Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 208: Battle royale

Prisoners of war are divided into two levels, a war of surrender, and a disarmed hostile sword.

Eisenhower reminds halftime

Followed Lorraine's orders. A group of magicians clung to a battleship, hovering uncontrollably above its head like a death vulture, and took the explosive crystal in their hands. Throw down.

This air force formed by magicians alone has shown its terrifying and powerful power. Although they are not brave and good at fighting, they dominate the air. Like a pack of wolves hunting bison.

From time to time, the imperial soldiers could put on a shower of arrows and make a symbolic resistance, but to them, it was insignificant and easily avoided. But once they get a bite, it's a three-pointer, and it will even kill you.

The wizards ascended high in the air, slowly throwing the explosive crystals in their hands at the ships below.

Because this task is simple and does not require magical balance and comprehensive adjustment, even low-level mages can easily perform it.

Therefore, Lorraine pulled up all the flying wizards in the Maple Leaf Danlin. Looking from a distance, the sky is densely covered with a layer, and people can't help but scalp.

And Lester and several high-ranking wizards stood by, guarding the wind for them, and the ashamed wizards took off to challenge and attack them.

And that situation. They rely on their own strong strength. He mercilessly killed five magicians on the spot. After burning them to ashes, they never appeared again.

The battle situation was completely one-sided.

With an absolute advantage in the air, the magicians were like hunting, ravaging them heartily.

With the explosion of "Boom, boom boom boom", the soldiers of that warship were screamed and screamed. Thick smoke was also enveloped on the ship.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a clicking sound. The huge mast on the ship was accurately hit by the magicians' explosive crystals. It exploded and broke apart. Then it shook. Amidst the exclamation and screams of everyone, it crashed down. Down.

The ship lost power. Du suddenly slowed down and separated from the fleet.

Since the navy has always been a technical force, it is difficult to train and die. It's not like the army's big-headed infantry. Even after the battle is dead, everyone will kick open the door of any house, pick a bundle that can carry a dung fork, and can add it.

Therefore, we pay much attention to teamwork, rather than the heroic sacrifice of official propaganda. The rest of the warships watched and they all sailed down.

They bravely faced the attacks of the magicians above their heads. We must turn around to help.

Lorraine saw this situation and waved his hand immediately, and the second wave of magicians also took off.

Originally, in the crazy bombing by the magicians, some of them were about to be unable to withstand it. Seeing another magician flying through the air at this time, those warships were all terrified.

Seeing that he was about to become the other's prey, he couldn't take much care of it anymore, so they raised their sails and fled in an emergency. ’But those magicians are like evil wolves, so how are they polite.

Immediately selected the slowest one, and bombarded it.

At this time, the battleship that Lorraine was riding on had already caught up. The first group of magicians to attack retreated. Returned to the ship.

The crowd was like the assistants around the boxer during the match. They all rushed up with towels, drinks and food in their hands, and graciously sent them to the side, wiping their sweat and fanning their faces, and the service was extremely attentive. So that they can recover as soon as possible.

On the deck, the magicians in charge of the third attack wave also stood up and prepared for the attack.

The battleship continued on.

With a murderous aura soaring to the sky, they forced the imperial warship that had been destroyed with its mast and stopped moving like a dead dog.

The opponent's ballista was destroyed by magicians in the first place. Now it can be regarded as having no power to bind the chicken. It can only be done for nothing, let this side be ravaged.

They saw that this side assumed a fighting posture and wanted to wipe them out completely. The soul frightened immediately. They yelled loudly and said: "Don't shoot, don't shoot. We surrender. We cast"

But Lorraine’s answer was: "Let's clear the way. Lord now has no time to answer you!"

The ruffians have never seen such an arrogant one, almost all of them vomiting blood. But under the threat of the opponent's ballistas and magicians, they could only obediently obey orders. Reluctantly drove the ship aside.

They watched the battleships of the people of Lorraine and swaggered by. Those eyes were extremely resentful.

It’s almost like a woman who has been washed for nothing, wore very sensual and **** pajamas, and then put on a very attractive posture on the bed, even "Wei Sao. I have eaten it, and the spring is full, waiting for the uncle to pass." The Throne of God Seal was fortunate, but it turned out that the uncle had already been lying on Xiao San’s bed.

Everyone in Lorraine ignored them and continued to rush forward to the Throne of God Seal.

At this moment, after hearing a burst of cheers, the magicians of the second wave of attack finished the other battleship. The mast on the ship was also blown to the bottom, lost power, and stopped helplessly.

They saw Lorraine's battleship rushing over with a murderous look, but also signaled a surrender.

But these guys are unusual scumbags. In order to cover the remaining warships, give them more time to escape.

