Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 247: Moon black wind high

※. The time was silent, everyone looked at Ye embarrassedly.

Lorraine thought for a while, then bit, said. "Yes, if the meat delivered to your mouth cannot be eaten, it will be condemned by God."

As soon as Vera thought of putting a lot of money in front of her, she couldn't reach it, she couldn't help but hurriedly carried her skirt in her hands. She walked around the room and said anxiously, "What should I do? Master, maybe in the future. Can’t make so much money"

Lorraine gave Vera a violent shudder and said, "Bah, bah, Tong Yan Wuji. Master, can I be concealed by an old rabbit trick? I'll go to Kitella, Nicole, and get this map Follow the description, but don’t draw any of those standards."

Catherine said, "I still use you."

He took out the paper and pen and traced the map on the table.

quickly. Kittra was called into the house. As soon as he walked in, he bowed to Lorraine and said, "My lord, you call me?"

Lorraine nodded and said, "Well, you are an old Abdwad. We need your help."

Kitla hurriedly said: "Let your lord command you."

Lorraine said: "This thing is a bit tricky, you know, that's the kind, let's put it this way, Kitla, can I believe you?"

Kittra was taken aback for a moment, and then he bent down deeply and said, "Since I followed the adults, I have sold this old life to the adults. As long as the adults can avenge me, I can do anything for them. ."

Lorraine nodded and said, "Well, well, this matter is also related to Old Despi. It is a beautiful thing to dig his corner. You will love it, but you can't tell anyone."

Kittra laughed when Lorraine said it was related to Old Despi, and said, "My lord, don't worry."

Lorraine handed the map drawn by Catherine to Kittra, and said, "Help me look at this. I believe that Old Despi has hidden some shameful things here. Can you see this, the place? over there?"

Kitla took the map and looked at the light carefully. Lorraine and Vera both stared at Kitla without blinking.

Vera squeezed both fists tightly, Leo also bit his fingers and looked at Kitla with eyesight.

After a while, Kitla raised his head, and suddenly saw several people in a room looking at him nervously. He couldn't help but startled "Ah", his hand shook with the map.

Kitla took a breath, shook his head and said, "My lord, please forgive me. I really can't see where this is. The map is too simple, like this place. There are everywhere near Abdwad."

"Ah" Leo let out a disappointed cry, then sat down on the chair dejectedly, muttering "What to do? What to do?"

Lorraine also frowned, and said without giving up: "Think about those rural areas that are related to Old Despi. Wu thinks you should have collected a lot of this information."

Kittra raised the map, looked at it carefully, and then said, “I’m not hiding from you, I don’t necessarily know how many estates Old Despi has. I know all the unknown places where Old Despi raised his lover, but none of those places resemble the topography drawn on the map."

Leo murmured: "This is completely out of play."

Vera said bitterly, "Woo"! Master. "

Catherine also said: "It's okay, Lorraine, the big deal is that we will send people out and investigate slowly. We can always find them."

Lorraine said: "Can't wait. After a long time, the evil wolves will know. At that time, when they come up, we will only have a mouthful of soup."

He thought for a moment, and then said to Kitla: "So" Could this be the place that Old Despi bought, but it has something to do with Old Despi, such as his hometown. "

Kittra said: "My lord, the old Despi's home is in Pircenza. He was born in the city. But wait." Kitra rubbed his forehead as if thinking something, and said:" Can your lord give me a map?"

"Here, here" Leo shouted: "The map is here

Kitla walked to the desk, Lorraine and Vera gathered around Kitla. Looking at him nervously.

Kittra's fingers crossed the map and swiped. Finally pointed to a place and said, "My lord, this is the old home of Despi."

After speaking, she pointed her finger down and said, "This is the town of Propia, a place specializing in wine production.

This area is full of vineyards. Many nobles have built wineries here. The village drawn on this small map looks like several wineries gathered together, and the two roads can also match the map. "

He paused, then added: "In our Almohad, sometimes the vineyard is also called a garden."

Leo looked at the two maps, then cheered and shouted: "Copy guys, copy their nests."

Vera nodded heavily at Leo, then waved her fist, raising the faint eyebrows that are characteristic of young girls. Viciously said: "Yes. Be sure to grab everything"

Catherine patted her puffy chest and took a breath.

Lorraine looked at Kitla and said uneasy: "Can you be sure?"

Kitla smiled bitterly and said, "Of course not, my lord, I just guessed

Lorraine stagnated, he bowed his head, walked back and forth in the house a few times, then gritted his teeth, and said, "It's okay, it's not a long distance. We'll leave tonight, Kittra told me. A ditch takes us to the Throne of God Seal."

"Of course, my lord. I know how to go." Kitla said calmly.

Lorraine asked, "Well, are there any guards in the place, or noble guards?"

