Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 231: Civilian resistance

…Banlin watched them stand still in the middle of the intersection. Can't help but feel strange six

A move in his heart, could it be that there are remnants of enemies in the city? No, if so, shouldn't they drew their knives and rushed up, or should they run away? This is not doing anything, stupidly blocking the road, what is this?

At this moment, I heard a loud and enthusiastic noise coming from the front.

For the sake of safety, Lorraine hurriedly prepared his troops to prepare for the battle, then rode his horse to the throne of God Seal, and said, "What happened?"

Gerardo was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Lorraine, couldn't help but smiled bitterly, then let go, and said, "Count, you still have to see for yourself"

Lorraine glanced at him suspiciously, then looked up at the Throne of God Seal. It was also shocked immediately.

I saw crowds of people on that street, a large area of ​​black. No, it should be said that almost all young people in the city came noisily from a distance,

They came over cautiously, all happily, their honest and loyal faces all carried bright smiles from the heart, as if they had won the lottery. There are all kinds of things in the hands, tables, chairs, cloth rolls, dinner plates, and even toilets.

When they saw the army here, they also hurriedly stopped and confronted everyone in silence.

The people here looked at each other, and felt frustrated.

Looking at the ordinary people who don't advance or retreat, these brave soldiers don't know who they are. What are the common people doing?

Welcome yourself? But has anyone ever seen someone welcome someone with a toilet or a bench? But if they want to resist their own invaders, why are they smiling so brightly, as if the sun has been shining in their hearts.

These young warriors are not afraid of swords and shadows at all, and fight hard. But in the face of this strange situation, he was helpless.

They racked their brains and couldn't figure it out. I don't know what they should do in the face of such a group of people.

Someone asked in a low voice, "Sir, what should we do? Did the Shang kill them?"

Gerador looked up at Lorraine, then turned around and scolded: "You idiot. Kill a bunch of unarmed people. Do you want to trouble the gendarmes of the investigation team?"

"Then, let's run away, run away?"

Gerardo was furious, raised his hand and knocked the man with a whip, and said, "Are you still a soldier?"

Then this year Ji Qingqing, even some naive soldiers hesitately said: "Sir, then" then what are we going to do? "

Gerardo looked up, and then reluctantly said: "We, let's wait and see here."

After speaking, he couldn't help sighing, obviously he couldn't hold his mind.

Lorraine took a look, and suddenly a scene he had seen a long time before flashed in his eyes strangely. Then he laughed and said, "Don't worry, everyone. They should have taken advantage of the fact that the guards who were not in the city ran away and jumped out to rob the government property. They have no idea of ​​the overall situation, but they just know the people who care about their own interests."

Gerador couldn't help but be surprised, and said silently: "He" they treat their country like this? Wouldn't it be taking up arms to resist us invaders? "

Lorraine glanced at him strangely and said, "Don't forget, this country has written "the nobles' first night rights into the law." How much do you expect these people to have a good impression of those dog officials? "

Gerardo's eyes widened suddenly and said: "Chuchu, Chu"

Lorraine watched him stutter with excitement and couldn't even say a word. A hint of mockery flashed in his eyes, and said, "What? You want to try it too? I really didn't see it. You guys have a straight nose. Fang, it's so coquettish in my heart"

Gerardo Zhuo flushed immediately and waved his hands again and again, saying, "No, no, no. I didn't mean that. I just said."

He paused, then took a deep breath and calmed down, and said, "I just mean, those ordinary people don't know how to resist? Are they willing to be bullied like this? What are their long hands for?"

Lorraine thought for a moment, then pointed to the cheerful people not far away, and said, "Aren't they rebelling now? Faced with the invaders who occupied their land, we were indifferent and ignored. But he was busy. Robbing things, isn't this the best resistance to the empire?"

Gerardo was speechless for a while.

Lorraine smiled, and then asked softly: "Do you think they will threaten us now?"

After finishing speaking, he slid the war horse under his hips and took the lead, swaggering over to the Shenyin Throne.

The rest of the people watched, lest they might lose, and hurriedly followed. At the same time, seeing the dense crowd, he was also ready to fight, and planned to kill Hui Yi on the spot as long as there was something wrong.

Lorraine came to the front of the people, neither surrendering nor mentioning it, just walked slowly over to the Throne of God Seal without giving up. Seeing that Lorraine's horse's head almost touched their heads, the people hurriedly retreated, retreating to the sides like a tide, giving way to the middle road.

Without picking the corner of his eyes, Lorraine swaggered over to the Throne of God Seal.

Behind him, a group of soldiers looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

And the people in that group also looked at each other, and then each took the things they had just grabbed. Passed by the soldiers who invaded their own land.

The people went home individually, and then closed the doors and windows tightly. Even though the people of Lorraine acquiesced in their robbery, no matter what, they were also aggression for these people.

But this did not prevent the bricks of the Ruman Empire from telling the beasts to swipe their pens and write them in the history books in the elegant ancient language that represents the profound knowledge: When is the time, the people of Harbin are all eating pots , To welcome Wang Junyun.