Under Lorraine’s two orders, they were still blocking his channel. They shook their feet and moved slowly, trying to delay the time. Six Lorraine watched, and then shouted: "The prisoners of war have There are two types, one is a prisoner of war, and the other is a hostile force without a weapon. Cubs, blow them down for me!"

Following his order, the ballista on the bow, or the magicians next to them, did not dare to neglect. They aimed at the enemy ship in front and hurriedly fired.

The crossbow arrows inlaid with explosive crystals, magic fireballs, wind blades, and water arrows generally poured down toward the battleship.

This violent firepower was intertwined, producing terrible lethality, and in just an instant, it tore the warship to pieces.

Before everyone on the boat could utter a shout, they realized that they had been thrown off the boat by the explosive air wave and fell into the cold lake. Floating around was the debris of the ship.

They struggled and shouted desperately in the water, trying to swim away, or being rescued.

However, immediately after that, the tall shadow of the battleship came over.

Lorraine's battleship was like a road roller, cruelly crushing the Divine Seal Throne from the top of their heads. When the ship passed by. Everyone shuddered, and a layer of dead bodies was slowly floating on the water. With the waves swaying in the water, like duckweed.

And at the same time. Lorraine no longer had to worry about someone deliberately surrendering to block his course.

With another huge "click. The sound rang out, another battleship came to a halt with billowing smoke.' The rest of the battleships saw the companion and all approached it with sympathetic glances. Then they looked like. Like a flock of sheep being chased by evil wolves, he threw it down, and then fled away.

You must know that they have hundreds of large and small warships. If they turn around and fight Lorraine together, it is not without a chance to win.

But "There is no if in the war."

Lorraine took advantage of Yu Wei after the big victory, and led a small warship with his clever command, and fled the hundreds of them in embarrassment, not daring to look back.

Under Lorraine’s command, they bit the tail of the Imperial fleet tightly like a wolf, saw one, then chased after it, bit it tightly, and then killed it indiscriminately. Catch up with another ship. Kill it again, then catch up with another one,

The fleet of the Almohad Empire was shot down by them one after another, and if anyone dared to resist it, they would immediately blow it to pieces.

This is not to say that Lorraine is cruel, but that he really has no time to waste with each other.

Because even if you don't surrender, the next battleship may not have such hard bones. This plate of pork is bigger, there is no need to compete with a bone so much.

In fact, such a fool only appeared twice. No one dared to challenge them anymore. Even if the captain wants such a thousand, he still has to worry that after the order, the soldiers who were frightened out of their courage will make a mutiny and give themselves a knife in this is called the "Jingshui Lake Long Run." In the chase and escape, Lorraine was like the most ferocious lone wolf on the prairie. He chased the poor sheep.

It was half afternoon, when the most despicable scene of the war appeared.

Old Despi led his fleet and fled madly regardless of his butt. As long as a ship is bitten by the opponent. He is like a gecko that loses its tail, easily cut off.

The people around you will see this despicable act of abandoning the robe, and all of them have pale faces and remain silent.

Old Despi looked at the situation from the bow, his old face was also slanderous. Quite unsustainable.

At this time, a dog-legged dog like a Beast from the Brick Family jumped out to cheer for him.

"Everyone, everybody. Do you think the adults are wrong? In fact, you are wrong. In order for everyone to go home safely, the adults are sacrificing their own fame, and would rather bear the guilt silently on their own. Face everyone. Accusations. What a great spirit is this?"

That dogleg screamed up and down for a long time, touting the great wiseness of the main general, and insulting the other party's shameless despicableness. Finally, old Despi's mood was relieved. His face was no longer so gloomy.

The **** looked. I couldn't help being overjoyed in my heart, as soon as I was small, I lost the margins. Started to talk freely.

The man saw that it had entered the river downstream, so he pointed to the waterway ahead and exclaimed vigorously: "In fact, these enemies are powerful, but from a strategic point of view, it is not a big deal. If they are really enough Smart, will bury the army in front, so that our army..."

He said that. Seeing dozens of transport fleets full of supplies turned around, they couldn't help but stopped hurriedly.

At this time, everyone was screaming, and the grass and trees were all soldiers. When they saw the fleet appearing on the opposite side, all of them screamed and screamed: "No, it's not good. There is buried in front of us this time."

Old Despi was shocked immediately upon hearing this.

He jumped up as if burning his ass, but he didn't care to look closely, raised his leg, and kicked the Divine Seal Throne at the brick house called Beast he was raising. Angrily cursed in his mouth: "You bitch's crow-mouthed mandarin!"

It can be revealed that he hasn't learned and skill since he was a child, and he can only climb to a high position by relying on someone up there and selling his ass.

You know, even if the dog doesn't take the crow as a snack, it's not bad, how can the crow be the son?