Kitla said: "As far as I know, there may be a few nobles guarding the house, but they are all poor farmers."

"Well, without further ado, we still have a few armed Ma Fengs here, and it takes only two or three hours to catch up with the carriage. Without the soldiers outside the door, we will be alone." Lorraine said.

Vera jumped up excitedly.

"Okay," Leo cheered, "Let's go grab the dragon's treasure."

Vera was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head, looked at Leo up and down carefully, then shook her head, and said seriously: "Your small body is not enough to squeeze your teeth. Those old guys put the money. See more than fate"

When everyone was happy, they did not notice the impropriety in her tone.

Catherine thought for a while, still a little uneasy, and then said: "Since you don't take your men, then bring Carter and all the guards. We can rest assured of Carter, we are too dangerous. Up."

Lorraine said, "Okay, just take those guards. Call Carter in."

When Catherine ordered that she was going out for an outing, and by the way, she chose a place to stay outside the city. The city of Abdwad was too messy. Although Carter was strange, he watched Leo happily and Lorraine mysteriously The appearance of selling pornographic CDs immediately knew what was hidden behind this one, but he didn't say anything. He turned around and called the guards.

A group of guards under Catherine quickly prepared to stop, and Lorraine specifically confessed that each of them had prepared two more horses and pulled two more carriages.

A group of people walked out of Lorraine's headquarters through the side door, and Carter nodded to the guarding soldier Danlin, and left after saying hello.

The knight escorted the convoy straight to the west gate, which was the place leading to the port of Abdwad. Even at night, there were constant crusaders coming and going on the road, transporting supplies or changing personnel, and there were many cavalry carriages.

Lorraine and the others came out of the city gate mixed in with the crusade. Then turn on a trail and go around half a circle before turning to the road leading to the town of Propia.

After a long period of tossing, it was already dark. The bright moon also rose from the east, quietly spreading its light across the earth.

After they ran down the avenue for a while, Lorraine glanced back.

Under the dim moonlight, the figure of Abdwad was no longer visible. The woods on both sides of the road showed the kind of shadows that wanted to **** people in, and the whining wind and ugly birds continued to be heard from the woods. Cry.

Probably it was used to transport wine. The quality of this road was good. There were no lights in the whole area. The guards didn't speak, with swords and crossbows in their hands, they watched the surroundings slowly, always on guard. In case someone secretly attacks.

The road can only hear the sound of Lorraine and the sound of their horses and wheels. Lorraine suddenly opened the window and said to the guards: "Stop first."

"Stop" the guards whispered orders to each other.

They all reined their horses, and the whole team came to a halt quickly.

Catherine wondered Ran Lorraine: "What are you stopping for? Aren't we in a hurry?"

Lorraine jumped out of the carriage, looked up at the sky, and said, "Well, the moon is black and the wind is high."

Then he said to Catherine: "This kind of good weather for murder and arson, of course, must be well prepared. Everyone wraps up horseshoes."

The next sentence was for the guards.

All the guards were taken aback for a moment, and then all laughed secretly with an ominous connotation.

Carter said, "Master Lorraine is going to take the brothers to do house-robbing business."

The guards have all personally experienced Lorraine’s ability to hold money, and they are all excited at the moment. Our lady’s little white face looks good. This is to take everyone to make big money.

The guards quickly packed their horses, set off on the road again, and went straight to the goal.

After more than an hour, the team turned a hillside, and under the hazy moonlight, a valley a few miles away could be seen, and there were several dark shadows of large courtyards on the hillside.

Lorraine stopped the team, jumped out of the carriage, looked at the valley in front, and said, "Come here first. Be careful that the enemy has a secret whistle in it. Vera and I will go in and have a look, and we will come out after checking the situation."

Vera jumped out of the car excitedly and said, "Okay, Master."

Catherine looked at the two of them with some worry, and then said: "Be careful, signal when there is danger.

Lorraine drew out the musket, pulled the hammer away and looked at it, and said, "Don't worry, it's just sneaking in. I won't be against them."

Vera took out her large magic wand and said confidently: "I'm ready!"

Lorraine looked back at Adele who was sitting on the carriage. Seeing that her alluring beauty was still full of concern, he couldn't help but smile, and then said, "Very well, let's get out."

Vera’s eyesight is almost free from nasal noise in a dark environment. She walked a few steps tightly and jumped in front of Lorraine to lead the way.

Instead of taking the road, they chose to go down the hillside and through the grape plantation. The two men bent over and bowed their heads quickly through the neatly arranged plantation.

In a quarter of an hour, Lorraine and Vera walked through the plantation and came to the village on the hillside.

All Lorraine's eyes were simple, half-stone and half-timbered houses. They were low and run-down and could touch the roof even if they leaned forward, and the walls were full of holes. The wood and thatch pressed by the roof cutter head.

