Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 244: Big gain

When Lorraine laughed, those people couldn't help but feel uneasy. Evil Xianggazhi winked, and then huddled together as if they had seen a bald eagle's chicken.

After Lorraine laughed, he snorted coldly and said, "You grandchildren, Grandpa Lorraine almost lost his reputation. What brand of cream is on your face. The effect is good?"

The cavalry heard what Lorraine said. Immediately they all pulled out their weapons and aimed them at the Almohad.

Lorraine looked at the fear in the eyes of those people with cold eyes, then waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, strip these guys out for me, press them bit by bit.

Several subordinates immediately shouted excitedly: "Sir, look at your brothers, and pick up Almohad again."

Lorraine suddenly sweated profusely.

He glanced back and felt a little familiar, and then he remembered that these ruffians seemed to have picked up the captured magicians in Banye Danlin.

The knights jumped off their horses, stepped forward to hold them down, and without a word, began to pull their clothes very skillfully, tearing them up vigorously.

These Almohad began to struggle vigorously, shouting: "We are civilians, we are civilians"

The cavalry immediately became impatient. Putting the long sword on their necks, he smiled and said: "Be good, be good, otherwise, but it will be very painful."

The witty words full of double meanings immediately burst into laughter among the soldiers.

And a few people feel the martial arts of the universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the god, the **** seals the throne, asks the devil, the world, the strongest, the nineth heaven, the strongest abandonment Moving the universe will kill the night god, the **** seal, the throne, ask the devil, the world, the nineth layer, the strongest, abandon the Shao Dazhou imperial clan, make the god, the night kill the god, the **** seal, the strongest, abandon the young man, the imperial clan, from Jian Feng. Icy cold, knowing that these guys are playing for real, immediately became honest. All raised their hands high.

The scumbags simply took out their daggers, snickered their clothes and slashed them to the ground. Several bright gems were thrown out of the clothes. It snapped to the ground.

A knight picked them up and shouted excitedly, "Guys, it's diamonds."

The knights of Maple Leaf Danlin cheered.

A few guys even slapped Lorraine's flattery, saying, "My lord's eyes are like torches. I can see that no matter what kind of despicable trick, I can't hide your bright eyes from my lord.

Leo listened next to him, and looked at those people contemptuously, cursing in his heart: A bunch of rice buckets, flattering, not even Taotaojiang River can say anything, how embarrassed to say hello to people? This is nothing short of a bullshit

The ruffians in charge of the body search had these findings, and immediately checked these Almohad people more closely. As a result, they were all unusually cunning, hiding a lot of jewels and necklaces in the inner layer or interlayer of the clothes. .

A knight whispered to the person who searched them just now: "Shore, you idiot, you were tricked by a few Almohad into the Throne of God Seal. If you let them run away, your brothers will be torn apart. about you"

The knight couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Yelled: "*, these **** wear such thick clothes and cover these ornaments. How can I touch them?"

With that said, he walked over to the Throne of God Seal and kicked the whitest and fattest guy among them.

Leo pulled Lorraine's clothes next to him. Said: "How do you see it?"

The soldiers next to him also looked at Lorraine eagerly, trying to figure out the tricks, and grabbing things later, so that they would be more comfortable.

Lorraine thought for a moment. First, this time is not the time when he is hiding himself. If any big fish is missed, it will be a big loss. Secondly, he really didn't see these small doors and the like in his eyes. Pointing to one of the fat guys, he said, "Look at that guy."

Everyone turned their heads to look around. I glanced up and down a few times, but I felt that the person was quite fat, and there seemed to be nothing special other than that.

Lorraine looked at everyone confused, and gritted his teeth with hatred for iron and steel, and cursed: "A bunch of rice buckets. You have to remember it to me, no matter when, details determine fate.

He raised his hand and said, "Look carefully, this guy's fingernails are neatly trimmed, almost similar to those of Nicole Adele and others. But think about it, Nicole has to trim her nails for a day. How long does it take?"

Leo remembered that the daughters of Catherine had set up a large table to fix their beautiful nails. Compared with the ten major tortures of the Manchu and Qing Dynasty, the Sino-US Cooperation Institute combined more, and even exquisite tools, immediately fought a cold war. Said: "Ni may set up a table of tools, frustrated and cut her nails, plus a bunch of people chatting and gossiping, it will take a long time to do it."

Having said this, he immediately woke up. The civilian pauper doesn't have that empire time, doing the stuff of these women when they are bored. Just buying a house, I’m tired of spitting out my tongue, let alone the price of vegetables has risen in the past two days,

With a thumbs up, he praised Lorraine loudly: "The boss is really great."

The few Almohad looked sideways at the fat man's hand, crying without tears.

As long as it has something to do with money, everyone is extremely simple to do things, let alone the Armory Leaf Danlin Legion led by Lord Lorraine.