That dogleg was also frightened when he saw the warship on the opposite side. He didn't show mercy, and was killed by Old Despi again. He kicked the ground and backed a few times, then screamed, from the railing

After flipping over, "Plop. He fell into the water and thumped desperately in the water, shouting for help, but at this time the soldiers were in a panic, who would care about him. Even if you want to, take a look at him The face, knowing that this is the famous dog-legged around Old Despi, he slapped haha, "Today's weather", and then turned his head.

As a qualified dogleg, that person's vitality is also extremely tenacious. After fluttering in the water for a long time, he showed up and exhausted thousands of sails on his side, but still no one answered. The last time he gritted his teeth, shouted loudly, and swam towards the Lorraine crowd who appeared in the distance.

As he swam, he waved to everyone in Lorraine, shouting loudly: "I abandoned the dark and cast out, I am an undercover agent sent by the academy. He specializes in playing with his infernal lurking personnel."

Immediately afterwards, the battleship cruelly crushed the past God Seal Throne from his head"

When the transport ships slowly approached, Old Despi realized that all the ships were also flying a pig's head high. Obviously it was the transport fleet transporting supplies from here.

Old Despi saw that the opponent was blocking his channel, blocking his crazy escape route. And the explosion sounded again and again, and it was obvious that everyone in Lorraine was chasing after him.

He was so frightened that he commanded the fleet, shouting again and again, "Sink them, sink them

Hearing the miserable and weird cry, the generals even thought they had hallucinations. All looked at each other.

Someone hesitantly raised: "My lord, that is our own supply fleet, our own.

"It's in my way. The ships that intend to help the enemy are not their own. They must be the opponent's warship pretending to be"

His head was drooping, and his eyes were a little loose, almost as if he was crazy. He kept roaring, and said: "Knock them down, sink them,"

Everyone could not help but hesitate. You must know that the flag horns of the army have their own characteristics, and it is difficult for outsiders to impersonate. And the other party's answer is all right, obviously it is his own fleet.

But the military order is like a mountain. No one dared to defy.

In the roar of the old Despi, they still conveyed the order.

Although the battleships that received the order had been frightened under the city of Maple Leaf Danlin, and did not dare to face Lorraine who was like a murderer, they were not afraid of these people coming.

He took action one after another. The ballista on the ship blasted towards the transport ships over the Throne of God Seal.

The supply ships saw the warship rushing toward this side, and they were already turning the bow to get out of the way, but it was too late.

Several ships for this were immediately drowned in a sea of ​​fire and smoke. Immediately afterwards, the breakable disintegration broke into countless fragments and disappeared.

A small huge hole appeared in the formation of the transport fleet.

Seeing this situation, those warships were not polite at the moment, they rushed in, rushed forward, escaped from the hole and ascended to heaven.

Some ships saw that they were out of wheel, and they were doing everything right now. They even more boldly used the ballista battery to smash the transport ship in front of them to pieces, and then drove past the God Seal Throne through the gap created.

Under this kind of efficient cannibalism, half of the ships in the transport fleet disappeared in an instant.

Although the other ships tried their best to get to the shore and escaped by chance, they ran aground and couldn't move because the draft was too deep.

The sailors who transported the supplies were all surprised to see this situation.

Someone looked at the back of the warship going away, slowly got up from the deck, and muttered, "Who can tell me what is going on?"

After a long time, everyone reacted. Inquired about each other: What's the matter? Did our people take the wrong medicine, or was the head kicked by the donkey? Actually attacked his own people? Fortunately. They did not doubt for long.

Only a moment has passed. Seeing another warship galloping over, everyone was shocked when they saw the banner of Jianye Danlin hanging on the ship. But seeing the magicians flying all over the sky, immediately knew that they had been abandoned and betrayed. They knelt down and surrendered immediately.

But what makes them strange is that everyone on the battleship just glanced at them coldly, and then quickly passed by them.

Old Despi rushed to the Throne of God Seal first, and then rushed downstream along the current, leaving the others far behind.

He ran all the way to a wide river mouth, but had to stop. I saw several warships flying the flag of the Principality of Podores greeted us.

They cast their loud horns one after another, respectfully paying tribute to the old Despey flagship.

Although Old Despi was flustered, he realized that he had entered the territory of the Principality of Podores and had to deal with it in a false way. Slow down. Give back to each other.

The warships turned their heads slowly and walked side by side with Old Dess, escorting him courteously. Seeing the horror on the ship here, the soldiers on the ship couldn't help being very curious, and rushed to the bow of the ship, looking at them carefully across the water several meters away.

At this time, the warship behind quickly followed.

When the battleships of the Principality of Podores saw them swarming, they seemed to have suddenly realized something, and they let out loud horns, and slowly left.

Then, with an order, they changed into a battle formation"

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