This is also understandable, because first, the land, the capital is the Jaman Empire government. If you write down the situation at the time, it is difficult to guarantee that some people will go to court and say that they have tampered with history. Even the preservation of the imperial military police is in a certain day. Please go for coffee. It is possible to cut raw pork.

Because of this time delay. Lorraine finally seized the opportunity.

He led his cronies and guards to take the lead at the moment, and the rich area in the east of the city was supposed to occupy a large area of ​​comfort and luxury for his troops.

He used the heroic characteristics of all the soldiers and drove out the original owners of these houses. Then let his troops stay here to rest.

Lorraine's wise move won everyone's praise. Everyone now has the leadership of the Sir Alex Ferguson, and no longer has to worry about food and lodging. They all gave a thumbs up and called him a caring person to all soldiers! !

Later, even General Wabador gave up the official garrison mansion and ran over to huddle with them. In the words of his old man: I have no choice. Those **** ordinary people took everything there. Not to mention the bed, not even a toilet. How can people sleep?

For the next few days, the Maple Leaf Danlin Crusade Army kept hoarding supplies in Hafs. Fix the troops.

General Wabador, Lorraine and Lester, a group of officers sent out scouts to make the next action plan.

Lorraine even bought some foreign merchants in Hafs in order to obtain some valuable things from them.

The whole army was repaired and restored. After the young soldiers regained their vitality, they were eagerly screaming every day, looking for opportunities to have a good fight with the Almohad.

This morning, the sun had just risen. Lorraine came to the restaurant and was chatting with everyone while eating.

At this time, Leo also ran in with his lights on. As soon as he rushed in with his teeth and claws, he ran to Catherine and shouted: "I have a good idea, I have a good idea."

Everyone ate their own breakfast and ignored them. It’s no surprise that he runs to Catherine every morning and announces his own governance plan," and then the one who was rejected by Catherine, er," the future emperor training plan is no surprise.

Lorraine’s view on this was that Catherine was just happy with that little ruffian.

Catherine casually put butter on the bread in her hands, and said, "Okay, let's listen."

Leo exclaimed: "I'm thinking about it. Collecting heavy taxes from the common people, then recruiting the army, and giving them the best treatment and equipment, don't the common people dare to rebel?"

After speaking, without blinking his big eyes, he looked at Catherine eagerly.

Catherine sneered and said, "Rejected."

Leo couldn't help "Hey, he said. Stubbornly: "Why? Why was it rejected again? "

Catherine sneered and said: "The people may not dare to rebel. But your generals want to be emperor and rebellion against you."

Leo was taken aback for a moment, then anxiously, pointed to Catherine's nose, and said, "No way again. You, you are lying to me."

Lorraine glanced at him, smiled in his heart, you little ruffian just understand now

Catherine raised her eyebrows and said, "What? Do you want to be canceled tomorrow's test?"

Leo originally thought that he could win this time steadily, but he didn't expect his wish to be lost again. Xie was also short-tempered at this time, and shouted angrily: "I'm afraid you will get a beating for a fight today, and I have to express the tone in my heart."

After speaking, he yelled, shaking his chubby little fist, rushing towards the Throne of God Seal with teeth and claws.

Catherine immediately raised her hand, took him by the collar of his neck, and then lifted him up, lightly swiping in midair, turning Leo over to the Throne of God Seal. Then he put his face down on his back and placed it on the table, and immediately raised his **** unceremoniously.

Leo shouted in pain immediately. But his temper came up at this time. Although the tears in his eyes were like no money, he was saying nothing to beg for mercy.

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help sighing, and Wang wanted to explain. At this moment, I saw a soldier rushing in and saluted him, saying: "Sir, the commander has an order, we are calling you to the headquarters, and there are important matters to be discussed."

Lorraine stood up immediately and replied with a polite: "I know, I will go now."

After speaking, he greeted everyone, and then stretched out a hand to lift Catherine. Said: "Okay, if he is wrong, just hit him twice and let him know that he is wrong."

Catherine snorted coldly, then waved Leo aside.

Lorraine turned his head and looked at Leo, seeing that his face was full of flowers and his nose was twitching, looking extremely pitiful. I couldn't help sighing, and said in my heart: You have to estimate your own strength even if you want to fight, now you are fighting with Catherine, aren't you itching to get hit?

He stretched out his handkerchief and handed it over to the Throne of God Seal, and said, "Wipe your tears. If there is nothing wrong, you can go to the headquarters with me to play."

Leo burst into laughter immediately, then picked up the handkerchief and rubbed it twice on his face, then picked up Catherine from the table, just buttered him, and put it on a plate of bread, while biting wildly , While urging: "Go, go quickly"

Lorraine looked at it and couldn't help sighing. It would be difficult for a person to reach his level unconsciously. From this perspective alone, he has the talent to become a great politician.

He took Leo, rode his horse, and came to the headquarters temporarily rebuilt from the city garrison.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that all the officers had gathered there, all leaning over and carefully checking the map. The atmosphere is extremely serious and busy.

Lorraine handed over one person and said, "What's the matter?"