The soldiers quickly took off their clothes. Except for the Almohad in front of them, the other few below their necks were all white and clean. At first glance, they were pampered people, one of them. There are several layers of gemstone necklace hung on the neck.

After these people were stripped naked, they could only hold their hands at the vital place, trembling in the winter wind.

Several knights carried daggers on their stomachs and chests wickedly. Pointing, the faces of these people turned pale.

The three gangs are crying on the waterway! , "I am the nobleman of Almohad, and I demand a commensurate treatment."

"" Little Grandpa Leo, who was a model of the Ruman Empire's first noble family, immediately took a sip on the ground with disdain.

He immediately pointed to the man’s nose and yelled: "You bear bag, now you remember that you are a nobleman? You were not a nobleman when we caught you, and you didn’t have the consciousness of being a nobleman. . It's really embarrassing to throw at grandma's house"

Leo talked more and more angry. He raised his hand with a whip to slam the throne of the God Seal, and continued to curse: "When there is nothing good, just pretend to be a civilian. When there is a good thing, he will call himself a noble. You **** are all taken up.

The reason why nobles are nobles. First is responsibility and justice

It is you who are bullying and fearful of hardship, so those common people look down on us and call us dung-making machines and the country’s moth.”

As he said, in a hurry, he waved the whip in his hand and gave a beating with a concealed face. The guys who beat them screamed, curled up and fell to the ground.

Leo was even more furious when he saw it, and shouted angrily: "Bad son, now I'm going to pretend to be a dead dog."

The soldiers next to them saw their performance and were extremely shameless.

Leo swung a few more whips, but found that he was riding on a horse with a short whip and could not reach those people. Then he turned his head to the guard next to him and said: "Give me the horse and trample them to death."

All the knights were shocked. He looked at the little guy with the big thunder almost in awe.

Although they don't reject things like murder, arson, money and things, they still can't do it like this fat little boy, so cruel and cruel.

Everyone thought in their hearts: As expected, he is the son of Archduke Julian, born with a cruel and cruel factor.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help smiling bitterly, and said, "Okay. Stop making trouble. Let's also point to scraping oil from them. The dead will not pay for it again."

Leo stagnated, then flattened his mouth. Said: "You said earlier

Lorraine ignored him and ordered the guards next to him: "Let them put on clothes. Then tie them up and take them back to the city. Slowly interrogate them. Squeeze their oil and water for me."

The guard immediately took the order and left.

At this time, someone nearby gathered enough jewellery from those people, almost the size of a mountain."

An officer looked at these gems that were dazzling in the sun. He couldn't help but dazzled, and muttered: "*, this little pile is worth the old nose money. It's all dry goods. This is comparable to grabbing the bulky furniture in those guys' houses. But it’s too much stronger"

When he said this, he couldn't help licking his lips excitedly, and said: "Brothers hurry up and chase after him. See Almohad stripped first before speaking."

Lorraine waved, and the opponent said: "Get on the horse, don't let them run away. It's all about money. It depends on whether you can win the war or not, but whether you can get money or not depends on now."

When the cavalry of Fengye Danlin thought that there were so many treasures waiting for them, their eyes immediately turned red.

They screamed wildly. The horse galloped up.

The Almohad who chose this route to flee were all suffering, and they had blood mold for eight lifetimes.

These noble people live well. I have long forgotten what it is to endure hardship. Hearing that the Banye Danlin army had defeated the empire army, they were all killed. At the moment, they changed their appearance and fled in a panic.

These guys thought they could escape from the tiger's mouth by riding a car. But I don't know they are used to a good life.

The whole body of fat, how can it withstand the bumps caused by high running, can only be like a tortoise with fire on its ass. Although my heart is about to catch fire, I can only crawl forward slowly step by step

They fled as far as possible from the city, thinking they had escaped and they would be safe. At this time the evil spirits came,

First, there was a sound of hoofs on the back of the ass, and then a large group of fierce cavalry rushed up. One by one, his eyes were red, and his nose was sprayed with heat, just like those angry bulls in love.

As soon as they saw people, they wielded swords and swords." They let go of arrows indiscriminately, and then yelled: "Stop, humble, or kill you.

Then, he rushed over and surrounded everyone.

They jumped off their horses and rushed over. He pressed the fattest man to the ground, and cut their clothes without saying a word. Randomly searched for property. The scared men struggled desperately. Scream loudly like a woman.

The women next to each other looked at them, and they all hugged each other in shock, shaking.

At this time, there was a young boy with a chubby boy who looked like a three-point riffraff and walked over to the Throne of God Seal with a smile and said: "Beauty, you these days Are you gaining weight again? Do you want me to let my brothers help you lose weight? Help you make a beautifying palace noodle?"

Hearing what he said, even if there is still something that I don't understand, I will immediately understand the cold and dazzling swordsman displayed by the guards nearby. With a scream, he took out all the gold and silver jewelry hidden in his body. Obediently hand it into their hands.

