my eyebrows...

Lord Lorraine used this method. A large army was quickly pulled up. Although the good and the bad are uneven. Many of them are farmers, but fortunately the number of people is quite large. Regardless of whether you can fight or not, pull it out and have a look. It's just bluffing.

After that, they started to step up their training.

In Lorraine's words, the Imperial Union Army grew rapidly under the guidance of Xie Danlin and Uncle Lorraine himself. But they are still far away.

From Lorraine's eyes, these farmers were still carrying dung-fork hoes a few weeks ago. Until now, not even a single militiaman was counted.

The Maple Leaf Danlin Cadet Army led by Lorraine now has more than 8,000 people. To calculate it, at the same scale, it is the most powerful single legion in the world.

It is because the Fengye Danlin Cadet Army has its own uniqueness. A team of more than a thousand mages and priests.

The Holy See can easily gather more than a thousand priests. However, even if the Pope was sorrowed to death, he couldn't afford a team of more than two hundred mages.

If someone knows that a mage is going to work for pastors, it is simply a stain in life, and they will be despised by their companions for a hundred or a hundred years.

As for the Mage Association. Although they have described themselves as omnipotent in their own history books, it would be a miracle if they could gather their elders together for an annual meeting.

Although everyone hates the priest. But the pastors are still very united inside:. Er Ding's standard disapproval. For Fengye Danlin's student army, in Lorraine's words, this is an invincible army that can call for fire support without restrictions and carry a charging system.

Moreover, the infantry cavalry of the Jianye Danlin Cadet Army is not the kind of Yu Nan troops that calls for fire coverage three times to catch a rabbit.

This gang of ruffians are light and strong this year and well equipped. Most of the students of Maple Leaf Danlin are not poor people, and the academy is willing to spend the money, long swords and short knives, armor shields are available, and all of them are gorgeous.

Lorraine had such a high level of vision, of course, he didn't like the new Almohad army who only had a spear and a pair of chain mail.

What's more, Uncle Lorraine also saw this model of the world conventional army. Guards of the Knights Templar and the Grand Duke.

The Knights Templar are a group of guys who don't want to provoke. These knights are war machines and are cruel to the enemy. Be more ruthless to yourself.

And the guards of Archduke Julian are all veterans who have been fighting. Each one has been fighting on the battlefield for about ten years.

If Almohad's new army confronts them, these guys can pinch these little rookies to death.

But this does not prevent these Almohad people from feeling good about themselves.

The queen of Almohad came to power and reactivated the old nobles. Dispelled the influence of the old Despi and his gang, and collected a large amount of money in a short time by ransacking their homes to get rich. Now the people of Almohad feel that life is much better than before.

In order to control the new army, the officers of Queen Almohad platooned into the new army were all figures of family origin. Regardless of their quality or ability, this group of people are much higher than those stupid bugs who spent money to buy official positions and then desperately want to earn it back.

This does have a great effect on motivating the morale of the newcomers, and it can also ensure the basic fairness in the new army.

Although there are only a few weeks of training, the Almohad government is very satisfied with their performance.

and so. It's not surprising that the senior officials of Almohad wanted to pull out the new army for a training session.

Although the Marquis of Vechamp is Almohad's current counterpart. Can directly command Almohad's army. But everyone understood that they wanted to mobilize this army. First, the Maple Leaf Danlin occupying forces must agree, especially General Wabador.

As the imperial thug of General Wabador, Lorraine with double bonuses and red clubs, the boss has something to do, naturally he can't run away.

When Lorraine walked into the reception room of the occupying army headquarters, the room was full of people.

On one side were General Wabador and several members of the occupying army, and on the other side were the Marquis of Vechamp, several officials of the Almohad government, and several generals of the Almohad new army.

Seeing Lorraine coming in, General Wabador waved at Lorraine. Motioned Lorraine to sit down. Then he said: "Okay, we are all here. Let's discuss it formally."

The Marquis of Vechamp nodded to Lorraine, and then said: "The Queen and I would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you for the hard work of the Almohad New Army. The new Army’s results can now be seen. We The Almohad government is very satisfied with the appearance of the new army."

General Wabador said: "This is because you are fighting for your own sake. We actually didn't help much.

The Marquis of Vechamp continued: "You are polite. In view of the current state of the new army, our queen hopes that the new army can perform a mission."

I heard the Marquis de Vuchant say so. Everyone in the occupying forces became concerned.

The Marquis of Vechamp said: "We hope that the new army will bring our Emperor back to Abdwad, and most importantly, Despi and his comrades, who have harmed the country and the people, can be captured. Abdwad stands trial

Upon hearing the words of the Marquis of Veshang, the generals of the occupying army looked at each other first. Everyone was a little surprised by Almohad's thoughts.

Lorraine is no exception. He originally thought that Almohad would treat them as the emperor coldly, and after the occupying army was gone, he would sneak him back. To completely kill him secretly, I didn't expect Queen Almohad to want to get this troubled guy back now.

General Wabador said: "Can you tell us the reason for this? It's a bit too hasty."

The Marquis of Vechamp said: "In fact, we got the news that Despi wants to establish another government in the West."

With this statement, the generals of the occupying forces immediately shook their heads, and even General Wabador shook his head. Unexpectedly, this group of people had reached this point, and they were so incapable of thinking.

Marquis Vishamp said:. In order to maintain the current stability of Almohad before the situation deteriorates. We must stop them from doing this. "

The generals of the occupying army also understood the seriousness of this matter. In any case, the crown is worn on the head. If this topic is used by the independent governors, Queen Almohad and the occupying army will have difficulty. The situation maintained is in danger of splitting.

Lorraine said: "My Lord Marquis, do you have any detailed information about the actions of the emperor and Old Despi?"

The Marquis of Vechamp said: "In fact, this news was told to us by people from the west.

"Then. Are you sure of the Lord Marquis about whether you can pick up Emperor Almohad?" Lorraine asked Marquis Vishand shook his head. Said: "I can't guarantee, so in this operation, the queen and I both hope that you can lead it. After all, only you currently have this ability.

General Wabador looked at Lorraine and said, "Lorraine, what do you think?.

Lorraine said: "If this is the case, the more you look at it, the better. Moreover, only by catching Old Despi, our Maple Leaf Danlin's mission can be considered to be successfully completed, otherwise, after we withdraw, we might be told. Anticlimactic."

"What about you?" Wabador asked the generals of the occupying army.

Everyone nodded and agreed with Lorraine's opinion.

General Wabador said hello, and then said to the Marquis of Veshang: "Master Hou Yi thinks how many people should be sent for this operation?"

The Marquis of Vechamp said: "Westin and Bute is the largest city in the west of Almohad and a military fortress. In normal times, there are a corps of 5,000 men stationed, but after the toss of the moths, We are not sure how many soldiers there are, but the number is definitely insufficient.

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