These are the houses of farmers who live on the outskirts of the village. The houses have no lights or voices.

Vera squatted on the wall to observe for a while, and whispered to Lorraine: "There are no lights on the road, and there is no light nearby. There is a big yard in front."

Lorraine nodded, then patted Vera on the shoulder, and the two jumped onto the road, touching the side of the road towards the center of the village.

Lorraine and Vera walked through the messy streets and came to the center of the village. There were several large courtyards lined up along the road, all of which were built with tall and thick stone walls and iron gates, through the gates. You can see the houses and the brewery in the courtyard.

Lorraine compared these courtyards with the small map, and it happened to correspond to each other. He was excited, and leaned to Vera's ear and said, "Yes, that's it.

Vera was overjoyed immediately, and wanted to cheer with a fist.

Lorraine hurriedly covered her mouth and patted Vera's **** hard. He whispered, "Quiet

She feels the martial universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the gods, the seal, the throne seeks the devil, the world, the strongest, the nineth heaven, the strongest abandonment Will the night kill the gods and gods seal the throne to ask the devil in the nine times to be the strongest, abandon the Shao Da Zhou imperial clan The greasiness and elasticity from the hips couldn't help but felt a movement in my heart, rubbing my fingers, as if it was also covered with a layer of grease.

Vera felt the tingling sensation from her hips like an electric shock. She suddenly turned her blue apricot eyes into a round stare. Then her eyes were covered with a faint mist and she narrowed slightly. stand up.

Although she was faintly aware of something wrong, she still leaned on Lorraine and whispered, "Yeah, twice.

Only then did Lorraine wake up, then gently let go of his hand, and said: "According to the map, the target is the one on the far end of the road. I will drive you up to see."

The two came under the courtyard wall, Lorraine leaned against the wall and crossed his hands. Vera jumped in front of Lorraine in two steps. Lorraine clasped Vera’s delicate and delicate feet, and then slammed upward. .

Vera immediately put her hands on the wall and her feet on Lorraine's shoulders.

Lorraine immediately felt her body sink, and Vera grinned with a grin. "Why is this girl so heavy now?"

Vera lay on the wall and looked carefully into the yard.

After a while, she turned around and jumped off Lorraine, and there were lights in it. I didn't see any guards, but I didn't see any hidden treasures. "

Lorraine raised her hand angrily, tapped on her smooth forehead, and said, "Silly girl, can you see this, let's go back."

The two immediately turned around and went back to Catherine along the way.

Catherine was waiting nervously for Lorraine and Vera, standing beside the carriage and craned her neck to look at the dark valley.

Seeing Lorraine and Vera running back, Catherine heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly greeted him, but complained: "Why have you been there for a while?"

Leo leaned forward and asked nervously, "Is this soap? Is the place right?"

Lorraine said: "The village is bigger than expected, and it can match the map.

Leo jumped up, gave him a high-five, and said, "Okay.

The guards of Carter knew that they were walking here to dig for treasures, and they cheered in a low voice.

Lorraine said: "There were people in the workshop, and it seemed that there were still a lot of people. Everyone set up the ballista, and when he would hit him, we rushed in and caught everyone. Everyone had the crossbow and weapons ready. We tried our best. There is no sound."

Everyone agreed and got busy.

Lorraine also prepared the guns, checked the charge of each gun, and then gave Leo and Catherine two short guns.

After the group was ready to stop, they discussed the method of the raid, and then carefully rushed to the target.

Although the horseshoes were wrapped, Lorraine and the others couldn't help it with the sound of the carriage rolling on the road. After entering the village, the guards walked as hard as they could, and at the same time they looked around on guard, but they went to the workshop. In front of the door, there were no accidents.

When everyone came to the door of the workshop, Lorraine asked Vera to stand in the car to monitor the movement in the workshop.

Then he came to Catherine and said softly: "Lend you something."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pulled out a card from Catherine's head, then bent down and squatted to the front of the gate, touched the lock on the gate, and shook the lock open in three or two.

Leo saw the miraculous technique, his eyes widened suddenly, and said excitedly: ", how did this happen?"

Lorraine glanced back at him, smiled softly, and said, "If you want to learn, I will teach you later."

After speaking, he nodded to the guards and stepped aside.

Two guards rushed to open the door swiftly, and the iron door made a huge, piercing "squeak, sound, which was very clear in this silent night.

The attendant on the carriage saw the door open, and immediately flicked the rein, drove the horse, and rushed into the workshop with the carriage.

The wheel ran on the ground with a bright sound, which immediately stunned the people in the house.

Everyone in Lorraine heard someone shouting loudly in the house.

"Get up, get up."

"Get up, there is movement outside"

The carriage came to the middle of the yard, the guard in the back seated a ballista and pulled down the bracket at the door of the house. The ballista with a bursting crystal arrow shot out.

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