But these guys are very polite hypocrites, if there is a little more beautiful among the female family, or willing to ask. You can also keep one or two of your most beloved items.

This alone makes the hearts of those women

But those men who fell into their hands didn't have such good luck, and they all had their clothes cut. Standing naked in the field, accept their careful investigation. After confirming that there were no more things hidden, they were allowed to put on clothes and be escorted by the cavalry. Return to Abdwad.

At dusk, everyone was too tired to run. At this time, on their way, about a thousand fleeing aristocrats were also collected, and each of them was wealthy.

Let the people of Lorraine pick up a lot of gold and silver treasures, if it weren't for them, they had robbed a lot of vehicles from the escaped nobles. Almost all are not shipped. In spite of this, it was full of three or four cars. It can be described as fruitful.

And this time. They were panting, even Vera, who had always seen money open, was tired and sweating. Although he didn't complain like other people, but he still kept looking at Lorraine. See if he has plans to retreat.

At the same time, she was secretly wondering in her heart: Who of us has the blood of the dragon clan? Why is the young master more energetic than me when he sees the treasure?

Lorraine was still a little bit unfulfilled, leading everyone to chase forward for a while, until someone could no longer hold on and dropped off his horse.

Lorraine looked back and saw that everyone was sweaty and tired, knowing that according to the U.S. military's combat philosophy, under this situation, everyone had reached the peak of the attack, the end of the crossbow.

If you continue to chase, a rabbit with boxing gloves pops out of the grass, which can easily knock everyone over.

by that time. It's not that they are capturing others, but that the other party wants to capture themselves.

He immediately strangled his horse and shouted loudly, but his voice was extremely hoarse when he was tired, and his mouth was full of the dust and dirt he had raised when he ran all the way.

He coughed quickly and vomited all the dirt out of his mouth. Then he made a hoarse voice and said in a loud voice: "Okay, brothers. We're just here."

Everyone heard the order and hurriedly stopped their horses, but at this time they were also tired and didn't even have the strength to cheer. He could only "buzz" feebly and agreed.

Lorraine relieved his energy at this time, and felt that the bones on his body were also scattered. As long as he moved a little, a tingling pain came from the gap between the bones.

He couldn't help humming twice, and then said: "Brothers, let's go back. Everyone cheer up. Don't leave the team, don't forget, this is still a war zone. Don't grab a lot of money. The money is hanging here inadvertently."

Everyone listened. While grinning and rubbing the sore parts of his body, he gave a weak breath


Lorraine turned the horse's head around with everyone, and walked back slowly.

It was already dark at this time. It is almost impossible to see the road. Everyone took the aftermath of the victory, knowing that the Almohad had been scared, so they were not afraid that they would counterattack in secret. The torch lights up blatantly.

Everyone was riding on horses, ding and Ding Ding walked slowly. Vera suddenly glanced into the distance consciously, then stopped and frowned slightly, staring at the distance, without saying a word.

Lorraine looked. I couldn't help feeling strange, and said: "What's the matter?"

Vera raised her tender little hand, pointed at a distance, and whispered: "Master, there is a magician hiding in the grass not far in front."

Lorraine was taken aback. My heart secretly said: Magician? Didn’t it mean that the empire’s magicians were on strike these past few days?

Although he was puzzled in his mind, on the one hand, he knew that Vera's night vision ability was quite good, and this little girl was always naive and charming, and would not aimlessly.

So on. Lorraine only hesitated for a moment, and then slapped Noramo next to him.

Noramo took two cavalry at the moment, extinguished the torch, and drove down the road. From the back bread copied the throne of God Seal.

Lorraine waited here for a while, probably the time was almost up. The moment is also under the leadership of Vera. Zongma rushed past the throne of God Seal.

as predicted. They only walked towards the grass and rushed out less than a hundred meters away, and they saw one. The black image is like a frightened crow, suddenly jumping out of the grass. Then he jumped into the air and threw a fireball toward Lorraine to block it, and then. Turn around and fly away.

Without waiting for him to fly to a high place, he heard the bowstring beating. A sharp arrow has been shot into the air like lightning. Right on the thigh of the man.

The magician screamed immediately, and under the severe pain, the gathered magic power immediately dispersed. Unable to maintain the flight, he fell from the air and fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone in Lorraine immediately galloped past the throne of God Seal and surrounded the man tightly.

At this time the man yelled in a panic, and said: "Don't kill me, I am a magician. I surrender, I surrender"

Everyone in Lorraine couldn't help laughing, then lit a torch, and looked at the man, only to see that the man was wearing a robe of a magic apprentice. He looked very young, his face was pale, and his figure was thin and thin. Not like a rich nobleman.

However, these soldiers have now grabbed their hands, and regardless of the person's loud screams of opposition, they squeezed all his clothes off neatly.

With the light of the torch, everyone looked at it again, and they all immediately ate (to be continued). If you want to know what happened, please log in to the muscles. More chapters and support

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