The man smiled and said in a low voice: "On the second flood season, the enemy’s squadron

Lorraine's heart moved. Said: "New troops?"

The man said, "It should be."

At this moment, I listened. General Wabador asked the scouts: "Where are the enemy's scouts?"

The scout pointed out the location on the map.

General Wabador looked around and said, "According to this distance, they are probably about fifty miles away from Hafs."

When he turned his head and saw Lorraine, he couldn't help but smile, and said, "Count, what do you think?"

Lorraine thought for a while and said, "It seems that the team that can come so quickly is from the neighboring province of Sfax."

He thought about it, looked at the map, then drew a document from the table, unfolded it, and said: "According to the information we have, Sfax has only about 50,000 regular troops, and can recruit 50,000 in wartime. The civilian army of 80,000. They can come so quickly, it seems they are regular troops."

General Wabador nodded and said, "Yes, it takes at least one time to recruit 10,000 militias. It seems that we must win this war within a month, or if we are delayed, Almohad’s The civilian army can drown us."

The other generals nodded in agreement.

Lorraine said: "The top priority is to eliminate the army that is coming, otherwise it will be entangled by flies, and Almohad will support the army with one or two more. It will be difficult for us to advance."

General Wabador: "To conduct an armed reconnaissance, we have to find out the size of the enemy, the level of combat effectiveness and the direction of the march, and see if they are coming towards Hafs City, or if they are going to intercept us on the way south."

Noramo said at this time: "Let me go, Lord General, just my knights. The Templars can't keep up with any cavalry. If there are a few mages to cover, it will be foolproof."

General Wabador said: "Yes, detection is the priority. If the enemy is crowded, retreat. Safety first. It is not time to fight the enemy."

Lester also said: "I will arrange the five most experienced wizards for you. You must protect them."

Noramo saluted and said, "My lord, I know what to do."

Noramo took the order, and the generals under General Wabador said: "Now, strengthen the city defense, strengthen the security of the city, send all the soldiers, and be fully prepared. Everyone, time is running out, tell you The spirit of twelve points."

After half a day. Noramo led the team back to Hafs City, and walked into the headquarters with his men. The knight behind him dragged Almohad's captive.

Seeing Noramo coming in, Lorraine hurriedly asked: "You have worked hard, how is the situation?"

Noramo saluted and said: "My lord, judging from the size of the enemy's march, there are about 40,000 to 50,000. It looks like a regular army. The enemy is coming straight toward Hafs, 40 miles away. We encountered a small group of enemy cavalry on the road. After the battle, we chopped down almost half of them and captured a few prisoners. The others escaped. We only had a few minor injuries. The equipment of the enemy cavalry was good, but the quality general."

Lorraine smiled and said: "Quality generally depends on who is compared with. The ability to get a general evaluation from the Templars is also considered elite in Almohad. It seems that they are the garrison of Sfax."

General Wabador said: "Good job, Noramo, I'll take the credit, let your people rest. Take these prisoners down and interrogate them."

Wabador turned to Lorraine and the generals and said, "Everyone understands the basic situation, so let's talk about what to do."

Lorraine said: "In this way, the enemy will probably come to Hafs City tomorrow. If we want to attack the city, it will be the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. We will either wait for work and fight defensive counterattack." Face them directly under the city, relying on our wizards to quickly defeat them. "

The other generals also nodded and said yes, and suggested that an army should be ambushed first and attack them from behind when the enemy is attacking the city.

General Wabador pondered for a while, and said: "Closely monitor the enemy's movements. We wait for them to come, our troops are not much, and if we face the enemy head-to-head, the next battle will be difficult.

The infantry went up to guard the city, and the cavalry rested and prepared for battle. Lester, this battle is up to you. "

Reis nodded. Said: "Don't worry, I still have four hundred mages idle, haha, it's definitely enough for them."

General Wabador said: "The terrain near Hafs is flat. We have no place to hide an ambush of thousands of soldiers. The ambush is far away and meaningless. It's a We cannot be sure whether the enemy is the enemy. To attack the city."

Lorraine said: "From the Almohad military order we captured, I think the enemy will surely attack the city." Lorraine said with a smile: "At least the generals who attacked Hafs against Almohad It is a political task."

General Wabador thought about it, nodded and said: "Lorraine is right. Organize three thousand cavalrymen to be transported upstream by the fleet along the river. After rounding back to the enemy's side, the camera will act. Leave in the middle of the night."

The leader of the Knights Templar stood up and took the command. General Wabador said to him: "Don't fight the enemy hard, we can't afford to lose."

The next day, Lorraine could already see the enemy's forwards on the walls of Hafs. A cavalry team of hundreds of people advanced to a place a few miles away from Hafs and pointed towards Hafs. Pointing, General Wabador sent a cavalry squad of his predecessors. When the enemy saw the gate opened, the cavalry ran out, and then turned and retreated.

The cavalry of the Crusaders did not chase, and retreated.

Soon, a large black shadow appeared on the horizon, and Lorraine looked over the city. They were like swaths of ants, covering the originally yellow ground.

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